// Take a look at the license at the top of the repository in the LICENSE file. use std::{fmt, marker::PhantomData, mem, ops, ptr, str}; use glib::translate::*; use gst::prelude::*; use crate::{ffi, VideoFormat, VideoInfo}; #[doc(alias = "gst_video_dma_drm_fourcc_from_format")] pub fn dma_drm_fourcc_from_format(v: VideoFormat) -> Result { skip_assert_initialized!(); unsafe { let res = ffi::gst_video_dma_drm_fourcc_from_format(v.into_glib()); if res == 0 { Err(glib::bool_error!("Unsupported video format")) } else { Ok(res) } } } #[doc(alias = "gst_video_dma_drm_fourcc_to_format")] pub fn dma_drm_fourcc_to_format(v: u32) -> Result { skip_assert_initialized!(); unsafe { let res = ffi::gst_video_dma_drm_fourcc_to_format(v); if res == ffi::GST_VIDEO_FORMAT_UNKNOWN { Err(glib::bool_error!("Unsupported fourcc")) } else { Ok(from_glib(res)) } } } #[doc(alias = "gst_video_dma_drm_fourcc_to_string")] pub fn dma_drm_fourcc_to_string(fourcc: u32, modifier: u64) -> glib::GString { skip_assert_initialized!(); unsafe { glib::GString::from_glib_full(ffi::gst_video_dma_drm_fourcc_to_string(fourcc, modifier)) } } #[doc(alias = "gst_video_dma_drm_fourcc_from_string")] pub fn dma_drm_fourcc_from_str(v: &str) -> Result<(u32, u64), glib::BoolError> { skip_assert_initialized!(); unsafe { let mut modifier = mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); let res = ffi::gst_video_dma_drm_fourcc_from_string(v.to_glib_none().0, modifier.as_mut_ptr()); if res == 0 { Err(glib::bool_error!("Can't parse fourcc string")) } else { Ok((res, modifier.assume_init())) } } } #[doc(alias = "GstVideoInfoDmaDrm")] #[derive(Clone)] #[repr(transparent)] pub struct VideoInfoDmaDrm(pub(crate) ffi::GstVideoInfoDmaDrm); impl ops::Deref for VideoInfoDmaDrm { type Target = VideoInfo; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { unsafe { &*(&self.0.vinfo as *const ffi::GstVideoInfo as *const VideoInfo) } } } impl fmt::Debug for VideoInfoDmaDrm { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("VideoInfoDmaDrm") .field("info", &**self) .field("drm_fourcc", &self.0.drm_fourcc) .field("drm_modifier", &self.0.drm_modifier) .finish() } } impl VideoInfoDmaDrm { pub fn new(info: VideoInfo, fourcc: u32, modifier: u64) -> VideoInfoDmaDrm { assert_initialized_main_thread!(); VideoInfoDmaDrm(ffi::GstVideoInfoDmaDrm { vinfo: info.0, drm_fourcc: fourcc, drm_modifier: modifier, _gst_reserved: [0; 20], }) } #[inline] pub fn is_valid(&self) -> bool { !self.0.vinfo.finfo.is_null() && self.0.vinfo.width > 0 && self.0.vinfo.height > 0 && self.0.vinfo.size > 0 } #[doc(alias = "gst_video_info_dma_drm_from_caps")] pub fn from_caps(caps: &gst::CapsRef) -> Result { skip_assert_initialized!(); unsafe { let mut info = mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); if from_glib(ffi::gst_video_info_dma_drm_from_caps( info.as_mut_ptr(), caps.as_ptr(), )) { Ok(Self(info.assume_init())) } else { Err(glib::bool_error!( "Failed to create VideoInfoDmaDrm from caps" )) } } } #[doc(alias = "gst_video_info_dma_drm_to_caps")] pub fn to_caps(&self) -> Result { unsafe { let result = from_glib_full(ffi::gst_video_info_dma_drm_to_caps(mut_override(&self.0))); match result { Some(c) => Ok(c), None => Err(glib::bool_error!( "Failed to create caps from VideoInfoDmaDrm" )), } } } #[doc(alias = "gst_video_info_dma_drm_from_video_info")] pub fn from_video_info( video_info: &crate::VideoInfo, modifier: u64, ) -> Result { skip_assert_initialized!(); unsafe { let mut info = mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); if from_glib(ffi::gst_video_info_dma_drm_from_video_info( info.as_mut_ptr(), video_info.to_glib_none().0, modifier, )) { Ok(Self(info.assume_init())) } else { Err(glib::bool_error!( "Failed to create VideoInfoDmaDrm from VideoInfo" )) } } } #[doc(alias = "gst_video_info_dma_drm_to_video_info")] pub fn to_video_info(&self) -> Result { unsafe { let mut video_info = mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); if from_glib(ffi::gst_video_info_dma_drm_to_video_info( mut_override(&self.0), video_info.as_mut_ptr(), )) { Ok(crate::VideoInfo(video_info.assume_init())) } else { Err(glib::bool_error!( "Failed to create VideoInfo from VideoInfoDmaDrm" )) } } } #[inline] pub fn fourcc(&self) -> u32 { self.0.drm_fourcc } #[inline] pub fn modifier(&self) -> u64 { self.0.drm_modifier } } impl PartialEq for VideoInfoDmaDrm { #[doc(alias = "gst_video_info_is_equal")] fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { unsafe { from_glib(ffi::gst_video_info_is_equal(&self.0.vinfo, &other.0.vinfo)) && self.0.drm_fourcc == other.0.drm_fourcc && self.0.drm_modifier == other.0.drm_modifier } } } impl Eq for VideoInfoDmaDrm {} unsafe impl Send for VideoInfoDmaDrm {} unsafe impl Sync for VideoInfoDmaDrm {} impl glib::types::StaticType for VideoInfoDmaDrm { #[inline] fn static_type() -> glib::types::Type { unsafe { glib::translate::from_glib(ffi::gst_video_info_dma_drm_get_type()) } } } impl glib::value::ValueType for VideoInfoDmaDrm { type Type = Self; } #[doc(hidden)] unsafe impl<'a> glib::value::FromValue<'a> for VideoInfoDmaDrm { type Checker = glib::value::GenericValueTypeOrNoneChecker; unsafe fn from_value(value: &'a glib::Value) -> Self { skip_assert_initialized!(); from_glib_none(glib::gobject_ffi::g_value_get_boxed(value.to_glib_none().0) as *mut ffi::GstVideoInfoDmaDrm) } } #[doc(hidden)] impl glib::value::ToValue for VideoInfoDmaDrm { fn to_value(&self) -> glib::Value { let mut value = glib::Value::for_value_type::(); unsafe { glib::gobject_ffi::g_value_set_boxed( value.to_glib_none_mut().0, self.to_glib_none().0 as *mut _, ) } value } fn value_type(&self) -> glib::Type { Self::static_type() } } #[doc(hidden)] impl glib::value::ToValueOptional for VideoInfoDmaDrm { fn to_value_optional(s: Option<&Self>) -> glib::Value { skip_assert_initialized!(); let mut value = glib::Value::for_value_type::(); unsafe { glib::gobject_ffi::g_value_set_boxed( value.to_glib_none_mut().0, s.to_glib_none().0 as *mut _, ) } value } } #[doc(hidden)] impl From for glib::Value { fn from(v: VideoInfoDmaDrm) -> glib::Value { skip_assert_initialized!(); glib::value::ToValue::to_value(&v) } } #[doc(hidden)] impl glib::translate::Uninitialized for VideoInfoDmaDrm { #[inline] unsafe fn uninitialized() -> Self { mem::zeroed() } } #[doc(hidden)] impl glib::translate::GlibPtrDefault for VideoInfoDmaDrm { type GlibType = *mut ffi::GstVideoInfoDmaDrm; } #[doc(hidden)] impl<'a> glib::translate::ToGlibPtr<'a, *const ffi::GstVideoInfoDmaDrm> for VideoInfoDmaDrm { type Storage = PhantomData<&'a Self>; #[inline] fn to_glib_none(&'a self) -> glib::translate::Stash<'a, *const ffi::GstVideoInfoDmaDrm, Self> { glib::translate::Stash(&self.0, PhantomData) } fn to_glib_full(&self) -> *const ffi::GstVideoInfoDmaDrm { unimplemented!() } } #[doc(hidden)] impl glib::translate::FromGlibPtrNone<*const ffi::GstVideoInfoDmaDrm> for VideoInfoDmaDrm { #[inline] unsafe fn from_glib_none(ptr: *const ffi::GstVideoInfoDmaDrm) -> Self { Self(ptr::read(ptr)) } } #[doc(hidden)] impl glib::translate::FromGlibPtrNone<*mut ffi::GstVideoInfoDmaDrm> for VideoInfoDmaDrm { #[inline] unsafe fn from_glib_none(ptr: *mut ffi::GstVideoInfoDmaDrm) -> Self { Self(ptr::read(ptr)) } } #[doc(hidden)] impl glib::translate::FromGlibPtrFull<*mut ffi::GstVideoInfoDmaDrm> for VideoInfoDmaDrm { #[inline] unsafe fn from_glib_full(ptr: *mut ffi::GstVideoInfoDmaDrm) -> Self { let info = from_glib_none(ptr); glib::ffi::g_free(ptr as *mut _); info } }