// This file was generated by gir (https://github.com/gtk-rs/gir) // from gir-files (https://github.com/gtk-rs/gir-files) // DO NOT EDIT use glib; use glib::object::Cast; use glib::object::IsA; use glib::signal::connect_raw; use glib::signal::SignalHandlerId; use glib::translate::*; use glib::GString; use glib_sys; use gst_sys; use std::boxed::Box as Box_; use std::mem::transmute; use ClockTime; use ControlBinding; glib_wrapper! { pub struct Object(Object); match fn { get_type => || gst_sys::gst_object_get_type(), } } impl Object { pub fn check_uniqueness(list: &[Object], name: &str) -> bool { assert_initialized_main_thread!(); unsafe { from_glib(gst_sys::gst_object_check_uniqueness( list.to_glib_none().0, name.to_glib_none().0, )) } } //pub fn default_deep_notify, Q: IsA>(object: &P, orig: &Q, pspec: /*Ignored*/&glib::ParamSpec, excluded_props: &[&str]) { // unsafe { TODO: call gst_sys:gst_object_default_deep_notify() } //} //pub fn ref_sink(object: /*Unimplemented*/Option) -> /*Unimplemented*/Option { // unsafe { TODO: call gst_sys:gst_object_ref_sink() } //} //pub fn replace, Q: IsA>(oldobj: Option<&P>, newobj: Option<&Q>) -> bool { // unsafe { TODO: call gst_sys:gst_object_replace() } //} } unsafe impl Send for Object {} unsafe impl Sync for Object {} pub const NONE_OBJECT: Option<&Object> = None; pub trait GstObjectExt: 'static { fn add_control_binding>( &self, binding: &P, ) -> Result<(), glib::error::BoolError>; fn default_error(&self, error: &glib::Error, debug: Option<&str>); fn get_control_binding(&self, property_name: &str) -> Option; fn get_control_rate(&self) -> ClockTime; fn get_name(&self) -> GString; fn get_parent(&self) -> Option; fn get_path_string(&self) -> GString; fn get_value(&self, property_name: &str, timestamp: ClockTime) -> Option; //fn get_value_array(&self, property_name: &str, timestamp: ClockTime, interval: ClockTime, n_values: u32, values: /*Unimplemented*/Option) -> bool; fn has_active_control_bindings(&self) -> bool; fn has_ancestor>(&self, ancestor: &P) -> bool; fn has_as_ancestor>(&self, ancestor: &P) -> bool; fn has_as_parent>(&self, parent: &P) -> bool; fn remove_control_binding>(&self, binding: &P) -> bool; fn set_control_binding_disabled(&self, property_name: &str, disabled: bool); fn set_control_bindings_disabled(&self, disabled: bool); fn set_control_rate(&self, control_rate: ClockTime); fn set_parent>(&self, parent: &P) -> Result<(), glib::error::BoolError>; fn suggest_next_sync(&self) -> ClockTime; fn sync_values(&self, timestamp: ClockTime) -> Result<(), glib::error::BoolError>; fn unparent(&self); //fn connect_deep_notify(&self, f: F) -> SignalHandlerId; fn connect_property_parent_notify( &self, f: F, ) -> SignalHandlerId; } impl> GstObjectExt for O { fn add_control_binding>( &self, binding: &P, ) -> Result<(), glib::error::BoolError> { unsafe { glib_result_from_gboolean!( gst_sys::gst_object_add_control_binding( self.as_ref().to_glib_none().0, binding.as_ref().to_glib_none().0 ), "Failed to add control binding" ) } } fn default_error(&self, error: &glib::Error, debug: Option<&str>) { unsafe { gst_sys::gst_object_default_error( self.as_ref().to_glib_none().0, error.to_glib_none().0, debug.to_glib_none().0, ); } } fn get_control_binding(&self, property_name: &str) -> Option { unsafe { from_glib_full(gst_sys::gst_object_get_control_binding( self.as_ref().to_glib_none().0, property_name.to_glib_none().0, )) } } fn get_control_rate(&self) -> ClockTime { unsafe { from_glib(gst_sys::gst_object_get_control_rate( self.as_ref().to_glib_none().0, )) } } fn get_name(&self) -> GString { unsafe { from_glib_full(gst_sys::gst_object_get_name(self.as_ref().to_glib_none().0)) } } fn get_parent(&self) -> Option { unsafe { from_glib_full(gst_sys::gst_object_get_parent( self.as_ref().to_glib_none().0, )) } } fn get_path_string(&self) -> GString { unsafe { from_glib_full(gst_sys::gst_object_get_path_string( self.as_ref().to_glib_none().0, )) } } fn get_value(&self, property_name: &str, timestamp: ClockTime) -> Option { unsafe { from_glib_full(gst_sys::gst_object_get_value( self.as_ref().to_glib_none().0, property_name.to_glib_none().0, timestamp.to_glib(), )) } } //fn get_value_array(&self, property_name: &str, timestamp: ClockTime, interval: ClockTime, n_values: u32, values: /*Unimplemented*/Option) -> bool { // unsafe { TODO: call gst_sys:gst_object_get_value_array() } //} fn has_active_control_bindings(&self) -> bool { unsafe { from_glib(gst_sys::gst_object_has_active_control_bindings( self.as_ref().to_glib_none().0, )) } } fn has_ancestor>(&self, ancestor: &P) -> bool { unsafe { from_glib(gst_sys::gst_object_has_ancestor( self.as_ref().to_glib_none().0, ancestor.as_ref().to_glib_none().0, )) } } fn has_as_ancestor>(&self, ancestor: &P) -> bool { unsafe { from_glib(gst_sys::gst_object_has_as_ancestor( self.as_ref().to_glib_none().0, ancestor.as_ref().to_glib_none().0, )) } } fn has_as_parent>(&self, parent: &P) -> bool { unsafe { from_glib(gst_sys::gst_object_has_as_parent( self.as_ref().to_glib_none().0, parent.as_ref().to_glib_none().0, )) } } fn remove_control_binding>(&self, binding: &P) -> bool { unsafe { from_glib(gst_sys::gst_object_remove_control_binding( self.as_ref().to_glib_none().0, binding.as_ref().to_glib_none().0, )) } } fn set_control_binding_disabled(&self, property_name: &str, disabled: bool) { unsafe { gst_sys::gst_object_set_control_binding_disabled( self.as_ref().to_glib_none().0, property_name.to_glib_none().0, disabled.to_glib(), ); } } fn set_control_bindings_disabled(&self, disabled: bool) { unsafe { gst_sys::gst_object_set_control_bindings_disabled( self.as_ref().to_glib_none().0, disabled.to_glib(), ); } } fn set_control_rate(&self, control_rate: ClockTime) { unsafe { gst_sys::gst_object_set_control_rate( self.as_ref().to_glib_none().0, control_rate.to_glib(), ); } } fn set_parent>(&self, parent: &P) -> Result<(), glib::error::BoolError> { unsafe { glib_result_from_gboolean!( gst_sys::gst_object_set_parent( self.as_ref().to_glib_none().0, parent.as_ref().to_glib_none().0 ), "Failed to set parent object" ) } } fn suggest_next_sync(&self) -> ClockTime { unsafe { from_glib(gst_sys::gst_object_suggest_next_sync( self.as_ref().to_glib_none().0, )) } } fn sync_values(&self, timestamp: ClockTime) -> Result<(), glib::error::BoolError> { unsafe { glib_result_from_gboolean!( gst_sys::gst_object_sync_values( self.as_ref().to_glib_none().0, timestamp.to_glib() ), "Failed to sync values" ) } } fn unparent(&self) { unsafe { gst_sys::gst_object_unparent(self.as_ref().to_glib_none().0); } } //fn connect_deep_notify(&self, f: F) -> SignalHandlerId { // Ignored prop: GObject.ParamSpec //} fn connect_property_parent_notify( &self, f: F, ) -> SignalHandlerId { unsafe extern "C" fn notify_parent_trampoline( this: *mut gst_sys::GstObject, _param_spec: glib_sys::gpointer, f: glib_sys::gpointer, ) where P: IsA, { let f: &F = &*(f as *const F); f(&Object::from_glib_borrow(this).unsafe_cast_ref()) } unsafe { let f: Box_ = Box_::new(f); connect_raw( self.as_ptr() as *mut _, b"notify::parent\0".as_ptr() as *const _, Some(transmute::<_, unsafe extern "C" fn()>( notify_parent_trampoline:: as *const (), )), Box_::into_raw(f), ) } } }