// Take a look at the license at the top of the repository in the LICENSE file. use glib::{prelude::*, translate::*}; use std::{alloc, mem, ptr}; use crate::Memory; #[repr(C)] struct WrappedMemory { mem: ffi::GstMemory, // AsRef / AsMut values data: *mut u8, // Layout used for allocating this struct, literally `Layout::new` layout: alloc::Layout, // Offset from the beginning of the struct until `wrap` wrap_offset: usize, // `ptr::drop_in_place()` for `T` wrap_drop_in_place: unsafe fn(*mut T), wrap: T, } unsafe extern "C" fn free(_allocator: *mut ffi::GstAllocator, mem: *mut ffi::GstMemory) { let mem = mem as *mut WrappedMemory<()>; if (*mem).wrap_offset > 0 { let wrap = (mem as *mut u8).add((*mem).wrap_offset) as *mut (); ((*mem).wrap_drop_in_place)(wrap); } alloc::dealloc(mem as *mut u8, (*mem).layout); } unsafe extern "C" fn mem_map( mem: *mut ffi::GstMemory, _maxsize: usize, _flags: ffi::GstMapFlags, ) -> glib::ffi::gpointer { let mem = mem as *mut WrappedMemory<()>; (*mem).data as glib::ffi::gpointer } unsafe extern "C" fn mem_unmap(_mem: *mut ffi::GstMemory) {} unsafe extern "C" fn mem_share( mem: *mut ffi::GstMemory, offset: isize, size: isize, ) -> *mut ffi::GstMemory { let mem = mem as *mut WrappedMemory<()>; // Basically a re-implementation of _sysmem_share() let parent = if (*mem).mem.parent.is_null() { mem } else { (*mem).mem.parent as *mut WrappedMemory<()> }; // Offset and size are actually usizes and the API assumes that negative values simply wrap // around, so let's cast to usizes here and do wrapping arithmetic. let offset = offset as usize; let mut size = size as usize; let new_offset = (*mem).mem.offset.wrapping_add(offset); debug_assert!(new_offset < (*mem).mem.maxsize); if size == usize::MAX { size = (*mem).mem.size.wrapping_sub(offset); } debug_assert!(new_offset <= usize::MAX - size); debug_assert!(new_offset + size <= (*mem).mem.maxsize); let layout = alloc::Layout::new::>(); let sub = alloc::alloc(layout) as *mut WrappedMemory<()>; ffi::gst_memory_init( sub as *mut ffi::GstMemory, (*mem).mem.mini_object.flags | ffi::GST_MINI_OBJECT_FLAG_LOCK_READONLY, (*mem).mem.allocator, parent as *mut ffi::GstMemory, (*mem).mem.maxsize, (*mem).mem.align, new_offset, size, ); ptr::write(ptr::addr_of_mut!((*sub).data), (*mem).data); ptr::write(ptr::addr_of_mut!((*sub).layout), layout); ptr::write(ptr::addr_of_mut!((*sub).wrap_offset), 0); ptr::write(ptr::addr_of_mut!((*sub).wrap_drop_in_place), |_| ()); sub as *mut ffi::GstMemory } unsafe extern "C" fn mem_is_span( mem1: *mut ffi::GstMemory, mem2: *mut ffi::GstMemory, offset: *mut usize, ) -> glib::ffi::gboolean { let mem1 = mem1 as *mut WrappedMemory<()>; let mem2 = mem2 as *mut WrappedMemory<()>; // Basically a re-implementation of _sysmem_is_span() if !offset.is_null() { let parent = (*mem1).mem.parent as *mut WrappedMemory<()>; *offset = (*mem1).mem.offset - (*parent).mem.offset; } let is_span = (*mem1).data.add((*mem1).mem.offset).add((*mem1).mem.size) == (*mem2).data.add((*mem2).mem.offset); is_span.into_glib() } unsafe extern "C" fn class_init(class: glib::ffi::gpointer, _class_data: glib::ffi::gpointer) { let class = class as *mut ffi::GstAllocatorClass; (*class).free = Some(free); } unsafe extern "C" fn instance_init( obj: *mut glib::gobject_ffi::GTypeInstance, _class: glib::ffi::gpointer, ) { static ALLOCATOR_TYPE: &[u8] = b"RustGlobalAllocatorMemory\0"; let allocator = obj as *mut ffi::GstAllocator; (*allocator).mem_type = ALLOCATOR_TYPE.as_ptr() as *const _; (*allocator).mem_map = Some(mem_map); (*allocator).mem_unmap = Some(mem_unmap); // mem_copy not set because the fallback already does the right thing (*allocator).mem_share = Some(mem_share); (*allocator).mem_is_span = Some(mem_is_span); // TODO: Could also implement alloc() (*allocator).object.flags |= ffi::GST_ALLOCATOR_FLAG_CUSTOM_ALLOC; } fn rust_allocator() -> &'static crate::Allocator { static RUST_ALLOCATOR: std::sync::OnceLock = std::sync::OnceLock::new(); RUST_ALLOCATOR.get_or_init(|| unsafe { struct TypeInfoWrap(glib::gobject_ffi::GTypeInfo); unsafe impl Send for TypeInfoWrap {} unsafe impl Sync for TypeInfoWrap {} static TYPE_INFO: TypeInfoWrap = TypeInfoWrap(glib::gobject_ffi::GTypeInfo { class_size: mem::size_of::() as u16, base_init: None, base_finalize: None, class_init: Some(class_init), class_finalize: None, class_data: ptr::null_mut(), instance_size: mem::size_of::() as u16, n_preallocs: 0, instance_init: Some(instance_init), value_table: ptr::null(), }); let type_name = { let mut idx = 0; loop { let type_name = glib::gformat!("GstRsAllocator-{}", idx); if glib::gobject_ffi::g_type_from_name(type_name.as_ptr()) == glib::gobject_ffi::G_TYPE_INVALID { break type_name; } idx += 1; } }; let t = glib::gobject_ffi::g_type_register_static( crate::Allocator::static_type().into_glib(), type_name.as_ptr(), &TYPE_INFO.0, 0, ); assert!(t != glib::gobject_ffi::G_TYPE_INVALID); from_glib_none( glib::gobject_ffi::g_object_newv(t, 0, ptr::null_mut()) as *mut ffi::GstAllocator ) }) } impl Memory { #[doc(alias = "gst_memory_new_wrapped")] #[doc(alias = "gst_memory_new_wrapped_full")] #[inline] pub fn from_slice + Send + 'static>(slice: T) -> Self { assert_initialized_main_thread!(); let len = slice.as_ref().len(); unsafe { let layout = alloc::Layout::new::>(); let mem = alloc::alloc(layout) as *mut WrappedMemory; ffi::gst_memory_init( mem as *mut ffi::GstMemory, ffi::GST_MINI_OBJECT_FLAG_LOCK_READONLY, rust_allocator().to_glib_none().0, ptr::null_mut(), len, 0, 0, len, ); ptr::write(ptr::addr_of_mut!((*mem).wrap), slice); assert_eq!(len, (*mem).wrap.as_ref().len()); let data = (*mem).wrap.as_ref().as_ptr(); ptr::write(ptr::addr_of_mut!((*mem).data), mut_override(data)); ptr::write(ptr::addr_of_mut!((*mem).layout), layout); let wrap_offset = ptr::addr_of!((*mem).wrap) as usize - mem as usize; ptr::write(ptr::addr_of_mut!((*mem).wrap_offset), wrap_offset); ptr::write( ptr::addr_of_mut!((*mem).wrap_drop_in_place), ptr::drop_in_place::, ); from_glib_full(mem as *mut ffi::GstMemory) } } #[doc(alias = "gst_memory_new_wrapped")] #[doc(alias = "gst_memory_new_wrapped_full")] #[inline] pub fn from_mut_slice + Send + 'static>(mut slice: T) -> Self { assert_initialized_main_thread!(); let len = slice.as_mut().len(); unsafe { let layout = alloc::Layout::new::>(); let mem = alloc::alloc(layout) as *mut WrappedMemory; ffi::gst_memory_init( mem as *mut ffi::GstMemory, 0, rust_allocator().to_glib_none().0, ptr::null_mut(), len, 0, 0, len, ); ptr::write(ptr::addr_of_mut!((*mem).wrap), slice); assert_eq!(len, (*mem).wrap.as_mut().len()); let data = (*mem).wrap.as_mut().as_mut_ptr(); ptr::write(ptr::addr_of_mut!((*mem).data), data); ptr::write(ptr::addr_of_mut!((*mem).layout), layout); let wrap_offset = ptr::addr_of!((*mem).wrap) as usize - mem as usize; ptr::write(ptr::addr_of_mut!((*mem).wrap_offset), wrap_offset); ptr::write( ptr::addr_of_mut!((*mem).wrap_drop_in_place), ptr::drop_in_place::, ); from_glib_full(mem as *mut ffi::GstMemory) } } }