//! This example demonstrates how to output GL textures, within an EGL/X11 context provided by the //! application, and render those textures in the GL application. //! //! This example follow common patterns from `glutin`: //! // {videotestsrc} - { glsinkbin } use std::{ ffi::{CStr, CString}, mem, num::NonZeroU32, ptr, sync::Mutex, }; use anyhow::{Context, Result}; use derive_more::{Display, Error}; use glutin::{ config::GetGlConfig as _, context::AsRawContext as _, display::{AsRawDisplay as _, GetGlDisplay as _}, prelude::*, }; use glutin_winit::GlWindow as _; use gst::element_error; use gst_gl::prelude::*; use raw_window_handle::HasRawWindowHandle as _; #[derive(Debug, Display, Error)] #[display(fmt = "Received error from {src}: {error} (debug: {debug:?})")] struct ErrorMessage { src: glib::GString, error: glib::Error, debug: Option, } #[rustfmt::skip] static VERTICES: [f32; 20] = [ 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, -1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, ]; static INDICES: [u16; 6] = [0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3]; #[rustfmt::skip] static IDENTITY: [f32; 16] = [ 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, ]; const VS_SRC: &[u8] = b" uniform mat4 u_transformation; attribute vec4 a_position; attribute vec2 a_texcoord; varying vec2 v_texcoord; void main() { gl_Position = u_transformation * a_position; v_texcoord = a_texcoord; } \0"; const FS_SRC: &[u8] = b" #ifdef GL_ES precision mediump float; #endif varying vec2 v_texcoord; uniform sampler2D tex; void main() { gl_FragColor = texture2D(tex, v_texcoord); } \0"; #[allow(clippy::unreadable_literal)] #[allow(clippy::unused_unit)] #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] #[allow(clippy::manual_non_exhaustive)] #[allow(clippy::upper_case_acronyms)] #[allow(clippy::missing_transmute_annotations)] pub(crate) mod gl { pub use self::Gles2 as Gl; include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/test_gl_bindings.rs")); } struct Gl { gl: gl::Gl, program: gl::types::GLuint, attr_position: gl::types::GLint, attr_texture: gl::types::GLint, vao: Option, vertex_buffer: gl::types::GLuint, vbo_indices: gl::types::GLuint, } impl Gl { fn draw_frame(&self, texture_id: gl::types::GLuint) { unsafe { // render self.gl.ClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); self.gl.Clear(gl::COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); self.gl.BlendColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); if self.gl.BlendFuncSeparate.is_loaded() { self.gl.BlendFuncSeparate( gl::SRC_ALPHA, gl::CONSTANT_COLOR, gl::ONE, gl::ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, ); } else { self.gl.BlendFunc(gl::SRC_ALPHA, gl::CONSTANT_COLOR); } self.gl.BlendEquation(gl::FUNC_ADD); self.gl.Enable(gl::BLEND); self.gl.UseProgram(self.program); if self.gl.BindVertexArray.is_loaded() { self.gl.BindVertexArray(self.vao.unwrap()); } { self.gl .BindBuffer(gl::ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, self.vbo_indices); self.gl.BindBuffer(gl::ARRAY_BUFFER, self.vertex_buffer); // Load the vertex position self.gl.VertexAttribPointer( self.attr_position as gl::types::GLuint, 3, gl::FLOAT, gl::FALSE, (5 * mem::size_of::()) as gl::types::GLsizei, ptr::null(), ); // Load the texture coordinate self.gl.VertexAttribPointer( self.attr_texture as gl::types::GLuint, 2, gl::FLOAT, gl::FALSE, (5 * mem::size_of::()) as gl::types::GLsizei, (3 * mem::size_of::()) as *const () as *const _, ); self.gl.EnableVertexAttribArray(self.attr_position as _); self.gl.EnableVertexAttribArray(self.attr_texture as _); } self.gl.ActiveTexture(gl::TEXTURE0); self.gl.BindTexture(gl::TEXTURE_2D, texture_id); let location = self .gl .GetUniformLocation(self.program, b"tex\0".as_ptr() as *const _); self.gl.Uniform1i(location, 0); let location = self .gl .GetUniformLocation(self.program, b"u_transformation\0".as_ptr() as *const _); self.gl .UniformMatrix4fv(location, 1, gl::FALSE, IDENTITY.as_ptr() as *const _); self.gl .DrawElements(gl::TRIANGLES, 6, gl::UNSIGNED_SHORT, ptr::null()); self.gl.BindTexture(gl::TEXTURE_2D, 0); self.gl.UseProgram(0); if self.gl.BindVertexArray.is_loaded() { self.gl.BindVertexArray(0); } { self.gl.BindBuffer(gl::ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); self.gl.BindBuffer(gl::ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); self.gl.DisableVertexAttribArray(self.attr_position as _); self.gl.DisableVertexAttribArray(self.attr_texture as _); } } } fn resize(&self, size: winit::dpi::PhysicalSize) { unsafe { self.gl .Viewport(0, 0, size.width as i32, size.height as i32); } } } fn load(gl_display: &impl glutin::display::GlDisplay) -> Gl { let gl = gl::Gl::load_with(|symbol| { let symbol = CString::new(symbol).unwrap(); gl_display.get_proc_address(&symbol).cast() }); let version = unsafe { let version = gl.GetString(gl::VERSION); assert!(!version.is_null()); let version = CStr::from_ptr(version.cast()); version.to_string_lossy() }; println!("OpenGL version {version}"); let (program, attr_position, attr_texture, vao, vertex_buffer, vbo_indices) = unsafe { let vs = gl.CreateShader(gl::VERTEX_SHADER); gl.ShaderSource(vs, 1, [VS_SRC.as_ptr() as *const _].as_ptr(), ptr::null()); gl.CompileShader(vs); let fs = gl.CreateShader(gl::FRAGMENT_SHADER); gl.ShaderSource(fs, 1, [FS_SRC.as_ptr() as *const _].as_ptr(), ptr::null()); gl.CompileShader(fs); let program = gl.CreateProgram(); gl.AttachShader(program, vs); gl.AttachShader(program, fs); gl.LinkProgram(program); { let mut success = 1; gl.GetProgramiv(program, gl::LINK_STATUS, &mut success); assert_ne!(success, 0); assert_eq!(gl.GetError(), 0); } let attr_position = gl.GetAttribLocation(program, b"a_position\0".as_ptr() as *const _); let attr_texture = gl.GetAttribLocation(program, b"a_texcoord\0".as_ptr() as *const _); let vao = if gl.BindVertexArray.is_loaded() { let mut vao = mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); gl.GenVertexArrays(1, vao.as_mut_ptr()); let vao = vao.assume_init(); gl.BindVertexArray(vao); Some(vao) } else { None }; let mut vertex_buffer = mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); gl.GenBuffers(1, vertex_buffer.as_mut_ptr()); let vertex_buffer = vertex_buffer.assume_init(); gl.BindBuffer(gl::ARRAY_BUFFER, vertex_buffer); gl.BufferData( gl::ARRAY_BUFFER, (VERTICES.len() * mem::size_of::()) as gl::types::GLsizeiptr, VERTICES.as_ptr() as *const _, gl::STATIC_DRAW, ); let mut vbo_indices = mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); gl.GenBuffers(1, vbo_indices.as_mut_ptr()); let vbo_indices = vbo_indices.assume_init(); gl.BindBuffer(gl::ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, vbo_indices); gl.BufferData( gl::ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, (INDICES.len() * mem::size_of::()) as gl::types::GLsizeiptr, INDICES.as_ptr() as *const _, gl::STATIC_DRAW, ); if gl.BindVertexArray.is_loaded() { gl.BindBuffer(gl::ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, vbo_indices); gl.BindBuffer(gl::ARRAY_BUFFER, vertex_buffer); // Load the vertex position gl.VertexAttribPointer( attr_position as gl::types::GLuint, 3, gl::FLOAT, gl::FALSE, (5 * mem::size_of::()) as gl::types::GLsizei, ptr::null(), ); // Load the texture coordinate gl.VertexAttribPointer( attr_texture as gl::types::GLuint, 2, gl::FLOAT, gl::FALSE, (5 * mem::size_of::()) as gl::types::GLsizei, (3 * mem::size_of::()) as *const () as *const _, ); gl.EnableVertexAttribArray(attr_position as _); gl.EnableVertexAttribArray(attr_texture as _); gl.BindVertexArray(0); } gl.BindBuffer(gl::ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); gl.BindBuffer(gl::ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); assert_eq!(gl.GetError(), 0); ( program, attr_position, attr_texture, vao, vertex_buffer, vbo_indices, ) }; Gl { gl, program, attr_position, attr_texture, vao, vertex_buffer, vbo_indices, } } #[derive(Debug)] enum Message { Frame(gst_video::VideoInfo, gst::Buffer), BusEvent, } pub(crate) struct App { pipeline: gst::Pipeline, appsink: gst_app::AppSink, bus: gst::Bus, event_loop: winit::event_loop::EventLoop, window: Option, not_current_gl_context: Option, shared_context: gst_gl::GLContext, } impl App { pub(crate) fn new(gl_element: Option<&gst::Element>) -> Result { gst::init()?; let (pipeline, appsink) = App::create_pipeline(gl_element)?; let bus = pipeline .bus() .context("Pipeline without bus. Shouldn't happen!")?; let event_loop = winit::event_loop::EventLoopBuilder::with_user_event().build()?; // Only Windows requires the window to be present before creating a `glutin::Display`. Other // platforms don't really need one (and on Android, none exists until `Event::Resumed`). let window_builder = cfg!(windows).then(|| { winit::window::WindowBuilder::new() .with_transparent(true) .with_title("GL rendering") }); let display_builder = glutin_winit::DisplayBuilder::new().with_window_builder(window_builder); // XXX on macOS/cgl only one config can be queried at a time. If transparency is needed, // add .with_transparency(true) to ConfigTemplateBuilder. EGL on X11 doesn't support // transparency at all. let template = glutin::config::ConfigTemplateBuilder::new().with_alpha_size(8); let (window, gl_config) = display_builder .build(&event_loop, template, |configs| { configs .reduce(|current, new_config| { let prefer_transparency = new_config.supports_transparency().unwrap_or(false) & !current.supports_transparency().unwrap_or(false); if prefer_transparency || new_config.num_samples() > current.num_samples() { new_config } else { current } }) .unwrap() }) .expect("Failed to build display"); println!( "Picked a config with {} samples and transparency {}. Pixel format: {:?}", gl_config.num_samples(), gl_config.supports_transparency().unwrap_or(false), gl_config.color_buffer_type() ); println!("Config supports GL API(s) {:?}", gl_config.api()); // XXX The display could be obtained from any object created by it, so we can query it from // the config. let gl_display = gl_config.display(); let raw_gl_display = gl_display.raw_display(); println!("Using raw display connection {:?}", raw_gl_display); let raw_window_handle = window.as_ref().map(|window| window.raw_window_handle()); // The context creation part. It can be created before surface and that's how // it's expected in multithreaded + multiwindow operation mode, since you // can send NotCurrentContext, but not Surface. let context_attributes = glutin::context::ContextAttributesBuilder::new().build(raw_window_handle); // Since glutin by default tries to create OpenGL core context, which may not be // present we should try gles. let fallback_context_attributes = glutin::context::ContextAttributesBuilder::new() .with_context_api(glutin::context::ContextApi::Gles(None)) .build(raw_window_handle); // There are also some old devices that support neither modern OpenGL nor GLES. // To support these we can try and create a 2.1 context. let legacy_context_attributes = glutin::context::ContextAttributesBuilder::new() .with_context_api(glutin::context::ContextApi::OpenGl(Some( glutin::context::Version::new(2, 1), ))) .build(raw_window_handle); let not_current_gl_context = unsafe { gl_display .create_context(&gl_config, &context_attributes) .or_else(|_| { gl_display .create_context(&gl_config, &fallback_context_attributes) .or_else(|_| { gl_display.create_context(&gl_config, &legacy_context_attributes) }) }) } .context("failed to create context")?; let raw_gl_context = not_current_gl_context.raw_context(); println!("Using raw GL context {:?}", raw_gl_context); #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "linux", windows)))] compile_error!("This example only has Linux and Windows support"); let api = App::map_gl_api(gl_config.api()); let (raw_gl_context, gst_gl_display, platform) = match (raw_gl_display, raw_gl_context) { #[cfg(feature = "gst-gl-egl")] ( glutin::display::RawDisplay::Egl(egl_display), glutin::context::RawContext::Egl(egl_context), ) => { let gl_display = unsafe { gst_gl_egl::GLDisplayEGL::with_egl_display(egl_display as usize) } .context("Failed to create GLDisplayEGL from raw `EGLDisplay`")? .upcast::(); (egl_context as usize, gl_display, gst_gl::GLPlatform::EGL) } #[cfg(feature = "gst-gl-x11")] ( glutin::display::RawDisplay::Glx(glx_display), glutin::context::RawContext::Glx(glx_context), ) => { let gl_display = unsafe { gst_gl_x11::GLDisplayX11::with_display(glx_display as usize) } .context("Failed to create GLDisplayX11 from raw X11 `Display`")? .upcast::(); (glx_context as usize, gl_display, gst_gl::GLPlatform::GLX) } #[cfg(windows)] (glutin::display::RawDisplay::Wgl, glutin::context::RawContext::Wgl(wgl_context)) => { let gl_display = gst_gl::GLDisplay::new(); (wgl_context as usize, gl_display, gst_gl::GLPlatform::WGL) } #[allow(unreachable_patterns)] handler => anyhow::bail!("Unsupported platform: {handler:?}."), }; let shared_context = unsafe { gst_gl::GLContext::new_wrapped(&gst_gl_display, raw_gl_context, platform, api) } .context("Couldn't wrap GL context")?; let gl_context = shared_context.clone(); // FIXME: Once MSRV is 1.72 the Mutex is not necessary anymore because // std::sync::mpsc::Sender is Sync by itself let event_proxy = Mutex::new(event_loop.create_proxy()); #[allow(clippy::single_match)] bus.set_sync_handler(move |_, msg| { match msg.view() { gst::MessageView::NeedContext(ctxt) => { let context_type = ctxt.context_type(); if context_type == *gst_gl::GL_DISPLAY_CONTEXT_TYPE { if let Some(el) = msg.src().map(|s| s.downcast_ref::().unwrap()) { let context = gst::Context::new(context_type, true); context.set_gl_display(&gst_gl_display); el.set_context(&context); } } if context_type == "gst.gl.app_context" { if let Some(el) = msg.src().map(|s| s.downcast_ref::().unwrap()) { let mut context = gst::Context::new(context_type, true); { let context = context.get_mut().unwrap(); let s = context.structure_mut(); s.set("context", &gl_context); } el.set_context(&context); } } } _ => (), } if let Err(e) = event_proxy.lock().unwrap().send_event(Message::BusEvent) { eprintln!("Failed to send BusEvent to event proxy: {e}") } gst::BusSyncReply::Pass }); Ok(App { pipeline, appsink, bus, event_loop, window, not_current_gl_context: Some(not_current_gl_context), shared_context, }) } fn setup(&self, event_loop: &winit::event_loop::EventLoop) -> Result<()> { let event_proxy = event_loop.create_proxy(); self.appsink.set_callbacks( gst_app::AppSinkCallbacks::builder() .new_sample(move |appsink| { let sample = appsink.pull_sample().map_err(|_| gst::FlowError::Eos)?; let info = sample .caps() .and_then(|caps| gst_video::VideoInfo::from_caps(caps).ok()) .ok_or_else(|| { element_error!( appsink, gst::ResourceError::Failed, ("Failed to get video info from sample") ); gst::FlowError::NotNegotiated })?; let mut buffer = sample.buffer_owned().unwrap(); { let context = match (buffer.n_memory() > 0) .then(|| buffer.peek_memory(0)) .and_then(|m| m.downcast_memory_ref::()) .map(|m| m.context()) { Some(context) => context.clone(), None => { element_error!( appsink, gst::ResourceError::Failed, ("Failed to get GL context from buffer") ); return Err(gst::FlowError::Error); } }; if let Some(meta) = buffer.meta::() { meta.set_sync_point(&context); } else { let buffer = buffer.make_mut(); let meta = gst_gl::GLSyncMeta::add(buffer, &context); meta.set_sync_point(&context); } } event_proxy .send_event(Message::Frame(info, buffer)) .map(|()| gst::FlowSuccess::Ok) .map_err(|e| { element_error!( appsink, gst::ResourceError::Failed, ("Failed to send sample to event loop: {}", e) ); gst::FlowError::Error }) }) .build(), ); Ok(()) } /// Converts from to /// . fn map_gl_api(api: glutin::config::Api) -> gst_gl::GLAPI { use glutin::config::Api; use gst_gl::GLAPI; let mut gst_gl_api = GLAPI::empty(); // In gstreamer: // GLAPI::OPENGL: Desktop OpenGL up to and including 3.1. The compatibility profile when the OpenGL version is >= 3.2 // GLAPI::OPENGL3: Desktop OpenGL >= 3.2 core profile // In glutin, API::OPENGL is set for every context API, except EGL where it is set based on // EGL_RENDERABLE_TYPE containing EGL_OPENGL_BIT: // https://registry.khronos.org/EGL/sdk/docs/man/html/eglChooseConfig.xhtml gst_gl_api.set(GLAPI::OPENGL | GLAPI::OPENGL3, api.contains(Api::OPENGL)); gst_gl_api.set(GLAPI::GLES1, api.contains(Api::GLES1)); // OpenGL ES 2.x and 3.x gst_gl_api.set(GLAPI::GLES2, api.intersects(Api::GLES2 | Api::GLES3)); gst_gl_api } fn create_pipeline( gl_element: Option<&gst::Element>, ) -> Result<(gst::Pipeline, gst_app::AppSink)> { let pipeline = gst::Pipeline::default(); let src = gst::ElementFactory::make("videotestsrc").build()?; let caps = gst_video::VideoCapsBuilder::new() .features([gst_gl::CAPS_FEATURE_MEMORY_GL_MEMORY]) .format(gst_video::VideoFormat::Rgba) .field("texture-target", "2D") .build(); let appsink = gst_app::AppSink::builder() .enable_last_sample(true) .max_buffers(1) .caps(&caps) .build(); if let Some(gl_element) = gl_element { let glupload = gst::ElementFactory::make("glupload").build()?; pipeline.add_many([&src, &glupload])?; pipeline.add(gl_element)?; pipeline.add(&appsink)?; src.link(&glupload)?; glupload.link(gl_element)?; gl_element.link(&appsink)?; Ok((pipeline, appsink)) } else { let sink = gst::ElementFactory::make("glsinkbin") .property("sink", &appsink) .build()?; pipeline.add_many([&src, &sink])?; src.link(&sink)?; Ok((pipeline, appsink)) } } fn handle_messages(bus: &gst::Bus) -> Result<()> { use gst::MessageView; for msg in bus.iter() { match msg.view() { MessageView::Eos(..) => break, MessageView::Error(err) => { return Err(ErrorMessage { src: msg .src() .map(|s| s.path_string()) .unwrap_or_else(|| glib::GString::from("UNKNOWN")), error: err.error(), debug: err.debug(), } .into()); } _ => (), } } Ok(()) } } pub(crate) fn main_loop(app: App) -> Result<()> { app.setup(&app.event_loop)?; let App { pipeline, bus, event_loop, mut window, mut not_current_gl_context, shared_context, .. } = app; let mut curr_frame: Option> = None; let mut running_state = None::<( Gl, glutin::context::PossiblyCurrentContext, glutin::surface::Surface, )>; Ok(event_loop.run(move |event, window_target| { window_target.set_control_flow(winit::event_loop::ControlFlow::Wait); let mut needs_redraw = false; match event { winit::event::Event::LoopExiting => { pipeline.send_event(gst::event::Eos::new()); pipeline.set_state(gst::State::Null).unwrap(); } winit::event::Event::WindowEvent { event, .. } => match event { winit::event::WindowEvent::CloseRequested | winit::event::WindowEvent::KeyboardInput { event: winit::event::KeyEvent { state: winit::event::ElementState::Released, logical_key: winit::keyboard::Key::Named(winit::keyboard::NamedKey::Escape), .. }, .. } => window_target.exit(), winit::event::WindowEvent::Resized(size) => { // Some platforms like EGL require resizing GL surface to update the size // Notable platforms here are Wayland and macOS, other don't require it // and the function is no-op, but it's wise to resize it for portability // reasons. if let Some((gl, gl_context, gl_surface)) = &running_state { gl_surface.resize( gl_context, // XXX Ignore minimizing NonZeroU32::new(size.width).unwrap(), NonZeroU32::new(size.height).unwrap(), ); gl.resize(size); } } winit::event::WindowEvent::RedrawRequested => needs_redraw = true, _ => (), }, // Receive a frame winit::event::Event::UserEvent(Message::Frame(info, buffer)) => { if let Ok(frame) = gst_gl::GLVideoFrame::from_buffer_readable(buffer, &info) { curr_frame = Some(frame); needs_redraw = true; } } // Handle all pending messages when we are awaken by set_sync_handler winit::event::Event::UserEvent(Message::BusEvent) => { App::handle_messages(&bus).unwrap(); } winit::event::Event::Resumed => { let not_current_gl_context = not_current_gl_context .take() .expect("There must be a NotCurrentContext prior to Event::Resumed"); let gl_config = not_current_gl_context.config(); let gl_display = gl_config.display(); let window = window.get_or_insert_with(|| { let window_builder = winit::window::WindowBuilder::new().with_transparent(true); glutin_winit::finalize_window(window_target, window_builder, &gl_config) .unwrap() }); let attrs = window.build_surface_attributes(<_>::default()); let gl_surface = unsafe { gl_config .display() .create_window_surface(&gl_config, &attrs) .unwrap() }; // Make it current. let gl_context = not_current_gl_context.make_current(&gl_surface).unwrap(); // Tell GStreamer that the context has been made current (for borrowed contexts, // this does not try to make it current again) shared_context.activate(true).unwrap(); shared_context .fill_info() .expect("Couldn't fill context info"); // The context needs to be current for the Renderer to set up shaders and buffers. // It also performs function loading, which needs a current context on WGL. let gl = load(&gl_display); // Try setting vsync. if let Err(res) = gl_surface.set_swap_interval( &gl_context, glutin::surface::SwapInterval::Wait(std::num::NonZeroU32::new(1).unwrap()), ) { eprintln!("Error setting vsync: {res:?}"); } pipeline.set_state(gst::State::Playing).unwrap(); assert!(running_state .replace((gl, gl_context, gl_surface)) .is_none()); } _ => (), } if needs_redraw { if let Some((gl, gl_context, gl_surface)) = &running_state { if let Some(frame) = curr_frame.as_ref() { let sync_meta = frame.buffer().meta::().unwrap(); sync_meta.wait(&shared_context); if let Ok(texture) = frame.texture_id(0) { gl.draw_frame(texture as gl::types::GLuint); } } gl_surface.swap_buffers(gl_context).unwrap(); } } })?) }