// Take a look at the license at the top of the repository in the LICENSE file. use std::{marker::PhantomData, mem}; use glib::translate::*; use crate::{ffi, MemoryFlags}; #[derive(Debug, Clone)] #[doc(alias = "GstAllocationParams")] #[repr(transparent)] pub struct AllocationParams(ffi::GstAllocationParams); unsafe impl Send for AllocationParams {} unsafe impl Sync for AllocationParams {} impl Default for AllocationParams { fn default() -> Self { unsafe { let mut params = mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); ffi::gst_allocation_params_init(params.as_mut_ptr()); AllocationParams(params.assume_init()) } } } impl AllocationParams { #[doc(alias = "get_flags")] #[inline] pub fn flags(&self) -> MemoryFlags { unsafe { from_glib(self.0.flags) } } #[doc(alias = "get_align")] #[inline] pub fn align(&self) -> usize { self.0.align } #[doc(alias = "get_prefix")] #[inline] pub fn prefix(&self) -> usize { self.0.prefix } #[doc(alias = "get_padding")] #[inline] pub fn padding(&self) -> usize { self.0.padding } pub fn new(flags: MemoryFlags, align: usize, prefix: usize, padding: usize) -> Self { assert_initialized_main_thread!(); let params = unsafe { ffi::GstAllocationParams { flags: flags.into_glib(), align, prefix, padding, ..mem::zeroed() } }; params.into() } #[inline] pub fn as_ptr(&self) -> *const ffi::GstAllocationParams { &self.0 } } impl From for AllocationParams { #[inline] fn from(params: ffi::GstAllocationParams) -> Self { skip_assert_initialized!(); AllocationParams(params) } } #[doc(hidden)] impl<'a> ToGlibPtr<'a, *const ffi::GstAllocationParams> for AllocationParams { type Storage = PhantomData<&'a Self>; #[inline] fn to_glib_none(&'a self) -> Stash<'a, *const ffi::GstAllocationParams, Self> { Stash(&self.0, PhantomData) } } impl FromGlib for AllocationParams { #[allow(unused_unsafe)] #[inline] unsafe fn from_glib(value: ffi::GstAllocationParams) -> Self { skip_assert_initialized!(); Self::from(value) } }