// Copyright (C) 2021 Tomasz Andrzejak // // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v2.0. // If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at // . // // SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 use gst::glib; use gst::prelude::*; use gst::subclass::prelude::*; use gst_base::prelude::*; use gst_base::subclass::prelude::*; use hrtf::{HrirSphere, HrtfContext, HrtfProcessor, Vec3}; use std::io::{Error, ErrorKind}; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex, Weak}; use byte_slice_cast::*; use rayon::prelude::*; use rayon::{ThreadPool, ThreadPoolBuilder}; use once_cell::sync::Lazy; static CAT: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| { gst::DebugCategory::new( "hrtfrender", gst::DebugColorFlags::empty(), Some("Head-Related Transfer Function Renderer"), ) }); static THREAD_POOL: Lazy>> = Lazy::new(|| Mutex::new(Weak::new())); const DEFAULT_INTERPOLATION_STEPS: u64 = 8; const DEFAULT_BLOCK_LENGTH: u64 = 512; const DEFAULT_DISTANCE_GAIN: f32 = 1.0; #[derive(Clone, Copy)] struct SpatialObject { /// Position values use a left-handed Cartesian coordinate system position: Vec3, /// Object attenuation by distance distance_gain: f32, } impl From for SpatialObject { fn from(s: gst::Structure) -> Self { SpatialObject { position: Vec3 { x: s.get("x").expect("type checked upstream"), y: s.get("y").expect("type checked upstream"), z: s.get("z").expect("type checked upstream"), }, distance_gain: s.get("distance-gain").expect("type checked upstream"), } } } impl From for gst::Structure { fn from(obj: SpatialObject) -> Self { gst::Structure::builder("application/spatial-object") .field("x", obj.position.x) .field("y", obj.position.y) .field("z", obj.position.z) .field("distance-gain", obj.distance_gain) .build() } } impl TryFrom for SpatialObject { type Error = gst::FlowError; fn try_from(pos: gst_audio::AudioChannelPosition) -> Result { use gst_audio::AudioChannelPosition::*; let position = match pos { FrontLeft => Vec3::new(-1.45, 0.0, 2.5), FrontRight => Vec3::new(1.45, 0.0, 2.5), FrontCenter | Mono => Vec3::new(0.0, 0.0, 2.5), Lfe1 | Lfe2 => Vec3::new(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), RearLeft => Vec3::new(-1.45, 0.0, -2.5), RearRight => Vec3::new(1.45, 0.0, -2.5), FrontLeftOfCenter => Vec3::new(-0.72, 0.0, 2.5), FrontRightOfCenter => Vec3::new(0.72, 0.0, 2.5), RearCenter => Vec3::new(0.0, 0.0, -2.5), SideLeft => Vec3::new(-2.5, 0.0, -0.44), SideRight => Vec3::new(2.5, 0.0, -0.44), TopFrontLeft => Vec3::new(-0.72, 2.5, 1.25), TopFrontRight => Vec3::new(0.72, 2.5, 1.25), TopFrontCenter => Vec3::new(0.0, 2.5, 1.25), TopCenter => Vec3::new(0.0, 2.5, 0.0), TopRearLeft => Vec3::new(-0.72, 2.5, -1.25), TopRearRight => Vec3::new(0.72, 2.5, -1.25), TopSideLeft => Vec3::new(-1.25, 2.5, -0.22), TopSideRight => Vec3::new(1.25, 2.5, -0.22), TopRearCenter => Vec3::new(0.0, 2.5, -1.25), BottomFrontCenter => Vec3::new(0.0, -2.5, 1.25), BottomFrontLeft => Vec3::new(-0.72, -2.5, 1.25), BottomFrontRight => Vec3::new(0.72, -2.5, 1.25), WideLeft => Vec3::new(-2.5, 0.0, 1.45), WideRight => Vec3::new(2.5, 0.0, 1.45), SurroundLeft => Vec3::new(-2.5, 0.0, -1.45), SurroundRight => Vec3::new(2.5, 0.0, -1.45), _ => return Err(gst::FlowError::NotSupported), }; Ok(SpatialObject { position, distance_gain: DEFAULT_DISTANCE_GAIN, }) } } #[derive(Clone)] struct Settings { interpolation_steps: u64, block_length: u64, spatial_objects: Option>, hrir_raw_bytes: Option, hrir_file_location: Option, } impl Default for Settings { fn default() -> Self { Settings { interpolation_steps: DEFAULT_INTERPOLATION_STEPS, block_length: DEFAULT_BLOCK_LENGTH, spatial_objects: None, hrir_raw_bytes: None, hrir_file_location: None, } } } impl Settings { fn position(&self, channel: usize) -> Result { Ok(self .spatial_objects .as_ref() .ok_or(gst::FlowError::NotNegotiated)?[channel] .position) } fn distance_gain(&self, channel: usize) -> Result { Ok(self .spatial_objects .as_ref() .ok_or(gst::FlowError::NotNegotiated)?[channel] .distance_gain) } fn sphere(&self, rate: u32) -> Result { if let Some(bytes) = &self.hrir_raw_bytes { return HrirSphere::new(bytes.as_byte_slice(), rate); } if let Some(path) = &self.hrir_file_location { return HrirSphere::from_file(PathBuf::from(path), rate); } Err(Error::new(ErrorKind::Other, "Impulse response not set").into()) } } struct ChannelProcessor { prev_left_samples: Vec, prev_right_samples: Vec, prev_sample_vector: Option, prev_distance_gain: Option, indata_scratch: Box<[f32]>, outdata_scratch: Box<[(f32, f32)]>, processor: HrtfProcessor, } struct State { ininfo: gst_audio::AudioInfo, outinfo: gst_audio::AudioInfo, adapter: gst_base::UniqueAdapter, block_samples: usize, channel_processors: Vec, } impl State { fn input_block_size(&self) -> usize { self.block_samples * self.ininfo.bpf() as usize } fn output_block_size(&self) -> usize { self.block_samples * self.outinfo.bpf() as usize } fn reset_processors(&mut self) { for cp in self.channel_processors.iter_mut() { cp.prev_left_samples.fill(0.0); cp.prev_right_samples.fill(0.0); } } } #[derive(Default)] pub struct HrtfRender { settings: Mutex, state: Mutex>, thread_pool: Mutex>>, } #[glib::object_subclass] impl ObjectSubclass for HrtfRender { const NAME: &'static str = "GstHrtfRender"; type Type = super::HrtfRender; type ParentType = gst_base::BaseTransform; } impl HrtfRender { fn process( &self, outbuf: &mut gst::BufferRef, state: &mut State, settings: &Settings, ) -> Result { let mut outbuf = gst_audio::AudioBufferRef::from_buffer_ref_writable(outbuf, &state.outinfo).map_err( |err| { gst::error!(CAT, imp: self, "Failed to map buffer : {}", err); gst::FlowError::Error }, )?; let outdata = outbuf .plane_data_mut(0) .unwrap() .as_mut_slice_of::() .unwrap(); // prefill output with zeros so we can mix processed samples into it outdata.fill(0.0); let inblksz = state.input_block_size(); let channels = state.ininfo.channels(); let mut written_samples = 0; let thread_pool_guard = self.thread_pool.lock().unwrap(); let thread_pool = thread_pool_guard.as_ref().ok_or(gst::FlowError::Error)?; while state.adapter.available() >= inblksz { let inbuf = state.adapter.take_buffer(inblksz).map_err(|_| { gst::error!(CAT, imp: self, "Failed to map buffer"); gst::FlowError::Error })?; let inbuf = gst_audio::AudioBuffer::from_buffer_readable(inbuf, &state.ininfo) .map_err(|_| { gst::error!(CAT, imp: self, "Failed to map buffer"); gst::FlowError::Error })?; let indata = inbuf.plane_data(0).unwrap().as_slice_of::().unwrap(); thread_pool.install(|| -> Result<(), gst::FlowError> { state .channel_processors .par_iter_mut() .enumerate() .try_for_each(|(i, cp)| -> Result<(), gst::FlowError> { let new_distance_gain = settings.distance_gain(i)?; let new_sample_vector = settings.position(i)?; // Convert to Right Handed, this is what HRTF crate expects let new_sample_vector = Vec3 { z: new_sample_vector.z * -1.0, ..new_sample_vector }; // Deinterleave single channel to scratch buffer for (x, y) in Iterator::zip( indata.iter().skip(i).step_by(channels as usize), cp.indata_scratch.iter_mut(), ) { *y = *x; } cp.processor.process_samples(HrtfContext { source: &cp.indata_scratch, output: &mut cp.outdata_scratch, new_sample_vector, new_distance_gain, prev_sample_vector: cp.prev_sample_vector.unwrap_or(new_sample_vector), prev_distance_gain: cp.prev_distance_gain.unwrap_or(new_distance_gain), prev_left_samples: &mut cp.prev_left_samples, prev_right_samples: &mut cp.prev_right_samples, }); cp.prev_sample_vector = Some(new_sample_vector); cp.prev_distance_gain = Some(new_distance_gain); Ok(()) }) })?; // unpack output scratch to output buffer state.channel_processors.iter_mut().for_each(|cp| { for (x, y) in Iterator::zip( cp.outdata_scratch.iter(), outdata[2 * written_samples..].chunks_exact_mut(2), ) { y[0] += x.0; y[1] += x.1; } // HRTF is mixing processed samples with samples in output buffer, we need to // reset scratch so it is not mixed with the next frame cp.outdata_scratch.fill((0.0, 0.0)); }); written_samples += state.block_samples; } // we only support stereo output, we can assert that we filled the whole // output buffer with stereo frames assert_eq!(outdata.len(), written_samples * 2); Ok(gst::FlowSuccess::Ok) } fn drain(&self) -> Result { let settings = &self.settings.lock().unwrap(); let mut state_guard = self.state.lock().unwrap(); let state = state_guard.as_mut().ok_or(gst::FlowError::NotNegotiated)?; let avail = state.adapter.available(); if avail == 0 { return Ok(gst::FlowSuccess::Ok); } let inblksz = state.input_block_size(); let outblksz = state.output_block_size(); let inbpf = state.ininfo.bpf() as usize; let outbpf = state.outinfo.bpf() as usize; let inputsz = inblksz - avail; let outputsz = avail / inbpf * outbpf; let mut inbuf = gst::Buffer::with_size(inputsz).map_err(|_| gst::FlowError::Error)?; let inbuf_mut = inbuf.get_mut().ok_or(gst::FlowError::Error)?; let mut map = inbuf_mut .map_writable() .map_err(|_| gst::FlowError::Error)?; let data = map .as_mut_slice_of::() .map_err(|_| gst::FlowError::Error)?; data.fill(0.0); drop(map); let (pts, offset, duration) = { let samples_to_time = |samples: u64| { samples .mul_div_round(*gst::ClockTime::SECOND, state.ininfo.rate() as u64) .map(gst::ClockTime::from_nseconds) }; let (prev_pts, distance) = state.adapter.prev_pts(); let distance_samples = distance / inbpf as u64; let pts = prev_pts.opt_add(samples_to_time(distance_samples)); let (prev_offset, _) = state.adapter.prev_offset(); let offset = prev_offset.checked_add(distance_samples).unwrap_or(0); let duration_samples = outputsz / outbpf; let duration = samples_to_time(duration_samples as u64); (pts, offset, duration) }; state.adapter.push(inbuf); let mut outbuf = gst::Buffer::with_size(outblksz).map_err(|_| gst::FlowError::Error)?; let outbuf_mut = outbuf.get_mut().unwrap(); self.process(outbuf_mut, state, settings)?; outbuf_mut.set_size(outputsz); outbuf_mut.set_pts(pts); outbuf_mut.set_offset(offset); outbuf_mut.set_duration(duration); state.reset_processors(); drop(state_guard); self.obj().src_pad().push(outbuf) } } impl ObjectImpl for HrtfRender { fn properties() -> &'static [glib::ParamSpec] { static PROPERTIES: Lazy> = Lazy::new(|| { vec![ glib::ParamSpecBoxed::builder::("hrir-raw") .nick("Head Transform Impulse Response") .blurb("Head Transform Impulse Response raw bytes") .mutable_ready() .build(), glib::ParamSpecString::builder("hrir-file") .nick("Head Transform Impulse Response") .blurb("Head Transform Impulse Response file location to read from") .mutable_ready() .build(), glib::ParamSpecUInt64::builder("interpolation-steps") .nick("Interpolation Steps") .blurb("Interpolation Steps is the amount of slices to cut source to") .maximum(u64::MAX - 1) .default_value(DEFAULT_INTERPOLATION_STEPS) .mutable_ready() .build(), glib::ParamSpecUInt64::builder("block-length") .nick("Block Length") .blurb("Block Length is the length of each slice") .maximum(u64::MAX - 1) .default_value(DEFAULT_BLOCK_LENGTH) .mutable_ready() .build(), gst::ParamSpecArray::builder("spatial-objects") .element_spec( &glib::ParamSpecBoxed::builder::("spatial-object") .nick("Spatial Object") .blurb("Spatial Object Metadata") .build(), ) .nick("Spatial Objects") .blurb("Spatial object Metadata to apply on input channels") .mutable_playing() .build(), ] }); PROPERTIES.as_ref() } fn set_property(&self, _id: usize, value: &glib::Value, pspec: &glib::ParamSpec) { match pspec.name() { "hrir-raw" => { let mut settings = self.settings.lock().unwrap(); settings.hrir_raw_bytes = value.get().expect("type checked upstream"); } "hrir-file" => { let mut settings = self.settings.lock().unwrap(); settings.hrir_file_location = value.get().expect("type checked upstream"); } "interpolation-steps" => { let mut settings = self.settings.lock().unwrap(); settings.interpolation_steps = value.get().expect("type checked upstream"); } "block-length" => { let mut settings = self.settings.lock().unwrap(); settings.block_length = value.get().expect("type checked upstream"); } "spatial-objects" => { let mut settings = self.settings.lock().unwrap(); let objs = value .get::() .expect("type checked upstream") .iter() .map(|v| { let s = v.get::().expect("type checked upstream"); SpatialObject::from(s) }) .collect::>(); let mut state_guard = self.state.lock().unwrap(); if let Some(state) = state_guard.as_mut() { if objs.len() != state.ininfo.channels() as usize { gst::warning!( CAT, "Could not update spatial objects, expected {} channels, got {}", state.ininfo.channels(), objs.len() ); return; } } settings.spatial_objects = if objs.is_empty() { None } else { Some(objs) }; } _ => unimplemented!(), } } fn property(&self, _id: usize, pspec: &glib::ParamSpec) -> glib::Value { match pspec.name() { "hrir-raw" => { let settings = self.settings.lock().unwrap(); settings.hrir_raw_bytes.to_value() } "hrir-file" => { let settings = self.settings.lock().unwrap(); settings.hrir_file_location.to_value() } "interpolation-steps" => { let settings = self.settings.lock().unwrap(); settings.interpolation_steps.to_value() } "block-length" => { let settings = self.settings.lock().unwrap(); settings.block_length.to_value() } "spatial-objects" => { let settings = self.settings.lock().unwrap(); settings .spatial_objects .as_ref() .unwrap_or(&Vec::new()) .iter() .map(|x| gst::Structure::from(*x).to_send_value()) .collect::() .to_value() } _ => unimplemented!(), } } } impl GstObjectImpl for HrtfRender {} impl ElementImpl for HrtfRender { fn metadata() -> Option<&'static gst::subclass::ElementMetadata> { static ELEMENT_METADATA: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| { gst::subclass::ElementMetadata::new( "Head-Related Transfer Function (HRTF) renderer", "Filter/Effect/Audio", "Renders spatial sounds to a given position", "Tomasz Andrzejak ", ) }); Some(&*ELEMENT_METADATA) } fn pad_templates() -> &'static [gst::PadTemplate] { static PAD_TEMPLATES: Lazy> = Lazy::new(|| { let src_caps = gst_audio::AudioCapsBuilder::new_interleaved() .channels(2) .format(gst_audio::AUDIO_FORMAT_F32) .build(); let src_pad_template = gst::PadTemplate::new( "src", gst::PadDirection::Src, gst::PadPresence::Always, &src_caps, ) .unwrap(); let sink_caps = gst_audio::AudioCapsBuilder::new_interleaved() .channels_range(1..=64) .format(gst_audio::AUDIO_FORMAT_F32) .build(); let sink_pad_template = gst::PadTemplate::new( "sink", gst::PadDirection::Sink, gst::PadPresence::Always, &sink_caps, ) .unwrap(); vec![src_pad_template, sink_pad_template] }); PAD_TEMPLATES.as_ref() } } impl BaseTransformImpl for HrtfRender { const MODE: gst_base::subclass::BaseTransformMode = gst_base::subclass::BaseTransformMode::NeverInPlace; const PASSTHROUGH_ON_SAME_CAPS: bool = false; const TRANSFORM_IP_ON_PASSTHROUGH: bool = false; fn transform( &self, inbuf: &gst::Buffer, outbuf: &mut gst::BufferRef, ) -> Result { let settings = &self.settings.lock().unwrap(); let mut state_guard = self.state.lock().unwrap(); let state = state_guard.as_mut().ok_or(gst::FlowError::NotNegotiated)?; state.adapter.push(inbuf.clone()); if state.adapter.available() >= state.input_block_size() { return self.process(outbuf, state, settings); } Ok(gst::FlowSuccess::Ok) } fn transform_size( &self, _direction: gst::PadDirection, _caps: &gst::Caps, size: usize, _othercaps: &gst::Caps, ) -> Option { assert_ne!(_direction, gst::PadDirection::Src); let mut state_guard = self.state.lock().unwrap(); let state = state_guard.as_mut()?; let othersize = { let full_blocks = (size + state.adapter.available()) / (state.input_block_size()); full_blocks * state.output_block_size() }; gst::log!( CAT, imp: self, "Adapter size: {}, input size {}, transformed size {}", state.adapter.available(), size, othersize, ); Some(othersize) } fn transform_caps( &self, direction: gst::PadDirection, caps: &gst::Caps, filter: Option<&gst::Caps>, ) -> Option { let mut other_caps = { let mut new_caps = caps.clone(); for s in new_caps.make_mut().iter_mut() { s.set("format", gst_audio::AUDIO_FORMAT_F32.to_str()); s.set("layout", "interleaved"); if direction == gst::PadDirection::Sink { s.set("channels", 2); s.set("channel-mask", gst::Bitmask(0x3)); } else { let settings = self.settings.lock().unwrap(); if let Some(objs) = &settings.spatial_objects { s.set("channels", objs.len() as i32); } else { s.set("channels", gst::IntRange::new(1, i32::MAX)); } s.remove_field("channel-mask"); } } new_caps }; if let Some(filter) = filter { other_caps = filter.intersect_with_mode(&other_caps, gst::CapsIntersectMode::First); } gst::debug!( CAT, imp: self, "Transformed caps from {} to {} in direction {:?}", caps, other_caps, direction ); Some(other_caps) } fn set_caps(&self, incaps: &gst::Caps, outcaps: &gst::Caps) -> Result<(), gst::LoggableError> { let ininfo = gst_audio::AudioInfo::from_caps(incaps) .map_err(|_| gst::loggable_error!(CAT, "Failed to parse input caps"))?; let outinfo = gst_audio::AudioInfo::from_caps(outcaps) .map_err(|_| gst::loggable_error!(CAT, "Failed to parse output caps"))?; let settings = &mut self.settings.lock().unwrap(); if settings.spatial_objects.is_none() { if let Some(positions) = ininfo.positions() { let objs: Result, _> = positions .iter() .map(|p| SpatialObject::try_from(*p)) .collect(); if objs.is_err() { return Err(gst::loggable_error!(CAT, "Unsupported channel position")); } settings.spatial_objects = objs.ok(); } else { return Err(gst::loggable_error!(CAT, "Cannot infer object positions")); } } if settings.spatial_objects.as_ref().unwrap().len() != ininfo.channels() as usize { return Err(gst::loggable_error!(CAT, "Wrong number of spatial objects")); } let sphere = settings .sphere(ininfo.rate()) .map_err(|e| gst::loggable_error!(CAT, "Failed to load sphere {:?}", e))?; let steps = settings.interpolation_steps as usize; let blklen = settings.block_length as usize; let block_samples = blklen .checked_mul(steps) .ok_or_else(|| gst::loggable_error!(CAT, "Not enough memory for frame allocation"))?; let channel_processors = (0..ininfo.channels()) .map(|_| ChannelProcessor { prev_left_samples: vec![0.0; block_samples], prev_right_samples: vec![0.0; block_samples], prev_sample_vector: None, prev_distance_gain: None, indata_scratch: vec![0.0; block_samples].into_boxed_slice(), outdata_scratch: vec![(0.0, 0.0); block_samples].into_boxed_slice(), processor: HrtfProcessor::new(sphere.to_owned(), steps, blklen), }) .collect(); *self.state.lock().unwrap() = Some(State { ininfo, outinfo, block_samples, channel_processors, adapter: gst_base::UniqueAdapter::new(), }); gst::debug!(CAT, imp: self, "Configured for caps {}", incaps); Ok(()) } fn sink_event(&self, event: gst::Event) -> bool { use gst::EventView; gst::debug!(CAT, imp: self, "Handling event {:?}", event); match event.view() { EventView::FlushStop(_) => { let mut state_guard = self.state.lock().unwrap(); if let Some(state) = state_guard.as_mut() { let avail = state.adapter.available(); state.adapter.flush(avail); state.reset_processors(); } } EventView::Eos(_) => { if self.drain().is_err() { gst::warning!(CAT, "Failed to drain internal buffer"); gst::element_imp_warning!( self, gst::CoreError::Event, ["Failed to drain internal buffer"] ); } } _ => {} } self.parent_sink_event(event) } fn start(&self) -> Result<(), gst::ErrorMessage> { // get global thread pool let mut thread_pool_g = THREAD_POOL.lock().unwrap(); let mut thread_pool = self.thread_pool.lock().unwrap(); if let Some(tp) = thread_pool_g.upgrade() { *thread_pool = Some(tp); } else { let tp = ThreadPoolBuilder::new().build().map_err(|_| { gst::error_msg!( gst::CoreError::Failed, ["Could not create rayon thread pool"] ) })?; let tp = Arc::new(tp); *thread_pool = Some(tp); *thread_pool_g = Arc::downgrade(thread_pool.as_ref().unwrap()); } Ok(()) } fn stop(&self) -> Result<(), gst::ErrorMessage> { // Drop state let _ = self.state.lock().unwrap().take(); // Drop thread pool let _ = self.thread_pool.lock().unwrap().take(); Ok(()) } }