use std::{ffi::c_int, ptr}; use glib::once_cell::sync::Lazy; use glib::translate::*; static QUARK_ACTION_TYPE_FUNC: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| glib::Quark::from_str("rs-action-type-function")); #[derive(Debug)] #[repr(transparent)] #[doc(alias = "GstValidateActionParameter")] pub struct ActionParameter(pub(crate) ffi::GstValidateActionParameter); impl Drop for ActionParameter { fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { if let Some(free_fn) = { (free_fn)(self as *const _ as glib::ffi::gpointer); } } } } fn into_glib_content(mut t: Vec) -> *mut ffi::GstValidateActionParameter { assert_initialized_main_thread!(); if t.is_empty() { return ptr::null_mut(); } unsafe { let size = std::mem::size_of::() * (t.len() + 1); let v_ptr = glib::ffi::g_malloc0(size) as *mut ffi::GstValidateActionParameter; ptr::copy_nonoverlapping( t.as_ptr() as *const ffi::GstValidateActionParameter, v_ptr, t.len(), ); // C side is owning the memory now t.set_len(0); v_ptr } } unsafe extern "C" fn action_parameter_free(param: glib::ffi::gpointer) { let param = param as *mut ffi::GstValidateActionParameter; glib::ffi::g_free((*param).name as *mut _); glib::ffi::g_free((*param).description as *mut _); glib::ffi::g_free((*param).def as *mut _); glib::ffi::g_free((*param).possible_variables as *mut _); glib::ffi::g_free((*param).types as *mut _); } pub struct ActionParameterBuilder<'a> { name: &'a str, description: &'a str, possible_variables: Vec, mandatory: bool, default_value: Option<&'a str>, types: Vec, } impl<'a> ActionParameterBuilder<'a> { pub fn new(name: &'a str, description: &'a str) -> Self { assert_initialized_main_thread!(); Self { name, description, possible_variables: Default::default(), mandatory: false, default_value: None, types: Default::default(), } } // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next /// The name of the variables that can be used to compute the value of the /// parameter. For example for the start value of a seek action, we will /// accept to take 'duration' which will be replace by the total duration of /// the stream on which the action is executed. pub fn add_possible_variable(mut self, possible_variables: &str) -> Self { self.possible_variables.push(possible_variables.to_owned()); self } pub fn mandatory(mut self) -> Self { self.mandatory = true; self } pub fn default_value(mut self, default_value: &'a str) -> Self { self.default_value = Some(default_value); self } // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next /// The types the parameter can take described as a string. /// /// NOTE: The types should end with `(GstClockTime)` if /// its final type is a GstClockTime, this way it will be processed when /// preparing the actions. pub fn add_type(mut self, types: &str) -> Self { self.types.push(types.to_owned()); self } pub fn build(self) -> ActionParameter { let types = if self.types.is_empty() { ptr::null() } else { self.types.join("\n").to_glib_full() }; let possible_variables = if self.possible_variables.is_empty() { ptr::null() } else { self.possible_variables.join("\n").to_glib_full() }; ActionParameter(ffi::GstValidateActionParameter { name:, description: self.description.to_glib_full(), mandatory: self.mandatory.into_glib(), def: self.default_value.to_glib_full(), possible_variables, types, free: Some(action_parameter_free), _gst_reserved: [ptr::null_mut(); 3], }) } } type ActionFunction = dyn Fn(&crate::Scenario, &mut crate::ActionRef) -> Result + Sync + Send + 'static; unsafe extern "C" fn destroy_notify(ptr: glib::ffi::gpointer) { let _ = Box::from_raw(ptr as *mut Box); } pub struct ActionTypeBuilder<'a> { type_name: &'a str, implementer_namespace: Option<&'a str>, description: Option<&'a str>, parameters: Vec, flags: crate::ActionTypeFlags, function: Box, } impl<'a> ActionTypeBuilder<'a> { pub fn new< F: Fn( &crate::Scenario, &mut crate::ActionRef, ) -> Result + Send + Sync + 'static, >( type_name: &'a str, func: F, ) -> Self { Self { type_name, implementer_namespace: None, description: None, parameters: Vec::new(), flags: crate::ActionTypeFlags::empty(), function: Box::new(func), } } pub fn implementer_namespace(mut self, implementer_namespace: &'a str) -> Self { self.implementer_namespace = Some(implementer_namespace); self } pub fn description(mut self, description: &'a str) -> Self { self.description = Some(description); self } pub fn parameter(mut self, parameter: ActionParameter) -> Self { self.parameters.push(parameter); self } pub fn flags(mut self, flags: crate::ActionTypeFlags) -> Self { self.flags |= flags; self } pub fn build(self) -> crate::ActionType { unsafe extern "C" fn execute_func_trampoline( scenario: *mut ffi::GstValidateScenario, action: *mut ffi::GstValidateAction, ) -> c_int { let action_type = ffi::gst_validate_get_action_type((*action).type_); let scenario = from_glib_borrow(scenario); let action = crate::ActionRef::from_mut_ptr(action as *mut ffi::GstValidateAction); let func: &ActionFunction = &*(gst::ffi::gst_mini_object_get_qdata( action_type as *mut gst::ffi::GstMiniObject, QUARK_ACTION_TYPE_FUNC.into_glib(), ) as *const Box); (*func)(&scenario, action).into_glib() } unsafe { let params = into_glib_content(self.parameters); let action_type = ffi::gst_validate_register_action_type( self.type_name.to_glib_none().0, self.implementer_namespace .unwrap_or("validaters") .to_glib_none() .0, Some(execute_func_trampoline), params, self.description.to_glib_none().0, self.flags.into_glib(), ); // gst_validate_register_action_type() takes ownership of the content // of the params array but not of the container itself so we need to // free it manually. glib::ffi::g_free(params as *mut _); let f = self.function; gst::ffi::gst_mini_object_set_qdata( action_type as *mut gst::ffi::GstMiniObject, QUARK_ACTION_TYPE_FUNC.into_glib(), Box::into_raw(Box::new(f)) as *mut _, Some(destroy_notify), ); from_glib_none(action_type) } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use std::{ io::Write, sync::{Arc, Mutex}, }; #[test] fn test_action_types() { gst::init().unwrap(); crate::init(); let failling_action_type = crate::ActionTypeBuilder::new("fails", |_, action| { action.structure_mut().set("called", true); Err(crate::ActionError::Error) }) .build(); let called = Arc::new(Mutex::new(false)); let succeeding_action_type = crate::ActionTypeBuilder::new( "succeeds", glib::clone!(@strong called => move |_, _action| { *called.lock().unwrap() = true; Ok(crate::ActionSuccess::Ok) }), ) .parameter( crate::ActionParameterBuilder::new("always", "Does the action always succeeds") .add_type("boolean") .default_value("true") .build(), ) .build(); // Write scenario to temporary file let mut file = tempfile::NamedTempFile::new().unwrap(); file.write_all(b"succeeds").unwrap(); let runner = crate::Runner::new(); let pipeline = gst::Pipeline::new(); let scenario = crate::Scenario::factory_create(&runner, &pipeline, file.path().to_str().unwrap()) .unwrap(); let action = crate::Action::new( Some(&scenario), &succeeding_action_type, gst::Structure::builder("succeeds").build().as_ref(), false, ); assert!(!*called.lock().unwrap()); action.execute().expect("Failed to execute action"); assert!(*called.lock().unwrap()); let action = crate::Action::new( Some(&scenario), &failling_action_type, gst::Structure::builder("fails").build().as_ref(), false, ); assert!(action.structure().get::("called").is_err()); action.execute().expect_err("Action should have failed"); assert_eq!(action.structure().get::("called"), Ok(true)); crate::ActionParameterBuilder::new("unused", "Verify unused param are properly cleaned") .default_value("true") .add_possible_variable("position") .build(); } }