#!/usr/bin/env python3 from pathlib import Path import argparse import subprocess import sys NOTHING_TO_BE_DONE = 0 NEED_UPDATE = 1 FAILURE = 2 DEFAULT_GIR_FILES_DIRECTORY = Path("./gir-files") DEFAULT_GST_GIR_FILES_DIRECTORY = Path("./gst-gir-files") DEFAULT_GIR_DIRECTORY = Path("./gir/") DEFAULT_GIR_PATH = DEFAULT_GIR_DIRECTORY / "target/release/gir" def run_command(command, folder=None): if folder is None: folder = "." ret = subprocess.run(command, cwd=folder) if ret.returncode != 0: print("Command `{}` failed with `{}`...".format(command, ret)) return False return True def update_workspace(): return run_command(["cargo", "build", "--release"], "gir") def ask_yes_no_question(question, conf): question = "{} [y/N] ".format(question) if conf.yes: print(question + "y") return True line = input(question) return line.strip().lower() == "y" def def_check_submodule(submodule_path, conf): if any(submodule_path.iterdir()): return NOTHING_TO_BE_DONE print("=> Initializing {} submodule...".format(submodule_path)) if not run_command(["git", "submodule", "update", "--init", submodule_path]): return FAILURE print("<= Done!") if ask_yes_no_question( "Do you want to update {} submodule?".format(submodule_path), conf ): print("=> Updating submodule...") if not run_command(["git", "reset", "--hard", "HEAD"], submodule_path): return FAILURE if not run_command(["git", "pull", "-f", "origin", "master"], submodule_path): return FAILURE print("<= Done!") return NEED_UPDATE return NOTHING_TO_BE_DONE def build_gir_if_needed(updated_submodule): if updated_submodule == FAILURE: return False print("=> Building gir...") if update_workspace(): print("<= Done!") else: print("<= Failed...") return False return True def regen_crates(path, conf): if path.is_dir(): for entry in path.rglob("Gir*.toml"): if not regen_crates(entry, conf): return False elif path.match("Gir*.toml"): print('==> Regenerating "{}"...'.format(path)) args = [ conf.gir_path, "-c", path, "-o", path.parent, ] + [d for path in conf.gir_files_paths for d in ("-d", path)] error = False if path.parent.name.endswith("sys"): args.extend(["-m", "sys"]) else: # Update docs/**/docs.md for non-sys crates # doc-target-path is relative to `-c` path_depth = len(path.parent.parts) doc_path = ( Path(*[".."] * path_depth, "docs") .joinpath(path.parent) .joinpath("docs.md") ) print("==> Docs into {}".format(doc_path)) doc_args = args + [ "-m", "doc", "--doc-target-path", doc_path, ] error |= not run_command(doc_args) try: error |= not run_command(args) except Exception as err: print("The following error occurred: {}".format(err)) error = True if error: if not ask_yes_no_question("Do you want to continue?", conf): return False print("<== Done!") else: print("==> {} is not a valid Gir*.toml file".format(path)) return False return True def valid_path(path): path = Path(path) if not path.exists(): raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("`{}` no such file or directory".format(path)) return path def directory_path(path): path = Path(path) if not path.is_dir(): raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("`{}` directory not found".format(path)) return path def file_path(path): path = Path(path) if not path.is_file(): raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("`{}` file not found".format(path)) return path def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Helper to regenerate gtk-rs crates using gir.", formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, ) parser.add_argument( "path", nargs="*", default=[Path(".")], type=valid_path, help="Paths in which to look for Gir.toml files", ) parser.add_argument( "--gir-files-directories", nargs="*", dest="gir_files_paths", default=[DEFAULT_GIR_FILES_DIRECTORY, DEFAULT_GST_GIR_FILES_DIRECTORY], type=directory_path, help="Path of the gir-files folder", ) parser.add_argument( "--gir-path", default=DEFAULT_GIR_PATH, type=file_path, help="Path of the gir executable to run", ) parser.add_argument( "--yes", action="store_true", help=" Always answer `yes` to any question asked by the script", ) parser.add_argument( "--no-fmt", action="store_true", help="If set, this script will not run `cargo fmt`", ) return parser.parse_args() def main(): conf = parse_args() if conf.gir_path == DEFAULT_GIR_PATH: if not build_gir_if_needed(def_check_submodule(DEFAULT_GIR_DIRECTORY, conf)): return 1 print("=> Regenerating crates...") for path in conf.path: print("=> Looking in path `{}`".format(path)) if not regen_crates(path, conf): return 1 if not conf.no_fmt and not run_command(["cargo", "fmt"]): return 1 print("<= Done!") print("Don't forget to check if everything has been correctly generated!") return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())