`GLBaseFilter` handles the nitty gritty details of retrieving an OpenGL context. It also provided some wrappers around `gst_base::BaseTransform`'s `start`, `stop` and `set_caps` virtual methods that ensure an OpenGL context is available and current in the calling thread. # Implements [`GLBaseFilterExt`](trait.GLBaseFilterExt.html), [`gst::ObjectExt`](../gst/trait.ObjectExt.html), [`glib::object::ObjectExt`](../glib/object/trait.ObjectExt.html) Trait containing all `GLBaseFilter` methods. # Implementors [`GLBaseFilter`](struct.GLBaseFilter.html) GstGLBuffer is a `gst::Memory` subclass providing support for the mapping of GL buffers. Data is uploaded or downloaded from the GPU as is necessary. Initializes the GL Buffer allocator. It is safe to call this function multiple times. This must be called before any other `GLBuffer` operation. `GLColorConvert` is an object that converts between color spaces and/or formats using OpenGL Shaders. A `GLColorConvert` can be created with `GLColorConvert::new`, the configuration negotiated with `GLColorConvert::transform_caps` and the conversion performed with `GLColorConvert::perform`. The glcolorconvertelement provides a GStreamer element that uses `GLColorConvert` to convert between video formats and color spaces. # Implements [`gst::ObjectExt`](../gst/trait.ObjectExt.html), [`glib::object::ObjectExt`](../glib/object/trait.ObjectExt.html) ## `context` a `GLContext` # Returns a new `GLColorConvert` object Provides an implementation of `gst_base::BaseTransformClass::fixate_caps`() ## `context` a `GLContext` to use for transforming `caps` ## `direction` a `gst::PadDirection` ## `caps` the `gst::Caps` of `direction` ## `other` the `gst::Caps` to fixate # Returns the fixated `gst::Caps` Provides an implementation of `gst_base::BaseTransformClass::transform_caps`() ## `context` a `GLContext` to use for transforming `caps` ## `direction` a `gst::PadDirection` ## `caps` the `gst::Caps` to transform ## `filter` a set of filter `gst::Caps` # Returns the converted `gst::Caps` Provides an implementation of `GstBaseTransfromClass::decide_allocation`() ## `query` a completed ALLOCATION `gst::Query` # Returns whether the allocation parameters were successfully chosen Converts the data contained by `inbuf` using the formats specified by the `gst::Caps` passed to `GLColorConvert::set_caps` ## `inbuf` the `GLMemory` filled `gst::Buffer` to convert # Returns a converted `gst::Buffer` or `None` Initializes `self` with the information required for conversion. ## `in_caps` input `gst::Caps` ## `out_caps` output `gst::Caps` `GLContext` wraps an OpenGL context object in a uniform API. As a result of the limitation on OpenGL context, this object is not thread safe unless specified and must only be activated in a single thread. # Implements [`GLContextExt`](trait.GLContextExt.html), [`gst::ObjectExt`](../gst/trait.ObjectExt.html), [`glib::object::ObjectExt`](../glib/object/trait.ObjectExt.html) Trait containing all `GLContext` methods. # Implementors [`GLContext`](struct.GLContext.html) Create a new `GLContext` with the specified `display` ## `display` a `GLDisplay` # Returns a new `GLContext` Wraps an existing OpenGL context into a `GLContext`. Note: The caller is responsible for ensuring that the OpenGL context represented by `handle` stays alive while the returned `GLContext` is active. ## `display` a `GLDisplay` ## `handle` the OpenGL context to wrap ## `context_type` a `GLPlatform` specifying the type of context in `handle` ## `available_apis` a `GLAPI` containing the available OpenGL apis in `handle` # Returns a `GLContext` wrapping `handle` A default implementation of the various GetProcAddress functions that looks for `name` in the OpenGL shared libraries or in the current process. See also: `GLContext::get_proc_address` ## `gl_api` a `GLAPI` ## `name` then function to get the address of # Returns an address pointing to `name` or `None` See also `GLContextExt::activate`. # Returns the `GLContext` active in the current thread or `None` If an error occurs, `major` and `minor` are not modified and `GLAPI::None` is returned. ## `platform` the `GLPlatform` to retrieve the API for ## `major` the major version ## `minor` the minor version # Returns The version supported by the OpenGL context current in the calling thread or `GLAPI::None` ## `context_type` a `GLPlatform` specifying the type of context to retrieve # Returns The OpenGL context handle current in the calling thread or `None` Attempts to use the `context_type` specific GetProcAddress implementations to retreive `name`. See also `GLContext::get_proc_address`. ## `context_type` a `GLPlatform` ## `gl_api` a `GLAPI` ## `name` the name of the function to retrieve # Returns a function pointer for `name`, or `None` (De)activate the OpenGL context represented by this `self`. In OpenGL terms, calls eglMakeCurrent or similar with this context and the currently set window. See `GLContextExt::set_window` for details. ## `activate` `true` to activate, `false` to deactivate # Returns Whether the activation succeeded Note: This will always fail for two wrapped `GLContext`'s ## `other_context` another `GLContext` # Returns whether `self` and `other_context` are able to share OpenGL resources. Check for an OpenGL `feature` being supported. Note: Most features require that the context be created before it is possible to determine their existence and so will fail if that is not the case. ## `feature` a platform specific feature # Returns Whether `feature` is supported by `self` ## `fbo_target` the GL value of the framebuffer target, GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER # Returns whether whether the current framebuffer is complete ## `api` api type required ## `maj` major version required ## `min` minor version required # Returns whether OpenGL context implements the required api and specified version. Unbind the current framebuffer Clear's the currently set shader from the GL state machine. Note: must be called in the GL thread. Creates an OpenGL context with the specified `other_context` as a context to share shareable OpenGL objects with. See the OpenGL specification for what is shared between OpenGL contexts. If an error occurs, and `error` is not `None`, then error will contain details of the error and `false` will be returned. Should only be called once. ## `other_context` a `GLContext` to share OpenGL objects with # Returns whether the context could successfully be created Destroys an OpenGL context. Should only be called after `GLContextExt::create` has been successfully called for this context. Fills `self`'s info (version, extensions, vtable, etc) from the GL context in the current thread. Typically used with wrapped contexts to allow wrapped contexts to be used as regular `GLContext`'s. # Returns the `GLDisplay` associated with this `self` Get the currently enabled OpenGL api. The currently available API may be limited by the `GLDisplay` in use and/or the `GLWindow` chosen. # Returns the available OpenGL api Gets the backing OpenGL context used by `self`. # Returns The platform specific backing OpenGL context Gets the OpenGL platform that used by `self`. # Returns The platform specific backing OpenGL context Get the version of the OpenGL platform (GLX, EGL, etc) used. Only valid after a call to `gst_gl_context_create_context`. ## `major` return for the major version ## `minor` return for the minor version Returns the OpenGL version implemented by `self`. See `GLContextExt::get_gl_api` for retreiving the OpenGL api implemented by `self`. ## `maj` resulting major version ## `min` resulting minor version Get a function pointer to a specified opengl function, `name`. If the the specific function does not exist, NULL is returned instead. Platform specfic functions (names starting 'egl', 'glX', 'wgl', etc) can also be retrieved using this method. Note: This function may return valid function pointers that may not be valid to call in `self`. The caller is responsible for ensuring that the returned function is a valid function to call in `self` by either checking the OpenGL API and version or for an appropriate OpenGL extension. Note: On success, you need to cast the returned function pointer to the correct type to be able to call it correctly. On 32-bit Windows, this will include the `GSTGLAPI` identifier to use the correct calling convention. e.g. ```C void (GSTGLAPI *PFN_glGetIntegerv) (GLenum name, GLint * ret) ``` ## `name` an opengl function name # Returns a function pointer or `None` # Returns The `glib::Thread`, `self` is current in or NULL # Returns the currently set window # Returns Whether the `GLContext` has been shared with another `GLContext` Will internally set `self` as shared with `share` ## `share` another `GLContext` Set's the current window on `self` to `window`. The window can only be changed before `GLContextExt::create` has been called and the `window` is not already running. ## `window` a `GLWindow` # Returns Whether the window was successfully updated ## `version` a `GLSLVersion` ## `profile` a `GLSLProfile` # Returns Whether `self` supports the combination of `version` with `profile` Swap the front and back buffers on the window attached to `self`. This will display the frame on the next refresh cycle. Execute `func` in the OpenGL thread of `self` with `data` MT-safe ## `func` a `GstGLContextThreadFunc` ## `data` user data to call `func` with OpenGL context errors. Failed for an unspecified reason The configuration requested is not correct The OpenGL API requested is not correct The OpenGL libraries are too old glXCreateContext (or similar) failed A resource is not available `GLDisplay` represents a connection to the underlying windowing system. Elements are required to make use of `gst::Context` to share and propogate a `GLDisplay`. There are a number of environment variables that influence the choice of platform and window system specific functionality. - GST_GL_WINDOW influences the window system to use. Common values are 'x11', 'wayland', 'win32' or 'cocoa'. - GST_GL_PLATFORM influences the OpenGL platform to use. Common values are 'egl', 'glx', 'wgl' or 'cgl'. - GST_GL_API influences the OpenGL API requested by the OpenGL platform. Common values are 'opengl', 'opengl3' and 'gles2'. > Certain window systems require a special function to be called to > initialize threading support. As this GStreamer GL library does not preclude > concurrent access to the windowing system, it is strongly advised that > applications ensure that threading support has been initialized before any > other toolkit/library functionality is accessed. Failure to do so could > result in sudden application abortion during execution. The most notably > example of such a function is X11's XInitThreads\(). # Implements [`GLDisplayExt`](trait.GLDisplayExt.html), [`gst::ObjectExt`](../gst/trait.ObjectExt.html), [`glib::object::ObjectExt`](../glib/object/trait.ObjectExt.html) Trait containing all `GLDisplay` methods. # Implementors [`GLDisplayEGL`](struct.GLDisplayEGL.html), [`GLDisplay`](struct.GLDisplay.html) # Returns a new `GLDisplay` ## `context` a `GLContext` # Returns whether `context` was successfully added. `false` may be returned if there already exists another context for `context`'s active thread. Must be called with the object lock held. It requires the display's object lock to be held. ## `other_context` other `GLContext` to share resources with. ## `p_context` resulting `GLContext` # Returns whether a new context could be created. It requires the display's object lock to be held. # Returns a new `GLWindow` for `self` or `None`. limit the use of OpenGL to the requested `gl_api`. This is intended to allow application and elements to request a specific set of OpenGL API's based on what they support. See `GLContextExt::get_gl_api` for the retreiving the API supported by a `GLContext`. ## `gl_api` a `GLAPI` to filter with Execute `compare_func` over the list of windows stored by `self`. The first argment to `compare_func` is the `GLWindow` being checked and the second argument is `data`. ## `data` some data to pass to `compare_func` ## `compare_func` a comparison function to run # Returns The first `GLWindow` that causes a match from `compare_func` see `GLDisplayExt::filter_gl_api` for what the returned value represents # Returns the `GLAPI` configured for `self` ## `thread` a `glib::Thread` # Returns the `GLContext` current on `thread` or `None` Must be called with the object lock held. # Returns the native handle for the display # Returns the `GLDisplayType` of `self` ## `window` a `GLWindow` to remove # Returns if `window` could be removed from `self` Overrides the `GLContext` creation mechanism. It can be called in any thread and it is emitted with display's object lock held. ## `context` other context to share resources with. # Returns the new context. the contents of a `GLDisplayEGL` are private and should only be accessed through the provided API # Implements [`GLDisplayExt`](trait.GLDisplayExt.html), [`gst::ObjectExt`](../gst/trait.ObjectExt.html), [`glib::object::ObjectExt`](../glib/object/trait.ObjectExt.html) Create a new `GLDisplayEGL` using the default EGL_DEFAULT_DISPLAY. # Returns a new `GLDisplayEGL` or `None` Attempts to create a new `EGLDisplay` from `display`. If `type_` is `GLDisplayType::Any`, then `display` must be 0. `type_` must not be `GLDisplayType::None`. ## `type_` a `GLDisplayType` ## `display` pointer to a display (or 0) # Returns A `EGLDisplay` or `EGL_NO_DISPLAY` Single component replicated across R, G, and B textures components Single component stored in the A texture component Combination of `GLFormat::Luminance` and `GLFormat::Alpha` Single component stored in the R texture component Single 8-bit component stored in the R texture component Two components stored in the R and G texture components Two 8-bit components stored in the R and G texture components Three components stored in the R, G, and B texture components Three 8-bit components stored in the R, G, and B texture components Three components of bit depth 5, 6 and 5 stored in the R, G, and B texture components respectively. Four components stored in the R, G, B, and A texture components respectively. Four 8-bit components stored in the R, G, B, and A texture components respectively. A single 16-bit component for depth information. A 24-bit component for depth information and a 8-bit component for stencil informat. A `GLFramebuffer` represents and holds an OpenGL framebuffer object with it's associated attachments. A `GLFramebuffer` can be created with `GLFramebuffer::new` or `GLFramebuffer::new_with_default_depth` and bound with `GLFramebufferExt::bind`. Other resources can be bound with `GLFramebufferExt::attach` Note: OpenGL framebuffers are not shareable resources so cannot be used between multiple OpenGL contexts. # Implements [`GLFramebufferExt`](trait.GLFramebufferExt.html), [`gst::ObjectExt`](../gst/trait.ObjectExt.html), [`glib::object::ObjectExt`](../glib/object/trait.ObjectExt.html) Trait containing all `GLFramebuffer` methods. # Implementors [`GLFramebuffer`](struct.GLFramebuffer.html) ## `context` a `GLContext` # Returns a new `GLFramebuffer` ## `context` a `GLContext` ## `width` width for the depth buffer ## `height` for the depth buffer # Returns a new `GLFramebuffer` with a depth buffer of `width` and `height` attach `mem` to `attachment_point` ## `attachment_point` the OpenGL attachment point to bind `mem` to ## `mem` the memory object to bind to `attachment_point` Bind `self` into the current thread Perform the steps necessary to have the output of a glDraw* command in `func` update the contents of `mem`. ## `mem` the `GLMemory` to draw to ## `func` the function to run ## `user_data` data to pass to `func` # Returns the result of executing `func` Retreive the effective dimensions from the current attachments attached to `self`. ## `width` output width ## `height` output height # Returns the OpenGL id for `self` Opaque `GLOverlayCompositor` object # Implements [`gst::ObjectExt`](../gst/trait.ObjectExt.html), [`glib::object::ObjectExt`](../glib/object/trait.ObjectExt.html) A `GLQuery` represents and holds an OpenGL query object. Various types of queries can be run or counters retrieved. Record the result of a counter End counting the query Frees a `GLQuery` ## `context` a `GLContext` ## `query_type` the `GLQueryType` # Returns the result of the query Start counting the query Free any dynamically allocated resources Performs a GST_QUERY_CONTEXT query of type "gst.gl.local_context" on all `GstPads` in `element` of `direction` for the local OpenGL context used by GStreamer elements. ## `element` a `gst::Element` to query from ## `direction` the `gst::PadDirection` to query ## `context_ptr` location containing the current and/or resulting `GLContext` # Returns whether `context_ptr` contains a `GLContext` Free with `GLQuery::free` ## `context` a `GLContext` ## `query_type` the `GLQueryType` to create # Returns a new `GLQuery` no query query the time elapsed query the current time Compilation stage that caused an error Compilation error occured Link error occured General program error occured `GLSLStage` holds and represents a single OpenGL shader stage. # Implements [`gst::ObjectExt`](../gst/trait.ObjectExt.html), [`glib::object::ObjectExt`](../glib/object/trait.ObjectExt.html) ## `context` a `GLContext` ## `type_` the GL enum shader stage type # Returns a new `GLSLStage` of the specified `type_` ## `context` a `GLContext` ## `type_` the GL enum shader stage type ## `version` the `GLSLVersion` ## `profile` the `GLSLProfile` ## `str` a shader string # Returns a new `GLSLStage` of the specified `type_` ## `context` a `GLContext` ## `type_` the GL enum shader stage type ## `version` the `GLSLVersion` ## `profile` the `GLSLProfile` ## `n_strings` the number of strings in `str` ## `str` an array of strings concatted together to produce a shader # Returns a new `GLSLStage` of the specified `type_` # Returns whether the compilation suceeded # Returns The GL handle for this shader stage # Returns The GLSL profile for the current shader stage # Returns The GL shader type for this shader stage # Returns The GLSL version for the current shader stage Replaces the current shader string with `str`. ## `version` a `GLSLVersion` ## `profile` a `GLSLProfile` ## `n_strings` number of strings in `str` ## `str` a GLSL shader string GLSL version list no version version 100 (only valid for ES) version 110 (only valid for compatibility desktop GL) version 120 (only valid for compatibility desktop GL) version 130 (only valid for compatibility desktop GL) version 140 (only valid for compatibility desktop GL) version 150 (valid for compatibility/core desktop GL) version 300 (only valid for ES) version 310 (only valid for ES) version 320 (only valid for ES) version 330 (valid for compatibility/core desktop GL) version 400 (valid for compatibility/core desktop GL) version 410 (valid for compatibility/core desktop GL) version 420 (valid for compatibility/core desktop GL) version 430 (valid for compatibility/core desktop GL) version 440 (valid for compatibility/core desktop GL) version 450 (valid for compatibility/core desktop GL) # Implements [`gst::ObjectExt`](../gst/trait.ObjectExt.html), [`glib::object::ObjectExt`](../glib/object/trait.ObjectExt.html) Note: must be called in the GL thread ## `context` a `GLContext` # Returns a new empty `shader` Note: must be called in the GL thread ## `context` a `GLContext` # Returns a default `shader` or `None` on failure Each stage will attempt to be compiled and attached to `shader`. Then the shader will be linked. On error, `None` will be returned and `error` will contain the details of the error. Note: must be called in the GL thread ## `context` a `GLContext` ## `error` a `glib::Error` # Returns a new `shader` with the specified stages. Each stage will attempt to be compiled and attached to `shader`. On error, `None` will be returned and `error` will contain the details of the error. Note: must be called in the GL thread ## `context` a `GLContext` ## `error` a `glib::Error` # Returns a new `shader` with the specified stages. Attaches `stage` to `self`. `stage` must have been successfully compiled with `GLSLStage::compile`. Note: must be called in the GL thread ## `stage` a `GLSLStage` to attach # Returns whether `stage` could be attached to `self` Attaches `stage` to `self`. `stage` must have been successfully compiled with `GLSLStage::compile`. Note: must be called in the GL thread ## `stage` a `GLSLStage` to attach # Returns whether `stage` could be attached to `self` Bind attribute `name` to the specified location `index` using glBindAttributeLocation(). ## `index` attribute index to set ## `name` name of the attribute Bind attribute `name` to the specified location `index` using glBindFragDataLocation(). ## `index` attribute index to set ## `name` name of the attribute Compiles `stage` and attaches it to `self`. Note: must be called in the GL thread ## `stage` a `GLSLStage` to attach # Returns whether `stage` could be compiled and attached to `self` Detaches `stage` from `self`. `stage` must have been successfully attached to `self` with `GLShader::attach` or `GLShader::attach_unlocked`. Note: must be called in the GL thread ## `stage` a `GLSLStage` to attach Detaches `stage` from `self`. `stage` must have been successfully attached to `self` with `GLShader::attach` or `GLShader::attach_unlocked`. Note: must be called in the GL thread ## `stage` a `GLSLStage` to attach ## `name` name of the attribute # Returns the attribute index for `name` in `self` or -1 on failure # Returns the GL program handle for this shader Note: must be called in the GL thread # Returns whether `self` has been successfully linked Links the current list of `GLSLStage`'s in `self`. Note: must be called in the GL thread # Returns whether `self` could be linked together. Releases the shader and stages. Note: must be called in the GL thread Releases the shader and stages. Note: must be called in the GL thread Perform glUniform1f() for `name` on `self` ## `name` name of the uniform ## `value` value to set Perform glUniform1fv() for `name` on `self` ## `name` name of the uniform ## `count` number of values to set ## `value` values to set Perform glUniform1i() for `name` on `self` ## `name` name of the uniform ## `value` value to set Perform glUniform1iv() for `name` on `self` ## `name` name of the uniform ## `count` number of values to set ## `value` values to set Perform glUniform2f() for `name` on `self` ## `name` name of the uniform ## `v0` first value to set ## `v1` second value to set Perform glUniform2fv() for `name` on `self` ## `name` name of the uniform ## `count` number of values to set ## `value` values to set Perform glUniform2i() for `name` on `self` ## `name` name of the uniform ## `v0` first value to set ## `v1` second value to set Perform glUniform2iv() for `name` on `self` ## `name` name of the uniform ## `count` number of values to set ## `value` values to set Perform glUniform3f() for `name` on `self` ## `name` name of the uniform ## `v0` first value to set ## `v1` second value to set ## `v2` third value to set Perform glUniform3fv() for `name` on `self` ## `name` name of the uniform ## `count` number of values to set ## `value` values to set Perform glUniform3i() for `name` on `self` ## `name` name of the uniform ## `v0` first value to set ## `v1` second value to set ## `v2` third value to set Perform glUniform3iv() for `name` on `self` ## `name` name of the uniform ## `count` number of values to set ## `value` values to set Perform glUniform4f() for `name` on `self` ## `name` name of the uniform ## `v0` first value to set ## `v1` second value to set ## `v2` third value to set ## `v3` fourth value to set Perform glUniform4fv() for `name` on `self` ## `name` name of the uniform ## `count` number of values to set ## `value` values to set Perform glUniform4i() for `name` on `self` ## `name` name of the uniform ## `v0` first value to set ## `v1` second value to set ## `v2` third value to set ## `v3` fourth value to set Perform glUniform4iv() for `name` on `self` ## `name` name of the uniform ## `count` number of values to set ## `value` values to set Perform glUniformMatrix2fv() for `name` on `self` ## `name` name of the uniform ## `count` number of 2x2 matrices to set ## `transpose` transpose the matrix ## `value` matrix to set Perform glUniformMatrix2x3fv() for `name` on `self` ## `name` name of the uniform ## `count` number of 2x3 matrices to set ## `transpose` transpose the matrix ## `value` values to set Perform glUniformMatrix2x4fv() for `name` on `self` ## `name` name of the uniform ## `count` number of 2x4 matrices to set ## `transpose` transpose the matrix ## `value` values to set Perform glUniformMatrix3fv() for `name` on `self` ## `name` name of the uniform ## `count` number of 3x3 matrices to set ## `transpose` transpose the matrix ## `value` values to set Perform glUniformMatrix3x2fv() for `name` on `self` ## `name` name of the uniform ## `count` number of 3x2 matrices to set ## `transpose` transpose the matrix ## `value` values to set Perform glUniformMatrix3x4fv() for `name` on `self` ## `name` name of the uniform ## `count` number of 3x4 matrices to set ## `transpose` transpose the matrix ## `value` values to set Perform glUniformMatrix4fv() for `name` on `self` ## `name` name of the uniform ## `count` number of 4x4 matrices to set ## `transpose` transpose the matrix ## `value` values to set Perform glUniformMatrix4x2fv() for `name` on `self` ## `name` name of the uniform ## `count` number of 4x2 matrices to set ## `transpose` transpose the matrix ## `value` values to set Perform glUniformMatrix4x3fv() for `name` on `self` ## `name` name of the uniform ## `count` number of 4x3 matrices to set ## `transpose` transpose the matrix ## `value` values to set Mark's `self` as being used for the next GL draw command. Note: must be called in the GL thread and `self` must have been linked. Output anaglyph type to generate when downmixing to mono no texture target 2D texture target rectangle texture target external oes texture target `GLUpload` is an object that uploads data from system memory into GL textures. A `GLUpload` can be created with `GLUpload::new` # Implements [`gst::ObjectExt`](../gst/trait.ObjectExt.html), [`glib::object::ObjectExt`](../glib/object/trait.ObjectExt.html) ## `context` a `GLContext` # Returns a new `GLUpload` object ## `in_caps` the input `gst::Caps` ## `out_caps` the output `gst::Caps` Uploads `buffer` using the transformation specified by `GLUpload::set_caps` creating a new `gst::Buffer` in `outbuf_ptr`. ## `buffer` input `gst::Buffer` ## `outbuf_ptr` resulting `gst::Buffer` # Returns whether the upload was successful Adds the required allocation parameters to support uploading. ## `decide_query` a `gst::Query` from a decide allocation ## `query` the proposed allocation query Initializes `self` with the information required for upload. ## `in_caps` input `gst::Caps` ## `out_caps` output `gst::Caps` # Returns whether `in_caps` and `out_caps` could be set on `self` No further processing required An unspecified error occured The configuration is unsupported. This element requires a reconfiguration. Convert stereoscopic/multiview video using fragment shaders. # Implements [`gst::ObjectExt`](../gst/trait.ObjectExt.html), [`glib::object::ObjectExt`](../glib/object/trait.ObjectExt.html) # Returns a new `GLViewConvert` Provides an implementation of `gst_base::BaseTransformClass::fixate_caps`() ## `direction` a `gst::PadDirection` ## `caps` the `gst::Caps` of `direction` ## `othercaps` the `gst::Caps` to fixate # Returns the fixated `gst::Caps` Retrieve the processed output buffer placing the output in `outbuf_ptr`. ## `outbuf_ptr` a `gst::Buffer` # Returns a `gst::FlowReturn` Converts the data contained by `inbuf` using the formats specified by the `gst::Caps` passed to `GLViewConvert::set_caps` ## `inbuf` the `GLMemory` filled `gst::Buffer` to convert # Returns a converted `gst::Buffer` or `None` Reset `self` to the default state. Further operation will require setting the caps with `GLViewConvert::set_caps`. Initializes `self` with the information required for conversion. ## `in_caps` input `gst::Caps` ## `out_caps` output `gst::Caps` Set `context` on `self` ## `context` the `GLContext` to set Submit `input` to be processed by `self` ## `is_discont` true if we have a discontinuity ## `input` a `gst::Buffer` # Returns a `gst::FlowReturn` Provides an implementation of `gst_base::BaseTransformClass::transform_caps`() ## `direction` a `gst::PadDirection` ## `caps` the `gst::Caps` to transform ## `filter` a set of filter `gst::Caps` # Returns the converted `gst::Caps` GstGLWindow represents a window that elements can render into. A window can either be a user visible window (onscreen) or hidden (offscreen). # Implements [`GLWindowExt`](trait.GLWindowExt.html), [`gst::ObjectExt`](../gst/trait.ObjectExt.html), [`glib::object::ObjectExt`](../glib/object/trait.ObjectExt.html) Trait containing all `GLWindow` methods. # Implementors [`GLWindow`](struct.GLWindow.html) ## `display` a `GLDisplay` # Returns a new `GLWindow` using `display`'s connection Redraw the window contents. Implementations should invoke the draw callback. # Returns the `GLContext` associated with this `self` # Returns the windowing system display handle for this `self` ## `width` resulting surface width ## `height` resulting surface height # Returns the window handle we are currently rendering into Tell a `self` that it should handle events from the window system. These events are forwarded upstream as navigation events. In some window systems events are not propagated in the window hierarchy if a client is listening for them. This method allows you to disable events handling completely from the `self`. ## `handle_events` a `gboolean` indicating if events should be handled or not. Quit the runloop's execution. Start the execution of the runloop. Invoke `callback` with data on the window thread. `callback` is guarenteed to have executed when this function returns. ## `callback` function to invoke ## `data` data to invoke `callback` with Invoke `callback` with `data` on the window thread. The callback may not have been executed when this function returns. ## `callback` function to invoke ## `data` data to invoke `callback` with ## `destroy` called when `data` is not needed anymore Sets the callback called when the window is about to close. ## `callback` function to invoke ## `data` data to invoke `callback` with ## `destroy_notify` called when `data` is not needed any more Sets the draw callback called everytime `GLWindowExt::draw` is called ## `callback` function to invoke ## `data` data to invoke `callback` with ## `destroy_notify` called when `data` is not needed any more Set the preferred width and height of the window. Implementations are free to ignore this information. ## `width` new preferred width ## `height` new preferred height Tell a `self` that it should render into a specific region of the window according to the `gst_video::VideoOverlay` interface. ## `x` x position ## `y` y position ## `width` width ## `height` height # Returns whether the specified region could be set Sets the resize callback called everytime a resize of the window occurs. ## `callback` function to invoke ## `data` data to invoke `callback` with ## `destroy_notify` called when `data` is not needed any more Sets the window that this `self` should render into. Some implementations require this to be called with a valid handle before drawing can commence. ## `handle` handle to the window Present the window to the screen. Will be emitted when a key event is received by the GstGLwindow. ## `id` the name of the event ## `key` the id of the key pressed Will be emitted when a mouse event is received by the GstGLwindow. ## `id` the name of the event ## `button` the id of the button ## `x` the x coordinate of the mouse event ## `y` the y coordinate of the mouse event failed for a unspecified reason the implementation is too old no such resource was found