// This example shows how to use the GstPlayer API. // The GstPlayer API is a convenience API to allow implement playback applications // without having to write too much code. // Most of the tasks a player needs to support (such as seeking and switching // audio / subtitle streams or changing the volume) are all supported by simple // one-line function calls on the GstPlayer. use gst::prelude::*; use std::env; use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex}; use anyhow::Error; #[allow(unused_imports)] #[path = "../examples-common.rs"] mod examples_common; fn main_loop(uri: &str) -> Result<(), Error> { gst::init()?; let main_loop = glib::MainLoop::new(None, false); let dispatcher = gst_player::PlayerGMainContextSignalDispatcher::new(None); let player = gst_player::Player::new( None, Some(&dispatcher.upcast::()), ); // Tell the player what uri to play. player.set_uri(uri); let error = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Ok(()))); let main_loop_clone = main_loop.clone(); // Connect to the player's "end-of-stream" signal, which will tell us when the // currently played media stream reached its end. player.connect_end_of_stream(move |player| { let main_loop = &main_loop_clone; player.stop(); main_loop.quit(); }); let main_loop_clone = main_loop.clone(); let error_clone = Arc::clone(&error); // Connect to the player's "error" signal, which will inform us about eventual // errors (such as failing to retrieve a http stream). player.connect_error(move |player, err| { let main_loop = &main_loop_clone; let error = &error_clone; *error.lock().unwrap() = Err(err.clone()); player.stop(); main_loop.quit(); }); player.play(); main_loop.run(); let guard = error.as_ref().lock().unwrap(); guard.clone().map_err(|e| e.into()) } #[allow(unused_variables)] fn example_main() { let args: Vec<_> = env::args().collect(); let uri: &str = if args.len() == 2 { args[1].as_ref() } else { println!("Usage: player uri"); std::process::exit(-1) }; match main_loop(uri) { Ok(r) => r, Err(e) => eprintln!("Error! {}", e), } } fn main() { // tutorials_common::run is only required to set up the application environent on macOS // (but not necessary in normal Cocoa applications where this is set up autmatically) examples_common::run(example_main); }