// Take a look at the license at the top of the repository in the LICENSE file. // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next //! This modules gathers GStreamer's formatted value concepts together. //! //! GStreamer uses formatted values to differentiate value units in some APIs. //! In C this is done by qualifying an integer value by a companion enum //! [`GstFormat`]. In Rust, most APIs can use a specific type for each format. //! Each format type embeds the actual value using the new type pattern. //! //! # Specific Formatted Values //! //! Examples of specific formatted values include [`ClockTime`], [`Buffers`], etc. //! These types represent both the quantity and the unit making it possible for Rust //! to perform runtime and, to a certain extent, compile time invariants enforcement. //! //! Specific formatted values are also guaranteed to always represent a valid value. //! For instance: //! //! - [`Percent`] only allows values in the integer range [0, 1_000_000] or //! float range [0.0, 1.0]. //! - [`ClockTime`] can use all `u64` values except `u64::MAX` which is reserved by //! the C constant `GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE`. //! //! ## Examples //! //! ### Querying the pipeline for a time position //! //! ``` //! # use gstreamer as gst; //! # use gst::prelude::ElementExtManual; //! # gst::init(); //! # let pipeline = gst::Pipeline::new(None); //! let res = pipeline.query_position::(); //! ``` //! //! ## Seeking to a specific time position //! //! ``` //! # use gstreamer as gst; //! # use gst::{format::prelude::*, prelude::ElementExtManual}; //! # gst::init(); //! # let pipeline = gst::Pipeline::new(None); //! # let seek_flags = gst::SeekFlags::FLUSH | gst::SeekFlags::KEY_UNIT; //! let seek_pos = gst::ClockTime::from_seconds(10); //! let res = pipeline.seek_simple(seek_flags, seek_pos); //! ``` //! //! ### Downcasting a `Segment` for specific formatted value use //! //! ``` //! # use gstreamer as gst; //! # use gst::format::FormattedValue; //! # gst::init(); //! # let segment = gst::FormattedSegment::::new().upcast(); //! // Downcasting the generic `segment` for `gst::ClockTime` use. //! let time_segment = segment.downcast_ref::().expect("time segment"); //! // Setters and getters conform to `gst::ClockTime`. //! // This is enforced at compilation time. //! let start = time_segment.start(); //! assert_eq!(start.format(), gst::Format::Time); //! ``` //! //! ### Building a specific formatted value //! //! ``` //! # use gstreamer as gst; //! use gst::prelude::*; //! use gst::format::{Buffers, Bytes, ClockTime, Default, Percent}; //! //! // Specific formatted values implement the faillible `try_from` constructor: //! let default = Default::try_from(42).unwrap(); //! assert_eq!(*default, 42); //! assert_eq!(Default::try_from(42), Ok(default)); //! assert_eq!(Default::try_from(42).ok(), Some(default)); //! //! // `ClockTime` provides specific `const` constructors, //! // which can panic if the requested value is out of range. //! let time = ClockTime::from_nseconds(45_834_908_569_837); //! let time = ClockTime::from_seconds(20); //! //! // Other formatted values also come with (panicking) `const` constructors: //! let buffers_nb = Buffers::from_u64(512); //! let received = Bytes::from_u64(64); //! let quantity = Default::from_u64(42); //! //! // `Bytes` can be built from an `usize` too (not `const`): //! let sample_size = Bytes::from_usize([0u8; 4].len()); //! //! // This can be convenient (not `const`): //! assert_eq!( //! 7.seconds() + 250.mseconds(), //! ClockTime::from_nseconds(7_250_000_000), //! ); //! //! // Those too (not `const`): //! assert_eq!(512.buffers(), Buffers::from_u64(512)); //! assert_eq!(64.bytes(), Bytes::from_u64(64)); //! assert_eq!(42.default_format(), Default::from_u64(42)); //! //! // The `ZERO` and `NONE` constants can come in handy sometimes: //! assert_eq!(*Buffers::ZERO, 0); //! assert!(ClockTime::NONE.is_none()); //! //! // Specific formatted values provide the constant `ONE` value: //! assert_eq!(*Buffers::ONE, 1); //! //! // `Bytes` also comes with usual multipliers (not `const`): //! assert_eq!(*(512.kibibytes()), 512 * 1024); //! assert_eq!(*(8.mebibytes()), 8 * 1024 * 1024); //! assert_eq!(*(4.gibibytes()), 4 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024); //! //! // ... and the macthing constants: //! assert_eq!(512 * Bytes::KiB, 512.kibibytes()); //! //! // `Percent` can be built from a percent integer value: //! let a_quarter = 25.percent(); //! // ... from a floating point ratio: //! let a_quarter_from_ratio = 0.25.percent_ratio(); //! assert_eq!(a_quarter, a_quarter_from_ratio); //! // ... from a part per million integer value: //! let a_quarter_from_ppm = (25 * 10_000).ppm(); //! assert_eq!(a_quarter, a_quarter_from_ppm); //! // ... `MAX` which represents 100%: //! assert_eq!(Percent::MAX / 4, a_quarter); //! // ... `ONE` which is 1%: //! assert_eq!(25 * Percent::ONE, a_quarter); //! // ... and `SCALE` which is 1% in ppm: //! assert_eq!(Percent::SCALE, 10_000.ppm()); //! ``` //! //! ### Displaying a formatted value //! //! Formatted values implement the [`Display`] trait which allows getting //! human readable representations. //! //! ``` //! # use gstreamer as gst; //! # use gst::prelude::*; //! let time = 45_834_908_569_837.nseconds(); //! //! assert_eq!(format!("{time}"), "12:43:54.908569837"); //! assert_eq!(format!("{time:.0}"), "12:43:54"); //! //! let percent = 0.1234.percent_ratio(); //! assert_eq!(format!("{percent}"), "12.34 %"); //! assert_eq!(format!("{percent:5.1}"), " 12.3 %"); //! ``` //! //! ## Some operations available on specific formatted values //! //! ``` //! # use gstreamer as gst; //! # use gst::prelude::*; //! let cur_pos = gst::ClockTime::ZERO; //! //! // All four arithmetic operations can be used: //! let fwd = cur_pos + 2.seconds() / 3 - 5.mseconds(); //! //! // Examples of operations which make sure not to overflow: //! let bwd = cur_pos.saturating_sub(2.seconds()); //! let further = cur_pos.checked_mul(2).expect("Overflowed"); //! //! // Specific formatted values can be compared: //! assert!(fwd > bwd); //! assert_ne!(fwd, cur_pos); //! //! # fn next() -> gst::ClockTime { gst::ClockTime::ZERO }; //! // Use `gst::ClockTime::MAX` for the maximum valid value: //! let mut min_pos = gst::ClockTime::MAX; //! for _ in 0..4 { //! min_pos = min_pos.min(next()); //! } //! //! // And `gst::ClockTime::ZERO` for the minimum value: //! let mut max_pos = gst::ClockTime::ZERO; //! for _ in 0..4 { //! max_pos = max_pos.max(next()); //! } //! //! // Specific formatted values implement the `MulDiv` trait: //! # use gst::prelude::MulDiv; //! # let (samples, rate) = (1024u64, 48_000u64); //! let duration = samples //! .mul_div_round(*gst::ClockTime::SECOND, rate) //! .map(gst::ClockTime::from_nseconds); //! ``` //! //! ## Types in operations //! //! Additions and substractions are available with the specific formatted value type //! as both left and right hand side operands. //! //! On the other hand, multiplications are only available with plain integers. //! This is because multiplying a `ClockTime` by a `ClockTime` would result in //! `ClockTime²`, whereas a `u64 * ClockTime` (or `ClockTime * u64`) still //! results in `ClockTime`. //! //! Divisions are available with both the specific formatted value and plain //! integers as right hand side operands. The difference is that //! `ClockTime / ClockTime` results in `u64` and `ClockTime / u64` results in //! `ClockTime`. //! //! # Optional specific formatted values //! //! Optional specific formatted values are represented as a standard Rust //! `Option`. This departs from the C APIs which use a sentinel that must //! be checked in order to figure out whether the value is defined. //! //! Besides giving access to the usual `Option` features, this ensures the APIs //! enforce mandatory or optional variants whenever possible. //! //! Note: for each specific formatted value `F`, the constant `F::NONE` is defined //! as a shortcut for `Option::::None`. For `gst::ClockTime`, this constant is //! equivalent to the C constant `GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE`. //! //! ## Examples //! //! ### Building a seek `Event` with undefined `stop` time //! //! ``` //! # use gstreamer as gst; //! # use gst::format::prelude::*; //! # gst::init(); //! # let seek_flags = gst::SeekFlags::FLUSH | gst::SeekFlags::KEY_UNIT; //! let seek_evt = gst::event::Seek::new( //! 1.0f64, //! seek_flags, //! gst::SeekType::Set, //! 10.seconds(), // start at 10s //! gst::SeekType::Set, //! gst::ClockTime::NONE, // stop is undefined //! ); //! ``` //! //! ### Displaying an optional formatted value //! //! Optional formatted values can take advantage of the [`Display`] implementation //! of the base specific formatted value. We have to workaround the [orphan rule] //! that forbids the implementation of [`Display`] for `Option` //! though. This is why displaying an optional formatted value necessitates calling //! [`display()`]. //! //! ``` //! # use gstreamer as gst; //! # use gst::prelude::*; //! let opt_time = Some(45_834_908_569_837.nseconds()); //! //! assert_eq!(format!("{}", opt_time.display()), "12:43:54.908569837"); //! assert_eq!(format!("{:.0}", opt_time.display()), "12:43:54"); //! assert_eq!(format!("{:.0}", gst::ClockTime::NONE.display()), "--:--:--"); //! ``` //! //! ### Some operations available on optional formatted values //! //! ``` //! # use gstreamer as gst; //! # use gst::prelude::*; //! let pts = Some(gst::ClockTime::ZERO); //! assert!(pts.is_some()); //! //! // All four arithmetic operations can be used. Ex.: //! let fwd = pts.opt_add(2.seconds()); //! // `pts` is defined, so `fwd` will contain the addition result in `Some`, //! assert!(fwd.is_some()); //! // otherwise `fwd` would be `None`. //! //! // Examples of operations which make sure not to overflow: //! let bwd = pts.opt_saturating_sub(2.seconds()); //! let further = pts.opt_checked_mul(2).expect("Overflowed"); //! //! // Optional specific formatted values can be compared: //! assert_eq!(fwd.opt_gt(bwd), Some(true)); //! assert_ne!(fwd, pts); //! assert_eq!(fwd.opt_min(bwd), bwd); //! //! // Optional specific formatted values operations also apply to non-optional values: //! assert_eq!(fwd.opt_lt(gst::ClockTime::SECOND), Some(false)); //! assert_eq!(gst::ClockTime::SECOND.opt_lt(fwd), Some(true)); //! //! // Comparing a defined values to an undefined value results in `None`: //! assert_eq!(bwd.opt_gt(gst::ClockTime::NONE), None); //! assert_eq!(gst::ClockTime::ZERO.opt_lt(gst::ClockTime::NONE), None); //! ``` //! //! # Signed formatted values //! //! Some APIs can return a signed formatted value. See [`Segment::to_running_time_full`] //! for an example. In Rust, we use the [`Signed`] enum wrapper around the actual //! formatted value. //! //! For each signed specific formatted value `F`, the constants `F::MIN_SIGNED` and //! `F::MAX_SIGNED` represent the minimum and maximum signed values for `F`. //! //! ## Examples //! //! ### Handling a signed formatted value //! //! ``` //! # use gstreamer as gst; //! # use gst::prelude::*; //! # gst::init(); //! # let segment = gst::FormattedSegment::::new(); //! use gst::Signed::*; //! match segment.to_running_time_full(2.seconds()) { //! Some(Positive(pos_rtime)) => println!("positive rtime {pos_rtime}"), //! Some(Negative(neg_rtime)) => println!("negative rtime {neg_rtime}"), //! None => println!("undefined rtime"), //! } //! ``` //! //! ### Converting a formatted value into a signed formatted value //! //! ``` //! # use gstreamer as gst; //! # use gst::prelude::*; //! let step = 10.mseconds(); //! //! let positive_step = step.into_positive(); //! assert!(positive_step.is_positive()); //! //! let negative_step = step.into_negative(); //! assert!(negative_step.is_negative()); //! ``` //! //! ### Handling one sign only //! //! ``` //! # use gstreamer as gst; //! # use gst::prelude::*; //! # struct NegativeError; //! let pos_step = 10.mseconds().into_positive(); //! assert!(pos_step.is_positive()); //! //! let abs_step_or_panic = pos_step.positive().expect("positive"); //! let abs_step_or_zero = pos_step.positive().unwrap_or(gst::ClockTime::ZERO); //! //! let abs_step_or_err = pos_step.positive_or(NegativeError); //! let abs_step_or_else_err = pos_step.positive_or_else(|step| { //! println!("{step} is negative"); //! NegativeError //! }); //! ``` //! //! ### Displaying a signed formatted value //! //! ``` //! # use gstreamer as gst; //! # use gst::prelude::*; //! # gst::init(); //! # let mut segment = gst::FormattedSegment::::new(); //! # segment.set_start(10.seconds()); //! let start = segment.start().unwrap(); //! assert_eq!(format!("{start:.0}"), "0:00:10"); //! //! let p_rtime = segment.to_running_time_full(20.seconds()); //! // Use `display()` with optional signed values. //! assert_eq!(format!("{:.0}", p_rtime.display()), "+0:00:10"); //! //! let p_rtime = segment.to_running_time_full(gst::ClockTime::ZERO); //! assert_eq!(format!("{:.0}", p_rtime.display()), "-0:00:10"); //! //! let p_rtime = segment.to_running_time_full(gst::ClockTime::NONE); //! assert_eq!(format!("{:.0}", p_rtime.display()), "--:--:--"); //! ``` //! //! ## Some operations available for signed formatted values //! //! All the operations available for formatted values can be used with //! signed formatted values. //! //! ``` //! # use gstreamer as gst; //! # use gst::prelude::*; //! let p_one_sec = gst::ClockTime::SECOND.into_positive(); //! let p_two_sec = 2.seconds().into_positive(); //! let n_one_sec = gst::ClockTime::SECOND.into_negative(); //! //! assert_eq!(p_one_sec + p_one_sec, p_two_sec); //! assert_eq!(p_two_sec - p_one_sec, p_one_sec); //! assert_eq!(gst::ClockTime::ZERO - p_one_sec, n_one_sec); //! assert_eq!(p_one_sec * 2u64, p_two_sec); //! assert_eq!(n_one_sec * -1i64, p_one_sec); //! assert_eq!(p_two_sec / 2u64, p_one_sec); //! assert_eq!(p_two_sec / p_one_sec, 2); //! //! // Examples of operations which make sure not to overflow: //! assert_eq!(p_one_sec.saturating_sub(p_two_sec), n_one_sec); //! assert_eq!(p_one_sec.checked_mul(2), Some(p_two_sec)); //! //! // Signed formatted values can be compared: //! assert!(p_one_sec > n_one_sec); //! //! # fn next() -> gst::Signed { gst::ClockTime::ZERO.into_positive() }; //! // Use `gst::ClockTime::MAX_SIGNED` for the maximum valid signed value: //! let mut min_signed_pos = gst::ClockTime::MAX_SIGNED; //! for _ in 0..4 { //! min_signed_pos = min_signed_pos.min(next()); //! } //! //! // And `gst::ClockTime::MIN_SIGNED` for the minimum valid signed value: //! let mut max_signed_pos = gst::ClockTime::MIN_SIGNED; //! for _ in 0..4 { //! max_signed_pos = max_signed_pos.max(next()); //! } //! //! // Signed formatted values implement the `MulDiv` trait: //! # use gst::prelude::*; //! # let rate = 48_000u64; //! let samples = 1024.default_format().into_negative(); //! let duration = samples //! .mul_div_round(*gst::ClockTime::SECOND, rate) //! .map(|signed_default| { //! let signed_u64 = signed_default.into_inner_signed(); //! gst::Signed::::from_nseconds(signed_u64) //! }) //! .unwrap(); //! assert!(duration.is_negative()); //! ``` //! //! ### Some operations available for optional signed formatted values //! //! All the operations available for optional formatted values can be used //! with signed formatted values. //! //! ``` //! # use gstreamer as gst; //! # use gst::prelude::*; //! let p_one_sec = 1.seconds().into_positive(); //! let p_two_sec = 2.seconds().into_positive(); //! let n_one_sec = 1.seconds().into_negative(); //! //! // Signed `ClockTime` addition with optional and non-optional operands. //! assert_eq!(Some(p_one_sec).opt_add(p_one_sec), Some(p_two_sec)); //! assert_eq!(p_two_sec.opt_add(Some(n_one_sec)), Some(p_one_sec)); //! //! // This can also be used with unsigned formatted values. //! assert_eq!(Some(p_one_sec).opt_add(gst::ClockTime::SECOND), Some(p_two_sec)); //! //! // Etc... //! ``` //! //! # Generic Formatted Values //! //! Sometimes, generic code can't assume a specific format will be used. For such //! use cases, the [`GenericFormattedValue`] enum makes it possible to select //! the appropriate behaviour at runtime. //! //! Most variants embed an optional specific formatted value. //! //! ## Example //! //! ### Generic handling of the position from a `SegmentDone` event //! //! ``` //! # use gstreamer as gst; //! # use gst::prelude::*; //! # gst::init(); //! # let event = gst::event::SegmentDone::new(512.buffers()); //! if let gst::EventView::SegmentDone(seg_done_evt) = event.view() { //! use gst::GenericFormattedValue::*; //! match seg_done_evt.get() { //! Buffers(buffers) => println!("Segment done @ {}", buffers.display()), //! Bytes(bytes) => println!("Segment done @ {}", bytes.display()), //! Time(time) => println!("Segment done @ {}", time.display()), //! other => println!("Unexpected format for Segment done position {other:?}"), //! } //! } //! ``` //! //! [`GstFormat`]: https://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/documentation/gstreamer/gstformat.html?gi-language=c //! [`ClockTime`]: struct.ClockTime.html //! [`Buffers`]: struct.Buffers.html //! [`Percent`]: struct.Percent.html //! [`Display`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/fmt/trait.Display.html //! [`display()`]: ../prelude/trait.Displayable.html //! [orphan rule]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/ch10-02-traits.html?highlight=orphan#implementing-a-trait-on-a-type //! [`Segment::to_running_time_full`]: ../struct.FormattedSegment.html#method.to_running_time_full //! [`Signed`]: enum.Signed.html //! [`GenericFormattedValue`]: generic/enum.GenericFormattedValue.html use thiserror::Error; #[macro_use] mod macros; mod clock_time; pub use clock_time::*; #[cfg(feature = "serde")] mod clock_time_serde; mod compatible; pub use compatible::*; #[cfg(feature = "serde")] mod format_serde; mod generic; pub use generic::*; mod signed; pub use signed::*; mod specific; pub use specific::*; mod undefined; pub use undefined::*; pub mod prelude { pub use super::{ BuffersFormatConstructor, BytesFormatConstructor, DefaultFormatConstructor, FormattedValue, FormattedValueNoneBuilder, NoneSignedBuilder, OtherFormatConstructor, PercentFormatFloatConstructor, PercentFormatIntegerConstructor, TimeFormatConstructor, UndefinedFormatConstructor, UnsignedIntoSigned, }; } use crate::Format; #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Error)] #[error("invalid formatted value format {:?}", .0)] pub struct FormattedValueError(Format); pub trait FormattedValue: Copy + Clone + Sized + Into + 'static { // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next /// Type which allows building a `FormattedValue` of this format from any raw value. type FullRange: FormattedValueFullRange + From; #[doc(alias = "get_default_format")] fn default_format() -> Format; #[doc(alias = "get_format")] fn format(&self) -> Format; // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next /// Returns `true` if this `FormattedValue` represents a defined value. fn is_some(&self) -> bool; // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next /// Returns `true` if this `FormattedValue` represents an undefined value. fn is_none(&self) -> bool { !self.is_some() } unsafe fn into_raw_value(self) -> i64; } // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next /// A [`FormattedValue`] which can be built from any raw value. /// /// # Examples: /// /// - `GenericFormattedValue` is the `FormattedValueFullRange` type for `GenericFormattedValue`. /// - `Undefined` is the `FormattedValueFullRange` type for `Undefined`. /// - `Option` is the `FormattedValueFullRange` type for `Percent`. pub trait FormattedValueFullRange: FormattedValue + TryFrom { unsafe fn from_raw(format: Format, value: i64) -> Self; } // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next /// A trait implemented on the intrinsic type of a `FormattedValue`. /// /// # Examples /// /// - `GenericFormattedValue` is the intrinsic type for `GenericFormattedValue`. /// - `Undefined` is the intrinsic type for `Undefined`. /// - `Bytes` is the intrinsic type for `Option`. pub trait FormattedValueIntrinsic: FormattedValue {} pub trait FormattedValueNoneBuilder: FormattedValueFullRange { // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next /// Returns the `None` value for `Self` as a `FullRange` if such a value can be represented. /// /// - For `SpecificFormattedValue`s, this results in `Option::::None`. /// - For `GenericFormattedValue`, this can only be obtained using [`Self::none_for_format`] /// because the `None` is an inner value of some of the variants. /// /// # Panics /// /// Panics if `Self` is `GenericFormattedValue` in which case, the `Format` must be known. fn none() -> Self; // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next /// Returns the `None` value for `Self` if such a value can be represented. /// /// - For `SpecificFormattedValue`s, this is the same as `Self::none()` /// if the `format` matches the `SpecificFormattedValue`'s format. /// - For `GenericFormattedValue` this is the variant for the specified `format`, /// initialized with `None` as a value, if the `format` can represent that value. /// /// # Panics /// /// Panics if `None` can't be represented by `Self` for `format` or by the requested /// `GenericFormattedValue` variant. #[track_caller] fn none_for_format(format: Format) -> Self { skip_assert_initialized!(); // This is the default impl. `GenericFormattedValue` must override. if Self::default_format() != format { panic!( "Expected: {:?}, requested {format:?}", Self::default_format() ); } Self::none() } } use std::fmt; impl fmt::Display for Format { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { match self { Self::Undefined => f.write_str("undefined"), Self::Default => f.write_str("default"), Self::Bytes => f.write_str("bytes"), Self::Time => f.write_str("time"), Self::Buffers => f.write_str("buffers"), Self::Percent => f.write_str("%"), Self::__Unknown(format) => write!(f, "(format: {})", format), } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::utils::Displayable; fn with_compatible_formats( arg1: V1, arg2: V2, ) -> Result where V1: FormattedValue, V2: CompatibleFormattedValue, { skip_assert_initialized!(); arg2.try_into_checked(arg1) } #[test] fn compatible() { assert_eq!( with_compatible_formats(ClockTime::ZERO, ClockTime::ZERO), Ok(ClockTime::ZERO), ); assert_eq!( with_compatible_formats(ClockTime::ZERO, ClockTime::NONE), Ok(ClockTime::NONE), ); assert_eq!( with_compatible_formats(ClockTime::NONE, ClockTime::ZERO), Ok(ClockTime::ZERO), ); assert_eq!( with_compatible_formats( ClockTime::ZERO, GenericFormattedValue::Time(Some(ClockTime::ZERO)), ), Ok(GenericFormattedValue::Time(Some(ClockTime::ZERO))), ); assert_eq!( with_compatible_formats( GenericFormattedValue::Time(Some(ClockTime::ZERO)), ClockTime::NONE, ), Ok(ClockTime::NONE), ); } #[test] fn incompatible() { with_compatible_formats( ClockTime::ZERO, GenericFormattedValue::Buffers(Some(42.buffers())), ) .unwrap_err(); with_compatible_formats( GenericFormattedValue::Buffers(Some(42.buffers())), ClockTime::NONE, ) .unwrap_err(); } fn with_compatible_explicit(arg: V, f: Format) -> Result where T: FormattedValue, V: CompatibleFormattedValue, { skip_assert_initialized!(); arg.try_into_checked_explicit(f) } #[test] fn compatible_explicit() { assert_eq!( with_compatible_explicit::(ClockTime::ZERO, Format::Time), Ok(ClockTime::ZERO), ); assert_eq!( with_compatible_explicit::(ClockTime::NONE, Format::Time), Ok(ClockTime::NONE), ); assert_eq!( with_compatible_explicit::(ClockTime::ZERO, Format::Time), Ok(ClockTime::ZERO), ); assert_eq!( with_compatible_explicit::( GenericFormattedValue::Time(None), Format::Time ), Ok(GenericFormattedValue::Time(None)), ); assert_eq!( with_compatible_explicit::(ClockTime::NONE, Format::Time), Ok(ClockTime::NONE), ); } #[test] fn incompatible_explicit() { with_compatible_explicit::(GenericFormattedValue::Time(None), Format::Buffers) .unwrap_err(); with_compatible_explicit::(Buffers::ZERO, Format::Time) .unwrap_err(); with_compatible_explicit::( GenericFormattedValue::Time(None), Format::Buffers, ) .unwrap_err(); } #[test] fn none_builder() { let ct_none: Option = Option::::none(); assert!(ct_none.is_none()); let ct_none: Option = Option::::none_for_format(Format::Time); assert!(ct_none.is_none()); let gen_ct_none: GenericFormattedValue = GenericFormattedValue::none_for_format(Format::Time); assert!(gen_ct_none.is_none()); assert!(ClockTime::ZERO.is_some()); assert!(!ClockTime::ZERO.is_none()); } #[test] #[should_panic] fn none_for_inconsistent_format() { let _ = Option::::none_for_format(Format::Percent); } #[test] #[should_panic] fn none_for_unsupported_format() { let _ = GenericFormattedValue::none_for_format(Format::Undefined); } #[test] fn none_signed_builder() { let ct_none: Option> = Option::::none_signed(); assert!(ct_none.is_none()); let ct_none: Option> = Option::::none_signed_for_format(Format::Time); assert!(ct_none.is_none()); let gen_ct_none: GenericSignedFormattedValue = GenericFormattedValue::none_signed_for_format(Format::Time); assert!(gen_ct_none.abs().is_none()); } #[test] fn signed_optional() { let ct_1 = Some(ClockTime::SECOND); let signed = ct_1.into_positive().unwrap(); assert_eq!(signed, Signed::Positive(ClockTime::SECOND)); assert!(signed.is_positive()); assert_eq!(signed.positive_or(()).unwrap(), ClockTime::SECOND); assert_eq!(signed.positive_or_else(|_| ()).unwrap(), ClockTime::SECOND); signed.negative_or(()).unwrap_err(); assert_eq!( signed.negative_or_else(|val| val).unwrap_err(), ClockTime::SECOND ); let signed = ct_1.into_negative().unwrap(); assert_eq!(signed, Signed::Negative(ClockTime::SECOND)); assert!(signed.is_negative()); assert_eq!(signed.negative_or(()).unwrap(), ClockTime::SECOND); assert_eq!(signed.negative_or_else(|_| ()).unwrap(), ClockTime::SECOND); signed.positive_or(()).unwrap_err(); assert_eq!( signed.positive_or_else(|val| val).unwrap_err(), ClockTime::SECOND ); let ct_none = ClockTime::NONE; assert!(ct_none.into_positive().is_none()); assert!(ct_none.into_negative().is_none()); } #[test] fn signed_mandatory() { let ct_1 = ClockTime::SECOND; let signed = ct_1.into_positive(); assert_eq!(signed, Signed::Positive(ct_1)); assert!(signed.is_positive()); assert_eq!(signed.positive(), Some(ct_1)); assert!(!signed.is_negative()); assert!(signed.negative().is_none()); assert_eq!(signed.signum(), 1); let signed = ct_1.into_negative(); assert_eq!(signed, Signed::Negative(ct_1)); assert!(signed.is_negative()); assert_eq!(signed.negative(), Some(ct_1)); assert!(!signed.is_positive()); assert!(signed.positive().is_none()); assert_eq!(signed.signum(), -1); let signed = Default::ONE.into_positive(); assert_eq!(signed, Signed::Positive(Default::ONE)); assert!(signed.is_positive()); assert_eq!(signed.positive(), Some(Default::ONE)); assert!(!signed.is_negative()); assert!(signed.negative().is_none()); assert_eq!(signed.signum(), 1); let signed = Default::ONE.into_negative(); assert_eq!(signed, Signed::Negative(Default::ONE)); assert!(signed.is_negative()); assert_eq!(signed.negative(), Some(Default::ONE)); assert!(!signed.is_positive()); assert!(signed.positive().is_none()); assert_eq!(signed.signum(), -1); let ct_zero = ClockTime::ZERO; let p_ct_zero = ct_zero.into_positive(); assert!(p_ct_zero.is_positive()); assert!(!p_ct_zero.is_negative()); assert_eq!(p_ct_zero.signum(), 0); let n_ct_zero = ct_zero.into_negative(); assert!(n_ct_zero.is_negative()); assert!(!n_ct_zero.is_positive()); assert_eq!(n_ct_zero.signum(), 0); } #[test] fn signed_generic() { let ct_1 = GenericFormattedValue::Time(Some(ClockTime::SECOND)); assert!(ct_1.is_some()); let signed = ct_1.into_positive(); assert_eq!( signed, GenericSignedFormattedValue::Time(Some(Signed::Positive(ClockTime::SECOND))), ); assert_eq!(signed.is_positive(), Some(true)); assert_eq!(signed.is_negative(), Some(false)); assert_eq!(signed.signum(), Some(1)); let signed = ct_1.into_negative(); assert_eq!( signed, GenericSignedFormattedValue::Time(Some(Signed::Negative(ClockTime::SECOND))), ); assert_eq!(signed.is_negative(), Some(true)); assert_eq!(signed.is_positive(), Some(false)); assert_eq!(signed.signum(), Some(-1)); let ct_none = GenericFormattedValue::Time(ClockTime::NONE); assert!(ct_none.is_none()); let signed = ct_none.into_positive(); assert_eq!(signed, GenericSignedFormattedValue::Time(None),); assert!(signed.is_positive().is_none()); assert!(signed.is_negative().is_none()); assert!(signed.signum().is_none()); let signed = ct_none.into_negative(); assert_eq!(signed, GenericSignedFormattedValue::Time(None),); assert!(signed.is_negative().is_none()); assert!(signed.is_positive().is_none()); assert!(signed.signum().is_none()); let ct_zero = GenericFormattedValue::Time(Some(ClockTime::ZERO)); assert!(ct_zero.is_some()); let signed = ct_zero.into_positive(); assert_eq!( signed, GenericSignedFormattedValue::Time(Some(Signed::Positive(ClockTime::ZERO))), ); assert_eq!(signed.is_positive(), Some(true)); assert_eq!(signed.is_negative(), Some(false)); assert_eq!(signed.signum(), Some(0)); } #[test] fn signed_roundtrip() { let ct_1 = Some(ClockTime::SECOND); let raw_ct_1 = unsafe { ct_1.into_raw_value() }; let signed = unsafe { Option::::from_raw(Format::Time, raw_ct_1) } .into_signed(1) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(signed, Signed::Positive(ClockTime::SECOND)); assert!(signed.is_positive()); let signed = unsafe { Option::::from_raw(Format::Time, raw_ct_1) } .into_signed(-1) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(signed, Signed::Negative(ClockTime::SECOND)); assert!(signed.is_negative()); let ct_none = ClockTime::NONE; let raw_ct_none = unsafe { ct_none.into_raw_value() }; let signed = unsafe { Option::::from_raw(Format::Time, raw_ct_none) }.into_signed(1); assert!(signed.is_none()); let signed = unsafe { Option::::from_raw(Format::Time, raw_ct_none) }.into_signed(-1); assert!(signed.is_none()); } #[test] fn display_new_types() { let bytes = 42.bytes(); assert_eq!(&format!("{bytes}"), "42 bytes"); assert_eq!(&format!("{}", bytes.display()), "42 bytes"); assert_eq!(&format!("{}", Some(bytes).display()), "42 bytes"); assert_eq!(&format!("{}", Bytes::NONE.display()), "undef. bytes"); let gv_1 = GenericFormattedValue::Percent(Some(42.percent())); assert_eq!(&format!("{gv_1}"), "42 %"); assert_eq!( &format!("{}", GenericFormattedValue::Percent(None)), "undef. %" ); let percent = Percent::try_from(0.1234).unwrap(); assert_eq!(&format!("{percent}"), "12.34 %"); assert_eq!(&format!("{percent:5.1}"), " 12.3 %"); let other: Other = 42.try_into().unwrap(); assert_eq!(&format!("{other}"), "42"); let g_other = GenericFormattedValue::new(Format::__Unknown(128), 42); assert_eq!(&format!("{g_other}"), "42 (format: 128)"); assert_eq!(&format!("{}", g_other.display()), "42 (format: 128)"); let g_other_none = GenericFormattedValue::Other(Format::__Unknown(128), None); assert_eq!(&format!("{g_other_none}"), "undef. (format: 128)"); assert_eq!( &format!("{}", g_other_none.display()), "undef. (format: 128)" ); } #[test] fn display_signed() { let bytes_42 = 42.bytes(); let p_bytes = bytes_42.into_positive(); assert_eq!(&format!("{p_bytes}"), "+42 bytes"); assert_eq!(&format!("{}", p_bytes.display()), "+42 bytes"); let some_p_bytes = Some(p_bytes); assert_eq!(&format!("{}", some_p_bytes.display()), "+42 bytes"); let p_some_bytes = Signed::Positive(Some(bytes_42)); assert_eq!(&format!("{}", p_some_bytes.display()), "+42 bytes"); let n_bytes = bytes_42.into_negative(); assert_eq!(&format!("{n_bytes}"), "-42 bytes"); assert_eq!(&format!("{}", n_bytes.display()), "-42 bytes"); let some_n_bytes = Some(n_bytes); assert_eq!(&format!("{}", some_n_bytes.display()), "-42 bytes"); let n_some_bytes = Signed::Negative(Some(bytes_42)); assert_eq!(&format!("{}", n_some_bytes.display()), "-42 bytes"); let p_none_bytes = Signed::Positive(Bytes::NONE); assert_eq!(&format!("{}", p_none_bytes.display()), "undef. bytes"); let n_none_bytes = Signed::Negative(Bytes::NONE); assert_eq!(&format!("{}", n_none_bytes.display()), "undef. bytes"); let none_s_bytes = Option::>::None; assert_eq!(&format!("{}", none_s_bytes.display()), "undef. bytes"); let ct_1 = 45_834_908_569_837 * ClockTime::NSECOND; assert_eq!(&format!("{ct_1}"), "12:43:54.908569837"); assert_eq!(&format!("{}", ct_1.display()), "12:43:54.908569837"); let g_ct_1 = GenericFormattedValue::Time(Some(ct_1)); assert_eq!(&format!("{g_ct_1}"), "12:43:54.908569837"); assert_eq!(&format!("{}", g_ct_1.display()), "12:43:54.908569837"); let p_g_ct1 = g_ct_1.into_positive(); assert_eq!(&format!("{p_g_ct1}"), "+12:43:54.908569837"); assert_eq!(&format!("{}", p_g_ct1.display()), "+12:43:54.908569837"); let n_g_ct1 = g_ct_1.into_negative(); assert_eq!(&format!("{n_g_ct1}"), "-12:43:54.908569837"); assert_eq!(&format!("{}", n_g_ct1.display()), "-12:43:54.908569837"); } }