// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 use crate::signaller::{Signallable, SignallableImpl}; use crate::utils::{wait_async, WaitError}; use crate::RUNTIME; use anyhow::anyhow; use futures::executor::block_on; use gst::glib; use gst::prelude::*; use gst::subclass::prelude::*; use once_cell::sync::Lazy; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex}; use tokio::sync::oneshot; use tokio::task::JoinHandle; use livekit_api::access_token::{AccessToken, VideoGrants}; use livekit_api::signal_client; use livekit_protocol as proto; static CAT: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| { gst::DebugCategory::new( "webrtc-livekit-signaller", gst::DebugColorFlags::empty(), Some("WebRTC LiveKit signaller"), ) }); const DEFAULT_TRACK_PUBLISH_TIMEOUT: u32 = 10; #[derive(Clone)] struct Settings { wsurl: Option, api_key: Option, secret_key: Option, participant_name: Option, identity: Option, room_name: Option, auth_token: Option, timeout: u32, } impl Default for Settings { fn default() -> Self { Self { wsurl: Some("ws://".to_string()), api_key: None, secret_key: None, participant_name: Some("GStreamer".to_string()), identity: Some("gstreamer".to_string()), room_name: None, auth_token: None, timeout: DEFAULT_TRACK_PUBLISH_TIMEOUT, } } } #[derive(Default)] pub struct Signaller { settings: Mutex, connection: Mutex>, join_canceller: Mutex>, signal_task_canceller: Mutex>, } struct Channels { reliable_channel: gst_webrtc::WebRTCDataChannel, lossy_channel: gst_webrtc::WebRTCDataChannel, } struct Connection { signal_client: Arc, pending_tracks: HashMap>, signal_task: JoinHandle<()>, early_candidates: Option>, channels: Option, } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] struct IceCandidateJson { pub sdp_mid: String, pub sdp_m_line_index: i32, pub candidate: String, } impl Signaller { fn raise_error(&self, msg: String) { self.obj() .emit_by_name::<()>("error", &[&format!("Error: {msg}")]); } async fn signal_task(&self, mut signal_events: signal_client::SignalEvents) { loop { match wait_async(&self.signal_task_canceller, signal_events.recv(), 0).await { Ok(Some(signal)) => match signal { signal_client::SignalEvent::Open => {} signal_client::SignalEvent::Signal(signal) => { self.on_signal_event(signal).await; } signal_client::SignalEvent::Close => { gst::debug!(CAT, imp: self, "Close"); self.raise_error("Server disconnected".to_string()); break; } }, Ok(None) => {} Err(err) => match err { WaitError::FutureAborted => { gst::debug!(CAT, imp: self, "Closing signal_task"); break; } WaitError::FutureError(err) => self.raise_error(err.to_string()), }, } } } async fn on_signal_event(&self, event: proto::signal_response::Message) { match event { proto::signal_response::Message::Answer(answer) => { gst::debug!(CAT, imp: self, "Received publisher answer: {:?}", answer); let sdp = match gst_sdp::SDPMessage::parse_buffer(answer.sdp.as_bytes()) { Ok(sdp) => sdp, Err(_) => { self.raise_error("Couldn't parse Answer SDP".to_string()); return; } }; let answer = gst_webrtc::WebRTCSessionDescription::new( gst_webrtc::WebRTCSDPType::Answer, sdp, ); self.obj() .emit_by_name::<()>("session-description", &[&"unique", &answer]); } proto::signal_response::Message::Trickle(trickle) => { let target = if let Some(target) = proto::SignalTarget::from_i32(trickle.target) { target } else { gst::warning!( CAT, imp: self, "Received ice_candidate {:?} from invalid target, ignoring", trickle ); return; }; gst::debug!(CAT, imp: self, "Received ice_candidate {:?}", trickle); if target == proto::SignalTarget::Publisher { if let Ok(json) = serde_json::from_str::(&trickle.candidate_init) { let mline = json.sdp_m_line_index as u32; self.obj().emit_by_name::<()>( "handle-ice", &[&"unique", &mline, &Some(json.sdp_mid), &json.candidate], ); } } } proto::signal_response::Message::ConnectionQuality(quality) => { gst::debug!(CAT, imp: self, "Connection quality: {:?}", quality); } proto::signal_response::Message::TrackPublished(publish_res) => { gst::debug!(CAT, imp: self, "Track published: {:?}", publish_res); if let Some(connection) = &mut *self.connection.lock().unwrap() { if let Some(tx) = connection.pending_tracks.remove(&publish_res.cid) { let _ = tx.send(publish_res.track.unwrap()); } } } proto::signal_response::Message::Leave(leave) => { gst::debug!(CAT, imp: self, "Leave: {:?}", leave); } _ => {} } } } impl SignallableImpl for Signaller { fn start(&self) { gst::debug!(CAT, imp: self, "Connecting"); let wsurl = if let Some(wsurl) = &self.settings.lock().unwrap().wsurl { wsurl.clone() } else { self.raise_error("WebSocket URL must be set".to_string()); return; }; let auth_token = { let settings = self.settings.lock().unwrap(); if let Some(auth_token) = &settings.auth_token { auth_token.clone() } else if let ( Some(api_key), Some(secret_key), Some(identity), Some(participant_name), Some(room_name), ) = ( &settings.api_key, &settings.secret_key, &settings.identity, &settings.participant_name, &settings.room_name, ) { let grants = VideoGrants { room_join: true, can_subscribe: false, room: room_name.clone(), ..Default::default() }; let access_token = AccessToken::with_api_key(api_key, secret_key) .with_name(participant_name) .with_identity(identity) .with_grants(grants); match access_token.to_jwt() { Ok(token) => token, Err(err) => { self.raise_error(format!( "{:?}", anyhow!("Could not create auth token {err}") )); return; } } } else { self.raise_error("Either auth-token or (api-key and secret-key and identity and room-name) must be set".to_string()); return; } }; gst::debug!(CAT, imp: self, "We have an authentication token"); let weak_imp = self.downgrade(); RUNTIME.spawn(async move { let imp = if let Some(imp) = weak_imp.upgrade() { imp } else { return; }; let options = signal_client::SignalOptions::default(); gst::debug!(CAT, imp: imp, "Connecting to {}", wsurl); let res = signal_client::SignalClient::connect(&wsurl, &auth_token, options).await; let (signal_client, join_response, signal_events) = match res { Err(err) => { imp.obj() .emit_by_name::<()>("error", &[&format!("{:?}", anyhow!("Error: {err}"))]); return; } Ok(ok) => ok, }; let signal_client = Arc::new(signal_client); gst::debug!( CAT, imp: imp, "Connected with JoinResponse: {:?}", join_response ); let weak_imp = imp.downgrade(); let signal_task = RUNTIME.spawn(async move { if let Some(imp) = weak_imp.upgrade() { imp.signal_task(signal_events).await; } }); let weak_imp = imp.downgrade(); imp.obj().connect_closure( "consumer-added", false, glib::closure!(|_signaler: &super::LiveKitSignaller, _consumer_identifier: &str, webrtcbin: &gst::Element| { gst::info!(CAT, "Adding data channels"); let reliable_channel = webrtcbin.emit_by_name::( "create-data-channel", &[ &"_reliable", &gst::Structure::builder("config") .field("ordered", true) .build(), ], ); let lossy_channel = webrtcbin.emit_by_name::( "create-data-channel", &[ &"_lossy", &gst::Structure::builder("config") .field("ordered", true) .field("max-retransmits", 0) .build(), ], ); if let Some(imp) = weak_imp.upgrade() { let mut connection = imp.connection.lock().unwrap(); if let Some(connection) = connection.as_mut() { connection.channels = Some(Channels { reliable_channel, lossy_channel, }); } } }), ); let connection = Connection { signal_client, signal_task, pending_tracks: Default::default(), early_candidates: Some(Vec::new()), channels: None, }; if let Ok(mut sc) = imp.connection.lock() { *sc = Some(connection); } imp.obj().emit_by_name::<()>( "session-requested", &[ &"unique", &"unique", &None::, ], ); }); } fn send_sdp(&self, _session_id: &str, sessdesc: &gst_webrtc::WebRTCSessionDescription) { gst::debug!(CAT, imp: self, "Created offer SDP {:#?}", sessdesc.sdp()); assert!(sessdesc.type_() == gst_webrtc::WebRTCSDPType::Offer); let weak_imp = self.downgrade(); let sessdesc = sessdesc.clone(); RUNTIME.spawn(async move { if let Some(imp) = weak_imp.upgrade() { let sdp = sessdesc.sdp(); let signal_client = imp .connection .lock() .unwrap() .as_ref() .unwrap() .signal_client .clone(); let timeout = imp.settings.lock().unwrap().timeout; for media in sdp.medias() { if let Some(mediatype) = media.media() { let (mtype, msource) = if mediatype == "audio" { ( proto::TrackType::Audio, proto::TrackSource::Microphone as i32, ) } else if mediatype == "video" { (proto::TrackType::Video, proto::TrackSource::Camera as i32) } else { continue; }; let mut disable_red = true; if mtype == proto::TrackType::Audio { for format in media.formats() { if let Ok(pt) = format.parse::() { if let Some(caps) = media.caps_from_media(pt) { let s = caps.structure(0).unwrap(); let encoding_name = s.get::<&str>("encoding-name").unwrap(); if encoding_name == "RED" { disable_red = false; } } } } } // Our SDP should always have a mid let mid = media.attribute_val("mid").unwrap().to_string(); let mut trackid = ""; for attr in media.attributes() { if attr.key() == "ssrc" { if let Some(val) = attr.value() { let split: Vec<&str> = val.split_whitespace().collect(); if split.len() == 3 && split[1].starts_with("msid:") { trackid = split[2]; break; } } } } // let layers = if mtype == proto::TrackType::Video { // let ssrc = if let Some(attr) = media.attribute_val("ssrc") { // let mut split = attr.split_whitespace(); // if let Some(ssrc_str) = split.next() { // ssrc_str.parse().unwrap_or(0) // } else { // 0 // } // } else { // 0 as u32 // }; // gst::debug!(CAT, imp: imp, "Adding video track {mid} with ssrc {ssrc}"); // vec![ proto::VideoLayer { // quality: proto::VideoQuality::High as i32, // width: 1280, // height: 720, // bitrate: 5000, // ssrc // }] // } else { // gst::debug!(CAT, imp: imp, "Adding audio track {mid}"); // Vec::new() // }; let req = proto::AddTrackRequest { cid: trackid.to_string(), name: mid.clone(), r#type: mtype as i32, muted: false, source: msource, disable_dtx: true, disable_red, // layers: layers, ..Default::default() }; let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel(); if let Some(connection) = &mut *imp.connection.lock().unwrap() { let pendings_tracks = &mut connection.pending_tracks; if pendings_tracks.contains_key(&req.cid) { panic!("track already published"); } pendings_tracks.insert(req.cid.clone(), tx); } let cid = req.cid.clone(); signal_client .send(proto::signal_request::Message::AddTrack(req)) .await; if let Err(err) = wait_async(&imp.join_canceller, rx, timeout).await { if let Some(connection) = &mut *imp.connection.lock().unwrap() { connection.pending_tracks.remove(&cid); } match err { WaitError::FutureAborted => { gst::warning!(CAT, imp: imp, "Future aborted") } WaitError::FutureError(err) => imp.raise_error(err.to_string()), }; } } } gst::debug!(CAT, imp: imp, "Sending SDP now"); signal_client .send(proto::signal_request::Message::Offer( proto::SessionDescription { r#type: "offer".to_string(), sdp: sessdesc.sdp().to_string(), }, )) .await; if let Some(imp) = weak_imp.upgrade() { let early_candidates = if let Some(connection) = &mut *imp.connection.lock().unwrap() { connection.early_candidates.take() } else { None }; if let Some(mut early_candidates) = early_candidates { while let Some(candidate_str) = early_candidates.pop() { gst::debug!( CAT, imp: imp, "Sending delayed ice candidate {candidate_str:?}" ); signal_client .send(proto::signal_request::Message::Trickle( proto::TrickleRequest { candidate_init: candidate_str, target: proto::SignalTarget::Publisher as i32, }, )) .await; } } } } }); } fn add_ice( &self, _session_id: &str, candidate: &str, sdp_m_line_index: u32, sdp_mid: Option, ) { let candidate_str = serde_json::to_string(&IceCandidateJson { sdp_mid: sdp_mid.unwrap_or("".to_string()), sdp_m_line_index: sdp_m_line_index as i32, candidate: candidate.to_string(), }) .unwrap(); if let Some(connection) = &mut *self.connection.lock().unwrap() { if let Some(early_candidates) = connection.early_candidates.as_mut() { gst::debug!(CAT, imp: self, "Delaying ice candidate {candidate_str:?}"); early_candidates.push(candidate_str); return; } }; gst::debug!(CAT, imp: self, "Sending ice candidate {candidate_str:?}"); let imp = self.downgrade(); RUNTIME.spawn(async move { if let Some(imp) = imp.upgrade() { let signal_client = if let Some(connection) = &mut *imp.connection.lock().unwrap() { connection.signal_client.clone() } else { return; }; signal_client .send(proto::signal_request::Message::Trickle( proto::TrickleRequest { candidate_init: candidate_str, target: proto::SignalTarget::Publisher as i32, }, )) .await; }; }); } fn stop(&self) { if let Some(canceller) = &*self.join_canceller.lock().unwrap() { canceller.abort(); } if let Some(canceller) = &*self.signal_task_canceller.lock().unwrap() { canceller.abort(); } if let Some(connection) = self.connection.lock().unwrap().take() { block_on(connection.signal_task).unwrap(); block_on(connection.signal_client.close()); } } fn end_session(&self, session_id: &str) { assert_eq!(session_id, "unique"); } } #[glib::object_subclass] impl ObjectSubclass for Signaller { const NAME: &'static str = "GstLiveKitWebRTCSinkSignaller"; type Type = super::LiveKitSignaller; type ParentType = glib::Object; type Interfaces = (Signallable,); } impl ObjectImpl for Signaller { fn properties() -> &'static [glib::ParamSpec] { static PROPERTIES: Lazy> = Lazy::new(|| { vec![ glib::ParamSpecString::builder("ws-url") .nick("WebSocket URL") .blurb("The URL of the websocket of the LiveKit server") .mutable_ready() .build(), glib::ParamSpecString::builder("api-key") .nick("API key") .blurb("API key (combined into auth-token)") .mutable_ready() .build(), glib::ParamSpecString::builder("secret-key") .nick("Secret Key") .blurb("Secret key (combined into auth-token)") .mutable_ready() .build(), glib::ParamSpecString::builder("participant-name") .nick("Participant name") .blurb("Human readable name of the participant (combined into auth-token)") .mutable_ready() .build(), glib::ParamSpecString::builder("identity") .nick("Participant Identity") .blurb("Identity of the participant (combined into auth-token)") .mutable_ready() .build(), glib::ParamSpecString::builder("auth-token") .nick("Authorization Token") .blurb("Authentication token to use (contains api_key/secret/name/identity)") .mutable_ready() .build(), glib::ParamSpecString::builder("room-name") .nick("Room Name") .blurb("Name of the room to join (mandatory)") .mutable_ready() .build(), glib::ParamSpecUInt::builder("timeout") .nick("Timeout") .blurb("Value in seconds to timeout join requests.") .maximum(3600) .minimum(1) .default_value(DEFAULT_TRACK_PUBLISH_TIMEOUT) .build(), glib::ParamSpecObject::builder::("reliable-channel") .nick("Reliable Channel") .blurb("Reliable Data Channel object.") .flags(glib::ParamFlags::READABLE) .build(), glib::ParamSpecObject::builder::("lossy-channel") .nick("Lossy Channel") .blurb("Lossy Data Channel object.") .flags(glib::ParamFlags::READABLE) .build(), ] }); PROPERTIES.as_ref() } fn set_property(&self, _id: usize, value: &glib::Value, pspec: &glib::ParamSpec) { let mut settings = self.settings.lock().unwrap(); match pspec.name() { "ws-url" => { settings.wsurl = value.get().expect("WebSocket URL should be a string"); } "api-key" => { settings.api_key = value.get().expect("API Key should be a string"); } "secret-key" => { settings.secret_key = value.get().expect("Secret Key should be a string"); } "participant-name" => { settings.participant_name = value.get().expect("Participant Name should be a string"); } "identity" => { settings.identity = value.get().expect("Participant Identity should be a string"); } "room-name" => { settings.room_name = value.get().expect("Room Name should be a string"); } "auth-token" => { settings.auth_token = value.get().expect("Auth token should be a string"); } "timeout" => { settings.timeout = value.get().expect("type checked upstream"); } _ => unimplemented!(), } } fn property(&self, _id: usize, pspec: &glib::ParamSpec) -> glib::Value { let settings = self.settings.lock().unwrap(); match pspec.name() { "ws-url" => settings.wsurl.to_value(), "api-key" => settings.api_key.to_value(), "secret-key" => settings.secret_key.to_value(), "participant-name" => settings.participant_name.to_value(), "identity" => settings.identity.to_value(), "room-name" => settings.room_name.to_value(), "auth-token" => settings.auth_token.to_value(), "timeout" => settings.timeout.to_value(), channel @ ("reliable-channel" | "lossy-channel") => { let channel = if let Some(connection) = &*self.connection.lock().unwrap() { if let Some(channels) = &connection.channels { if channel == "reliable-channel" { Some(channels.reliable_channel.clone()) } else { Some(channels.lossy_channel.clone()) } } else { None } } else { None }; channel.to_value() } _ => unimplemented!(), } } }