// Copyright (C) 2016 Sebastian Dröge // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Library General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the // Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, // Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. use libc::c_char; use std::os::raw::c_void; use std::ffi::{CStr, CString}; use std::ptr; use std::u64; use std::panic::{self, AssertUnwindSafe}; use std::sync::Mutex; use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}; use url::Url; use slog::*; use plugin::Plugin; use utils::*; use error::*; use buffer::*; use log::*; #[derive(Debug)] pub enum SourceError { Failure, OpenFailed, NotFound, ReadFailed, SeekFailed, } impl ToGError for SourceError { fn to_gerror(&self) -> (u32, i32) { match *self { SourceError::Failure => (gst_library_error_domain(), 1), SourceError::OpenFailed => (gst_resource_error_domain(), 5), SourceError::NotFound => (gst_resource_error_domain(), 3), SourceError::ReadFailed => (gst_resource_error_domain(), 9), SourceError::SeekFailed => (gst_resource_error_domain(), 11), } } } pub struct SourceWrapper { raw: *mut c_void, logger: Logger, uri: Mutex<(Option, bool)>, uri_validator: Box, source: Mutex>, panicked: AtomicBool, } pub trait Source { fn uri_validator(&self) -> Box; fn is_seekable(&self) -> bool; fn get_size(&self) -> Option; fn start(&mut self, uri: Url) -> Result<(), ErrorMessage>; fn stop(&mut self) -> Result<(), ErrorMessage>; fn fill(&mut self, offset: u64, length: u32, buffer: &mut Buffer) -> Result<(), FlowError>; fn seek(&mut self, start: u64, stop: Option) -> Result<(), ErrorMessage>; } impl SourceWrapper { fn new(raw: *mut c_void, source: Box) -> SourceWrapper { SourceWrapper { raw: raw, logger: Logger::root(GstDebugDrain::new(Some(unsafe { &Element::new(raw) }), "rssrc", 0, "Rust source base class"), None), uri: Mutex::new((None, false)), uri_validator: source.uri_validator(), source: Mutex::new(source), panicked: AtomicBool::new(false), } } fn set_uri(&self, uri_str: Option<&str>) -> Result<(), UriError> { let uri_storage = &mut self.uri.lock().unwrap(); debug!(self.logger, "Setting URI {:?}", uri_str); if uri_storage.1 { return Err(UriError::new(UriErrorKind::BadState, Some("Already started".to_string()))); } uri_storage.0 = None; if let Some(uri_str) = uri_str { match Url::parse(uri_str) { Ok(uri) => { try!((self.uri_validator)(&uri)); uri_storage.0 = Some(uri); Ok(()) } Err(err) => { Err(UriError::new(UriErrorKind::BadUri, Some(format!("Failed to parse URI '{}': {}", uri_str, err)))) } } } else { Ok(()) } } fn get_uri(&self) -> Option { let uri_storage = &self.uri.lock().unwrap(); uri_storage.0.as_ref().map(|uri| String::from(uri.as_str())) } fn is_seekable(&self) -> bool { let source = &self.source.lock().unwrap(); source.is_seekable() } fn get_size(&self) -> u64 { let source = &self.source.lock().unwrap(); source.get_size().unwrap_or(u64::MAX) } fn start(&self) -> bool { debug!(self.logger, "Starting"); // Don't keep the URI locked while we call start later let uri = match *self.uri.lock().unwrap() { (Some(ref uri), ref mut started) => { *started = true; uri.clone() } (None, _) => { error!(self.logger, "No URI given"); self.post_message(&error_msg!(SourceError::OpenFailed, ["No URI given"])); return false; } }; let source = &mut self.source.lock().unwrap(); match source.start(uri) { Ok(..) => { trace!(self.logger, "Started successfully"); true } Err(ref msg) => { error!(self.logger, "Failed to start: {:?}", msg); self.uri.lock().unwrap().1 = false; self.post_message(msg); false } } } fn stop(&self) -> bool { let source = &mut self.source.lock().unwrap(); debug!(self.logger, "Stopping"); match source.stop() { Ok(..) => { trace!(self.logger, "Stopped successfully"); self.uri.lock().unwrap().1 = false; true } Err(ref msg) => { error!(self.logger, "Failed to stop: {:?}", msg); self.post_message(msg); false } } } fn fill(&self, offset: u64, length: u32, buffer: &mut Buffer) -> GstFlowReturn { let source = &mut self.source.lock().unwrap(); trace!(self.logger, "Filling buffer {:?} with offset {} and length {}", buffer, offset, length); match source.fill(offset, length, buffer) { Ok(()) => GstFlowReturn::Ok, Err(flow_error) => { error!(self.logger, "Failed to fill: {:?}", flow_error); match flow_error { FlowError::NotNegotiated(ref msg) | FlowError::Error(ref msg) => self.post_message(msg), _ => (), } flow_error.to_native() } } } fn seek(&self, start: u64, stop: Option) -> bool { let source = &mut self.source.lock().unwrap(); debug!(self.logger, "Seeking to {:?}-{:?}", start, stop); match source.seek(start, stop) { Ok(..) => true, Err(ref msg) => { error!(self.logger, "Failed to seek {:?}", msg); self.post_message(msg); false } } } fn post_message(&self, msg: &ErrorMessage) { unsafe { msg.post(self.raw); } } } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn source_new(source: *mut c_void, create_instance: fn(Element) -> Box) -> *mut SourceWrapper { let instance = create_instance(Element::new(source)); Box::into_raw(Box::new(SourceWrapper::new(source, instance))) } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn source_drop(ptr: *mut SourceWrapper) { let _ = Box::from_raw(ptr); } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn source_set_uri(ptr: *const SourceWrapper, uri_ptr: *const c_char, cerr: *mut c_void) -> GBoolean { let wrap: &SourceWrapper = &*ptr; panic_to_error!(wrap, GBoolean::False, { let uri_str = if uri_ptr.is_null() { None } else { Some(CStr::from_ptr(uri_ptr).to_str().unwrap()) }; match wrap.set_uri(uri_str) { Err(err) => { error!(wrap.logger, "Failed to set URI {:?}", err); err.into_gerror(cerr); GBoolean::False } Ok(_) => GBoolean::True, } }) } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn source_get_uri(ptr: *const SourceWrapper) -> *mut c_char { let wrap: &SourceWrapper = &*ptr; panic_to_error!(wrap, ptr::null_mut(), { match wrap.get_uri() { Some(uri_str) => CString::new(uri_str).unwrap().into_raw(), None => ptr::null_mut(), } }) } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn source_is_seekable(ptr: *const SourceWrapper) -> GBoolean { let wrap: &SourceWrapper = &*ptr; panic_to_error!(wrap, GBoolean::False, { GBoolean::from_bool(wrap.is_seekable()) }) } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn source_get_size(ptr: *const SourceWrapper) -> u64 { let wrap: &SourceWrapper = &*ptr; panic_to_error!(wrap, u64::MAX, { wrap.get_size() }) } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn source_start(ptr: *const SourceWrapper) -> GBoolean { let wrap: &SourceWrapper = &*ptr; panic_to_error!(wrap, GBoolean::False, { GBoolean::from_bool(wrap.start()) }) } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn source_stop(ptr: *const SourceWrapper) -> GBoolean { let wrap: &SourceWrapper = &*ptr; panic_to_error!(wrap, GBoolean::True, { GBoolean::from_bool(wrap.stop()) }) } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn source_fill(ptr: *const SourceWrapper, offset: u64, length: u32, buffer: ScopedBufferPtr) -> GstFlowReturn { let wrap: &SourceWrapper = &*ptr; panic_to_error!(wrap, GstFlowReturn::Error, { let mut buffer = ScopedBuffer::new(&buffer); wrap.fill(offset, length, &mut *buffer) }) } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn source_seek(ptr: *const SourceWrapper, start: u64, stop: u64) -> GBoolean { let wrap: &SourceWrapper = &*ptr; panic_to_error!(wrap, GBoolean::False, { GBoolean::from_bool(wrap.seek(start, if stop == u64::MAX { None } else { Some(stop) })) }) } pub struct SourceInfo<'a> { pub name: &'a str, pub long_name: &'a str, pub description: &'a str, pub classification: &'a str, pub author: &'a str, pub rank: i32, pub create_instance: fn(Element) -> Box, pub protocols: &'a str, pub push_only: bool, } pub fn source_register(plugin: &Plugin, source_info: &SourceInfo) { extern "C" { fn gst_rs_source_register(plugin: *const c_void, name: *const c_char, long_name: *const c_char, description: *const c_char, classification: *const c_char, author: *const c_char, rank: i32, create_instance: *const c_void, protocols: *const c_char, push_only: GBoolean) -> GBoolean; } let cname = CString::new(source_info.name).unwrap(); let clong_name = CString::new(source_info.long_name).unwrap(); let cdescription = CString::new(source_info.description).unwrap(); let cclassification = CString::new(source_info.classification).unwrap(); let cauthor = CString::new(source_info.author).unwrap(); let cprotocols = CString::new(source_info.protocols).unwrap(); unsafe { gst_rs_source_register(plugin.as_ptr(), cname.as_ptr(), clong_name.as_ptr(), cdescription.as_ptr(), cclassification.as_ptr(), cauthor.as_ptr(), source_info.rank, source_info.create_instance as *const c_void, cprotocols.as_ptr(), GBoolean::from_bool(source_info.push_only)); } }