the contents of a #GstGLDisplayEGL are private and should only be accessed through the provided API Create a new #GstGLDisplayEGL using the default EGL_DEFAULT_DISPLAY. a new #GstGLDisplayEGL or %NULL Creates a EGL display connection from a native Display. This function will return the same value for multiple calls with the same @display. a new #GstGLDisplayEGL an existing #GstGLDisplay Attempts to create a new `EGLDisplay` from @display. If @type is %GST_GL_DISPLAY_TYPE_ANY, then @display must be 0. @type must not be %GST_GL_DISPLAY_TYPE_NONE. A `EGLDisplay` or `EGL_NO_DISPLAY` a #GstGLDisplayType pointer to a display (or 0) #GstGLDisplayEGL represents a connection to an EGL `EGLDisplay` handle created internally (gst_gl_display_egl_new()) or wrapped by the application (gst_gl_display_egl_new_with_egl_display()) #GstGLDisplayEGLDevice represents a `EGLDeviceEXT` handle created internally (gst_gl_display_egl_device_new()) or wrapped by the application (gst_gl_display_egl_device_new_with_egl_device())