// This example demonstrates another type of combination of gtk and gstreamer, // in comparision to the gtksink example. // This example uses regions that are managed by the window system, and uses // the window system's api to insert a videostream into these regions. // So essentially, the window system of the system overlays our gui with // the video frames - within the region that we tell it to use. // Disadvantage of this method is, that it's highly platform specific, since // the big platforms all have their own window system. Thus, this example // has special code to handle differences between platforms. // Windows could theoretically be supported by this example, but is not yet implemented. // One of the very few (if not the single one) platform, that can not provide the API // needed for this are Linux desktops using Wayland. // TODO: Add Windows support // In this case, a testvideo is displayed within our gui, using the // following pipeline: // {videotestsrc} - {xvimagesink(on linux)} // {videotestsrc} - {glimagesink(on mac)} use gst_video::prelude::*; use gio::prelude::*; use gtk::prelude::*; use std::os::raw::c_void; use std::cell::RefCell; use std::process; #[cfg(all(target_os = "linux", feature = "gtkvideooverlay-x11"))] fn create_video_sink() -> gst::Element { // When we are on linux with the Xorg display server, we use the // X11 protocol's XV extension, which allows to overlay regions // with video streams. For this, we use the xvimagesink element. gst::ElementFactory::make("xvimagesink", None).unwrap() } #[cfg(all(target_os = "linux", feature = "gtkvideooverlay-x11"))] fn set_window_handle(video_overlay: &gst_video::VideoOverlay, gdk_window: &gdk::Window) { let display_type_name = gdk_window.display().type_().name(); // Check if we're using X11 or ... if display_type_name == "GdkX11Display" { extern "C" { pub fn gdk_x11_window_get_xid(window: *mut glib::object::GObject) -> *mut c_void; } // This is unsafe because the "window handle" we pass here is basically like a raw pointer. // If a wrong value were to be passed here (and you can pass any integer), then the window // system will most likely cause the application to crash. #[allow(clippy::cast_ptr_alignment)] unsafe { // Here we ask gdk what native window handle we got assigned for // our video region from the window system, and then we will // pass this unique identifier to the overlay provided by our // sink - so the sink can then arrange the overlay. let xid = gdk_x11_window_get_xid(gdk_window.as_ptr() as *mut _); video_overlay.set_window_handle(xid as usize); } } else { println!("Add support for display type '{}'", display_type_name); process::exit(-1); } } #[cfg(all(target_os = "macos", feature = "gtkvideooverlay-quartz"))] fn create_video_sink() -> gst::Element { // On Mac, this is done by overlaying a window region with an // OpenGL-texture, using the glimagesink element. gst::ElementFactory::make("glimagesink", None).unwrap() } #[cfg(all(target_os = "macos", feature = "gtkvideooverlay-quartz"))] fn set_window_handle(video_overlay: &gst_video::VideoOverlay, gdk_window: &gdk::Window) { let display_type_name = gdk_window.display().type_().name(); if display_type_name == "GdkQuartzDisplay" { extern "C" { pub fn gdk_quartz_window_get_nsview(window: *mut glib::object::GObject) -> *mut c_void; } // This is unsafe because the "window handle" we pass here is basically like a raw pointer. // If a wrong value were to be passed here (and you can pass any integer), then the window // system will most likely cause the application to crash. #[allow(clippy::cast_ptr_alignment)] unsafe { // Here we ask gdk what native window handle we got assigned for // our video region from the windowing system, and then we will // pass this unique identifier to the overlay provided by our // sink - so the sink can then arrange the overlay. let window = gdk_quartz_window_get_nsview(gdk_window.as_ptr() as *mut _); video_overlay.set_window_handle(window as usize); } } else { println!("Unsupported display type '{}", display_type_name); process::exit(-1); } } fn create_ui(app: >k::Application) { let pipeline = gst::Pipeline::new(None); let src = gst::ElementFactory::make("videotestsrc", None).unwrap(); // Since using the window system to overlay our gui window is making // direct contact with the windowing system, this is highly platform- // specific. This example supports Linux and Mac (using X11 and Quartz). let sink = create_video_sink(); pipeline.add_many(&[&src, &sink]).unwrap(); src.link(&sink).unwrap(); // First, we create our gtk window - which will contain a region where // our overlayed video will be displayed in. let window = gtk::Window::new(gtk::WindowType::Toplevel); window.set_default_size(320, 240); let vbox = gtk::Box::new(gtk::Orientation::Vertical, 0); // This creates the widget we will display our overlay in. // Later, we will try to tell our window system about this region, so // it can overlay it with our video stream. let video_window = gtk::DrawingArea::new(); video_window.set_size_request(320, 240); // Use the platform-specific sink to create our overlay. // Since we only use the video_overlay in the closure below, we need a weak reference. // !!ATTENTION!!: // It might seem appealing to use .clone() here, because that greatly // simplifies the code within the callback. What this actually does, however, is creating // a memory leak. let video_overlay = sink .dynamic_cast::() .unwrap() .downgrade(); // Connect to this widget's realize signal, which will be emitted // after its display has been initialized. This is neccessary, because // the window system doesn't know about our region until it was initialized. video_window.connect_realize(move |video_window| { // Here we temporarily retrieve a strong reference on the video-overlay from the // weak reference that we moved into the closure. let video_overlay = match video_overlay.upgrade() { Some(video_overlay) => video_overlay, None => return, }; // Gtk uses gdk under the hood, to handle its drawing. Drawing regions are // called gdk windows. We request this underlying drawing region from the // widget we will overlay with our video. let gdk_window = video_window.window().unwrap(); // This is where we tell our window system about the drawing-region we // want it to overlay. Most often, the window system would only know // about our most outer region (or: our window). if !gdk_window.ensure_native() { println!("Can't create native window for widget"); process::exit(-1); } set_window_handle(&video_overlay, &gdk_window); }); vbox.pack_start(&video_window, true, true, 0); let label = gtk::Label::new(Some("Position: 00:00:00")); vbox.pack_start(&label, true, true, 5); window.add(&vbox); window.show_all(); app.add_window(&window); // Need to move a new reference into the closure. // !!ATTENTION!!: // It might seem appealing to use pipeline.clone() here, because that greatly // simplifies the code within the callback. What this actually does, however, is creating // a memory leak. The clone of a pipeline is a new strong reference on the pipeline. // Storing this strong reference of the pipeline within the callback (we are moving it in!), // which is in turn stored in another strong reference on the pipeline is creating a // reference cycle. // DO NOT USE pipeline.clone() TO USE THE PIPELINE WITHIN A CALLBACK let pipeline_weak = pipeline.downgrade(); // Add a timeout to the main loop that will periodically (every 500ms) be // executed. This will query the current position within the stream from // the underlying pipeline, and display it in our gui. // Since this closure is called by the mainloop thread, we are allowed // to modify the gui widgets here. let timeout_id = glib::timeout_add_local(std::time::Duration::from_millis(500), move || { // Here we temporarily retrieve a strong reference on the pipeline from the weak one // we moved into this callback. let pipeline = match pipeline_weak.upgrade() { Some(pipeline) => pipeline, None => return glib::Continue(false), }; // Query the current playing position from the underlying pipeline. let position = pipeline.query_position::(); // Display the playing position in the gui. label.set_text(&format!("Position: {:.0}", position.display())); // Tell the timeout to continue calling this callback. glib::Continue(true) }); let bus = pipeline.bus().unwrap(); pipeline .set_state(gst::State::Playing) .expect("Unable to set the pipeline to the `Playing` state"); let app_weak = app.downgrade(); bus.add_watch_local(move |_, msg| { use gst::MessageView; let app = match app_weak.upgrade() { Some(app) => app, None => return glib::Continue(false), }; match msg.view() { MessageView::Eos(..) => app.quit(), MessageView::Error(err) => { println!( "Error from {:?}: {} ({:?})", err.src().map(|s| s.path_string()), err.error(), err.debug() ); app.quit(); } _ => (), }; glib::Continue(true) }) .expect("Failed to add bus watch"); // Pipeline reference is owned by the closure below, so will be // destroyed once the app is destroyed let timeout_id = RefCell::new(Some(timeout_id)); let pipeline = RefCell::new(Some(pipeline)); app.connect_shutdown(move |_| { // Optional, by manually destroying the window here we ensure that // the gst element is destroyed when shutting down instead of having to wait // for the process to terminate, allowing us to use the leaks tracer. unsafe { window.destroy(); } // GTK will keep the Application alive for the whole process lifetime. // Wrapping the pipeline in a RefCell> and removing it from it here // ensures the pipeline is actually destroyed when shutting down, allowing us // to use the leaks tracer for example. if let Some(pipeline) = pipeline.borrow_mut().take() { pipeline .set_state(gst::State::Null) .expect("Unable to set the pipeline to the `Null` state"); pipeline.bus().unwrap().remove_watch().unwrap(); } if let Some(timeout_id) = timeout_id.borrow_mut().take() { timeout_id.remove(); } }); } fn main() { #[cfg(not(unix))] { println!("Add support for target platform"); process::exit(-1); } // Initialize gstreamer and the gtk widget toolkit libraries. gst::init().unwrap(); gtk::init().unwrap(); { let app = gtk::Application::new(None, gio::ApplicationFlags::FLAGS_NONE); app.connect_activate(create_ui); app.run(); } // Optional, can be used to detect leaks using the leaks tracer unsafe { gst::deinit(); } }