use anyhow::Error; use gst_pbutils::{ prelude::*, Discoverer, DiscovererContainerInfo, DiscovererInfo, DiscovererResult, DiscovererStreamInfo, }; use std::env; #[path = "../"] mod tutorials_common; fn send_value_as_str(v: &glib::SendValue) -> Option { if let Ok(s) = v.get::<&str>() { Some(s.to_string()) } else if let Ok(serialized) = v.serialize() { Some(serialized.into()) } else { None } } fn print_stream_info(info: &DiscovererStreamInfo, depth: usize) { let caps_str = if let Some(caps) = info.caps() { if caps.is_fixed() { gst_pbutils::pb_utils_get_codec_description(&caps) } else { glib::GString::from(caps.to_string()) } } else { glib::GString::from("") }; let stream_nick = info.stream_type_nick(); println!( "{stream_nick:>indent$}: {caps_str}", stream_nick = stream_nick, indent = 2 * depth + stream_nick.len(), caps_str = caps_str ); if let Some(tags) = info.tags() { println!("{:indent$}Tags:", " ", indent = 2 * depth); for (tag, values) in tags.iter_generic() { let mut tags_str = format!( "{tag:>indent$}: ", tag = tag, indent = 2 * (2 + depth) + tag.len() ); let mut tag_num = 0; for value in values { if let Some(s) = send_value_as_str(value) { if tag_num > 0 { tags_str.push_str(", ") } tags_str.push_str(&s[..]); tag_num += 1; } } println!("{}", tags_str); } }; } /* Print information regarding a stream and its substreams, if any */ fn print_topology(info: &DiscovererStreamInfo, depth: usize) { print_stream_info(info, depth); if let Some(next) = { print_topology(&next, depth + 1); } else if let Some(container_info) = info.downcast_ref::() { for stream in container_info.streams() { print_topology(&stream, depth + 1); } } } fn on_discovered( _discoverer: &Discoverer, discoverer_info: &DiscovererInfo, error: Option<&glib::Error>, ) { let uri = discoverer_info.uri(); match discoverer_info.result() { DiscovererResult::Ok => println!("Discovered {}", uri), DiscovererResult::UriInvalid => println!("Invalid uri {}", uri), DiscovererResult::Error => { if let Some(msg) = error { println!("{}", msg); } else { println!("Unknown error") } } DiscovererResult::Timeout => println!("Timeout"), DiscovererResult::Busy => println!("Busy"), DiscovererResult::MissingPlugins => { if let Some(s) = discoverer_info.misc() { println!("{}", s); } } _ => println!("Unknown result"), } if discoverer_info.result() != DiscovererResult::Ok { return; } println!("Duration: {}", discoverer_info.duration().display()); if let Some(tags) = discoverer_info.tags() { println!("Tags:"); for (tag, values) in tags.iter_generic() { print!(" {}: ", tag); values.for_each(|v| { if let Some(s) = send_value_as_str(v) { println!("{}", s) } }) } } println!( "Seekable: {}", if discoverer_info.is_seekable() { "yes" } else { "no" } ); println!("Stream information:"); if let Some(stream_info) = discoverer_info.stream_info() { print_topology(&stream_info, 1); } } fn run_discoverer() -> Result<(), Error> { gst::init()?; let args: Vec<_> = env::args().collect(); let uri: &str = if args.len() == 2 { args[1].as_ref() } else { "" }; println!("Discovering {}", uri); let loop_ = glib::MainLoop::new(None, false); let timeout = 5 * gst::ClockTime::SECOND; let discoverer = gst_pbutils::Discoverer::new(timeout)?; discoverer.connect_discovered(on_discovered); let loop_clone = loop_.clone(); discoverer.connect_finished(move |_| { println!("\nFinished discovering"); loop_clone.quit(); }); discoverer.start(); discoverer.discover_uri_async(uri)?;; discoverer.stop(); Ok(()) } fn tutorial_main() { match run_discoverer() { Ok(_) => {} Err(err) => eprintln!("Failed to run discovery: {}", err), } } fn main() { // tutorials_common::run is only required to set up the application environment on macOS // (but not necessary in normal Cocoa applications where this is set up automatically) tutorials_common::run(tutorial_main); }