use gst; use std::error; use std::fmt; use auto::EncodingProfile; use auto::EncodingContainerProfile; use auto::EncodingContainerProfileExt; use std::collections::LinkedList; #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct EncodingContainerProfileBuilderError; impl fmt::Display for EncodingContainerProfileBuilderError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "failed to build encoding video profile") } } impl error::Error for EncodingContainerProfileBuilderError { fn description(&self) -> &str { "invalid parameters to build encoding container profile" } fn cause(&self) -> Option<&error::Error> { None } } pub struct EncodingContainerProfileBuilder<'a> { name: Option<& 'a str>, description: Option<& 'a str>, format: Option<& 'a gst::Caps>, preset: Option<& 'a str>, profiles: LinkedList<& 'a EncodingProfile> } impl<'a> EncodingContainerProfileBuilder<'a> { pub fn new() -> Self { EncodingContainerProfileBuilder { name: None, description: None, format: None, preset: None, profiles: LinkedList::new() } } pub fn build(self) -> Result { if self.format.is_none() { return Err(EncodingContainerProfileBuilderError); } let container_profile = EncodingContainerProfile::new(, self.description, self.format.unwrap(), self.preset); for profile in self.profiles { container_profile.add_profile(profile).or_else(|_error| Err(EncodingContainerProfileBuilderError))?; } Ok(container_profile) } pub fn name(self, name: & 'a str) -> Self { Self { name: Some(name), ..self } } pub fn description(self, description: & 'a str) -> Self { Self { description: Some(description), ..self } } pub fn format(self, format: & 'a gst::Caps) -> Self { Self { format: Some(format), ..self } } pub fn preset(self, preset: & 'a str) -> Self { Self { preset: Some(preset), ..self } } pub fn add_profile(mut self, profile: & 'a EncodingProfile) -> Self { self.profiles.push_back(profile); self } }