A `Asset` in the GStreamer Editing Services represents a resources that can be used. In particular, any class that implements the `Extractable` interface may have some associated assets with a corresponding `Asset:extractable-type`, from which its objects can be extracted using `AssetExt::extract`. Some examples would be `Clip`, `Formatter` and `TrackElement`. All assets that are created within GES are stored in a cache; one per each `Asset:id` and `Asset:extractable-type` pair. These assets can be fetched, and initialized if they do not yet exist in the cache, using `Asset::request`. ``` c GESAsset *effect_asset; GESEffect *effect; // You create an asset for an effect effect_asset = ges_asset_request (GES_TYPE_EFFECT, "agingtv", NULL); // And now you can extract an instance of GESEffect from that asset effect = GES_EFFECT (ges_asset_extract (effect_asset)); ``` The advantage of using assets, rather than simply creating the object directly, is that the currently loaded resources can be listed with `ges_list_assets` and displayed to an end user. For example, to show which media files have been loaded, and a standard list of effects. In fact, the GES library already creates assets for `TransitionClip` and `Formatter`, which you can use to list all the available transition types and supported formats. The other advantage is that `Asset` implements `MetaContainer`, so metadata can be set on the asset, with some subclasses automatically creating this metadata on initiation. For example, to display information about the supported formats, you could do the following: ```text GList *formatter_assets, *tmp; // List all the transitions formatter_assets = ges_list_assets (GES_TYPE_FORMATTER); // Print some infos about the formatter GESAsset for (tmp = formatter_assets; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) { g_print ("Name of the formatter: %s, file extension it produces: %s", ges_meta_container_get_string ( GES_META_CONTAINER (tmp->data), GES_META_FORMATTER_NAME), ges_meta_container_get_string ( GES_META_CONTAINER (tmp->data), GES_META_FORMATTER_EXTENSION)); } g_list_free (transition_assets); ``` ## ID Each asset is uniquely defined in the cache by its `Asset:extractable-type` and `Asset:id`. Depending on the `Asset:extractable-type`, the `Asset:id` can be used to parametrise the creation of the object upon extraction. By default, a class that implements `Extractable` will only have a single associated asset, with an `Asset:id` set to the type name of its objects. However, this is overwritten by some implementations, which allow a class to have multiple associated assets. For example, for `TransitionClip` the `Asset:id` will be a nickname of the `TransitionClip:vtype`. You should check the documentation for each extractable type to see if they differ from the default. Moreover, each `Asset:extractable-type` may also associate itself with a specific asset subclass. In such cases, when their asset is requested, an asset of this subclass will be returned instead. ## Managing You can use a `Project` to easily manage the assets of a `Timeline`. ## Proxies Some assets can (temporarily) act as the `Asset:proxy` of another asset. When the original asset is requested from the cache, the proxy will be returned in its place. This can be useful if, say, you want to substitute a `UriClipAsset` corresponding to a high resolution media file with the asset of a lower resolution stand in. An asset may even have several proxies, the first of which will act as its default and be returned on requests, but the others will be ordered to take its place once it is removed. You can add a proxy to an asset, or set its default, using `AssetExt::set_proxy`, and you can remove them with `AssetExt::unproxy`. # Implements [`AssetExt`](trait.AssetExt.html), [`glib::object::ObjectExt`](../glib/object/trait.ObjectExt.html) Trait containing all `Asset` methods. # Implementors [`Asset`](struct.Asset.html), [`Project`](struct.Project.html) Indicate that an existing `Asset` in the cache should be reloaded upon the next request. This can be used when some condition has changed, which may require that an existing asset should be updated. For example, if an external resource has changed or now become available. Note, the asset is not immediately changed, but will only actually reload on the next call to `Asset::request` or `Asset::request_async`. ## `extractable_type` The `Asset:extractable-type` of the asset that needs reloading ## `id` The `Asset:id` of the asset asset that needs reloading # Returns `true` if the specified asset exists in the cache and could be marked for reloading. Returns an asset with the given properties. If such an asset already exists in the cache (it has been previously created in GES), then a reference to the existing asset is returned. Otherwise, a newly created asset is returned, and also added to the cache. If the requested asset has been loaded with an error, then `error` is set, if given, and `None` will be returned instead. Note that the given `id` may not be exactly the `Asset:id` that is set on the returned asset. For instance, it may be adjusted into a standard format. Or, if a `Extractable` type does not have its extraction parametrised, as is the case by default, then the given `id` may be ignored entirely and the `Asset:id` set to some standard, in which case a `None` `id` can be given. Similarly, the given `extractable_type` may not be exactly the `Asset:extractable-type` that is set on the returned asset. Instead, the actual extractable type may correspond to a subclass of the given `extractable_type`, depending on the given `id`. Moreover, depending on the given `extractable_type`, the returned asset may belong to a subclass of `Asset`. Finally, if the requested asset has a `Asset:proxy`, then the proxy that is found at the end of the chain of proxies is returned (a proxy's proxy will take its place, and so on, unless it has no proxy). Some asset subclasses only support asynchronous construction of its assets, such as `UriClip`. For such assets this method will fail, and you should use `Asset::request_async` instead. In the case of `UriClip`, you can use `UriClipAsset::request_sync` if you only want to wait for the request to finish. ## `extractable_type` The `Asset:extractable-type` of the asset ## `id` The `Asset:id` of the asset # Returns A reference to the requested asset, or `None` if an error occurred. Requests an asset with the given properties asynchronously (see `Asset::request`). When the asset has been initialized or fetched from the cache, the given callback function will be called. The asset can then be retrieved in the callback using the `Asset::request_finish` method on the given `gio::AsyncResult`. Note that the source object passed to the callback will be the `Asset` corresponding to the request, but it may not have loaded correctly and therefore can not be used as is. Instead, `Asset::request_finish` should be used to fetch a usable asset, or indicate that an error occurred in the asset's creation. Note that the callback will be called in the `glib::MainLoop` running under the same `glib::MainContext` that `ges_init` was called in. So, if you wish the callback to be invoked outside the default `glib::MainContext`, you can call `glib::MainContext::push_thread_default` in a new thread before calling `ges_init`. Example of an asynchronous asset request: ```text // The request callback static void asset_loaded_cb (GESAsset * source, GAsyncResult * res, gpointer user_data) { GESAsset *asset; GError *error = NULL; asset = ges_asset_request_finish (res, &error); if (asset) { g_print ("The file: %s is usable as a FileSource", ges_asset_get_id (asset)); } else { g_print ("The file: %s is *not* usable as a FileSource because: %s", ges_asset_get_id (source), error->message); } gst_object_unref (mfs); } // The request: ges_asset_request_async (GES_TYPE_URI_CLIP, some_uri, NULL, (GAsyncReadyCallback) asset_loaded_cb, user_data); ``` ## `extractable_type` The `Asset:extractable-type` of the asset ## `id` The `Asset:id` of the asset ## `cancellable` An object to allow cancellation of the asset request, or `None` to ignore ## `callback` A function to call when the initialization is finished ## `user_data` Data to be passed to `callback` Fetches an asset requested by `Asset::request_async`, which finalises the request. ## `res` The task result to fetch the asset from # Returns The requested asset, or `None` if an error occurred. Extracts a new `Asset:extractable-type` object from the asset. The `Asset:id` of the asset may determine the properties and state of the newly created object. # Returns A newly created object, or `None` if an error occurred. Retrieve the error that was set on the asset when it was loaded. # Returns The error set on `asset`, or `None` if no error occurred when `asset` was loaded. Gets the `Asset:extractable-type` of the asset. # Returns The extractable type of `self`. Gets the `Asset:id` of the asset. # Returns The ID of `self`. Gets the default `Asset:proxy` of the asset. # Returns The default proxy of `self`. Gets the `Asset:proxy-target` of the asset. Note that the proxy target may have loaded with an error, so you should call `AssetExt::get_error` on the returned target. # Returns The asset that `self` is a proxy of. Get all the proxies that the asset has. The first item of the list will be the default `Asset:proxy`. The second will be the proxy that is 'next in line' to be default, and so on. # Returns The list of proxies that `self` has. Sets the `Asset:proxy` for the asset. If `proxy` is among the existing proxies of the asset (see `AssetExt::list_proxies`) it will be moved to become the default proxy. Otherwise, if `proxy` is not `None`, it will be added to the list of proxies, as the new default. The previous default proxy will become 'next in line' for if the new one is removed, and so on. As such, this will **not** actually remove the previous default proxy (use `AssetExt::unproxy` for that). Note that an asset can only act as a proxy for one other asset. As a special case, if `proxy` is `None`, then this method will actually remove **all** proxies from the asset. ## `proxy` A new default proxy for `self` # Returns `true` if `proxy` was successfully set as the default for `self`. Removes the proxy from the available list of proxies for the asset. If the given proxy is the default proxy of the list, then the next proxy in the available list (see `AssetExt::list_proxies`) will become the default. If there are no other proxies, then the asset will no longer have a default `Asset:proxy`. ## `proxy` An existing proxy of `self` # Returns `true` if `proxy` was successfully removed from `self`'s proxy list. The `Extractable` object type that can be extracted from the asset. The `Extractable` object type that can be extracted from the asset. The ID of the asset. This should be unique amongst all assets with the same `Asset:extractable-type`. Depending on the associated `Extractable` implementation, this id may convey some information about the `gobject::Object` that should be extracted. Note that, as such, the ID will have an expected format, and you can not choose this value arbitrarily. By default, this will be set to the type name of the `Asset:extractable-type`, but you should check the documentation of the extractable type to see whether they differ from the default behaviour. The ID of the asset. This should be unique amongst all assets with the same `Asset:extractable-type`. Depending on the associated `Extractable` implementation, this id may convey some information about the `gobject::Object` that should be extracted. Note that, as such, the ID will have an expected format, and you can not choose this value arbitrarily. By default, this will be set to the type name of the `Asset:extractable-type`, but you should check the documentation of the extractable type to see whether they differ from the default behaviour. The default proxy for this asset, or `None` if it has no proxy. A proxy will act as a substitute for the original asset when the original is requested (see `Asset::request`). Setting this property will not usually remove the existing proxy, but will replace it as the default (see `AssetExt::set_proxy`). The default proxy for this asset, or `None` if it has no proxy. A proxy will act as a substitute for the original asset when the original is requested (see `Asset::request`). Setting this property will not usually remove the existing proxy, but will replace it as the default (see `AssetExt::set_proxy`). The asset that this asset is a proxy for, or `None` if it is not a proxy for another asset. Note that even if this asset is acting as a proxy for another asset, but this asset is not the default `Asset:proxy`, then `proxy`-target will *still* point to this other asset. So you should check the `Asset:proxy` property of `target`-proxy before assuming it is the current default proxy for the target. Note that the `gobject::Object::notify` for this property is emitted after the `Asset:proxy` `gobject::Object::notify` for the corresponding (if any) asset it is now the proxy of/no longer the proxy of. A `BaseEffect` is some operation that applies an effect to the data it receives. ## Time Effects Some operations will change the timing of the stream data they receive in some way. In particular, the `gst::Element` that they wrap could alter the times of the segment they receive in a `gst::EventType::Segment` event, or the times of a seek they receive in a `gst::EventType::Seek` event. Such operations would be considered time effects since they translate the times they receive on their source to different times at their sink, and vis versa. This introduces two sets of time coordinates for the event: (internal) sink coordinates and (internal) source coordinates, where segment times are translated from the sink coordinates to the source coordinates, and seek times are translated from the source coordinates to the sink coordinates. If you use such an effect in GES, you will need to inform GES of the properties that control the timing with `BaseEffectExt::register_time_property`, and the effect's timing behaviour using `BaseEffectExt::set_time_translation_funcs`. Note that a time effect should not have its `TrackElement:has-internal-source` set to `true`. In addition, note that GES only *fully* supports time effects whose mapping from the source to sink coordinates (those applied to seeks) obeys: + Maps the time `0` to `0`. So initial time-shifting effects are excluded. + Is monotonically increasing. So reversing effects, and effects that jump backwards in the stream are excluded. + Can handle a reasonable `gst::ClockTime`, relative to the project. So this would exclude a time effect with an extremely large speed-up that would cause the converted `gst::ClockTime` seeks to overflow. + Is 'continuously reversible'. This essentially means that for every time in the sink coordinates, we can, to 'good enough' accuracy, calculate the corresponding time in the source coordinates. Moreover, this should correspond to how segment times are translated from sink to source. + Only depends on the registered time properties, rather than the state of the `gst::Element` or the data it receives. This would exclude, say, an effect that would speedup if there is more red in the image it receives. Note that a constant-rate-change effect that is not extremely fast or slow would satisfy these conditions. For such effects, you may wish to use `EffectClass::register_rate_property`. # Implements [`BaseEffectExt`](trait.BaseEffectExt.html), [`TrackElementExt`](trait.TrackElementExt.html), [`TimelineElementExt`](trait.TimelineElementExt.html), [`glib::object::ObjectExt`](../glib/object/trait.ObjectExt.html), [`ExtractableExt`](trait.ExtractableExt.html), [`TimelineElementExtManual`](prelude/trait.TimelineElementExtManual.html) Trait containing all `BaseEffect` methods. # Implementors [`BaseEffect`](struct.BaseEffect.html), [`Effect`](struct.Effect.html) Get whether the effect is considered a time effect or not. An effect with registered time properties or set translation functions is considered a time effect. Feature: `v1_18` # Returns `true` if `self` is considered a time effect. Register a child property of the effect as a property that, when set, can change the timing of its input data. The child property should be specified as in `TimelineElementExt::lookup_child`. You should also set the corresponding time translation using `BaseEffectExt::set_time_translation_funcs`. Note that `self` must not be part of a clip, nor can it have `TrackElement:has-internal-source` set to `true`. Feature: `v1_18` ## `child_property_name` The name of the child property to register as a time property # Returns `true` if the child property was found and newly registered. Set the time translation query functions for the time effect. If an effect is a time effect, it will have two sets of coordinates: one at its sink and one at its source. The given functions should be able to translate between these two sets of coordinates. More specifically, `source_to_sink_func` should *emulate* how the corresponding `gst::Element` would translate the `gst::Segment` `time` field, and `sink_to_source_func` should emulate how the corresponding `gst::Element` would translate the seek query `start` and `stop` values, as used in `gst::ElementExt::seek`. As such, `sink_to_source_func` should act as an approximate reverse of `source_to_sink_func`. Note, these functions will be passed a table of time properties, as registered in `BaseEffectExt::register_time_property`, and their values. The functions should emulate what the translation *would* be *if* the time properties were set to the given values. They should not use the currently set values. Note that `self` must not be part of a clip, nor can it have `TrackElement:has-internal-source` set to `true`. Feature: `v1_18` ## `source_to_sink_func` The function to use for querying how a time is translated from the source coordinates to the sink coordinates of `self` ## `sink_to_source_func` The function to use for querying how a time is translated from the sink coordinates to the source coordinates of `self` ## `user_data` Data to pass to both `source_to_sink_func` and `sink_to_source_func` ## `destroy` Method to call to destroy `user_data`, or `None` # Returns `true` if the translation functions were set. `Clip`-s are the core objects of a `Layer`. Each clip may exist in a single layer but may control several `TrackElement`-s that span several `Track`-s. A clip will ensure that all its children share the same `TimelineElement:start` and `TimelineElement:duration` in their tracks, which will match the `TimelineElement:start` and `TimelineElement:duration` of the clip itself. Therefore, changing the timing of the clip will change the timing of the children, and a change in the timing of a child will change the timing of the clip and subsequently all its siblings. As such, a clip can be treated as a singular object in its layer. For most uses of a `Timeline`, it is often sufficient to only interact with `Clip`-s directly, which will take care of creating and organising the elements of the timeline's tracks. ## Core Children In more detail, clips will usually have some *core* `TrackElement` children, which are created by the clip when it is added to a layer in a timeline. The type and form of these core children will depend on the clip's subclass. You can use `TrackElementExt::is_core` to determine whether a track element is considered such a core track element. Note, if a core track element is part of a clip, it will always be treated as a core *child* of the clip. You can connect to the `Container::child-added` signal to be notified of their creation. When a child is added to a clip, the timeline will select its tracks using `Timeline::select-tracks-for-object`. Note that it may be the case that the child will still have no set `TrackElement:track` after this process. For example, if the timeline does not have a track of the corresponding `Track:track-type`. A clip can safely contain such children, which may have their track set later, although they will play no functioning role in the timeline in the meantime. If a clip may create track elements with various `TrackElement:track-type`(s), such as a `UriClip`, but you only want it to create a subset of these types, you should set the `Clip:supported-formats` of the clip to the subset of types. This should be done *before* adding the clip to a layer. If a clip will produce several core elements of the same `TrackElement:track-type`, you should connect to the timeline's `Timeline::select-tracks-for-object` signal to coordinate which tracks each element should land in. Note, no two core children within a clip can share the same `Track`, so you should not select the same track for two separate core children. Provided you stick to this rule, it is still safe to select several tracks for the same core child, the core child will be copied into the additional tracks. You can manually add the child to more tracks later using `ClipExt::add_child_to_track`. If you do not wish to use a core child, you can always select no track. The `TimelineElement:in-point` of the clip will control the `TimelineElement:in-point` of its core children to be the same value if their `TrackElement:has-internal-source` is set to `true`. The `TimelineElement:max-duration` of the clip is the minimum `TimelineElement:max-duration` of its core children. If you set its value to anything other than its current value, this will also set the `TimelineElement:max-duration` of all its core children to the same value if their `TrackElement:has-internal-source` is set to `true`. As a special case, whilst a clip does not yet have any core children, its `TimelineElement:max-duration` may be set to indicate what its value will be once they are created. ## Effects Some subclasses (`SourceClip` and `BaseEffectClip`) may also allow their objects to have additional non-core `BaseEffect`-s elements as children. These are additional effects that are applied to the output data of the core elements. They can be added to the clip using `ClipExt::add_top_effect`, which will take care of adding the effect to the timeline's tracks. The new effect will be placed between the clip's core track elements and its other effects. As such, the newly added effect will be applied to any source data **before** the other existing effects. You can change the ordering of effects using `ClipExt::set_top_effect_index`. Tracks are selected for top effects in the same way as core children. If you add a top effect to a clip before it is part of a timeline, and later add the clip to a timeline, the track selection for the top effects will occur just after the track selection for the core children. If you add a top effect to a clip that is already part of a timeline, the track selection will occur immediately. Since a top effect must be applied on top of a core child, if you use `Timeline::select-tracks-for-object`, you should ensure that the added effects are destined for a `Track` that already contains a core child. In addition, if the core child in the track is not `TrackElement:active`, then neither can any of its effects be `TrackElement:active`. Therefore, if a core child is made in-active, all of the additional effects in the same track will also become in-active. Similarly, if an effect is set to be active, then the core child will also become active, but other effects will be left alone. Finally, if an active effect is added to the track of an in-active core child, it will become in-active as well. Note, in contrast, setting a core child to be active, or an effect to be in-active will *not* change the other children in the same track. ### Time Effects Some effects also change the timing of their data (see `BaseEffect` for what counts as a time effect). Note that a `BaseEffectClip` will refuse time effects, but a `Source` will allow them. When added to a clip, time effects may adjust the timing of other children in the same track. Similarly, when changing the order of effects, making them (in)-active, setting their time property values or removing time effects. These can cause the `Clip:duration-limit` to change in value. However, if such an operation would ever cause the `TimelineElement:duration` to shrink such that a clip's `Source` is totally overlapped in the timeline, the operation would be prevented. Note that the same can happen when adding non-time effects with a finite `TimelineElement:max-duration`. Therefore, when working with time effects, you should -- more so than usual -- not assume that setting the properties of the clip's children will succeed. In particular, you should use `TimelineElementExt::set_child_property_full` when setting the time properties. If you wish to preserve the *internal* duration of a source in a clip during these time effect operations, you can do something like the following. ```c void do_time_effect_change (GESClip * clip) { GList *tmp, *children; GESTrackElement *source; GstClockTime source_outpoint; GstClockTime new_end; GError *error = NULL; // choose some active source in a track to preserve the internal // duration of source = ges_clip_get_track_element (clip, NULL, GES_TYPE_SOURCE); // note its current internal end time source_outpoint = ges_clip_get_internal_time_from_timeline_time ( clip, source, GES_TIMELINE_ELEMENT_END (clip), NULL); // handle invalid out-point // stop the children's control sources from clamping when their // out-point changes with a change in the time effects children = ges_container_get_children (GES_CONTAINER (clip), FALSE); for (tmp = children; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) ges_track_element_set_auto_clamp_control_source (tmp->data, FALSE); // add time effect, or set their children properties, or move them around ... // user can make sure that if a time effect changes one source, we should // also change the time effect for another source. E.g. if // "GstVideorate::rate" is set to 2.0, we also set "GstPitch::rate" to // 2.0 // Note the duration of the clip may have already changed if the // duration-limit of the clip dropped below its current value new_end = ges_clip_get_timeline_time_from_internal_time ( clip, source, source_outpoint, &error); // handle error if (!ges_timeline_elemnet_edit_full (GES_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (clip), -1, GES_EDIT_MODE_TRIM, GES_EDGE_END, new_end, &error)) // handle error for (tmp = children; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) ges_track_element_set_auto_clamp_control_source (tmp->data, TRUE); g_list_free_full (children, gst_object_unref); gst_object_unref (source); } ``` # Implements [`ClipExt`](trait.ClipExt.html), [`GESContainerExt`](trait.GESContainerExt.html), [`TimelineElementExt`](trait.TimelineElementExt.html), [`glib::object::ObjectExt`](../glib/object/trait.ObjectExt.html), [`ExtractableExt`](trait.ExtractableExt.html), [`TimelineElementExtManual`](prelude/trait.TimelineElementExtManual.html) Trait containing all `Clip` methods. # Implementors [`Clip`](struct.Clip.html) Extracts a `TrackElement` from an asset and adds it to the clip. This can be used to add effects that derive from the asset to the clip, but this method is not intended to be used to create the core elements of the clip. ## `asset` An asset with `GES_TYPE_TRACK_ELEMENT` as its `Asset:extractable-type` # Returns The newly created element, or `None` if an error occurred. Adds the track element child of the clip to a specific track. If the given child is already in another track, this will create a copy of the child, add it to the clip, and add this copy to the track. You should only call this whilst a clip is part of a `Timeline`, and for tracks that are in the same timeline. This method is an alternative to using the `Timeline::select-tracks-for-object` signal, but can be used to complement it when, say, you wish to copy a clip's children from one track into a new one. When the child is a core child, it must be added to a track that does not already contain another core child of the same clip. If it is not a core child (an additional effect), then it must be added to a track that already contains one of the core children of the same clip. This method can also fail if the adding the track element to the track would break a configuration rule of the corresponding `Timeline`, such as causing three sources to overlap at a single time, or causing a source to completely overlap another in the same track. ## `child` A child of `self` ## `track` The track to add `child` to # Returns The element that was added to `track`, either `child` or a copy of child, or `None` if the element could not be added. Add a top effect to a clip at the given index. Unlike using `GESContainerExt::add`, this allows you to set the index in advance. It will also check that no error occurred during the track selection for the effect. Note, only subclasses of `ClipClass` that have `GES_CLIP_CLASS_CAN_ADD_EFFECTS` set to `true` (such as `SourceClip` and `BaseEffectClip`) can have additional top effects added. Note, if the effect is a time effect, this may be refused if the clip would not be able to adapt itself once the effect is added. Feature: `v1_18` ## `effect` A top effect to add ## `index` The index to add `effect` at, or -1 to add at the highest # Returns `true` if `effect` was successfully added to `self` at `index`. Finds an element controlled by the clip. If `track` is given, then only the track elements in `track` are searched for. If `type_` is given, then this function searches for a track element of the given `type_`. Note, if multiple track elements in the clip match the given criteria, this will return the element amongst them with the highest `TimelineElement:priority` (numerically, the smallest). See `ClipExt::find_track_elements` if you wish to find all such elements. ## `track` The track to search in, or `None` to search in all tracks ## `type_` The type of track element to search for, or `G_TYPE_NONE` to match any type # Returns The element controlled by `self`, in `track`, and of the given `type_`, or `None` if no such element could be found. Finds the `TrackElement`-s controlled by the clip that match the given criteria. If `track` is given as `None` and `track_type` is given as `TrackType::Unknown`, then the search will match all elements in any track, including those with no track, and of any `TrackElement:track-type`. Otherwise, if `track` is not `None`, but `track_type` is `TrackType::Unknown`, then only the track elements in `track` are searched for. Otherwise, if `track_type` is not `TrackType::Unknown`, but `track` is `None`, then only the track elements whose `TrackElement:track-type` matches `track_type` are searched for. Otherwise, when both are given, the track elements that match **either** criteria are searched for. Therefore, if you wish to only find elements in a specific track, you should give the track as `track`, but you should not give the track's `Track:track-type` as `track_type` because this would also select elements from other tracks of the same type. You may also give `type_` to _further_ restrict the search to track elements of the given `type_`. ## `track` The track to search in, or `None` to search in all tracks ## `track_type` The track-type of the track element to search for, or `TrackType::Unknown` to match any track type ## `type_` The type of track element to search for, or `G_TYPE_NONE` to match any type # Returns A list of all the `TrackElement`-s controlled by `self`, in `track` or of the given `track_type`, and of the given `type_`. Gets the `Clip:duration-limit` of the clip. Feature: `v1_18` # Returns The duration-limit of `self`. Convert the timeline time to an internal source time of the child. This will take any time effects placed on the clip into account (see `BaseEffect` for what time effects are supported, and how to declare them in GES). When `timeline_time` is above the `TimelineElement:start` of `self`, this will return the internal time at which the content that appears at `timeline_time` in the output of the timeline is created in `child`. For example, if `timeline_time` corresponds to the current seek position, this would let you know which part of a media file is being read. This will be done assuming the clip has an indefinite end, so the internal time may be beyond the current out-point of the child, or even its `TimelineElement:max-duration`. If, instead, `timeline_time` is below the current `TimelineElement:start` of `self`, this will return what you would need to set the `TimelineElement:in-point` of `child` to if you set the `TimelineElement:start` of `self` to `timeline_time` and wanted to keep the content of `child` currently found at the current `TimelineElement:start` of `self` at the same timeline position. If this would be negative, the conversion fails. This is useful for determining what `TimelineElement:in-point` would result from a `EditMode::Trim` to `timeline_time`. Note that whilst a clip has no time effects, this second return is equivalent to finding the internal time at which the content that appears at `timeline_time` in the timeline can be found in `child` if it had indefinite extent in both directions. However, with non-linear time effects this second return will be more distinct. In either case, the returned time would be appropriate to use for the `TimelineElement:in-point` or `TimelineElement:max-duration` of the child. See `ClipExt::get_timeline_time_from_internal_time`, which performs the reverse. Feature: `v1_18` ## `child` An `TrackElement:active` child of `self` with a `TrackElement:track` ## `timeline_time` A time in the timeline time coordinates # Returns The time in the internal coordinates of `child` corresponding to `timeline_time`, or `GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE` if the conversion could not be performed. Gets the `Clip:layer` of the clip. # Returns The layer `self` is in, or `None` if `self` is not in any layer. Gets the `Clip:supported-formats` of the clip. # Returns The `TrackType`-s supported by `self`. Convert the internal source time from the child to a timeline time. This will take any time effects placed on the clip into account (see `BaseEffect` for what time effects are supported, and how to declare them in GES). When `internal_time` is above the `TimelineElement:in-point` of `child`, this will return the timeline time at which the internal content found at `internal_time` appears in the output of the timeline's track. For example, this would let you know where in the timeline a particular scene in a media file would appear. This will be done assuming the clip has an indefinite end, so the timeline time may be beyond the end of the clip, or even breaking its `Clip:duration-limit`. If, instead, `internal_time` is below the current `TimelineElement:in-point` of `child`, this will return what you would need to set the `TimelineElement:start` of `self` to if you set the `TimelineElement:in-point` of `child` to `internal_time` and wanted to keep the content of `child` currently found at the current `TimelineElement:start` of `self` at the same timeline position. If this would be negative, the conversion fails. This is useful for determining what position to use in a `EditMode::Trim` if you wish to trim to a specific point in the internal content, such as a particular scene in a media file. Note that whilst a clip has no time effects, this second return is equivalent to finding the timeline time at which the content of `child` at `internal_time` would be found in the timeline if it had indefinite extent in both directions. However, with non-linear time effects this second return will be more distinct. In either case, the returned time would be appropriate to use in `TimelineElementExt::edit` for `EditMode::Trim`, and similar, if you wish to use a particular internal point as a reference. For example, you could choose to end a clip at a certain internal 'out-point', similar to the `TimelineElement:in-point`, by translating the desired end time into the timeline coordinates, and using this position to trim the end of a clip. See `ClipExt::get_internal_time_from_timeline_time`, which performs the reverse, or `ClipExt::get_timeline_time_from_source_frame` which does the same conversion, but using frame numbers. ## `child` An `TrackElement:active` child of `self` with a `TrackElement:track` ## `internal_time` A time in the internal time coordinates of `child` # Returns The time in the timeline coordinates corresponding to `internal_time`, or `GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE` if the conversion could not be performed. Convert the source frame number to a timeline time. This acts the same as `ClipExt::get_timeline_time_from_internal_time` using the core children of the clip and using the frame number to specify the internal position, rather than a timestamp. The returned timeline time can be used to seek or edit to a specific frame. Note that you can get the frame timestamp of a particular clip asset with `ClipAsset::get_frame_time`. Feature: `v1_18` ## `frame_number` The frame number to get the corresponding timestamp of in the timeline coordinates # Returns The timestamp corresponding to `frame_number` in the core children of `self`, in the timeline coordinates, or `GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE` if the conversion could not be performed. Gets the internal index of an effect in the clip. The index of effects in a clip will run from 0 to n-1, where n is the total number of effects. If two effects share the same `TrackElement:track`, the effect with the numerically lower index will be applied to the source data **after** the other effect, i.e. output data will always flow from a higher index effect to a lower index effect. ## `effect` The effect we want to get the index of # Returns The index of `effect` in `self`, or -1 if something went wrong. Gets the `BaseEffect`-s that have been added to the clip. The returned list is ordered by their internal index in the clip. See `ClipExt::get_top_effect_index`. # Returns A list of all `BaseEffect`-s that have been added to `self`. See `ClipExt::move_to_layer_full`, which also gives an error. ## `layer` The new layer # Returns `true` if `self` was successfully moved to `layer`. Moves a clip to a new layer. If the clip already exists in a layer, it is first removed from its current layer before being added to the new layer. Feature: `v1_18` ## `layer` The new layer # Returns `true` if `self` was successfully moved to `layer`. Remove a top effect from the clip. Note, if the effect is a time effect, this may be refused if the clip would not be able to adapt itself once the effect is removed. Feature: `v1_18` ## `effect` The top effect to remove # Returns `true` if `effect` was successfully added to `self` at `index`. Sets the `Clip:supported-formats` of the clip. This should normally only be called by subclasses, which should be responsible for updating its value, rather than the user. ## `supportedformats` The `TrackType`-s supported by `self` See `ClipExt::set_top_effect_index_full`, which also gives an error. ## `effect` An effect within `self` to move ## `newindex` The index for `effect` in `self` # Returns `true` if `effect` was successfully moved to `newindex`. Set the index of an effect within the clip. See `ClipExt::get_top_effect_index`. The new index must be an existing index of the clip. The effect is moved to the new index, and the other effects may be shifted in index accordingly to otherwise maintain the ordering. Feature: `v1_18` ## `effect` An effect within `self` to move ## `newindex` The index for `effect` in `self` # Returns `true` if `effect` was successfully moved to `newindex`. See `ClipExt::split_full`, which also gives an error. ## `position` The timeline position at which to perform the split # Returns The newly created clip resulting from the splitting `self`, or `None` if `self` can't be split. Splits a clip at the given timeline position into two clips. The clip must already have a `Clip:layer`. The original clip's `TimelineElement:duration` is reduced such that its end point matches the split position. Then a new clip is created in the same layer, whose `TimelineElement:start` matches the split position and `TimelineElement:duration` will be set such that its end point matches the old end point of the original clip. Thus, the two clips together will occupy the same positions in the timeline as the original clip did. The children of the new clip will be new copies of the original clip's children, so it will share the same sources and use the same operations. The new clip will also have its `TimelineElement:in-point` set so that any internal data will appear in the timeline at the same time. Thus, when the timeline is played, the playback of data should appear the same. This may be complicated by any additional `Effect`-s that have been placed on the original clip that depend on the playback time or change the data consumption rate of sources. This method will attempt to translate these effects such that the playback appears the same. In such complex situations, you may get a better result if you place the clip in a separate sub `Project`, which only contains this clip (and its effects), and in the original layer create two neighbouring `UriClip`-s that reference this sub-project, but at a different `TimelineElement:in-point`. Feature: `v1_18` ## `position` The timeline position at which to perform the split, between the start and end of the clip # Returns The newly created clip resulting from the splitting `self`, or `None` if `self` can't be split. The maximum `TimelineElement:duration` that can be *currently* set for the clip, taking into account the `TimelineElement:in-point`, `TimelineElement:max-duration`, `TrackElement:active`, and `TrackElement:track` properties of its children, as well as any time effects. If there is no limit, this will be set to `GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE`. Note that whilst a clip has no children in any tracks, the limit will be unknown, and similarly set to `GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE`. If the duration-limit would ever go below the current `TimelineElement:duration` of the clip due to a change in the above variables, its `TimelineElement:duration` will be set to the new limit. The layer this clip lies in. If you want to connect to this property's `gobject::Object::notify` signal, you should connect to it with `g_signal_connect_after` since the signal emission may be stopped internally. The `TrackType`-s that the clip supports, which it can create `TrackElement`-s for. Note that this can be a combination of `TrackType` flags to indicate support for several `TrackElement:track-type` elements. The `TrackType`-s that the clip supports, which it can create `TrackElement`-s for. Note that this can be a combination of `TrackType` flags to indicate support for several `TrackElement:track-type` elements. A `Container` is a timeline element that controls other `TimelineElement`-s, which are its children. In particular, it is responsible for maintaining the relative `TimelineElement:start` and `TimelineElement:duration` times of its children. Therefore, if a container is temporally adjusted or moved to a new layer, it may accordingly adjust and move its children. Similarly, a change in one of its children may prompt the parent to correspondingly change its siblings. # Implements [`GESContainerExt`](trait.GESContainerExt.html), [`TimelineElementExt`](trait.TimelineElementExt.html), [`glib::object::ObjectExt`](../glib/object/trait.ObjectExt.html), [`ExtractableExt`](trait.ExtractableExt.html), [`TimelineElementExtManual`](prelude/trait.TimelineElementExtManual.html) Trait containing all `Container` methods. # Implementors [`Clip`](struct.Clip.html), [`Container`](struct.Container.html), [`Group`](struct.Group.html) Groups the containers into a single container by merging them. The containers must all belong to the same `TimelineElement:timeline`. If the elements are all `Clip`-s then this method will attempt to combine them all into a single `Clip`. This should succeed if they: share the same `TimelineElement:start`, `TimelineElement:duration` and `TimelineElement:in-point`; exist in the same layer; and all of the sources share the same `Asset`. If this fails, or one of the elements is not a `Clip`, this method will try to create a `Group` instead. ## `containers` The `Container`-s to group # Returns The container created by merging `containers`, or `None` if they could not be merged into a single container. Adds a timeline element to the container. The element will now be a child of the container (and the container will be the `TimelineElement:parent` of the added element), which means that it is now controlled by the container. This may change the properties of the child or the container, depending on the subclass. Additionally, the children properties of the newly added element will be shared with the container, meaning they can also be read and set using `TimelineElementExt::get_child_property` and `TimelineElementExt::set_child_property` on the container. ## `child` The element to add as a child # Returns `true` if `child` was successfully added to `self`. Edits the container within its timeline. # Deprecated since 1.18 use `TimelineElementExt::edit` instead. ## `layers` A whitelist of layers where the edit can be performed, `None` allows all layers in the timeline ## `new_layer_priority` The priority/index of the layer `self` should be moved to. -1 means no move ## `mode` The edit mode ## `edge` The edge of `self` where the edit should occur ## `position` The edit position: a new location for the edge of `self` (in nanoseconds) # Returns `true` if the edit of `self` completed, `false` on failure. Get the list of timeline elements contained in the container. If `recursive` is `true`, and the container contains other containers as children, then their children will be added to the list, in addition to themselves, and so on. ## `recursive` Whether to recursively get children in `self` # Returns The list of `TimelineElement`-s contained in `self`. Removes a timeline element from the container. The element will no longer be controlled by the container. ## `child` The child to remove # Returns `true` if `child` was successfully removed from `self`. Ungroups the container by splitting it into several containers containing various children of the original. The rules for how the container splits depends on the subclass. A `Group` will simply split into its children. A `Clip` will split into one `Clip` per `TrackType` it overlaps with (so an audio-video clip will split into an audio clip and a video clip), where each clip contains all the `TrackElement`-s from the original clip with a matching `TrackElement:track-type`. If `recursive` is `true`, and the container contains other containers as children, then they will also be ungrouped, and so on. ## `recursive` Whether to recursively ungroup `self` # Returns The list of new `Container`-s created from the splitting of `self`. Will be emitted after a child is added to the container. Usually, you should connect with `g_signal_connect_after` since the signal may be stopped internally. ## `element` The child that was added Will be emitted after a child is removed from the container. ## `element` The child that was removed The span of the container's children's `TimelineElement:priority` values, which is the number of integers that lie between (inclusive) the minimum and maximum priorities found amongst the container's children (maximum - minimum + 1). The edges of an object contain in a `Timeline` or `Track` Represents the start of an object. Represents the end of an object. Represent the fact we are not working with any edge of an object. When a single timeline element is edited within its timeline at some position, using `TimelineElementExt::edit`, depending on the edit mode, its `TimelineElement:start`, `TimelineElement:duration` or `TimelineElement:in-point` will be adjusted accordingly. In addition, any clips may change `Clip:layer`. Each edit can be broken down into a combination of three basic edits: + MOVE: This moves the start of the element to the edit position. + START-TRIM: This cuts or grows the start of the element, whilst maintaining the time at which its internal content appears in the timeline data output. If the element is made shorter, the data that appeared at the edit position will still appear in the timeline at the same time. If the element is made longer, the data that appeared at the previous start of the element will still appear in the timeline at the same time. + END-TRIM: Similar to START-TRIM, but the end of the element is cut or grown. In particular, when editing a `Clip`: + MOVE: This will set the `TimelineElement:start` of the clip to the edit position. + START-TRIM: This will set the `TimelineElement:start` of the clip to the edit position. To keep the end time the same, the `TimelineElement:duration` of the clip will be adjusted in the opposite direction. In addition, the `TimelineElement:in-point` of the clip will be shifted such that the content that appeared at the new or previous start time, whichever is latest, still appears at the same timeline time. For example, if a frame appeared at the start of the clip, and the start of the clip is reduced, the in-point of the clip will also reduce such that the frame will appear later within the clip, but at the same timeline position. + END-TRIM: This will set the `TimelineElement:duration` of the clip such that its end time will match the edit position. When editing a `Group`: + MOVE: This will set the `Group:start` of the clip to the edit position by shifting all of its children by the same amount. So each child will maintain their relative positions. + START-TRIM: If the group is made shorter, this will START-TRIM any clips under the group that start after the edit position to the same edit position. If the group is made longer, this will START-TRIM any clip under the group whose start matches the start of the group to the same edit position. + END-TRIM: If the group is made shorter, this will END-TRIM any clips under the group that end after the edit position to the same edit position. If the group is made longer, this will END-TRIM any clip under the group whose end matches the end of the group to the same edit position. When editing a `TrackElement`, if it has a `Clip` parent, this will be edited instead. Otherwise it is edited in the same way as a `Clip`. The layer priority of a `Group` is the lowest layer priority of any `Clip` underneath it. When a group is edited to a new layer priority, it will shift all clips underneath it by the same amount, such that their relative layers stay the same. If the `Timeline` has a `Timeline:snapping-distance`, then snapping may occur for some of the edges of the **main** edited element: + MOVE: The start or end edge of *any* `Source` under the element may be snapped. + START-TRIM: The start edge of a `Source` whose start edge touches the start edge of the element may snap. + END-TRIM: The end edge of a `Source` whose end edge touches the end edge of the element may snap. These edges may snap with either the start or end edge of *any* other `Source` in the timeline that is not also being moved by the element, including those in different layers, if they are within the `Timeline:snapping-distance`. During an edit, only up to one snap can occur. This will shift the edit position such that the snapped edges will touch once the edit has completed. Note that snapping can cause an edit to fail where it would have otherwise succeeded because it may push the edit position such that the edit would result in an unsupported timeline configuration. Similarly, snapping can cause an edit to succeed where it would have otherwise failed. For example, in `EditMode::Ripple` acting on `Edge::None`, the main element is the MOVED toplevel of the edited element. Any source under the main MOVED toplevel may have its start or end edge snapped. Note, these sources cannot snap with each other. The edit may also push other elements, but any sources under these elements cannot snap, nor can they be snapped with. If a snap does occur, the MOVE of the toplevel *and* all other elements pushed by the ripple will be shifted by the same amount such that the snapped edges will touch. You can also find more explanation about the behaviour of those modes at: [trim, ripple and roll](http://pitivi.org/manual/trimming.html) and [clip management](http://pitivi.org/manual/usingclips.html). The element is edited the normal way (default). If acting on the element as a whole (`Edge::None`), this will MOVE the element by MOVING its toplevel. When acting on the start of the element (`Edge::Start`), this will only MOVE the element, but not its toplevel parent. This can allow you to move a `Clip` or `Group` to a new start time or layer within its container group, without effecting other members of the group. When acting on the end of the element (`Edge::End`), this will END-TRIM the element, leaving its toplevel unchanged. The element is edited in ripple mode: moving itself as well as later elements, keeping their relative times. This edits the element the same as `EditMode::Normal`. In addition, if acting on the element as a whole, or the start of the element, any toplevel element in the same timeline (including different layers) whose start time is later than the *current* start time of the MOVED element will also be MOVED by the same shift as the edited element. If acting on the end of the element, any toplevel element whose start time is later than the *current* end time of the edited element will also be MOVED by the same shift as the change in the end of the edited element. These additional elements will also be shifted by the same shift in layers as the edited element. The element is edited in roll mode: swapping its content for its neighbour's, or vis versa, in the timeline output. This edits the element the same as `EditMode::Trim`. In addition, any neighbours are also TRIMMED at their opposite edge to the same timeline position. When acting on the start of the element, a neighbour is any earlier element in the timeline whose end time matches the *current* start time of the edited element. When acting on the end of the element, a neighbour is any later element in the timeline whose start time matches the *current* start time of the edited element. In addition, a neighbour have a `Source` at its end/start edge that shares a track with a `Source` at the start/end edge of the edited element. Basically, a neighbour is an element that can be extended, or cut, to have its content replace, or be replaced by, the content of the edited element. Acting on the element as a whole (`Edge::None`) is not defined. The element can not shift layers under this mode. The element is edited in trim mode. When acting on the start of the element, this will START-TRIM it. When acting on the end of the element, this will END-TRIM it. Acting on the element as a whole (`Edge::None`) is not defined. The element is edited in slide mode (not yet implemented): moving the element replacing or consuming content on each end. When acting on the element as a whole, this will MOVE the element, and TRIM any neighbours on either side. A neighbour is defined in the same way as in `EditMode::Roll`, but they may be on either side of the edited elements. Elements at the end with be START-TRIMMED to the new end position of the edited element. Elements at the start will be END-TRIMMED to the new start position of the edited element. Acting on the start or end of the element (`Edge::Start` and `Edge::End`) is not defined. The element can not shift layers under this mode. Currently we only support effects with 1 sinkpad and 1 sourcepad with the exception of `gesaudiomixer` and `gescompositor` which can be used as effects. # Implements [`EffectExt`](trait.EffectExt.html), [`BaseEffectExt`](trait.BaseEffectExt.html), [`TrackElementExt`](trait.TrackElementExt.html), [`TimelineElementExt`](trait.TimelineElementExt.html), [`glib::object::ObjectExt`](../glib/object/trait.ObjectExt.html), [`ExtractableExt`](trait.ExtractableExt.html), [`TimelineElementExtManual`](prelude/trait.TimelineElementExtManual.html) Trait containing all `Effect` methods. # Implementors [`Effect`](struct.Effect.html) Creates a new `Effect` from the description of the bin. It should be possible to determine the type of the effect through the element 'klass' metadata of the GstElements that will be created. In that corner case, you should use: `Asset::request` (GES_TYPE_EFFECT, "audio your ! bin ! description", NULL); and extract that asset to be in full control. ## `bin_description` The gst-launch like bin description of the effect # Returns a newly created `Effect`, or `None` if something went wrong. The description of the effect bin with a gst-launch-style pipeline description. Example: "videobalance saturation=1.5 hue=+0.5" The description of the effect bin with a gst-launch-style pipeline description. Example: "videobalance saturation=1.5 hue=+0.5" A `gobject::Object` that implements the `Extractable` interface can be extracted from a `Asset` using `AssetExt::extract`. Each extractable type will have its own way of interpreting the `Asset:id` of an asset (or, if it is associated with a specific subclass of `Asset`, the asset subclass may handle the interpretation of the `Asset:id`). By default, the requested asset `Asset:id` will be ignored by a `Extractable` and will be set to the type name of the extractable instead. Also by default, when the requested asset is extracted, the returned object will simply be a newly created default object of that extractable type. You should check the documentation for each extractable type to see if they differ from the default. After the object is extracted, it will have a reference to the asset it came from, which you can retrieve using `Extractable::get_asset`. # Implements [`ExtractableExt`](trait.ExtractableExt.html), [`glib::object::ObjectExt`](../glib/object/trait.ObjectExt.html) Trait containing all `Extractable` methods. # Implementors [`BaseEffect`](struct.BaseEffect.html), [`Clip`](struct.Clip.html), [`Container`](struct.Container.html), [`Effect`](struct.Effect.html), [`Extractable`](struct.Extractable.html), [`Group`](struct.Group.html), [`Layer`](struct.Layer.html), [`TimelineElement`](struct.TimelineElement.html), [`Timeline`](struct.Timeline.html), [`TrackElement`](struct.TrackElement.html), [`UriClip`](struct.UriClip.html) Get the asset that has been set on the extractable object. # Returns The asset set on `self`, or `None` if no asset has been set. Gets the `Asset:id` of some associated asset. It may be the case that the object has no set asset, or even that such an asset does not yet exist in the GES cache. Instead, this will return the asset `Asset:id` that is _compatible_ with the current state of the object, as determined by the `Extractable` implementer. If it was indeed extracted from an asset, this should return the same as its corresponding asset `Asset:id`. # Returns The `Asset:id` of some associated `Asset` that is compatible with `self`'s current state. Sets the asset for this extractable object. When an object is extracted from an asset using `AssetExt::extract` its asset will be automatically set. Note that many classes that implement `Extractable` will automatically create their objects using assets when you call their `new` methods. However, you can use this method to associate an object with a compatible asset if it was created by other means and does not yet have an asset. Or, for some implementations of `Extractable`, you can use this to change the asset of the given extractable object, which will lead to a change in its state to match the new asset `Asset:id`. ## `asset` The asset to set # Returns `true` if `asset` could be successfully set on `self`. A `Group` controls one or more `Container`-s (usually `Clip`-s, but it can also control other `Group`-s). Its children must share the same `Timeline`, but can otherwise lie in separate `Layer`-s and have different timings. To initialise a group, you may want to use `Container::group`, and similarly use `GESContainerExt::ungroup` to dispose of it. A group will maintain the relative `TimelineElement:start` times of its children, as well as their relative layer `Layer:priority`. Therefore, if one of its children has its `TimelineElement:start` set, all other children will have their `TimelineElement:start` shifted by the same amount. Similarly, if one of its children moves to a new layer, the other children will also change layers to maintain the difference in their layer priorities. For example, if a child moves from a layer with `Layer:priority` 1 to a layer with priority 3, then another child that was in a layer with priority 0 will move to the layer with priority 2. The `Group:start` of a group refers to the earliest start time of its children. If the group's `Group:start` is set, all the children will be shifted equally such that the earliest start time will match the set value. The `Group:duration` of a group is the difference between the earliest start time and latest end time of its children. If the group's `Group:duration` is increased, the children whose end time matches the end of the group will be extended accordingly. If it is decreased, then any child whose end time exceeds the new end time will also have their duration decreased accordingly. A group may span several layers, but for methods such as `TimelineElementExt::get_layer_priority` and `TimelineElementExt::edit` a group is considered to have a layer priority that is the highest `Layer:priority` (numerically, the smallest) of all the layers it spans. # Implements [`GroupExt`](trait.GroupExt.html), [`GESContainerExt`](trait.GESContainerExt.html), [`TimelineElementExt`](trait.TimelineElementExt.html), [`glib::object::ObjectExt`](../glib/object/trait.ObjectExt.html), [`ExtractableExt`](trait.ExtractableExt.html), [`TimelineElementExtManual`](prelude/trait.TimelineElementExtManual.html) Trait containing all `Group` methods. # Implementors [`Group`](struct.Group.html) Created a new empty group. You may wish to use `Container::group` instead, which can return a different `Container` subclass if possible. # Returns The new empty group. An overwrite of the `TimelineElement:duration` property. For a `Group`, this is the difference between the earliest `TimelineElement:start` time and the latest end time (given by `TimelineElement:start` + `TimelineElement:duration`) amongst its children. An overwrite of the `TimelineElement:duration` property. For a `Group`, this is the difference between the earliest `TimelineElement:start` time and the latest end time (given by `TimelineElement:start` + `TimelineElement:duration`) amongst its children. An overwrite of the `TimelineElement:in-point` property. This has no meaning for a group and should not be set. An overwrite of the `TimelineElement:in-point` property. This has no meaning for a group and should not be set. An overwrite of the `TimelineElement:max-duration` property. This has no meaning for a group and should not be set. An overwrite of the `TimelineElement:max-duration` property. This has no meaning for a group and should not be set. An overwrite of the `TimelineElement:priority` property. Setting `TimelineElement` priorities is deprecated as all priority management is now done by GES itself. An overwrite of the `TimelineElement:priority` property. Setting `TimelineElement` priorities is deprecated as all priority management is now done by GES itself. An overwrite of the `TimelineElement:start` property. For a `Group`, this is the earliest `TimelineElement:start` time amongst its children. An overwrite of the `TimelineElement:start` property. For a `Group`, this is the earliest `TimelineElement:start` time amongst its children. `Layer`-s are responsible for collecting and ordering `Clip`-s. A layer within a timeline will have an associated priority, corresponding to their index within the timeline. A layer with the index/priority 0 will have the highest priority and the layer with the largest index will have the lowest priority (the order of priorities, in this sense, is the _reverse_ of the numerical ordering of the indices). `TimelineExt::move_layer` should be used if you wish to change how layers are prioritised in a timeline. Layers with higher priorities will have their content priorities over content from lower priority layers, similar to how layers are used in image editing. For example, if two separate layers both display video content, then the layer with the higher priority will have its images shown first. The other layer will only have its image shown if the higher priority layer has no content at the given playtime, or is transparent in some way. Audio content in separate layers will simply play in addition. # Implements [`LayerExt`](trait.LayerExt.html), [`glib::object::ObjectExt`](../glib/object/trait.ObjectExt.html), [`ExtractableExt`](trait.ExtractableExt.html) Trait containing all `Layer` methods. # Implementors [`Layer`](struct.Layer.html) Creates a new layer. # Returns A new layer. See `LayerExt::add_asset_full`, which also gives an error. ## `asset` The asset to extract the new clip from ## `start` The `TimelineElement:start` value to set on the new clip If `start == #GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE`, it will be added to the end of `self`, i.e. it will be set to `self`'s duration ## `inpoint` The `TimelineElement:in-point` value to set on the new clip ## `duration` The `TimelineElement:duration` value to set on the new clip ## `track_types` The `Clip:supported-formats` to set on the the new clip, or `TrackType::Unknown` to use the default # Returns The newly created clip. Extracts a new clip from an asset and adds it to the layer with the given properties. Feature: `v1_18` ## `asset` The asset to extract the new clip from ## `start` The `TimelineElement:start` value to set on the new clip If `start == #GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE`, it will be added to the end of `self`, i.e. it will be set to `self`'s duration ## `inpoint` The `TimelineElement:in-point` value to set on the new clip ## `duration` The `TimelineElement:duration` value to set on the new clip ## `track_types` The `Clip:supported-formats` to set on the the new clip, or `TrackType::Unknown` to use the default # Returns The newly created clip. See `LayerExt::add_clip_full`, which also gives an error. ## `clip` The clip to add # Returns `true` if `clip` was properly added to `self`, or `false` if `self` refused to add `clip`. Adds the given clip to the layer. If the method succeeds, the layer will take ownership of the clip. This method will fail and return `false` if `clip` already resides in some layer. It can also fail if the additional clip breaks some compositional rules (see `TimelineElement`). Feature: `v1_18` ## `clip` The clip to add # Returns `true` if `clip` was properly added to `self`, or `false` if `self` refused to add `clip`. Gets whether the layer is active for the given track. See `LayerExt::set_active_for_tracks`. ## `track` The `Track` to check if `self` is currently active for # Returns `true` if `self` is active for `track`, or `false` otherwise. Gets the `Layer:auto-transition` of the layer. # Returns `true` if transitions are automatically added to `self`. Get the `Clip`-s contained in this layer. # Returns A list of clips in `self`. Gets the clips within the layer that appear between `start` and `end`. ## `start` Start of the interval ## `end` End of the interval # Returns A list of `Clip`-s that intersect the interval `[start, end)` in `self`. Retrieves the duration of the layer, which is the difference between the start of the layer (always time 0) and the end (which will be the end time of the final clip). # Returns The duration of `self`. Get the priority of the layer. When inside a timeline, this is its index in the timeline. See `TimelineExt::move_layer`. # Returns The priority of `self` within its timeline. Gets the timeline that the layer is a part of. # Returns The timeline that `self` is currently part of, or `None` if it is not associated with any timeline. Convenience method to check if the layer is empty (doesn't contain any `Clip`), or not. # Returns `true` if `self` is empty, `false` if it contains at least one clip. Removes the given clip from the layer. ## `clip` The clip to remove # Returns `true` if `clip` was removed from `self`, or `false` if the operation failed. Activate or deactivate track elements in `tracks` (or in all tracks if `tracks` is `None`). When a layer is deactivated for a track, all the `TrackElement`-s in the track that belong to a `Clip` in the layer will no longer be active in the track, regardless of their individual `TrackElement:active` value. Note that by default a layer will be active for all of its timeline's tracks. ## `active` Whether elements in `tracks` should be active or not ## `tracks` The list of tracks `self` should be (de-)active in, or `None` to include all the tracks in the `self`'s timeline # Returns `true` if the operation worked `false` otherwise. Sets `Layer:auto-transition` for the layer. Use `TimelineExt::set_auto_transition` if you want all layers within a `Timeline` to have `Layer:auto-transition` set to `true`. Use this method if you want different values for different layers (and make sure to keep `Timeline:auto-transition` as `false` for the corresponding timeline). ## `auto_transition` Whether transitions should be automatically added to the layer Sets the layer to the given priority. See `Layer:priority`. # Deprecated since 1.16 use `TimelineExt::move_layer` instead. This deprecation means that you will not need to handle layer priorities at all yourself, GES will make sure there is never 'gaps' between layer priorities. ## `priority` The priority to set Will be emitted whenever the layer is activated or deactivated for some `Track`. See `LayerExt::set_active_for_tracks`. ## `active` Whether `layer` has been made active or de-active in the `tracks` ## `tracks` A list of `Track` which have been activated or deactivated Will be emitted after the clip is added to the layer. ## `clip` The clip that was added Will be emitted after the clip is removed from the layer. ## `clip` The clip that was removed Whether to automatically create a `TransitionClip` whenever two `Source`-s that both belong to a `Clip` in the layer overlap. See `Timeline` for what counts as an overlap. When a layer is added to a `Timeline`, if this property is left as `false`, but the timeline's `Timeline:auto-transition` is `true`, it will be set to `true` as well. Whether to automatically create a `TransitionClip` whenever two `Source`-s that both belong to a `Clip` in the layer overlap. See `Timeline` for what counts as an overlap. When a layer is added to a `Timeline`, if this property is left as `false`, but the timeline's `Timeline:auto-transition` is `true`, it will be set to `true` as well. The priority of the layer in the `Timeline`. 0 is the highest priority. Conceptually, a timeline is a stack of layers, and the priority of the layer represents its position in the stack. Two layers should not have the same priority within a given GESTimeline. Note that the timeline needs to be committed (with `TimelineExt::commit`) for the change to be taken into account. # Deprecated since 1.16 use `TimelineExt::move_layer` instead. This deprecation means that you will not need to handle layer priorities at all yourself, GES will make sure there is never 'gaps' between layer priorities. The priority of the layer in the `Timeline`. 0 is the highest priority. Conceptually, a timeline is a stack of layers, and the priority of the layer represents its position in the stack. Two layers should not have the same priority within a given GESTimeline. Note that the timeline needs to be committed (with `TimelineExt::commit`) for the change to be taken into account. # Deprecated since 1.16 use `TimelineExt::move_layer` instead. This deprecation means that you will not need to handle layer priorities at all yourself, GES will make sure there is never 'gaps' between layer priorities. A `Pipeline` can take an audio-video `Timeline` and conveniently link its `Track`-s to an internal `playsink` element, for preview/playback, and an internal `encodebin` element, for rendering. You can switch between these modes using `GESPipelineExt::set_mode`. You can choose the specific audio and video sinks used for previewing the timeline by setting the `Pipeline:audio-sink` and `Pipeline:video-sink` properties. You can set the encoding and save location used in rendering by calling `GESPipelineExt::set_render_settings`. # Implements [`GESPipelineExt`](trait.GESPipelineExt.html), [`gst::PipelineExt`](../gst/trait.PipelineExt.html), [`gst::ElementExt`](../gst/trait.ElementExt.html), [`gst::ObjectExt`](../gst/trait.ObjectExt.html), [`glib::object::ObjectExt`](../glib/object/trait.ObjectExt.html) Trait containing all `Pipeline` methods. # Implementors [`Pipeline`](struct.Pipeline.html) Creates a new pipeline. # Returns The newly created pipeline. Gets the `Pipeline:mode` of the pipeline. # Returns The current mode of `self`. Gets a sample from the pipeline of the currently displayed image in preview, in the specified format. Note that if you use "ANY" caps for `caps`, then the current format of the image is used. You can retrieve these caps from the returned sample with `gst::Sample::get_caps`. ## `caps` Some caps to specifying the desired format, or `GST_CAPS_ANY` to use the native format # Returns A sample of `self`'s current image preview in the format given by `caps`, or `None` if an error prevented fetching the sample. Gets a sample from the pipeline of the currently displayed image in preview, in the 24-bit "RGB" format and of the desired width and height. See `GESPipelineExt::get_thumbnail`. ## `width` The requested pixel width of the image, or -1 to use the native size ## `height` The requested pixel height of the image, or -1 to use the native size # Returns A sample of `self`'s current image preview in the "RGB" format, scaled to `width` and `height`, or `None` if an error prevented fetching the sample. Gets the `Pipeline:audio-sink` of the pipeline. # Returns The audio sink used by `self` for preview. Gets the `Pipeline:video-sink` of the pipeline. # Returns The video sink used by `self` for preview. Sets the `Pipeline:audio-sink` of the pipeline. ## `sink` A audio sink for `self` to use for preview Sets the `Pipeline:video-sink` of the pipeline. ## `sink` A video sink for `self` to use for preview Saves the currently displayed image of the pipeline in preview to the given location, in the specified dimensions and format. ## `width` The requested pixel width of the image, or -1 to use the native size ## `height` The requested pixel height of the image, or -1 to use the native size ## `format` The desired mime type (for example, "image/jpeg") ## `location` The path to save the thumbnail to # Returns `true` if `self`'s current image preview was successfully saved to `location` using the given `format`, `height` and `width`. Sets the `Pipeline:mode` of the pipeline. Note that the pipeline will be set to `gst::State::Null` during this call to perform the necessary changes. You will need to set the state again yourself after calling this. ## `mode` The mode to set for `self` # Returns `true` if the mode of `self` was successfully set to `mode`. Specifies the encoding to be used by the pipeline to render its `Pipeline:timeline`, and where the result should be written to. This method **must** be called before setting the pipeline mode to `PipelineFlags::Render`. ## `output_uri` The URI to save the `Pipeline:timeline` rendering result to ## `profile` The encoding to use for rendering the `Pipeline:timeline` # Returns `true` if the settings were successfully set on `self`. Takes the given timeline and sets it as the `Pipeline:timeline` for the pipeline. Note that you should only call this method once on a given pipeline because a pipeline can not have its `Pipeline:timeline` changed after it has been set. ## `timeline` The timeline to set for `self` # Returns `true` if `timeline` was successfully given to `self`. The audio filter(s) to apply during playback in preview mode, immediately before the `Pipeline:audio-sink`. This exposes the `playsink:audio-filter` property of the internal `playsink`. The audio filter(s) to apply during playback in preview mode, immediately before the `Pipeline:audio-sink`. This exposes the `playsink:audio-filter` property of the internal `playsink`. The audio sink used for preview. This exposes the `playsink:audio-sink` property of the internal `playsink`. The audio sink used for preview. This exposes the `playsink:audio-sink` property of the internal `playsink`. The pipeline's mode. In preview mode (for audio or video, or both) the pipeline can display the timeline's content to an end user. In rendering mode the pipeline can encode the timeline's content and save it to a file. The pipeline's mode. In preview mode (for audio or video, or both) the pipeline can display the timeline's content to an end user. In rendering mode the pipeline can encode the timeline's content and save it to a file. The timeline used by this pipeline, whose content it will play and render, or `None` if the pipeline does not yet have a timeline. Note that after you set the timeline for the first time, subsequent calls to change the timeline will fail. The timeline used by this pipeline, whose content it will play and render, or `None` if the pipeline does not yet have a timeline. Note that after you set the timeline for the first time, subsequent calls to change the timeline will fail. The video filter(s) to apply during playback in preview mode, immediately before the `Pipeline:video-sink`. This exposes the `playsink:video-filter` property of the internal `playsink`. The video filter(s) to apply during playback in preview mode, immediately before the `Pipeline:video-sink`. This exposes the `playsink:video-filter` property of the internal `playsink`. The video sink used for preview. This exposes the `playsink:video-sink` property of the internal `playsink`. The video sink used for preview. This exposes the `playsink:video-sink` property of the internal `playsink`. The `Project` is used to control a set of `Asset` and is a `Asset` with `GES_TYPE_TIMELINE` as `extractable_type` itself. That means that you can extract `Timeline` from a project as followed: ```text GESProject *project; GESTimeline *timeline; project = ges_project_new ("file:///path/to/a/valid/project/uri"); // Here you can connect to the various signal to get more infos about // what is happening and recover from errors if possible ... timeline = ges_asset_extract (GES_ASSET (project)); ``` The `Project` class offers a higher level API to handle `Asset`-s. It lets you request new asset, and it informs you about new assets through a set of signals. Also it handles problem such as missing files/missing `gst::Element` and lets you try to recover from those. ## Subprojects In order to add a subproject, the only thing to do is to add the subproject to the main project: ``` c ges_project_add_asset (project, GES_ASSET (subproject)); ``` then the subproject will be serialized in the project files. To use the subproject in a timeline, you should use a `UriClip` with the same subproject URI. When loading a project with subproject, subprojects URIs will be temporary writable local files. If you want to edit the subproject timeline, you should retrieve the subproject from the parent project asset list and extract the timeline with `AssetExt::extract` and save it at the same temporary location. # Implements [`ProjectExt`](trait.ProjectExt.html), [`AssetExt`](trait.AssetExt.html), [`glib::object::ObjectExt`](../glib/object/trait.ObjectExt.html) Trait containing all `Project` methods. # Implementors [`Project`](struct.Project.html) Creates a new `Project` and sets its uri to `uri` if provided. Note that if `uri` is not valid or `None`, the uri of the project will then be set the first time you save the project. If you then save the project to other locations, it will never be updated again and the first valid URI is the URI it will keep refering to. ## `uri` The uri to be set after creating the project. # Returns A newly created `Project` Adds a `Asset` to `self`, the project will keep a reference on `asset`. ## `asset` A `Asset` to add to `self` # Returns `true` if the asset could be added `false` it was already in the project Adds `profile` to the project. It lets you save in what format the project has been renders and keep a reference to those formats. Also, those formats will be saves to the project file when possible. ## `profile` A `gst_pbutils::EncodingProfile` to add to the project. If a profile with the same name already exists, it will be replaced # Returns `true` if `profile` could be added, `false` otherwize Adds a formatter as used to load `self` Feature: `v1_18` ## `formatter` A formatter used by `self` Create and add a `Asset` to `self`. You should connect to the "asset-added" signal to get the asset when it finally gets added to `self` ## `id` The id of the asset to create and add to `self` ## `extractable_type` The `glib::Type` of the asset to create # Returns `true` if the asset started to be added `false` it was already in the project Create and add a `Asset` to `self`. You should connect to the "asset-added" signal to get the asset when it finally gets added to `self` ## `id` The id of the asset to create and add to `self` ## `extractable_type` The `glib::Type` of the asset to create # Returns The newly created `Asset` or `None`. ## `id` The id of the asset to retrieve ## `extractable_type` The extractable_type of the asset to retrieve from `object` # Returns The `Asset` with `id` or `None` if no asset with `id` as an ID Get the assets that are being loaded # Returns A set of loading asset that will be added to `self`. Note that those Asset are *not* loaded yet, and thus can not be used Retrieve the uri that is currently set on `self` # Returns a newly allocated string representing uri. List all `asset` contained in `self` filtering per extractable_type as defined by `filter`. It copies the asset and thus will not be updated in time. ## `filter` Type of assets to list, `GES_TYPE_EXTRACTABLE` will list all assets # Returns The list of `Asset` the object contains Lists the encoding profile that have been set to `self`. The first one is the latest added. # Returns The list of `gst_pbutils::EncodingProfile` used in `self` Loads `self` into `timeline` ## `timeline` A blank timeline to load `self` into # Returns `true` if the project could be loaded `false` otherwize. remove a `asset` to from `self`. ## `asset` A `Asset` to remove from `self` # Returns `true` if the asset could be removed `false` otherwise Save the timeline of `self` to `uri`. You should make sure that `timeline` is one of the timelines that have been extracted from `self` (using ges_asset_extract (`self`);) ## `timeline` The `Timeline` to save, it must have been extracted from `self` ## `uri` The uri where to save `self` and `timeline` ## `formatter_asset` The formatter asset to use or `None`. If `None`, will try to save in the same format as the one from which the timeline as been loaded or default to the best formatter as defined in `ges_find_formatter_for_uri` ## `overwrite` `true` to overwrite file if it exists # Returns `true` if the project could be save, `false` otherwize ## `asset` The `Asset` that has been added to `project` ## `asset` The `Asset` that started loading ## `asset` The `Asset` that has been removed from `project` Feature: `v1_18` ## `timeline` The timeline that failed loading ## `error` The `glib::Error` defining the error that occured Informs you that a `Asset` could not be created. In case of missing GStreamer plugins, the error will be set to `GST_CORE_ERROR` `gst::CoreError::MissingPlugin` ## `error` The `glib::Error` defining the error that occured, might be `None` ## `id` The `id` of the asset that failed loading ## `extractable_type` The `extractable_type` of the asset that failed loading ## `timeline` The `Timeline` that completed loading Feature: `v1_18` ## `timeline` The `Timeline` that started loading ```text static gchar source_moved_cb (GESProject *project, GError *error, GESAsset *asset_with_error) { return g_strdup ("file:///the/new/uri.ogg"); } static int main (int argc, gchar ** argv) { GESTimeline *timeline; GESProject *project = ges_project_new ("file:///some/uri.xges"); g_signal_connect (project, "missing-uri", source_moved_cb, NULL); timeline = ges_asset_extract (GES_ASSET (project)); } ``` ## `error` The error that happened ## `wrong_asset` The asset with the wrong ID, you should us it and its content only to find out what the new location is. # Returns The new URI of `wrong_asset` `Timeline` is the central object for any multimedia timeline. A timeline is composed of a set of `Track`-s and a set of `Layer`-s, which are added to the timeline using `TimelineExt::add_track` and `TimelineExt::append_layer`, respectively. The contained tracks define the supported types of the timeline and provide the media output. Essentially, each track provides an additional source `gst::Pad`. Most usage of a timeline will likely only need a single `AudioTrack` and/or a single `VideoTrack`. You can create such a timeline with `Timeline::new_audio_video`. After this, you are unlikely to need to work with the tracks directly. A timeline's layers contain `Clip`-s, which in turn control the creation of `TrackElement`-s, which are added to the timeline's tracks. See `Timeline::select-tracks-for-object` if you wish to have more control over which track a clip's elements are added to. The layers are ordered, with higher priority layers having their content prioritised in the tracks. This ordering can be changed using `TimelineExt::move_layer`. ## Editing See `TimelineElement` for the various ways the elements of a timeline can be edited. If you change the timing or ordering of a timeline's `TimelineElement`-s, then these changes will not actually be taken into account in the output of the timeline's tracks until the `TimelineExt::commit` method is called. This allows you to move its elements around, say, in response to an end user's mouse dragging, with little expense before finalising their effect on the produced data. ## Overlaps and Auto-Transitions There are certain restrictions placed on how `Source`-s may overlap in a `Track` that belongs to a timeline. These will be enforced by GES, so the user will not need to keep track of them, but they should be aware that certain edits will be refused as a result if the overlap rules would be broken. Consider two `Source`-s, `A` and `B`, with start times `startA` and `startB`, and end times `endA` and `endB`, respectively. The start time refers to their `TimelineElement:start`, and the end time is their `TimelineElement:start` + `TimelineElement:duration`. These two sources *overlap* if: + they share the same `TrackElement:track` (non `None`), which belongs to the timeline; + they share the same `GES_TIMELINE_ELEMENT_LAYER_PRIORITY`; and + `startA < endB` and `startB < endA `. Note that when `startA = endB` or `startB = endA` then the two sources will *touch* at their edges, but are not considered overlapping. If, in addition, `startA < startB < endA`, then we can say that the end of `A` overlaps the start of `B`. If, instead, `startA <= startB` and `endA >= endB`, then we can say that `A` fully overlaps `B`. The overlap rules for a timeline are that: 1. One source cannot fully overlap another source. 2. A source can only overlap the end of up to one other source at its start. 3. A source can only overlap the start of up to one other source at its end. The last two rules combined essentially mean that at any given timeline position, only up to two `Source`-s may overlap at that position. So triple or more overlaps are not allowed. If you switch on `Timeline:auto-transition`, then at any moment when the end of one source (the first source) overlaps the start of another (the second source), a `TransitionClip` will be automatically created for the pair in the same layer and it will cover their overlap. If the two elements are edited in a way such that the end of the first source no longer overlaps the start of the second, the transition will be automatically removed from the timeline. However, if the two sources still overlap at the same edges after the edit, then the same transition object will be kept, but with its timing and layer adjusted accordingly. ## Saving To save/load a timeline, you can use the `TimelineExt::load_from_uri` and `TimelineExt::save_to_uri` methods that use the default format. ## Playing A timeline is a `gst::Bin` with a source `gst::Pad` for each of its tracks, which you can fetch with `TimelineExt::get_pad_for_track`. You will likely want to link these to some compatible sink `gst::Element`-s to be able to play or capture the content of the timeline. You can use a `Pipeline` to easily preview/play the timeline's content, or render it to a file. # Implements [`TimelineExt`](trait.TimelineExt.html), [`gst::ElementExt`](../gst/trait.ElementExt.html), [`gst::ObjectExt`](../gst/trait.ObjectExt.html), [`glib::object::ObjectExt`](../glib/object/trait.ObjectExt.html), [`ExtractableExt`](trait.ExtractableExt.html) Trait containing all `Timeline` methods. # Implementors [`Timeline`](struct.Timeline.html) Creates a new empty timeline. # Returns The new timeline. Creates a new timeline containing a single `AudioTrack` and a single `VideoTrack`. # Returns The new timeline, or `None` if the tracks could not be created and added. Creates a timeline from the given URI. ## `uri` The URI to load from # Returns A new timeline if the uri was loaded successfully, or `None` if the uri could not be loaded. Add a layer to the timeline. If the layer contains `Clip`-s, then this may trigger the creation of their core track element children for the timeline's tracks, and the placement of the clip's children in the tracks of the timeline using `Timeline::select-tracks-for-object`. Some errors may occur if this would break one of the configuration rules of the timeline in one of its tracks. In such cases, some track elements would fail to be added to their tracks, but this method would still return `true`. As such, it is advised that you only add clips to layers that already part of a timeline. In such situations, `LayerExt::add_clip` is able to fail if adding the clip would cause such an error. # Deprecated since 1.18 This method requires you to ensure the layer's `Layer:priority` will be unique to the timeline. Use `TimelineExt::append_layer` and `TimelineExt::move_layer` instead. ## `layer` The layer to add # Returns `true` if `layer` was properly added. Add a track to the timeline. If the timeline already contains clips, then this may trigger the creation of their core track element children for the track, and the placement of the clip's children in the track of the timeline using `Timeline::select-tracks-for-object`. Some errors may occur if this would break one of the configuration rules for the timeline in the track. In such cases, some track elements would fail to be added to the track, but this method would still return `true`. As such, it is advised that you avoid adding tracks to timelines that already contain clips. ## `track` The track to add # Returns `true` if `track` was properly added. Append a newly created layer to the timeline. The layer will be added at the lowest `Layer:priority` (numerically, the highest). # Returns The newly created layer. Commit all the pending changes of the clips contained in the timeline. When changes happen in a timeline, they are not immediately executed internally, in a way that effects the output data of the timeline. You should call this method when you are done with a set of changes and you want them to be executed. Any pending changes will be executed in the backend. The `Timeline::commited` signal will be emitted once this has completed. You should not try to change the state of the timeline, seek it or add tracks to it before receiving this signal. You can use `TimelineExt::commit_sync` if you do not want to perform other tasks in the mean time. Note that all the pending changes will automatically be executed when the timeline goes from `gst::State::Ready` to `gst::State::Paused`, which is usually triggered by a corresponding state changes in a containing `Pipeline`. # Returns `true` if pending changes were committed, or `false` if nothing needed to be committed. Commit all the pending changes of the clips contained in the timeline and wait for the changes to complete. See `TimelineExt::commit`. # Returns `true` if pending changes were committed, or `false` if nothing needed to be committed. Gets `Timeline:auto-transition` for the timeline. # Returns The auto-transition of `self_`. Get the current `Timeline:duration` of the timeline # Returns The current duration of `self`. Gets the element contained in the timeline with the given name. ## `name` The name of the element to find # Returns The timeline element in `self` with the given `name`, or `None` if it was not found. This method allows you to convert a timeline `gst::ClockTime` into its corresponding `FrameNumber` in the timeline's output. ## `timestamp` The timestamp to get the corresponding frame number of # Returns The frame number `timestamp` corresponds to. This method allows you to convert a timeline output frame number into a timeline `gst::ClockTime`. For example, this time could be used to seek to a particular frame in the timeline's output, or as the edit position for an element within the timeline. ## `frame_number` The frame number to get the corresponding timestamp of in the timeline coordinates # Returns The timestamp corresponding to `frame_number` in the output of `self`. Get the list of `Group`-s present in the timeline. # Returns The list of groups that contain clips present in `self`'s layers. Must not be changed. Retrieve the layer whose index in the timeline matches the given priority. ## `priority` The priority/index of the layer to find # Returns The layer with the given `priority`, or `None` if none was found. Since 1.6 Get the list of `Layer`-s present in the timeline. # Returns The list of layers present in `self` sorted by priority. Search for the `gst::Pad` corresponding to the given timeline's track. You can link to this pad to receive the output data of the given track. ## `track` A track # Returns The pad corresponding to `track`, or `None` if there is an error. Gets the `Timeline:snapping-distance` for the timeline. # Returns The snapping distance (in nanoseconds) of `self`. Search for the `Track` corresponding to the given timeline's pad. ## `pad` A pad # Returns The track corresponding to `pad`, or `None` if there is an error. Get the list of `Track`-s used by the timeline. # Returns The list of tracks used by `self`. Check whether the timeline is empty or not. # Returns `true` if `self` is empty. Loads the contents of URI into the timeline. ## `uri` The URI to load from # Returns `true` if the timeline was loaded successfully from `uri`. Moves a layer within the timeline to the index given by `new_layer_priority`. An index of 0 corresponds to the layer with the highest priority in a timeline. If `new_layer_priority` is greater than the number of layers present in the timeline, it will become the lowest priority layer. Feature: `v1_16` ## `layer` A layer within `self`, whose priority should be changed ## `new_layer_priority` The new index for `layer` Paste an element inside the timeline. `element` **must** be the return of `TimelineElementExt::copy` with `deep=TRUE`, and it should not be changed before pasting. `element` itself is not placed in the timeline, instead a new element is created, alike to the originally copied element. Note that the originally copied element must also lie within `self`, at both the point of copying and pasting. Pasting may fail if it would place the timeline in an unsupported configuration. After calling this function `element` should not be used. In particular, `element` can **not** be pasted again. Instead, you can copy the returned element and paste that copy (although, this is only possible if the paste was successful). See also `TimelineElementExt::paste`. ## `element` The element to paste ## `position` The position in the timeline `element` should be pasted to, i.e. the `TimelineElement:start` value for the pasted element. ## `layer_priority` The layer into which the element should be pasted. -1 means paste to the same layer from which `element` has been copied from # Returns The newly created element, or `None` if pasting fails. Removes a layer from the timeline. ## `layer` The layer to remove # Returns `true` if `layer` was properly removed. Remove a track from the timeline. ## `track` The track to remove # Returns `true` if `track` was properly removed. Saves the timeline to the given location. If `formatter_asset` is `None`, the method will attempt to save in the same format the timeline was loaded from, before defaulting to the formatter with highest rank. ## `uri` The location to save to ## `formatter_asset` The formatter asset to use, or `None` ## `overwrite` `true` to overwrite file if it exists # Returns `true` if `self` was successfully saved to `uri`. Sets `Timeline:auto-transition` for the timeline. This will also set the corresponding `Layer:auto-transition` for all of the timeline's layers to the same value. See `LayerExt::set_auto_transition` if you wish to set the layer's `Layer:auto-transition` individually. ## `auto_transition` Whether transitions should be automatically added to `self`'s layers Sets `Timeline:snapping-distance` for the timeline. This new value will only effect future snappings and will not be used to snap the current element positions within the timeline. ## `snapping_distance` The snapping distance to use (in nanoseconds) This signal will be emitted once the changes initiated by `TimelineExt::commit` have been executed in the backend. Use `TimelineExt::commit_sync` if you do not want to have to connect to this signal. Will be emitted after the group is added to to the timeline. This can happen when grouping with `ges_container_group`, or by adding containers to a newly created group. Note that this should not be emitted whilst a timeline is being loaded from its `Project` asset. You should connect to the project's `Project::loaded` signal if you want to know which groups were created for the timeline. ## `group` The group that was added to `timeline` Will be emitted after the group is removed from the timeline through `ges_container_ungroup`. Note that `group` will no longer contain its former children, these are held in `children`. Note that if a group is emptied, then it will no longer belong to the timeline, but this signal will **not** be emitted in such a case. ## `group` The group that was removed from `timeline` ## `children` A list of `Container`-s that _were_ the children of the removed `group` Will be emitted after the layer is added to the timeline. Note that this should not be emitted whilst a timeline is being loaded from its `Project` asset. You should connect to the project's `Project::loaded` signal if you want to know which layers were created for the timeline. ## `layer` The layer that was added to `timeline` Will be emitted after the layer is removed from the timeline. ## `layer` The layer that was removed from `timeline` This will be emitted whenever the timeline needs to determine which tracks a clip's children should be added to. The track element will be added to each of the tracks given in the return. If a track element is selected to go into multiple tracks, it will be copied into the additional tracks, under the same clip. Note that the copy will *not* keep its properties or state in sync with the original. Connect to this signal once if you wish to control which element should be added to which track. Doing so will overwrite the default behaviour, which adds `track_element` to all tracks whose `Track:track-type` includes the `track_element`'s `TrackElement:track-type`. Note that under the default track selection, if a clip would produce multiple core children of the same `TrackType`, it will choose one of the core children arbitrarily to place in the corresponding tracks, with a warning for the other core children that are not placed in the track. For example, this would happen for a `UriClip` that points to a file that contains multiple audio streams. If you wish to choose the stream, you could connect to this signal, and use, say, `UriSourceAssetExt::get_stream_info` to choose which core source to add. When a clip is first added to a timeline, its core elements will be created for the current tracks in the timeline if they have not already been created. Then this will be emitted for each of these core children to select which tracks, if any, they should be added to. It will then be called for any non-core children in the clip. In addition, if a new track element is ever added to a clip in a timeline (and it is not already part of a track) this will be emitted to select which tracks the element should be added to. Finally, as a special case, if a track is added to the timeline *after* it already contains clips, then it will request the creation of the clips' core elements of the corresponding type, if they have not already been created, and this signal will be emitted for each of these newly created elements. In addition, this will also be released for all other track elements in the timeline's clips that have not yet been assigned a track. However, in this final case, the timeline will only check whether the newly added track appears in the track list. If it does appear, the track element will be added to the newly added track. All other tracks in the returned track list are ignored. In this latter case, track elements that are already part of a track will not be asked if they want to be copied into the new track. If you wish to do this, you can use `ClipExt::add_child_to_track`. Note that the returned `glib::PtrArray` should own a new reference to each of its contained `Track`. The timeline will set the `GDestroyNotify` free function on the `glib::PtrArray` to dereference the elements. ## `clip` The clip that `track_element` is being added to ## `track_element` The element being added # Returns An array of `Track`-s that `track_element` should be added to, or `None` to not add the element to any track. Will be emitted whenever a snapping event ends. After a snap event has started (see `Timeline::snapping-started`), it can later end because either another timeline edit has occurred (which may or may not have created a new snapping event), or because the timeline has been committed. ## `obj1` The first element that was snapping ## `obj2` The second element that was snapping ## `position` The position where the two objects were to be snapped to Will be emitted whenever an element's movement invokes a snapping event during an edit (usually of one of its ancestors) because its start or end point lies within the `Timeline:snapping-distance` of another element's start or end point. See `EditMode` to see what can snap during an edit. Note that only up to one snapping-started signal will be emitted per element edit within a timeline. ## `obj1` The first element that is snapping ## `obj2` The second element that is snapping ## `position` The position where the two objects will snap to Will be emitted after the track is added to the timeline. Note that this should not be emitted whilst a timeline is being loaded from its `Project` asset. You should connect to the project's `Project::loaded` signal if you want to know which tracks were created for the timeline. ## `track` The track that was added to `timeline` Will be emitted after the track is removed from the timeline. ## `track` The track that was removed from `timeline` Whether to automatically create a transition whenever two `Source`-s overlap in a track of the timeline. See `Layer:auto-transition` if you want this to only happen in some layers. Whether to automatically create a transition whenever two `Source`-s overlap in a track of the timeline. See `Layer:auto-transition` if you want this to only happen in some layers. The current duration (in nanoseconds) of the timeline. A timeline 'starts' at time 0, so this is the maximum end time of all of its `TimelineElement`-s. The distance (in nanoseconds) at which a `TimelineElement` being moved within the timeline should snap one of its `Source`-s with another `Source`-s edge. See `EditMode` for which edges can snap during an edit. 0 means no snapping. The distance (in nanoseconds) at which a `TimelineElement` being moved within the timeline should snap one of its `Source`-s with another `Source`-s edge. See `EditMode` for which edges can snap during an edit. 0 means no snapping. A `TimelineElement` will have some temporal extent in its corresponding `TimelineElement:timeline`, controlled by its `TimelineElement:start` and `TimelineElement:duration`. This determines when its content will be displayed, or its effect applied, in the timeline. Several objects may overlap within a given `Timeline`, in which case their `TimelineElement:priority` is used to determine their ordering in the timeline. Priority is mostly handled internally by `Layer`-s and `Clip`-s. A timeline element can have a `TimelineElement:parent`, such as a `Clip`, which is responsible for controlling its timing. ## Editing Elements can be moved around in their `TimelineElement:timeline` by setting their `TimelineElement:start` and `TimelineElement:duration` using `TimelineElementExt::set_start` and `TimelineElementExt::set_duration`. Additionally, which parts of the underlying content are played in the timeline can be adjusted by setting the `TimelineElement:in-point` using `TimelineElementExt::set_inpoint`. The library also provides `TimelineElementExt::edit`, with various `EditMode`-s, which can adjust these properties in a convenient way, as well as introduce similar changes in neighbouring or later elements in the timeline. However, a timeline may refuse a change in these properties if they would place the timeline in an unsupported configuration. See `Timeline` for its overlap rules. Additionally, an edit may be refused if it would place one of the timing properties out of bounds (such as a negative time value for `TimelineElement:start`, or having insufficient internal content to last for the desired `TimelineElement:duration`). ## Time Coordinates There are three main sets of time coordinates to consider when using timeline elements: + Timeline coordinates: these are the time coordinates used in the output of the timeline in its `Track`-s. Each track share the same coordinates, so there is only one set of coordinates for the timeline. These extend indefinitely from 0. The times used for editing (including setting `TimelineElement:start` and `TimelineElement:duration`) use these coordinates, since these define when an element is present and for how long the element lasts for in the timeline. + Internal source coordinates: these are the time coordinates used internally at the element's output. This is only really defined for `TrackElement`-s, where it refers to time coordinates used at the final source pad of the wrapped `gst::Element`-s. However, these coordinates may also be used in a `Clip` in reference to its children. In particular, these are the coordinates used for `TimelineElement:in-point` and `TimelineElement:max-duration`. + Internal sink coordinates: these are the time coordinates used internally at the element's input. A `Source` has no input, so these would be undefined. Otherwise, for most `TrackElement`-s these will be the same set of coordinates as the internal source coordinates because the element does not change the timing internally. Only `BaseEffect` can support elements where these are different. See `BaseEffect` for more information. You can determine the timeline time for a given internal source time in a `Track` in a `Clip` using `ClipExt::get_timeline_time_from_internal_time`, and vice versa using `ClipExt::get_internal_time_from_timeline_time`, for the purposes of editing and setting timings properties. ## Children Properties If a timeline element owns another `gst::Object` and wishes to expose some of its properties, it can do so by registering the property as one of the timeline element's children properties using `TimelineElementExt::add_child_property`. The registered property of the child can then be read and set using the `TimelineElementExt::get_child_property` and `TimelineElementExt::set_child_property` methods, respectively. Some sub-classed objects will be created with pre-registered children properties; for example, to expose part of an underlying `gst::Element` that is used internally. The registered properties can be listed with `TimelineElementExt::list_children_properties`. # Implements [`TimelineElementExt`](trait.TimelineElementExt.html), [`glib::object::ObjectExt`](../glib/object/trait.ObjectExt.html), [`ExtractableExt`](trait.ExtractableExt.html), [`TimelineElementExtManual`](prelude/trait.TimelineElementExtManual.html) Trait containing all `TimelineElement` methods. # Implementors [`Container`](struct.Container.html), [`TimelineElement`](struct.TimelineElement.html), [`TrackElement`](struct.TrackElement.html) Register a property of a child of the element to allow it to be written with `TimelineElementExt::set_child_property` and read with `TimelineElementExt::get_child_property`. A change in the property will also appear in the `TimelineElement::deep-notify` signal. `pspec` should be unique from other children properties that have been registered on `self`. ## `pspec` The specification for the property to add ## `child` The `gst::Object` who the property belongs to # Returns `true` if the property was successfully registered. Create a copy of `self`. All the properties of `self` are copied into a new element, with the exception of `TimelineElement:parent`, `TimelineElement:timeline` and `TimelineElement:name`. Other data, such the list of a `Container`'s children, is **not** copied. If `deep` is `true`, then the new element is prepared so that it can be used in `TimelineElementExt::paste` or `TimelineExt::paste_element`. In the case of copying a `Container`, this ensures that the children of `self` will also be pasted. The new element should not be used for anything else and can only be used **once** in a pasting operation. In particular, the new element itself is not an actual 'deep' copy of `self`, but should be thought of as an intermediate object used for a single paste operation. ## `deep` Whether the copy is needed for pasting # Returns The newly create element, copied from `self`. See `TimelineElementExt::edit_full`, which also gives an error. Note that the `layers` argument is currently ignored, so you should just pass `None`. Feature: `v1_18` ## `layers` A whitelist of layers where the edit can be performed, `None` allows all layers in the timeline. ## `new_layer_priority` The priority/index of the layer `self` should be moved to. -1 means no move ## `mode` The edit mode ## `edge` The edge of `self` where the edit should occur ## `position` The edit position: a new location for the edge of `self` (in nanoseconds) in the timeline coordinates # Returns `true` if the edit of `self` completed, `false` on failure. Edits the element within its timeline by adjusting its `TimelineElement:start`, `TimelineElement:duration` or `TimelineElement:in-point`, and potentially doing the same for other elements in the timeline. See `EditMode` for details about each edit mode. An edit may fail if it would place one of these properties out of bounds, or if it would place the timeline in an unsupported configuration. Note that if you act on a `TrackElement`, this will edit its parent `Clip` instead. Moreover, for any `TimelineElement`, if you select `Edge::None` for `EditMode::Normal` or `EditMode::Ripple`, this will edit the toplevel instead, but still in such a way as to make the `TimelineElement:start` of `self` reach the edit `position`. Note that if the element's timeline has a `Timeline:snapping-distance` set, then the edit position may be snapped to the edge of some element under the edited element. `new_layer_priority` can be used to switch `self`, and other elements moved by the edit, to a new layer. New layers may be be created if the the corresponding layer priority/index does not yet exist for the timeline. Feature: `v1_18` ## `new_layer_priority` The priority/index of the layer `self` should be moved to. -1 means no move ## `mode` The edit mode ## `edge` The edge of `self` where the edit should occur ## `position` The edit position: a new location for the edge of `self` (in nanoseconds) in the timeline coordinates # Returns `true` if the edit of `self` completed, `false` on failure. Gets several of the children properties of the element. See `TimelineElementExt::get_child_property`. ## `first_property_name` The name of the first child property to get Gets the property of a child of the element. `property_name` can either be in the format "prop-name" or "TypeName::prop-name", where "prop-name" is the name of the property to get (as used in `gobject::ObjectExt::get`), and "TypeName" is the type name of the child (as returned by G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME()). The latter format is useful when two children of different types share the same property name. The first child found with the given "prop-name" property that was registered with `TimelineElementExt::add_child_property` (and of the type "TypeName", if it was given) will have the corresponding property copied into `value`. Note that `TimelineElementExt::get_child_properties` may be more convenient for C programming. ## `property_name` The name of the child property to get ## `value` The return location for the value # Returns `true` if the property was found and copied to `value`. Gets the property of a child of the element. Specifically, the property corresponding to the `pspec` used in `TimelineElementExt::add_child_property` is copied into `value`. ## `pspec` The specification of a registered child property to get ## `value` The return location for the value Gets several of the children properties of the element. See `TimelineElementExt::get_child_property`. ## `first_property_name` The name of the first child property to get ## `var_args` The return location for the first property, followed optionally by more name/return location pairs, followed by `None` Gets the `TimelineElement:duration` for the element. # Returns The duration of `self` (in nanoseconds). Gets the `TimelineElement:in-point` for the element. # Returns The in-point of `self` (in nanoseconds). Gets the priority of the layer the element is in. A `Group` may span several layers, so this would return the highest priority (numerically, the smallest) amongst them. Feature: `v1_16` # Returns The priority of the layer `self` is in, or `GES_TIMELINE_ELEMENT_NO_LAYER_PRIORITY` if `self` does not exist in a layer. Gets the `TimelineElement:max-duration` for the element. # Returns The max-duration of `self` (in nanoseconds). Gets the `TimelineElement:name` for the element. # Returns The name of `self`. Get the "natural" framerate of `self`. This is to say, for example for a `VideoUriSource` the framerate of the source. Note that a `AudioSource` may also have a natural framerate if it derives from the same `SourceClip` asset as a `VideoSource`, and its value will be that of the video source. For example, if the uri of a `UriClip` points to a file that contains both a video and audio stream, then the corresponding `AudioUriSource` will share the natural framerate of the corresponding `VideoUriSource`. Feature: `v1_18` ## `framerate_n` The framerate numerator ## `framerate_d` The framerate denominator # Returns Whether `self` has a natural framerate or not, `framerate_n` and `framerate_d` will be set to, respectively, 0 and -1 if it is not the case. Gets the `TimelineElement:parent` for the element. # Returns The parent of `self`, or `None` if `self` has no parent. Gets the `TimelineElement:priority` for the element. # Returns The priority of `self`. Gets the `TimelineElement:start` for the element. # Returns The start of `self` (in nanoseconds). Gets the `TimelineElement:timeline` for the element. # Returns The timeline of `self`, or `None` if `self` has no timeline. Gets the toplevel `TimelineElement:parent` of the element. # Returns The toplevel parent of `self`. Gets the track types that the element can interact with, i.e. the type of `Track` it can exist in, or will create `TrackElement`-s for. # Returns The track types that `self` supports. Get a list of children properties of the element, which is a list of all the specifications passed to `TimelineElementExt::add_child_property`. ## `n_properties` The return location for the length of the returned array # Returns An array of `gobject::ParamSpec` corresponding to the child properties of `self`, or `None` if something went wrong. Looks up a child property of the element. `prop_name` can either be in the format "prop-name" or "TypeName::prop-name", where "prop-name" is the name of the property to look up (as used in `gobject::ObjectExt::get`), and "TypeName" is the type name of the child (as returned by G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME()). The latter format is useful when two children of different types share the same property name. The first child found with the given "prop-name" property that was registered with `TimelineElementExt::add_child_property` (and of the type "TypeName", if it was given) will be passed to `child`, and the registered specification of this property will be passed to `pspec`. ## `prop_name` The name of a child property ## `child` The return location for the found child ## `pspec` The return location for the specification of the child property # Returns `true` if a child corresponding to the property was found, in which case `child` and `pspec` are set. Paste an element inside the same timeline and layer as `self`. `self` **must** be the return of `TimelineElementExt::copy` with `deep=TRUE`, and it should not be changed before pasting. `self` is not placed in the timeline, instead a new element is created, alike to the originally copied element. Note that the originally copied element must stay within the same timeline and layer, at both the point of copying and pasting. Pasting may fail if it would place the timeline in an unsupported configuration. After calling this function `element` should not be used. In particular, `element` can **not** be pasted again. Instead, you can copy the returned element and paste that copy (although, this is only possible if the paste was successful). See also `TimelineExt::paste_element`. ## `paste_position` The position in the timeline `element` should be pasted to, i.e. the `TimelineElement:start` value for the pasted element. # Returns The newly created element, or `None` if pasting fails. Remove a child property from the element. `pspec` should be a specification that was passed to `TimelineElementExt::add_child_property`. The corresponding property will no longer be registered as a child property for the element. ## `pspec` The specification for the property to remove # Returns `true` if the property was successfully un-registered for `self`. Edits the start time of an element within its timeline in ripple mode. See `TimelineElementExt::edit` with `EditMode::Ripple` and `Edge::None`. ## `start` The new start time of `self` in ripple mode # Returns `true` if the ripple edit of `self` completed, `false` on failure. Edits the end time of an element within its timeline in ripple mode. See `TimelineElementExt::edit` with `EditMode::Ripple` and `Edge::End`. ## `end` The new end time of `self` in ripple mode # Returns `true` if the ripple edit of `self` completed, `false` on failure. Edits the end time of an element within its timeline in roll mode. See `TimelineElementExt::edit` with `EditMode::Roll` and `Edge::End`. ## `end` The new end time of `self` in roll mode # Returns `true` if the roll edit of `self` completed, `false` on failure. Edits the start time of an element within its timeline in roll mode. See `TimelineElementExt::edit` with `EditMode::Roll` and `Edge::Start`. ## `start` The new start time of `self` in roll mode # Returns `true` if the roll edit of `self` completed, `false` on failure. Sets several of the children properties of the element. See `TimelineElementExt::set_child_property`. ## `first_property_name` The name of the first child property to set See `TimelineElementExt::set_child_property_full`, which also gives an error. Note that `TimelineElementExt::set_child_properties` may be more convenient for C programming. ## `property_name` The name of the child property to set ## `value` The value to set the property to # Returns `true` if the property was found and set. Sets the property of a child of the element. Specifically, the property corresponding to the `pspec` used in `TimelineElementExt::add_child_property` is set to `value`. ## `pspec` The specification of a registered child property to set ## `value` The value to set the property to Sets the property of a child of the element. `property_name` can either be in the format "prop-name" or "TypeName::prop-name", where "prop-name" is the name of the property to set (as used in `gobject::ObjectExt::set`), and "TypeName" is the type name of the child (as returned by G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME()). The latter format is useful when two children of different types share the same property name. The first child found with the given "prop-name" property that was registered with `TimelineElementExt::add_child_property` (and of the type "TypeName", if it was given) will have the corresponding property set to `value`. Other children that may have also matched the property name (and type name) are left unchanged! Feature: `v1_18` ## `property_name` The name of the child property to set ## `value` The value to set the property to # Returns `true` if the property was found and set. Sets several of the children properties of the element. See `TimelineElementExt::set_child_property`. ## `first_property_name` The name of the first child property to set ## `var_args` The value for the first property, followed optionally by more name/value pairs, followed by `None` Sets `TimelineElement:duration` for the element. Whilst the element is part of a `Timeline`, this is the same as editing the element with `TimelineElementExt::edit` under `EditMode::Trim` with `Edge::End`. In particular, the `TimelineElement:duration` of the element may be snapped to a different timeline time difference from the one given. In addition, setting may fail if it would place the timeline in an unsupported configuration, or the element does not have enough internal content to last the desired duration. ## `duration` The desired duration in its timeline # Returns `true` if `duration` could be set for `self`. Sets `TimelineElement:in-point` for the element. If the new in-point is above the current `TimelineElement:max-duration` of the element, this method will fail. ## `inpoint` The in-point, in internal time coordinates # Returns `true` if `inpoint` could be set for `self`. Sets `TimelineElement:max-duration` for the element. If the new maximum duration is below the current `TimelineElement:in-point` of the element, this method will fail. ## `maxduration` The maximum duration, in internal time coordinates # Returns `true` if `maxduration` could be set for `self`. Sets the `TimelineElement:name` for the element. If `None` is given for `name`, then the library will instead generate a new name based on the type name of the element, such as the name "uriclip3" for a `UriClip`, and will set that name instead. If `self` already has a `TimelineElement:timeline`, you should not call this function with `name` set to `None`. You should ensure that, within each `Timeline`, every element has a unique name. If you call this function with `name` as `None`, then the library should ensure that the set generated name is unique from previously **generated** names. However, if you choose a `name` that interferes with the naming conventions of the library, the library will attempt to ensure that the generated names will not conflict with the chosen name, which may lead to a different name being set instead, but the uniqueness between generated and user-chosen names is not guaranteed. ## `name` The name `self` should take # Returns `true` if `name` or a generated name for `self` could be set. Sets the `TimelineElement:parent` for the element. This is used internally and you should normally not call this. A `Container` will set the `TimelineElement:parent` of its children in `GESContainerExt::add` and `GESContainerExt::remove`. Note, if `parent` is not `None`, `self` must not already have a parent set. Therefore, if you wish to switch parents, you will need to call this function twice: first to set the parent to `None`, and then to the new parent. If `parent` is not `None`, you must ensure it already has a (non-floating) reference to `self` before calling this. # Returns `true` if `parent` could be set for `self`. Sets the priority of the element within the containing layer. # Deprecated since 1.10 All priority management is done by GES itself now. To set `Effect` priorities `ClipExt::set_top_effect_index` should be used. ## `priority` The priority # Returns `true` if `priority` could be set for `self`. Sets `TimelineElement:start` for the element. If the element has a parent, this will also move its siblings with the same shift. Whilst the element is part of a `Timeline`, this is the same as editing the element with `TimelineElementExt::edit` under `EditMode::Normal` with `Edge::None`. In particular, the `TimelineElement:start` of the element may be snapped to a different timeline time from the one given. In addition, setting may fail if it would place the timeline in an unsupported configuration. ## `start` The desired start position of the element in its timeline # Returns `true` if `start` could be set for `self`. Sets the `TimelineElement:timeline` of the element. This is used internally and you should normally not call this. A `Clip` will have its `TimelineElement:timeline` set through its `Layer`. A `Track` will similarly take care of setting the `TimelineElement:timeline` of its `TrackElement`-s. A `Group` will adopt the same `TimelineElement:timeline` as its children. If `timeline` is `None`, this will stop its current `TimelineElement:timeline` from tracking it, otherwise `timeline` will start tracking `self`. Note, in the latter case, `self` must not already have a timeline set. Therefore, if you wish to switch timelines, you will need to call this function twice: first to set the timeline to `None`, and then to the new timeline. # Returns `true` if `timeline` could be set for `self`. Edits the start time of an element within its timeline in trim mode. See `TimelineElementExt::edit` with `EditMode::Trim` and `Edge::Start`. ## `start` The new start time of `self` in trim mode # Returns `true` if the trim edit of `self` completed, `false` on failure. Emitted when the element has a new child property registered. See `TimelineElementExt::add_child_property`. Note that some GES elements will be automatically created with pre-registered children properties. You can use `TimelineElementExt::list_children_properties` to list these. ## `prop_object` The child whose property has been registered ## `prop` The specification for the property that has been registered Emitted when the element has a child property unregistered. See `TimelineElementExt::remove_child_property`. ## `prop_object` The child whose property has been unregistered ## `prop` The specification for the property that has been unregistered Emitted when a child of the element has one of its registered properties set. See `TimelineElementExt::add_child_property`. Note that unlike `gobject::Object::notify`, a child property name can not be used as a signal detail. ## `prop_object` The child whose property has been set ## `prop` The specification for the property that been set The duration that the element is in effect for in the timeline (a time difference in nanoseconds using the time coordinates of the timeline). For example, for a source element, this would determine for how long it should output its internal content for. For an operation element, this would determine for how long its effect should be applied to any source content. The duration that the element is in effect for in the timeline (a time difference in nanoseconds using the time coordinates of the timeline). For example, for a source element, this would determine for how long it should output its internal content for. For an operation element, this would determine for how long its effect should be applied to any source content. The initial offset to use internally when outputting content (in nanoseconds, but in the time coordinates of the internal content). For example, for a `VideoUriSource` that references some media file, the "internal content" is the media file data, and the in-point would correspond to some timestamp in the media file. When playing the timeline, and when the element is first reached at timeline-time `TimelineElement:start`, it will begin outputting the data from the timestamp in-point **onwards**, until it reaches the end of its `TimelineElement:duration` in the timeline. For elements that have no internal content, this should be kept as 0. The initial offset to use internally when outputting content (in nanoseconds, but in the time coordinates of the internal content). For example, for a `VideoUriSource` that references some media file, the "internal content" is the media file data, and the in-point would correspond to some timestamp in the media file. When playing the timeline, and when the element is first reached at timeline-time `TimelineElement:start`, it will begin outputting the data from the timestamp in-point **onwards**, until it reaches the end of its `TimelineElement:duration` in the timeline. For elements that have no internal content, this should be kept as 0. The full duration of internal content that is available (a time difference in nanoseconds using the time coordinates of the internal content). This will act as a cap on the `TimelineElement:in-point` of the element (which is in the same time coordinates), and will sometimes be used to limit the `TimelineElement:duration` of the element in the timeline. For example, for a `VideoUriSource` that references some media file, this would be the length of the media file. For elements that have no internal content, or whose content is indefinite, this should be kept as `GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE`. The full duration of internal content that is available (a time difference in nanoseconds using the time coordinates of the internal content). This will act as a cap on the `TimelineElement:in-point` of the element (which is in the same time coordinates), and will sometimes be used to limit the `TimelineElement:duration` of the element in the timeline. For example, for a `VideoUriSource` that references some media file, this would be the length of the media file. For elements that have no internal content, or whose content is indefinite, this should be kept as `GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE`. The name of the element. This should be unique within its timeline. The name of the element. This should be unique within its timeline. The parent container of the element. The parent container of the element. The priority of the element. # Deprecated since 1.10 Priority management is now done by GES itself. The priority of the element. # Deprecated since 1.10 Priority management is now done by GES itself. Whether the element should be serialized. Whether the element should be serialized. The starting position of the element in the timeline (in nanoseconds and in the time coordinates of the timeline). For example, for a source element, this would determine the time at which it should start outputting its internal content. For an operation element, this would determine the time at which it should start applying its effect to any source content. The starting position of the element in the timeline (in nanoseconds and in the time coordinates of the timeline). For example, for a source element, this would determine the time at which it should start outputting its internal content. For an operation element, this would determine the time at which it should start applying its effect to any source content. The timeline that the element lies within. The timeline that the element lies within. A `Track` acts an output source for a `Timeline`. Each one essentially provides an additional `gst::Pad` for the timeline, with `Track:restriction-caps` capabilities. Internally, a track wraps an `nlecomposition` filtered by a `capsfilter`. A track will contain a number of `TrackElement`-s, and its role is to select and activate these elements according to their timings when the timeline in played. For example, a track would activate a `Source` when its `TimelineElement:start` is reached by outputting its data for its `TimelineElement:duration`. Similarly, a `Operation` would be activated by applying its effect to the source data, starting from its `TimelineElement:start` time and lasting for its `TimelineElement:duration`. For most users, it will usually be sufficient to add newly created tracks to a timeline, but never directly add an element to a track. Whenever a `Clip` is added to a timeline, the clip adds its elements to the timeline's tracks and assumes responsibility for updating them. # Implements [`GESTrackExt`](trait.GESTrackExt.html), [`gst::ElementExt`](../gst/trait.ElementExt.html), [`gst::ObjectExt`](../gst/trait.ObjectExt.html), [`glib::object::ObjectExt`](../glib/object/trait.ObjectExt.html) Trait containing all `Track` methods. # Implementors [`Track`](struct.Track.html) Creates a new track with the given track-type and caps. If `type_` is `TrackType::Video`, and `caps` is a subset of "video/x-raw(ANY)", then a `VideoTrack` is created. This will automatically choose a gap creation method suitable for video data. You will likely want to set `Track:restriction-caps` separately. You may prefer to use the `VideoTrack::new` method instead. If `type_` is `TrackType::Audio`, and `caps` is a subset of "audio/x-raw(ANY)", then a `AudioTrack` is created. This will automatically choose a gap creation method suitable for audio data, and will set the `Track:restriction-caps` to the default for `AudioTrack`. You may prefer to use the `AudioTrack::new` method instead. Otherwise, a plain `Track` is returned. You will likely want to set the `Track:restriction-caps` and call `GESTrackExt::set_create_element_for_gap_func` on the returned track. ## `type_` The `Track:track-type` for the track ## `caps` The `Track:caps` for the track # Returns A new track. See `GESTrackExt::add_element`, which also gives an error. ## `object` The element to add # Returns `true` if `object` was successfully added to `self`. Adds the given track element to the track, which takes ownership of the element. Note that this can fail if it would break a configuration rule of the track's `Timeline`. Note that a `TrackElement` can only be added to one track. Feature: `v1_18` ## `object` The element to add # Returns `true` if `object` was successfully added to `self`. Commits all the pending changes for the elements contained in the track. When changes are made to the timing or priority of elements within a track, they are not directly executed for the underlying `nlecomposition` and its children. This method will finally execute these changes so they are reflected in the data output of the track. Any pending changes will be executed in the backend. The `Timeline::commited` signal will be emitted once this has completed. Note that `TimelineExt::commit` will call this method on all of its tracks, so you are unlikely to need to use this directly. # Returns `true` if pending changes were committed, or `false` if nothing needed to be committed. Get the `Track:caps` of the track. # Returns The caps of `self`. Gets the track elements contained in the track. The returned list is sorted by the element's `TimelineElement:priority` and `TimelineElement:start`. # Returns A list of all the `TrackElement`-s in `self`. Gets the `Track:mixing` of the track. # Returns Whether `self` is mixing. Gets the `Track:restriction-caps` of the track. Feature: `v1_18` # Returns The restriction-caps of `self`. Get the timeline this track belongs to. # Returns The timeline that `self` belongs to, or `None` if it does not belong to a timeline. See `GESTrackExt::remove_element_full`, which also returns an error. ## `object` The element to remove # Returns `true` if `object` was successfully removed from `self`. Removes the given track element from the track, which revokes ownership of the element. Feature: `v1_18` ## `object` The element to remove # Returns `true` if `object` was successfully removed from `self`. Sets the function that will be used to create a `gst::Element` that can be used as a source to fill the gaps of the track. A gap is a timeline region where the track has no `TrackElement` sources. Therefore, you are likely to want the `gst::Element` returned by the function to always produce 'empty' content, defined relative to the stream type, such as transparent frames for a video, or mute samples for audio. `AudioTrack` and `VideoTrack` objects are created with such a function already set appropriately. ## `func` The function to be used to create a source `gst::Element` that can fill gaps in `self` Sets the `Track:mixing` for the track. ## `mixing` Whether `self` should be mixing Sets the `Track:restriction-caps` for the track. ## `caps` The new restriction-caps for `self` Informs the track that it belongs to the given timeline. Calling this does not actually add the track to the timeline. For that, you should use `TimelineExt::add_track`, which will also take care of informing the track that it belongs to the timeline. As such, there is no need for you to call this method. Updates the `Track:restriction-caps` of the track using the fields found in the given caps. Each of the `gst::Structure`-s in `caps` is compared against the existing structure with the same index in the current `Track:restriction-caps`. If there is no corresponding existing structure at that index, then the new structure is simply copied to that index. Otherwise, any fields in the new structure are copied into the existing structure. This will replace existing values, and may introduce new ones, but any fields 'missing' in the new structure are left unchanged in the existing structure. For example, if the existing `Track:restriction-caps` are "video/x-raw, width=480, height=360", and the updating caps is "video/x-raw, format=I420, width=500; video/x-bayer, width=400", then the new `Track:restriction-caps` after calling this will be "video/x-raw, width=500, height=360, format=I420; video/x-bayer, width=400". ## `caps` The caps to update the restriction-caps with This signal will be emitted once the changes initiated by `GESTrackExt::commit` have been executed in the backend. In particular, this will be emitted whenever the underlying `nlecomposition` has been committed (see `nlecomposition::commited`). Will be emitted after a track element is added to the track. ## `effect` The element that was added Will be emitted after a track element is removed from the track. ## `effect` The element that was removed The capabilities used to choose the output of the `Track`'s elements. Internally, this is used to select output streams when several may be available, by determining whether its `gst::Pad` is compatible (see `nlecomposition:caps` for `nlecomposition`). As such, this is used as a weaker indication of the desired output type of the track, **before** the `Track:restriction-caps` is applied. Therefore, this should be set to a *generic* superset of the `Track:restriction-caps`, such as "video/x-raw(ANY)". In addition, it should match with the track's `Track:track-type`. Note that when you set this property, the `gst::CapsFeatures` of all its `gst::Structure`-s will be automatically set to `GST_CAPS_FEATURES_ANY`. Once a track has been added to a `Timeline`, you should not change this. Default value: `GST_CAPS_ANY`. The capabilities used to choose the output of the `Track`'s elements. Internally, this is used to select output streams when several may be available, by determining whether its `gst::Pad` is compatible (see `nlecomposition:caps` for `nlecomposition`). As such, this is used as a weaker indication of the desired output type of the track, **before** the `Track:restriction-caps` is applied. Therefore, this should be set to a *generic* superset of the `Track:restriction-caps`, such as "video/x-raw(ANY)". In addition, it should match with the track's `Track:track-type`. Note that when you set this property, the `gst::CapsFeatures` of all its `gst::Structure`-s will be automatically set to `GST_CAPS_FEATURES_ANY`. Once a track has been added to a `Timeline`, you should not change this. Default value: `GST_CAPS_ANY`. Current duration of the track Default value: O The `nlecomposition:id` of the underlying `nlecomposition`. Feature: `v1_18` The `nlecomposition:id` of the underlying `nlecomposition`. Feature: `v1_18` Whether the track should support the mixing of `Layer` data, such as composing the video data of each layer (when part of the video data is transparent, the next layer will become visible) or adding together the audio data. As such, for audio and video tracks, you'll likely want to keep this set to `true`. Whether the track should support the mixing of `Layer` data, such as composing the video data of each layer (when part of the video data is transparent, the next layer will become visible) or adding together the audio data. As such, for audio and video tracks, you'll likely want to keep this set to `true`. The capabilities that specifies the final output format of the `Track`. For example, for a video track, it would specify the height, width, framerate and other properties of the stream. You may change this property after the track has been added to a `Timeline`, but it must remain compatible with the track's `Track:caps`. Default value: `GST_CAPS_ANY`. The capabilities that specifies the final output format of the `Track`. For example, for a video track, it would specify the height, width, framerate and other properties of the stream. You may change this property after the track has been added to a `Timeline`, but it must remain compatible with the track's `Track:caps`. Default value: `GST_CAPS_ANY`. The track type of the track. This controls the type of `TrackElement`-s that can be added to the track. This should match with the track's `Track:caps`. Once a track has been added to a `Timeline`, you should not change this. The track type of the track. This controls the type of `TrackElement`-s that can be added to the track. This should match with the track's `Track:caps`. Once a track has been added to a `Timeline`, you should not change this. A `TrackElement` is a `TimelineElement` that specifically belongs to a single `Track` of its `TimelineElement:timeline`. Its `TimelineElement:start` and `TimelineElement:duration` specify its temporal extent in the track. Specifically, a track element wraps some nleobject, such as an `nlesource` or `nleoperation`, which can be retrieved with `TrackElementExt::get_nleobject`, and its `TimelineElement:start`, `TimelineElement:duration`, `TimelineElement:in-point`, `TimelineElement:priority` and `TrackElement:active` properties expose the corresponding nleobject properties. When a track element is added to a track, its nleobject is added to the corresponding `nlecomposition` that the track wraps. Most users will not have to work directly with track elements since a `Clip` will automatically create track elements for its timeline's tracks and take responsibility for updating them. The only track elements that are not automatically created by clips, but a user is likely to want to create, are `Effect`-s. ## Control Bindings for Children Properties You can set up control bindings for a track element child property using `TrackElementExt::set_control_source`. A `GstTimedValueControlSource` should specify the timed values using the internal source coordinates (see `TimelineElement`). By default, these will be updated to lie between the `TimelineElement:in-point` and out-point of the element. This can be switched off by setting `TrackElement:auto-clamp-control-sources` to `false`. # Implements [`TrackElementExt`](trait.TrackElementExt.html), [`TimelineElementExt`](trait.TimelineElementExt.html), [`glib::object::ObjectExt`](../glib/object/trait.ObjectExt.html), [`ExtractableExt`](trait.ExtractableExt.html), [`TimelineElementExtManual`](prelude/trait.TimelineElementExtManual.html) Trait containing all `TrackElement` methods. # Implementors [`TrackElement`](struct.TrackElement.html) Adds all the properties of a `gst::Element` that match the criteria as children properties of the track element. If the name of `element`'s `gst::ElementFactory` is not in `blacklist`, and the factory's `GST_ELEMENT_METADATA_KLASS` contains at least one member of `wanted_categories` (e.g. `GST_ELEMENT_FACTORY_KLASS_DECODER`), then all the properties of `element` that are also in `whitelist` are added as child properties of `self` using `TimelineElementExt::add_child_property`. This is intended to be used by subclasses when constructing. ## `element` The child object to retrieve properties from ## `wanted_categories` An array of element factory "klass" categories to whitelist, or `None` to accept all categories ## `blacklist` A blacklist of element factory names, or `None` to not blacklist any element factory ## `whitelist` A whitelist of element property names, or `None` to whitelist all writeable properties Clamp the `GstTimedValueControlSource` for the specified child property to lie between the `TimelineElement:in-point` and out-point of the element. The out-point is the `GES_TIMELINE_ELEMENT_END` of the element translated from the timeline coordinates to the internal source coordinates of the element. If the property does not have a `GstTimedValueControlSource` set by `TrackElementExt::set_control_source`, nothing happens. Otherwise, if a timed value for the control source lies before the in-point of the element, or after its out-point, then it will be removed. At the in-point and out-point times, a new interpolated value will be placed. Feature: `v1_18` ## `property_name` The name of the child property to clamp the control source of Edits the element within its track. # Deprecated since 1.18 use `TimelineElementExt::edit` instead. ## `layers` A whitelist of layers where the edit can be performed, `None` allows all layers in the timeline ## `mode` The edit mode ## `edge` The edge of `self` where the edit should occur ## `position` The edit position: a new location for the edge of `self` (in nanoseconds) # Returns `true` if the edit of `self` completed, `false` on failure. Get all the control bindings that have been created for the children properties of the track element using `TrackElementExt::set_control_source`. The keys used in the returned hash table are the child property names that were passed to `TrackElementExt::set_control_source`, and their values are the corresponding created `gst::ControlBinding`. # Returns A hash table containing all child-property-name/control-binding pairs for `self`. Gets `TrackElement:auto-clamp-control-sources`. Feature: `v1_18` # Returns Whether the control sources for the child properties of `self` are automatically clamped. Gets properties of a child of `self`. # Deprecated Use `TimelineElementExt::get_child_properties` ## `first_property_name` The name of the first property to get In general, a copy is made of the property contents and the caller is responsible for freeing the memory by calling `gobject::Value::unset`. Gets a property of a GstElement contained in `self`. Note that `TrackElement::get_child_property` is really intended for language bindings, `TrackElement::get_child_properties` is much more convenient for C programming. # Deprecated Use `TimelineElementExt::get_child_property` ## `property_name` The name of the property ## `value` return location for the property value, it will be initialized if it is initialized with 0 # Returns `true` if the property was found, `false` otherwize. Gets a property of a child of `self`. # Deprecated Use `TimelineElementExt::get_child_property_by_pspec` ## `pspec` The `gobject::ParamSpec` that specifies the property you want to get ## `value` return location for the value Gets a property of a child of `self`. If there are various child elements that have the same property name, you can distinguish them using the following syntax: 'ClasseName::property_name' as property name. If you don't, the corresponding property of the first element found will be set. # Deprecated Use `TimelineElementExt::get_child_property_valist` ## `first_property_name` The name of the first property to get ## `var_args` Value for the first property, followed optionally by more name/return location pairs, followed by NULL Gets the control binding that was created for the specified child property of the track element using `TrackElementExt::set_control_source`. The given `property_name` must be the same name of the child property that was passed to `TrackElementExt::set_control_source`. ## `property_name` The name of the child property to return the control binding of # Returns The control binding that was created for the specified child property of `self`, or `None` if `property_name` does not correspond to any control binding. Get the `gst::Element` that the track element's underlying nleobject controls. # Returns The `gst::Element` being controlled by the nleobject that `self` wraps. Get the GNonLin object this object is controlling. # Deprecated use `TrackElementExt::get_nleobject` instead. # Returns The GNonLin object this object is controlling. Get the nleobject that this element wraps. # Returns The nleobject that `self` wraps. Get the `TrackElement:track` for the element. # Returns The track that `self` belongs to, or `None` if it does not belong to a track. Gets the `TrackElement:track-type` for the element. # Returns The track-type of `self`. Gets `TrackElement:has-internal-source` for the element. # Returns `true` if `self` can have its 'internal time' properties set. Gets `TrackElement:active` for the element. # Returns `true` if `self` is active in its track. Get whether the given track element is a core track element. That is, it was created by the `create_track_elements` `ClipClass` method for some `Clip`. Note that such a track element can only be added to a clip that shares the same `Asset` as the clip that created it. For example, you are allowed to move core children between clips that resulted from `GESContainerExt::ungroup`, but you could not move the core child from a `UriClip` to a `TitleClip` or another `UriClip` with a different `UriClip:uri`. Moreover, if a core track element is added to a clip, it will always be added as a core child. Therefore, if this returns `true`, then `element` will be a core child of its parent clip. Feature: `v1_18` # Returns `true` if `element` is a core track element. Gets an array of `gobject::ParamSpec`* for all configurable properties of the children of `self`. # Deprecated Use `TimelineElementExt::list_children_properties` ## `n_properties` return location for the length of the returned array # Returns An array of `gobject::ParamSpec`* which should be freed after use or `None` if something went wrong. Looks up which `element` and `pspec` would be effected by the given `name`. If various contained elements have this property name you will get the first one, unless you specify the class name in `name`. # Deprecated Use `TimelineElementExt::lookup_child` ## `prop_name` Name of the property to look up. You can specify the name of the class as such: "ClassName::property-name", to guarantee that you get the proper GParamSpec in case various GstElement-s contain the same property name. If you don't do so, you will get the first element found, having this property and the and the corresponding GParamSpec. ## `element` pointer to a `gst::Element` that takes the real object to set property on ## `pspec` pointer to take the specification describing the property # Returns TRUE if `element` and `pspec` could be found. FALSE otherwise. In that case the values for `pspec` and `element` are not modified. Unref `element` after usage. Removes the `gst::ControlBinding` that was created for the specified child property of the track element using `TrackElementExt::set_control_source`. The given `property_name` must be the same name of the child property that was passed to `TrackElementExt::set_control_source`. ## `property_name` The name of the child property to remove the control binding from # Returns `true` if the control binding was removed from the specified child property of `self`, or `false` if an error occurred. Sets `TrackElement:active` for the element. ## `active` Whether `self` should be active in its track # Returns `true` if the property was *toggled*. Sets `TrackElement:auto-clamp-control-sources`. If set to `true`, this will immediately clamp all the control sources. Feature: `v1_18` ## `auto_clamp` Whether to automatically clamp the control sources for the child properties of `self` Sets a property of a child of `self`. If there are various child elements that have the same property name, you can distinguish them using the following syntax: 'ClasseName::property_name' as property name. If you don't, the corresponding property of the first element found will be set. # Deprecated Use `TimelineElementExt::set_child_properties` ## `first_property_name` The name of the first property to set Sets a property of a GstElement contained in `self`. Note that `TrackElement::set_child_property` is really intended for language bindings, `TrackElement::set_child_properties` is much more convenient for C programming. # Deprecated use `TimelineElementExt::set_child_property` instead ## `property_name` The name of the property ## `value` The value # Returns `true` if the property was set, `false` otherwize. Sets a property of a child of `self`. # Deprecated Use `ges_timeline_element_set_child_property_by_spec` ## `pspec` The `gobject::ParamSpec` that specifies the property you want to set ## `value` The value Sets a property of a child of `self`. If there are various child elements that have the same property name, you can distinguish them using the following syntax: 'ClasseName::property_name' as property name. If you don't, the corresponding property of the first element found will be set. # Deprecated Use `TimelineElementExt::set_child_property_valist` ## `first_property_name` The name of the first property to set ## `var_args` Value for the first property, followed optionally by more name/return location pairs, followed by NULL Creates a `gst::ControlBinding` for the specified child property of the track element using the given control source. The given `property_name` should refer to an existing child property of the track element, as used in `TimelineElementExt::lookup_child`. If `binding_type` is "direct", then the control binding is created with `gst_direct_control_binding_new` using the given control source. If `binding_type` is "direct-absolute", it is created with `gst_direct_control_binding_new_absolute` instead. ## `source` The control source to bind the child property to ## `property_name` The name of the child property to control ## `binding_type` The type of binding to create ("direct" or "direct-absolute") # Returns `true` if the specified child property could be bound to `source`, or `false` if an error occurred. Sets `TrackElement:has-internal-source` for the element. If this is set to `false`, this method will also set the `TimelineElement:in-point` of the element to 0 and its `TimelineElement:max-duration` to `GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE`. ## `has_internal_source` Whether the `self` should be allowed to have its 'internal time' properties set. Sets the `TrackElement:track-type` for the element. ## `type_` The new track-type for `self` This is emitted when a control binding is added to a child property of the track element. ## `control_binding` The control binding that has been added This is emitted when a control binding is removed from a child property of the track element. ## `control_binding` The control binding that has been removed Whether the effect of the element should be applied in its `TrackElement:track`. If set to `false`, it will not be used in the output of the track. Whether the effect of the element should be applied in its `TrackElement:track`. If set to `false`, it will not be used in the output of the track. Whether the control sources on the element (see `TrackElementExt::set_control_source`) will be automatically updated whenever the `TimelineElement:in-point` or out-point of the element change in value. See `TrackElementExt::clamp_control_source` for how this is done per control source. Default value: `true` Whether the control sources on the element (see `TrackElementExt::set_control_source`) will be automatically updated whenever the `TimelineElement:in-point` or out-point of the element change in value. See `TrackElementExt::clamp_control_source` for how this is done per control source. Default value: `true` This property is used to determine whether the 'internal time' properties of the element have any meaning. In particular, unless this is set to `true`, the `TimelineElement:in-point` and `TimelineElement:max-duration` can not be set to any value other than the default 0 and `GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE`, respectively. If an element has some *internal* *timed* source `gst::Element` that it reads stream data from as part of its function in a `Track`, then you'll likely want to set this to `true` to allow the `TimelineElement:in-point` and `TimelineElement:max-duration` to be set. The default value is determined by the `TrackElementClass` `default_has_internal_source` class property. For most `SourceClass`-es, this will be `true`, with the exception of those that have a potentially *static* source, such as `ImageSourceClass` and `TitleSourceClass`. Otherwise, this will usually be `false`. For most `Operation`-s you will likely want to leave this set to `false`. The exception may be for an operation that reads some stream data from some private internal source as part of manipulating the input data from the usual linked upstream `TrackElement`. For example, you may want to set this to `true` for a `TrackType::Video` operation that wraps a `textoverlay` that reads from a subtitle file and places its text on top of the received video data. The `TimelineElement:in-point` of the element would be used to shift the initial seek time on the `textoverlay` away from 0, and the `TimelineElement:max-duration` could be set to reflect the time at which the subtitle file runs out of data. Note that GES can not support track elements that have both internal content and manipulate the timing of their data streams (time effects). This property is used to determine whether the 'internal time' properties of the element have any meaning. In particular, unless this is set to `true`, the `TimelineElement:in-point` and `TimelineElement:max-duration` can not be set to any value other than the default 0 and `GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE`, respectively. If an element has some *internal* *timed* source `gst::Element` that it reads stream data from as part of its function in a `Track`, then you'll likely want to set this to `true` to allow the `TimelineElement:in-point` and `TimelineElement:max-duration` to be set. The default value is determined by the `TrackElementClass` `default_has_internal_source` class property. For most `SourceClass`-es, this will be `true`, with the exception of those that have a potentially *static* source, such as `ImageSourceClass` and `TitleSourceClass`. Otherwise, this will usually be `false`. For most `Operation`-s you will likely want to leave this set to `false`. The exception may be for an operation that reads some stream data from some private internal source as part of manipulating the input data from the usual linked upstream `TrackElement`. For example, you may want to set this to `true` for a `TrackType::Video` operation that wraps a `textoverlay` that reads from a subtitle file and places its text on top of the received video data. The `TimelineElement:in-point` of the element would be used to shift the initial seek time on the `textoverlay` away from 0, and the `TimelineElement:max-duration` could be set to reflect the time at which the subtitle file runs out of data. Note that GES can not support track elements that have both internal content and manipulate the timing of their data streams (time effects). The track that this element belongs to, or `None` if it does not belong to a track. The track type of the element, which determines the type of track the element can be added to (see `Track:track-type`). This should correspond to the type of data that the element can produce or process. The track type of the element, which determines the type of track the element can be added to (see `Track:track-type`). This should correspond to the type of data that the element can produce or process. Represents all the output streams from a particular uri. It is assumed that the URI points to a file of some type. # Implements [`UriClipExt`](trait.UriClipExt.html), [`ClipExt`](trait.ClipExt.html), [`GESContainerExt`](trait.GESContainerExt.html), [`TimelineElementExt`](trait.TimelineElementExt.html), [`glib::object::ObjectExt`](../glib/object/trait.ObjectExt.html), [`ExtractableExt`](trait.ExtractableExt.html), [`TimelineElementExtManual`](prelude/trait.TimelineElementExtManual.html) Trait containing all `UriClip` methods. # Implementors [`UriClip`](struct.UriClip.html) Creates a new `UriClip` for the provided `uri`. ## `uri` the URI the source should control # Returns The newly created `UriClip`, or `None` if there was an error. Get the location of the resource. # Returns The location of the resource. Lets you know if `self` is an image or not. # Returns `true` if `self` is a still image `false` otherwise. Lets you know if the audio track of `self` is muted or not. # Returns `true` if the audio track of `self` is muted, `false` otherwise. Sets whether the clip is a still image or not. ## `is_image` `true` if `self` is a still image, `false` otherwise Sets whether the audio track of this clip is muted or not. ## `mute` `true` to mute `self` audio track, `false` to unmute it Whether this uri clip represents a still image or not. This must be set before create_track_elements is called. Whether this uri clip represents a still image or not. This must be set before create_track_elements is called. Whether the sound will be played or not. Whether the sound will be played or not. The location of the file/resource to use. The location of the file/resource to use. # Implements [`UriClipAssetExt`](trait.UriClipAssetExt.html), [`AssetExt`](trait.AssetExt.html), [`glib::object::ObjectExt`](../glib/object/trait.ObjectExt.html) Trait containing all `UriClipAsset` methods. # Implementors [`UriClipAsset`](struct.UriClipAsset.html) Finalize the request of an async `UriClipAsset` Feature: `v1_16` ## `res` The `gio::AsyncResult` from which to get the newly created `UriClipAsset` # Returns The `UriClipAsset` previously requested Creates a `UriClipAsset` for `uri` Example of request of a GESUriClipAsset: ```text // The request callback static void filesource_asset_loaded_cb (GESAsset * source, GAsyncResult * res, gpointer user_data) { GError *error = NULL; GESUriClipAsset *filesource_asset; filesource_asset = ges_uri_clip_asset_finish (res, &error); if (filesource_asset) { g_print ("The file: %s is usable as a FileSource, it is%s an image and lasts %" GST_TIME_FORMAT, ges_asset_get_id (GES_ASSET (filesource_asset)) ges_uri_clip_asset_is_image (filesource_asset) ? "" : " not", GST_TIME_ARGS (ges_uri_clip_asset_get_duration (filesource_asset)); } else { g_print ("The file: %s is *not* usable as a FileSource because: %s", ges_asset_get_id (source), error->message); } gst_object_unref (mfs); } // The request: ges_uri_clip_asset_new (uri, (GAsyncReadyCallback) filesource_asset_loaded_cb, user_data); ``` ## `uri` The URI of the file for which to create a `UriClipAsset` ## `cancellable` optional `gio::Cancellable` object, `None` to ignore. ## `callback` a `GAsyncReadyCallback` to call when the initialization is finished ## `user_data` The user data to pass when `callback` is called Creates a `UriClipAsset` for `uri` syncronously. You should avoid to use it in application, and rather create `UriClipAsset` asynchronously ## `uri` The URI of the file for which to create a `UriClipAsset`. You can also use multi file uris for `MultiFileSource`. # Returns A reference to the requested asset or `None` if an error happened Gets duration of the file represented by `self` # Returns The duration of `self` Gets `gst_pbutils::DiscovererInfo` about the file # Returns `gst_pbutils::DiscovererInfo` of specified asset Gets maximum duration of the file represented by `self`, it is usually the same as GESUriClipAsset::duration, but in the case of nested timelines, for example, they are different as those can be extended 'infinitely'. Feature: `v1_18` # Returns The maximum duration of `self` Get the GESUriSourceAsset `self` containes # Returns a `glib::List` of `UriSourceAsset` Gets Whether the file represented by `self` is an image or not # Returns Whether the file represented by `self` is an image or not The duration (in nanoseconds) of the media file The duration (in nanoseconds) of the media file The duration (in nanoseconds) of the media file Feature: `v1_18` Asset to create a stream specific `Source` for a media file. NOTE: You should never request such a `Asset` as they will be created automatically by `UriClipAsset`-s. # Implements [`UriSourceAssetExt`](trait.UriSourceAssetExt.html), [`AssetExt`](trait.AssetExt.html), [`glib::object::ObjectExt`](../glib/object/trait.ObjectExt.html) Trait containing all `UriSourceAsset` methods. # Implementors [`UriSourceAsset`](struct.UriSourceAsset.html) Get the `UriClipAsset` `self_` is contained in # Returns a `UriClipAsset` Get the `gst_pbutils::DiscovererStreamInfo` user by `self` # Returns a `UriClipAsset` Check if `self` contains a single image # Returns `true` if the video stream corresponds to an image (i.e. only contains one frame)