// This example uses gstreamer's discoverer api // https://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/data/doc/gstreamer/head/gst-plugins-base-libs/html/GstDiscoverer.html // To detect as much information from a given URI. // The amount of time that the discoverer is allowed to use is limited by a timeout. // This allows to handle e.g. network problems gracefully. When the timeout hits before // discoverer was able to detect anything, discoverer will report an error. // In this example, we catch this error and stop the application. // Discovered information could for example contain the stream's duration or whether it is // seekable (filesystem) or not (some http servers). use gst_pbutils::prelude::*; use gst_pbutils::DiscovererInfo; use gst_pbutils::DiscovererStreamInfo; use anyhow::Error; use derive_more::{Display, Error}; use std::env; #[path = "../examples-common.rs"] mod examples_common; #[derive(Debug, Display, Error)] #[display(fmt = "Discoverer error {}", _0)] struct DiscovererError(#[error(not(source))] &'static str); fn print_tags(info: &DiscovererInfo) { println!("Tags:"); let tags = info.tags(); match tags { Some(taglist) => { println!(" {}", taglist.to_string()); // FIXME use an iterator } None => { println!(" no tags"); } } } fn print_stream_info(stream: &DiscovererStreamInfo) { println!("Stream: "); if let Some(id) = stream.stream_id() { println!(" Stream id: {}", id); } let caps_str = match stream.caps() { Some(caps) => caps.to_string(), None => String::from("--"), }; println!(" Format: {}", caps_str); } fn print_discoverer_info(info: &DiscovererInfo) -> Result<(), Error> { let uri = info .uri() .ok_or(DiscovererError("URI should not be null"))?; println!("URI: {}", uri); println!("Duration: {}", info.duration()); print_tags(info); print_stream_info( &info .stream_info() .ok_or(DiscovererError("Error while obtaining stream info"))?, ); let children = info.stream_list(); println!("Children streams:"); for child in children { print_stream_info(&child); } Ok(()) } fn run_discoverer() -> Result<(), Error> { gst::init()?; let args: Vec<_> = env::args().collect(); let uri: &str = if args.len() == 2 { args[1].as_ref() } else { println!("Usage: discoverer uri"); std::process::exit(-1) }; let timeout: gst::ClockTime = gst::ClockTime::from_seconds(15); let discoverer = gst_pbutils::Discoverer::new(timeout)?; let info = discoverer.discover_uri(uri)?; print_discoverer_info(&info)?; Ok(()) } fn example_main() { match run_discoverer() { Ok(_) => (), Err(e) => eprintln!("Error: {}", e), } } fn main() { // tutorials_common::run is only required to set up the application environment on macOS // (but not necessary in normal Cocoa applications where this is set up automatically) examples_common::run(example_main); }