The different cache types The envelope key MUST NOT be cached The envelope key MUST be cached The envelope key MUST be cached, but only to be used for the specific CSB. The encryption algorithm used to encrypt the Encr data field no encryption AES-CM using a 128-bit key AES Key Wrap using a 128-bit key The key validity type No specific usage rule The key is associated with the SPI/MKI The key has a start and expiration time The type of key. a TEK Generation Key Traffic-Encrypting Key Specifies the authentication algorithm used no authentication HMAC-SHA-1-160 Specifies the method of uniquely mapping Crypto Sessions to the security protocol sessions. The PRF function that has been/will be used for key derivation MIKEY-1 PRF function Different MIKEY Payload types. Last payload Key data transport payload Envelope data payload DH data payload Signature payload Timestamp payload ID payload Certificate Payload Cert hash payload Verfication message payload Security Policy payload RAND payload Error payload Key data sub-payload General Extension Payload Specifies the security protocol This policy specifies the parameters for SRTP and SRTCP Encryption algorithm Session Encr. key length Authentication algorithm Session Auth. key length Session Salt key length SRTP Pseudo Random Function Key derivation rate SRTP encryption off/on, 0 if off, 1 if on SRTCP encryption off/on, 0 if off, 1 if on sender's FEC order SRTP authentication off/on, 0 if off, 1 if on Authentication tag length SRTP prefix length Specifies the timestamp type. an NTP time in UTC timezone an NTP time a counter Different MIKEY data types. Invalid type Initiator's pre-shared key message Verification message of a Pre-shared key message Initiator's public-key transport message Verification message of a public-key message Initiator's DH exchange message Responder's DH exchange message Error message Return values for the SDP functions. A successful return value a function was given invalid parameters