// Copyright (C) 2020 Mathieu Duponchelle // Copyright (C) 2023 François Laignel // // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v2.0. // If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at // . // // SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 use gst::glib; use gst::prelude::*; use gst::subclass::prelude::*; use aws_sdk_transcribestreaming as aws_transcribe; use aws_sdk_transcribestreaming::model; use futures::channel::mpsc; use futures::future::AbortHandle; use futures::prelude::*; use tokio::{runtime, task}; use std::cmp::Ordering; use std::collections::VecDeque; use std::sync::Mutex; use once_cell::sync::Lazy; use super::{AwsTranscriberResultStability, AwsTranscriberVocabularyFilterMethod}; static CAT: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| { gst::DebugCategory::new( "awstranscribe", gst::DebugColorFlags::empty(), Some("AWS Transcribe element"), ) }); static RUNTIME: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| { runtime::Builder::new_multi_thread() .enable_all() .worker_threads(1) .build() .unwrap() }); const DEFAULT_TRANSCRIBER_REGION: &str = "us-east-1"; const DEFAULT_LATENCY: gst::ClockTime = gst::ClockTime::from_seconds(8); const DEFAULT_LATENESS: gst::ClockTime = gst::ClockTime::ZERO; const DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_CODE: &str = "en-US"; const DEFAULT_STABILITY: AwsTranscriberResultStability = AwsTranscriberResultStability::Low; const DEFAULT_VOCABULARY_FILTER_METHOD: AwsTranscriberVocabularyFilterMethod = AwsTranscriberVocabularyFilterMethod::Mask; const GRANULARITY: gst::ClockTime = gst::ClockTime::from_mseconds(100); #[derive(Debug, Clone)] struct Settings { latency: gst::ClockTime, lateness: gst::ClockTime, language_code: String, vocabulary: Option, session_id: Option, results_stability: AwsTranscriberResultStability, access_key: Option, secret_access_key: Option, session_token: Option, vocabulary_filter: Option, vocabulary_filter_method: AwsTranscriberVocabularyFilterMethod, } impl Default for Settings { fn default() -> Self { Self { latency: DEFAULT_LATENCY, lateness: DEFAULT_LATENESS, language_code: DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_CODE.to_string(), vocabulary: None, session_id: None, results_stability: DEFAULT_STABILITY, access_key: None, secret_access_key: None, session_token: None, vocabulary_filter: None, vocabulary_filter_method: DEFAULT_VOCABULARY_FILTER_METHOD, } } } #[derive(Debug)] struct TranscriptionSettings { lang_code: model::LanguageCode, sample_rate: i32, vocabulary: Option, vocabulary_filter: Option, vocabulary_filter_method: model::VocabularyFilterMethod, session_id: Option, results_stability: model::PartialResultsStability, } impl TranscriptionSettings { fn from(settings: &Settings, sample_rate: i32) -> Self { TranscriptionSettings { lang_code: settings.language_code.as_str().into(), sample_rate, vocabulary: settings.vocabulary.clone(), vocabulary_filter: settings.vocabulary_filter.clone(), vocabulary_filter_method: settings.vocabulary_filter_method.into(), session_id: settings.session_id.clone(), results_stability: settings.results_stability.into(), } } } struct TranscriberLoop { imp: glib::subclass::ObjectImplRef, client: aws_transcribe::Client, settings: TranscriptionSettings, lateness: gst::ClockTime, buffer_rx: mpsc::Receiver, transcript_notif_tx: mpsc::Sender<()>, } impl TranscriberLoop { fn new( imp: &Transcriber, aws_config: &aws_config::SdkConfig, settings: TranscriptionSettings, lateness: gst::ClockTime, buffer_rx: mpsc::Receiver, transcript_notif_tx: mpsc::Sender<()>, ) -> Self { TranscriberLoop { imp: imp.ref_counted(), client: aws_transcribe::Client::new(aws_config), settings, lateness, buffer_rx, transcript_notif_tx, } } async fn run(mut self) -> Result<(), gst::ErrorMessage> { // Stream the incoming buffers chunked let chunk_stream = self.buffer_rx.flat_map(move |buffer: gst::Buffer| { async_stream::stream! { let data = buffer.map_readable().unwrap(); use aws_transcribe::{model::{AudioEvent, AudioStream}, types::Blob}; for chunk in data.chunks(8192) { yield Ok(AudioStream::AudioEvent(AudioEvent::builder().audio_chunk(Blob::new(chunk)).build())); } } }); let mut transcribe_builder = self .client .start_stream_transcription() .language_code(self.settings.lang_code) .media_sample_rate_hertz(self.settings.sample_rate) .media_encoding(model::MediaEncoding::Pcm) .enable_partial_results_stabilization(true) .partial_results_stability(self.settings.results_stability) .set_vocabulary_name(self.settings.vocabulary) .set_session_id(self.settings.session_id); if let Some(vocabulary_filter) = self.settings.vocabulary_filter { transcribe_builder = transcribe_builder .vocabulary_filter_name(vocabulary_filter) .vocabulary_filter_method(self.settings.vocabulary_filter_method); } let mut output = transcribe_builder .audio_stream(chunk_stream.into()) .send() .await .map_err(|err| { let err = format!("Transcribe ws init error: {err}"); gst::error!(CAT, imp: self.imp, "{err}"); gst::error_msg!(gst::LibraryError::Init, ["{err}"]) })?; while let Some(event) = output .transcript_result_stream .recv() .await .map_err(|err| { let err = format!("Transcribe ws stream error: {err}"); gst::error!(CAT, imp: self.imp, "{err}"); gst::error_msg!(gst::LibraryError::Failed, ["{err}"]) })? { if let model::TranscriptResultStream::TranscriptEvent(transcript_evt) = event { let mut enqueued = false; if let Some(result) = transcript_evt .transcript .and_then(|transcript| transcript.results) .and_then(|mut results| results.drain(..).next()) { gst::trace!(CAT, imp: self.imp, "Received: {result:?}"); if let Some(alternative) = result .alternatives .and_then(|mut alternatives| alternatives.drain(..).next()) { if let Some(items) = alternative.items { enqueued = self.imp.enqueue(items, result.is_partial, self.lateness); } } } if enqueued && self.transcript_notif_tx.send(()).await.is_err() { gst::debug!(CAT, imp: self.imp, "Terminated transcript_notif_tx channel"); break; } } else { gst::warning!( CAT, imp: self.imp, "Transcribe ws returned unknown event: consider upgrading the SDK" ) } } gst::debug!(CAT, imp: self.imp, "Exiting ws loop"); Ok(()) } } struct State { aws_config: Option, buffer_tx: Option>, transcript_notif_tx: Option>, ws_loop_handle: Option>>, task_abort_handle: Option, in_segment: gst::FormattedSegment, out_segment: gst::FormattedSegment, seqnum: gst::Seqnum, buffers: VecDeque, send_eos: bool, discont: bool, partial_index: usize, send_events: bool, start_time: Option, } impl Default for State { fn default() -> Self { Self { aws_config: None, buffer_tx: None, transcript_notif_tx: None, ws_loop_handle: None, task_abort_handle: None, in_segment: gst::FormattedSegment::new(), out_segment: gst::FormattedSegment::new(), seqnum: gst::Seqnum::next(), buffers: VecDeque::new(), send_eos: false, discont: true, partial_index: 0, send_events: true, start_time: None, } } } pub struct Transcriber { srcpad: gst::Pad, sinkpad: gst::Pad, settings: Mutex, state: Mutex, } impl Transcriber { fn dequeue(&self) -> bool { /* First, check our pending buffers */ let mut items = vec![]; let Some(now) = self.obj().current_running_time() else { return true }; let latency = self.settings.lock().unwrap().latency; let mut state = self.state.lock().unwrap(); if state.start_time.is_none() { state.start_time = Some(now); state.out_segment.set_position(now); } let start_time = state.start_time.unwrap(); let mut last_position = state.out_segment.position().unwrap(); let send_eos = state.send_eos && state.buffers.is_empty(); while let Some(buf) = state.buffers.front() { let pts = buf.pts().unwrap(); gst::trace!( CAT, imp: self, "Checking now {now} if item is ready for dequeuing, PTS {pts}, threshold {} vs {}", pts + latency.saturating_sub(3 * GRANULARITY), now - start_time ); if pts + latency.saturating_sub(3 * GRANULARITY) < now - start_time { /* Safe unwrap, we know we have an item */ let mut buf = state.buffers.pop_front().unwrap(); { let buf_mut = buf.get_mut().unwrap(); buf_mut.set_pts(start_time + pts); } items.push(buf); } else { break; } } let seqnum = state.seqnum; drop(state); /* We're EOS, we can pause and exit early */ if send_eos { let _ = self.srcpad.pause_task(); return self .srcpad .push_event(gst::event::Eos::builder().seqnum(seqnum).build()); } for mut buf in items.drain(..) { let mut pts = buf.pts().unwrap(); let mut duration = buf.duration().unwrap(); match pts.cmp(&last_position) { Ordering::Greater => { let gap_event = gst::event::Gap::builder(last_position) .duration(pts - last_position) .seqnum(seqnum) .build(); gst::log!(CAT, "Pushing gap: {last_position} -> {pts}"); if !self.srcpad.push_event(gap_event) { return false; } } Ordering::Less => { let delta = last_position - pts; gst::warning!( CAT, imp: self, "Updating item PTS ({pts} < {last_position}), consider increasing latency", ); pts = last_position; duration = duration.saturating_sub(delta); { let buf_mut = buf.get_mut().unwrap(); buf_mut.set_pts(pts); buf_mut.set_duration(duration); } } _ => (), } last_position = pts + duration; gst::debug!(CAT, "Pushing buffer: {pts} -> {}", pts + duration); if self.srcpad.push(buf).is_err() { return false; } } /* next, push a gap if we're lagging behind the target position */ gst::trace!( CAT, imp: self, "Checking now: {now} if we need to push a gap, last_position: {last_position}, threshold: {}", last_position + latency.saturating_sub(GRANULARITY) ); if now > last_position + latency.saturating_sub(GRANULARITY) { let duration = now - last_position - latency.saturating_sub(GRANULARITY); let gap_event = gst::event::Gap::builder(last_position) .duration(duration) .seqnum(seqnum) .build(); gst::log!( CAT, "Pushing gap: {last_position} -> {}", last_position + duration ); last_position += duration; if !self.srcpad.push_event(gap_event) { return false; } } self.state .lock() .unwrap() .out_segment .set_position(last_position); true } /// Enqueues a buffer for each of the provided stable items. /// /// Returns `true` if at least one buffer was enqueued. fn enqueue( &self, mut items: Vec, partial: bool, lateness: gst::ClockTime, ) -> bool { let mut state = self.state.lock().unwrap(); if items.len() <= state.partial_index { gst::error!( CAT, imp: self, "sanity check failed, alternative length {} < partial_index {}", items.len(), state.partial_index ); if !partial { state.partial_index = 0; } return false; } let mut enqueued = false; for item in items.drain(state.partial_index..) { if !item.stable().unwrap_or(false) { break; } let Some(content) = item.content else { continue }; let start_time = ((item.start_time * 1_000_000_000.0) as u64).nseconds() + lateness; let end_time = ((item.end_time * 1_000_000_000.0) as u64).nseconds() + lateness; /* Should be sent now */ gst::debug!( CAT, imp: self, "Item is ready for queuing: {content}, PTS {start_time}", ); let mut buf = gst::Buffer::from_mut_slice(content.into_bytes()); { let buf = buf.get_mut().unwrap(); if state.discont { buf.set_flags(gst::BufferFlags::DISCONT); state.discont = false; } buf.set_pts(start_time); buf.set_duration(end_time - start_time); } state.partial_index += 1; state.buffers.push_back(buf); enqueued = true; } if !partial { state.partial_index = 0; } enqueued } fn pad_loop_fn(&self, transcript_notif_rx: &mut mpsc::Receiver<()>) { let mut events = { let mut events = vec![]; let state = self.state.lock().unwrap(); if state.send_events { events.push( gst::event::StreamStart::builder("transcription") .seqnum(state.seqnum) .build(), ); let caps = gst::Caps::builder("text/x-raw") .field("format", "utf8") .build(); events.push( gst::event::Caps::builder(&caps) .seqnum(state.seqnum) .build(), ); events.push( gst::event::Segment::builder(&state.out_segment) .seqnum(state.seqnum) .build(), ); } events }; if !events.is_empty() { for event in events.drain(..) { gst::info!(CAT, imp: self, "Sending {event:?}"); self.srcpad.push_event(event); } self.state.lock().unwrap().send_events = false; } let future = async move { let timeout = tokio::time::sleep(GRANULARITY.into()).fuse(); futures::pin_mut!(timeout); futures::select! { notif = transcript_notif_rx.next() => { if notif.is_none() { // Transcriber loop terminated self.state.lock().unwrap().send_eos = true; }; } _ = timeout => (), }; if !self.dequeue() { gst::info!(CAT, imp: self, "Failed to dequeue buffer, pausing"); let _ = self.srcpad.pause_task(); } }; let (abortable_future, abort_handle) = future::abortable(future); self.state.lock().unwrap().task_abort_handle = Some(abort_handle); let _enter = RUNTIME.enter(); if futures::executor::block_on(abortable_future).is_err() { gst::debug!(CAT, imp: self, "task iter aborted"); } } fn start_task(&self) -> Result<(), gst::LoggableError> { gst::debug!(CAT, imp: self, "Starting task"); let mut state = self.state.lock().unwrap(); let (transcript_notif_tx, mut transcript_notif_rx) = mpsc::channel(1); let imp = self.ref_counted(); let res = self .srcpad .start_task(move || imp.pad_loop_fn(&mut transcript_notif_rx)); if res.is_err() { state.transcript_notif_tx = None; return Err(gst::loggable_error!(CAT, "Failed to start pad task")); } state.transcript_notif_tx = Some(transcript_notif_tx); gst::debug!(CAT, imp: self, "Task started"); Ok(()) } fn stop_task(&self) { gst::debug!(CAT, imp: self, "Stopping task"); let _ = self.srcpad.stop_task(); let mut state = self.state.lock().unwrap(); if let Some(task_abort_handle) = state.task_abort_handle.take() { task_abort_handle.abort(); } if let Some(ws_loop_handle) = state.ws_loop_handle.take() { ws_loop_handle.abort(); } state.transcript_notif_tx = None; state.buffer_tx = None; gst::debug!(CAT, imp: self, "Task Stopped"); } fn stop_ws_loop(&self) { let mut state = self.state.lock().unwrap(); if let Some(ws_loop_handle) = state.ws_loop_handle.take() { ws_loop_handle.abort(); } state.buffer_tx = None; } fn src_activatemode( &self, _pad: &gst::Pad, _mode: gst::PadMode, active: bool, ) -> Result<(), gst::LoggableError> { if active { self.start_task()?; } else { self.stop_task(); } Ok(()) } fn src_query(&self, pad: &gst::Pad, query: &mut gst::QueryRef) -> bool { gst::log!(CAT, obj: pad, "Handling query {query:?}"); use gst::QueryViewMut::*; match query.view_mut() { Latency(q) => { let mut peer_query = gst::query::Latency::new(); let ret = self.sinkpad.peer_query(&mut peer_query); if ret { let (_, min, _) = peer_query.result(); let our_latency = self.settings.lock().unwrap().latency; q.set(true, our_latency + min, gst::ClockTime::NONE); } ret } Position(q) => { if q.format() == gst::Format::Time { let state = self.state.lock().unwrap(); q.set( state .out_segment .to_stream_time(state.out_segment.position()), ); true } else { false } } _ => gst::Pad::query_default(pad, Some(&*self.obj()), query), } } fn sink_event(&self, pad: &gst::Pad, event: gst::Event) -> bool { gst::log!(CAT, obj: pad, "Handling event {event:?}"); use gst::EventView::*; match event.view() { Eos(_) => { self.stop_ws_loop(); true } FlushStart(_) => { gst::info!(CAT, imp: self, "Received flush start, disconnecting"); let ret = gst::Pad::event_default(pad, Some(&*self.obj()), event); self.stop_task(); ret } FlushStop(_) => { gst::info!(CAT, imp: self, "Received flush stop, restarting task"); if gst::Pad::event_default(pad, Some(&*self.obj()), event) { match self.start_task() { Err(err) => { gst::error!(CAT, imp: self, "Failed to start srcpad task: {err}"); false } Ok(_) => true, } } else { false } } Segment(e) => { let segment = match e.segment().clone().downcast::() { Err(segment) => { gst::element_imp_error!( self, gst::StreamError::Format, ["Only Time segments supported, got {:?}", segment.format()] ); return false; } Ok(segment) => segment, }; let mut state = self.state.lock().unwrap(); state.in_segment = segment; state.seqnum = e.seqnum(); true } Tag(_) => true, Caps(c) => { gst::info!(CAT, "Received caps {c:?}"); true } StreamStart(_) => true, _ => gst::Pad::event_default(pad, Some(&*self.obj()), event), } } fn sink_chain( &self, pad: &gst::Pad, buffer: gst::Buffer, ) -> Result { gst::log!(CAT, obj: pad, "Handling {buffer:?}"); self.ensure_connection().map_err(|err| { gst::element_imp_error!(self, gst::StreamError::Failed, ["Streaming failed: {err}"]); gst::FlowError::Error })?; let Some(mut buffer_tx) = self.state.lock().unwrap().buffer_tx.take() else { gst::log!(CAT, obj: pad, "Flushing"); return Err(gst::FlowError::Flushing); }; futures::executor::block_on(buffer_tx.send(buffer)).map_err(|err| { gst::element_imp_error!(self, gst::StreamError::Failed, ["Streaming failed: {err}"]); gst::FlowError::Error })?; self.state.lock().unwrap().buffer_tx = Some(buffer_tx); Ok(gst::FlowSuccess::Ok) } fn ensure_connection(&self) -> Result<(), gst::ErrorMessage> { enum ConfigStatus { Ready(aws_config::SdkConfig), NotReady { access_key: Option, secret_access_key: Option, session_token: Option, }, } let (config_status, transcription_settings, lateness, transcript_notif_tx); { let mut state = self.state.lock().unwrap(); if let Some(ref ws_loop_handle) = state.ws_loop_handle { if ws_loop_handle.is_finished() { state.ws_loop_handle = None; const ERR: &str = "ws loop terminated unexpectedly"; gst::error!(CAT, imp: self, "{ERR}"); return Err(gst::error_msg!(gst::LibraryError::Failed, ["{ERR}"])); } return Ok(()); } transcript_notif_tx = state .transcript_notif_tx .take() .expect("attempting to spawn the ws loop, but the srcpad task hasn't been started"); let settings = self.settings.lock().unwrap(); lateness = settings.lateness; if settings.latency + lateness <= 2 * GRANULARITY { const ERR: &str = "latency + lateness must be greater than 200 milliseconds"; gst::error!(CAT, imp: self, "{ERR}"); return Err(gst::error_msg!(gst::LibraryError::Settings, ["{ERR}"])); } let in_caps = self.sinkpad.current_caps().unwrap(); let s = in_caps.structure(0).unwrap(); let sample_rate = s.get::("rate").unwrap(); transcription_settings = TranscriptionSettings::from(&settings, sample_rate); config_status = if let Some(aws_config) = state.aws_config.take() { ConfigStatus::Ready(aws_config) } else { ConfigStatus::NotReady { access_key: settings.access_key.to_owned(), secret_access_key: settings.secret_access_key.to_owned(), session_token: settings.session_token.to_owned(), } }; }; let aws_config = match config_status { ConfigStatus::Ready(aws_config) => aws_config, ConfigStatus::NotReady { access_key, secret_access_key, session_token, } => { gst::info!(CAT, imp: self, "Loading aws config..."); let _enter_guard = RUNTIME.enter(); let config_loader = match (access_key, secret_access_key) { (Some(key), Some(secret_key)) => { gst::debug!(CAT, imp: self, "Using settings credentials"); aws_config::ConfigLoader::default().credentials_provider( aws_transcribe::Credentials::new( key, secret_key, session_token, None, "translate", ), ) } _ => { gst::debug!(CAT, imp: self, "Attempting to get credentials from env..."); aws_config::from_env() } }; let config_loader = config_loader.region( aws_config::meta::region::RegionProviderChain::default_provider() .or_else(DEFAULT_TRANSCRIBER_REGION), ); let config = futures::executor::block_on(config_loader.load()); gst::debug!(CAT, imp: self, "Using region {}", config.region().unwrap()); config } }; let mut state = self.state.lock().unwrap(); let (buffer_tx, buffer_rx) = mpsc::channel(1); let ws_loop_ctx = TranscriberLoop::new( self, &aws_config, transcription_settings, lateness, buffer_rx, transcript_notif_tx, ); let ws_loop_handle = RUNTIME.spawn(ws_loop_ctx.run()); state.aws_config = Some(aws_config); state.ws_loop_handle = Some(ws_loop_handle); state.buffer_tx = Some(buffer_tx); Ok(()) } fn disconnect(&self) { gst::info!(CAT, imp: self, "Unpreparing"); self.stop_task(); // Also resets discont to true *self.state.lock().unwrap() = State::default(); gst::info!(CAT, imp: self, "Unprepared"); } } #[glib::object_subclass] impl ObjectSubclass for Transcriber { const NAME: &'static str = "GstAwsTranscriber"; type Type = super::Transcriber; type ParentType = gst::Element; fn with_class(klass: &Self::Class) -> Self { let templ = klass.pad_template("sink").unwrap(); let sinkpad = gst::Pad::builder_with_template(&templ, Some("sink")) .chain_function(|pad, parent, buffer| { Transcriber::catch_panic_pad_function( parent, || Err(gst::FlowError::Error), |transcriber| transcriber.sink_chain(pad, buffer), ) }) .event_function(|pad, parent, event| { Transcriber::catch_panic_pad_function( parent, || false, |transcriber| transcriber.sink_event(pad, event), ) }) .build(); let templ = klass.pad_template("src").unwrap(); let srcpad = gst::Pad::builder_with_template(&templ, Some("src")) .activatemode_function(|pad, parent, mode, active| { Transcriber::catch_panic_pad_function( parent, || { Err(gst::loggable_error!( CAT, "Panic activating src pad with mode" )) }, |transcriber| transcriber.src_activatemode(pad, mode, active), ) }) .query_function(|pad, parent, query| { Transcriber::catch_panic_pad_function( parent, || false, |transcriber| transcriber.src_query(pad, query), ) }) .flags(gst::PadFlags::FIXED_CAPS) .build(); let settings = Mutex::new(Settings::default()); Self { srcpad, sinkpad, settings, state: Mutex::new(State::default()), } } } impl ObjectImpl for Transcriber { fn properties() -> &'static [glib::ParamSpec] { static PROPERTIES: Lazy> = Lazy::new(|| { vec![ glib::ParamSpecString::builder("language-code") .nick("Language Code") .blurb("The Language of the Stream, see \ \ for an up to date list of allowed languages") .default_value(Some(DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_CODE)) .mutable_ready() .build(), glib::ParamSpecUInt::builder("latency") .nick("Latency") .blurb("Amount of milliseconds to allow AWS transcribe") .default_value(DEFAULT_LATENCY.mseconds() as u32) .mutable_ready() .build(), glib::ParamSpecUInt::builder("lateness") .nick("Lateness") .blurb("Amount of milliseconds to introduce as lateness") .default_value(DEFAULT_LATENESS.mseconds() as u32) .mutable_ready() .build(), glib::ParamSpecString::builder("vocabulary-name") .nick("Vocabulary Name") .blurb("The name of a custom vocabulary, see \ \ for more information") .mutable_ready() .build(), glib::ParamSpecString::builder("session-id") .nick("Session ID") .blurb("The ID of the transcription session, must be length 36") .mutable_ready() .build(), glib::ParamSpecEnum::builder_with_default("results-stability", DEFAULT_STABILITY) .nick("Results stability") .blurb("Defines how fast results should stabilize") .mutable_ready() .build(), glib::ParamSpecString::builder("access-key") .nick("Access Key") .blurb("AWS Access Key") .mutable_ready() .build(), glib::ParamSpecString::builder("secret-access-key") .nick("Secret Access Key") .blurb("AWS Secret Access Key") .mutable_ready() .build(), glib::ParamSpecString::builder("session-token") .nick("Session Token") .blurb("AWS temporary Session Token from STS") .mutable_ready() .build(), glib::ParamSpecString::builder("vocabulary-filter-name") .nick("Vocabulary Filter Name") .blurb("The name of a custom filter vocabulary, see \ \ for more information") .mutable_ready() .build(), glib::ParamSpecEnum::builder_with_default("vocabulary-filter-method", DEFAULT_VOCABULARY_FILTER_METHOD) .nick("Vocabulary Filter Method") .blurb("Defines how filtered words will be edited, has no effect when vocabulary-filter-name isn't set") .mutable_ready() .build(), ] }); PROPERTIES.as_ref() } fn constructed(&self) { self.parent_constructed(); let obj = self.obj(); obj.add_pad(&self.sinkpad).unwrap(); obj.add_pad(&self.srcpad).unwrap(); obj.set_element_flags(gst::ElementFlags::PROVIDE_CLOCK | gst::ElementFlags::REQUIRE_CLOCK); } fn set_property(&self, _id: usize, value: &glib::Value, pspec: &glib::ParamSpec) { match pspec.name() { "language-code" => { let mut settings = self.settings.lock().unwrap(); settings.language_code = value.get().expect("type checked upstream"); } "latency" => { let mut settings = self.settings.lock().unwrap(); settings.latency = gst::ClockTime::from_mseconds( value.get::().expect("type checked upstream").into(), ); } "lateness" => { let mut settings = self.settings.lock().unwrap(); settings.lateness = gst::ClockTime::from_mseconds( value.get::().expect("type checked upstream").into(), ); } "vocabulary-name" => { let mut settings = self.settings.lock().unwrap(); settings.vocabulary = value.get().expect("type checked upstream"); } "session-id" => { let mut settings = self.settings.lock().unwrap(); settings.session_id = value.get().expect("type checked upstream"); } "results-stability" => { let mut settings = self.settings.lock().unwrap(); settings.results_stability = value .get::() .expect("type checked upstream"); } "access-key" => { let mut settings = self.settings.lock().unwrap(); settings.access_key = value.get().expect("type checked upstream"); } "secret-access-key" => { let mut settings = self.settings.lock().unwrap(); settings.secret_access_key = value.get().expect("type checked upstream"); } "session-token" => { let mut settings = self.settings.lock().unwrap(); settings.session_token = value.get().expect("type checked upstream"); } "vocabulary-filter-name" => { let mut settings = self.settings.lock().unwrap(); settings.vocabulary_filter = value.get().expect("type checked upstream"); } "vocabulary-filter-method" => { let mut settings = self.settings.lock().unwrap(); settings.vocabulary_filter_method = value .get::() .expect("type checked upstream"); } _ => unimplemented!(), } } fn property(&self, _id: usize, pspec: &glib::ParamSpec) -> glib::Value { match pspec.name() { "language-code" => { let settings = self.settings.lock().unwrap(); settings.language_code.to_value() } "latency" => { let settings = self.settings.lock().unwrap(); (settings.latency.mseconds() as u32).to_value() } "lateness" => { let settings = self.settings.lock().unwrap(); (settings.lateness.mseconds() as u32).to_value() } "vocabulary-name" => { let settings = self.settings.lock().unwrap(); settings.vocabulary.to_value() } "session-id" => { let settings = self.settings.lock().unwrap(); settings.session_id.to_value() } "results-stability" => { let settings = self.settings.lock().unwrap(); settings.results_stability.to_value() } "access-key" => { let settings = self.settings.lock().unwrap(); settings.access_key.to_value() } "secret-access-key" => { let settings = self.settings.lock().unwrap(); settings.secret_access_key.to_value() } "session-token" => { let settings = self.settings.lock().unwrap(); settings.session_token.to_value() } "vocabulary-filter-name" => { let settings = self.settings.lock().unwrap(); settings.vocabulary_filter.to_value() } "vocabulary-filter-method" => { let settings = self.settings.lock().unwrap(); settings.vocabulary_filter_method.to_value() } _ => unimplemented!(), } } } impl GstObjectImpl for Transcriber {} impl ElementImpl for Transcriber { fn metadata() -> Option<&'static gst::subclass::ElementMetadata> { static ELEMENT_METADATA: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| { gst::subclass::ElementMetadata::new( "Transcriber", "Audio/Text/Filter", "Speech to Text filter, using AWS transcribe", "Jordan Petridis , Mathieu Duponchelle , François Laignel ", ) }); Some(&*ELEMENT_METADATA) } fn pad_templates() -> &'static [gst::PadTemplate] { static PAD_TEMPLATES: Lazy> = Lazy::new(|| { let src_caps = gst::Caps::builder("text/x-raw") .field("format", "utf8") .build(); let src_pad_template = gst::PadTemplate::new( "src", gst::PadDirection::Src, gst::PadPresence::Always, &src_caps, ) .unwrap(); let sink_caps = gst_audio::AudioCapsBuilder::new() .format(gst_audio::AudioFormat::S16le) .rate_range(8000..=48000) .channels(1) .build(); let sink_pad_template = gst::PadTemplate::new( "sink", gst::PadDirection::Sink, gst::PadPresence::Always, &sink_caps, ) .unwrap(); vec![src_pad_template, sink_pad_template] }); PAD_TEMPLATES.as_ref() } fn change_state( &self, transition: gst::StateChange, ) -> Result { gst::info!(CAT, imp: self, "Changing state {transition:?}"); let mut success = self.parent_change_state(transition)?; match transition { gst::StateChange::PausedToReady => { self.disconnect(); } gst::StateChange::ReadyToPaused => { success = gst::StateChangeSuccess::NoPreroll; } gst::StateChange::PlayingToPaused => { success = gst::StateChangeSuccess::NoPreroll; } _ => (), } Ok(success) } fn provide_clock(&self) -> Option { Some(gst::SystemClock::obtain()) } }