// Copyright (C) 2018-2020 Sebastian Dröge // Copyright (C) 2019-2022 François Laignel // // Take a look at the license at the top of the repository in the LICENSE file. use futures::prelude::*; use once_cell::sync::Lazy; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::io; use std::pin::Pin; use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex}; use std::task::{self, Poll}; use std::time::Duration; use super::{Handle, HandleWeak, JoinHandle, Scheduler, SubTaskOutput, TaskId}; use crate::runtime::RUNTIME_CAT; // We are bound to using `sync` for the `runtime` `Mutex`es. Attempts to use `async` `Mutex`es // lead to the following issues: // // * `CONTEXTS`: can't `spawn` a `Future` when called from a `Context` thread via `ffi`. // * `timers`: can't automatically `remove` the timer from `BinaryHeap` because `async drop` // is not available. // * `task_queues`: can't `add` a pending task when called from a `Context` thread via `ffi`. // // Also, we want to be able to `acquire` a `Context` outside of an `async` context. // These `Mutex`es must be `lock`ed for a short period. static CONTEXTS: Lazy, ContextWeak>>> = Lazy::new(|| Mutex::new(HashMap::new())); /// Blocks on `future` in one way or another if possible. /// /// IO & time related `Future`s must be handled within their own [`Context`]. /// Wait for the result using a [`JoinHandle`] or a `channel`. /// /// If there's currently an active `Context` with a task, then the future is only queued up as a /// pending sub task for that task. /// /// Otherwise the current thread is blocking and the passed in future is executed. /// /// Note that you must not pass any futures here that wait for the currently active task in one way /// or another as this would deadlock! #[track_caller] pub fn block_on_or_add_sub_task(future: Fut) -> Option where Fut: Future + Send + 'static, Fut::Output: Send + 'static, { if let Some((cur_context, cur_task_id)) = Context::current_task() { gst::debug!( RUNTIME_CAT, "Adding subtask to task {:?} on context {}", cur_task_id, cur_context.name() ); let _ = cur_context.add_sub_task(cur_task_id, async move { future.await; Ok(()) }); return None; } // Not running in a Context thread so we can block Some(block_on(future)) } /// Blocks on `future`. /// /// IO & time related `Future`s must be handled within their own [`Context`]. /// Wait for the result using a [`JoinHandle`] or a `channel`. /// /// The current thread is blocking and the passed in future is executed. /// /// # Panics /// /// This function panics if called within a [`Context`] thread. #[track_caller] pub fn block_on(future: Fut) -> Fut::Output where Fut: Future + Send + 'static, Fut::Output: Send + 'static, { if let Some(context) = Context::current() { let msg = format!("Attempt to block within Context {}", context.name()); gst::error!(RUNTIME_CAT, "{}", msg); panic!("{}", msg); } // Not running in a Context thread so we can block gst::debug!(RUNTIME_CAT, "Blocking on new dummy context"); Scheduler::block_on(future) } /// Yields execution back to the runtime. #[inline] pub fn yield_now() -> YieldNow { YieldNow::default() } #[derive(Debug, Default)] #[must_use = "futures do nothing unless you `.await` or poll them"] pub struct YieldNow(bool); impl Future for YieldNow { type Output = (); fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut task::Context<'_>) -> Poll { if !self.0 { self.0 = true; cx.waker().wake_by_ref(); Poll::Pending } else { Poll::Ready(()) } } } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct ContextWeak(HandleWeak); impl ContextWeak { pub fn upgrade(&self) -> Option { self.0.upgrade().map(Context) } } /// A `threadshare` `runtime` `Context`. /// /// The `Context` provides low-level asynchronous processing features to /// multiplex task execution on a single thread. /// /// `Element` implementations should use [`PadSrc`] and [`PadSink`] which /// provide high-level features. /// /// [`PadSrc`]: ../pad/struct.PadSrc.html /// [`PadSink`]: ../pad/struct.PadSink.html #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct Context(Handle); impl PartialEq for Context { fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { self.0.eq(&other.0) } } impl Eq for Context {} impl Context { pub fn acquire(context_name: &str, wait: Duration) -> Result { assert_ne!(context_name, Scheduler::DUMMY_NAME); let mut contexts = CONTEXTS.lock().unwrap(); if let Some(context_weak) = contexts.get(context_name) { if let Some(context) = context_weak.upgrade() { gst::debug!(RUNTIME_CAT, "Joining Context '{}'", context.name()); return Ok(context); } } let context = Context(Scheduler::start(context_name, wait)); contexts.insert(context_name.into(), context.downgrade()); gst::debug!( RUNTIME_CAT, "New Context '{}' throttling {:?}", context.name(), wait, ); Ok(context) } pub fn downgrade(&self) -> ContextWeak { ContextWeak(self.0.downgrade()) } pub fn name(&self) -> &str { self.0.context_name() } // FIXME this could be renamed as max_throttling // but then, all elements should also change their // wait variables and properties to max_throttling. pub fn wait_duration(&self) -> Duration { self.0.max_throttling() } /// Returns `true` if a `Context` is running on current thread. pub fn is_context_thread() -> bool { Scheduler::is_scheduler_thread() } /// Returns the `Context` running on current thread, if any. pub fn current() -> Option { Scheduler::current().map(Context) } /// Returns the `TaskId` running on current thread, if any. pub fn current_task() -> Option<(Context, TaskId)> { Scheduler::current().map(|scheduler| { // Context users always operate on a Task (Context(scheduler), TaskId::current().unwrap()) }) } /// Executes the provided function relatively to this [`Context`]. /// /// Usefull to initialze i/o sources and timers from outside /// of a [`Context`]. /// /// # Panic /// /// This will block current thread and would panic if run /// from the [`Context`]. #[track_caller] pub fn enter<'a, F, O>(&'a self, f: F) -> O where F: FnOnce() -> O + Send + 'a, O: Send + 'a, { if let Some(cur) = Context::current().as_ref() { if cur == self { panic!( "Attempt to enter Context {} within itself, this would deadlock", self.name() ); } else { gst::warning!( RUNTIME_CAT, "Entering Context {} within {}", self.name(), cur.name() ); } } else { gst::debug!(RUNTIME_CAT, "Entering Context {}", self.name()); } self.0.enter(f) } pub fn spawn(&self, future: Fut) -> JoinHandle where Fut: Future + Send + 'static, Fut::Output: Send + 'static, { self.0.spawn(future) } pub fn spawn_and_unpark(&self, future: Fut) -> JoinHandle where Fut: Future + Send + 'static, Fut::Output: Send + 'static, { self.0.spawn_and_unpark(future) } /// Forces the scheduler to unpark. /// /// This is not needed by elements implementors as they are /// supposed to call [`Self::spawn_and_unpark`] when needed. /// However, it's useful for lower level implementations such as /// `runtime::Task` so as to make sure the iteration loop yields /// as soon as possible when a transition is requested. pub(in crate::runtime) fn unpark(&self) { self.0.unpark(); } pub fn add_sub_task(&self, task_id: TaskId, sub_task: T) -> Result<(), T> where T: Future + Send + 'static, { self.0.add_sub_task(task_id, sub_task) } pub async fn drain_sub_tasks() -> SubTaskOutput { let (ctx, task_id) = match Context::current_task() { Some(task) => task, None => return Ok(()), }; ctx.0.drain_sub_tasks(task_id).await } } impl From for Context { fn from(handle: Handle) -> Self { Context(handle) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use futures::channel::mpsc; use futures::lock::Mutex; use futures::prelude::*; use std::net::{IpAddr, Ipv4Addr, SocketAddr, UdpSocket}; use std::sync::Arc; use std::time::{Duration, Instant}; use super::super::Scheduler; use super::Context; use crate::runtime::Async; type Item = i32; const SLEEP_DURATION_MS: u64 = 2; const SLEEP_DURATION: Duration = Duration::from_millis(SLEEP_DURATION_MS); const DELAY: Duration = Duration::from_millis(SLEEP_DURATION_MS * 10); #[test] fn block_on_task_id() { gst::init().unwrap(); assert!(!Context::is_context_thread()); crate::runtime::executor::block_on(async { let (ctx, task_id) = Context::current_task().unwrap(); assert_eq!(ctx.name(), Scheduler::DUMMY_NAME); assert_eq!(task_id, super::TaskId(0)); let res = ctx.add_sub_task(task_id, async move { let (_ctx, task_id) = Context::current_task().unwrap(); assert_eq!(task_id, super::TaskId(0)); Ok(()) }); assert!(res.is_ok()); assert!(Context::is_context_thread()); }); assert!(!Context::is_context_thread()); } #[test] fn block_on_timer() { gst::init().unwrap(); let elapsed = crate::runtime::executor::block_on(async { let now = Instant::now(); crate::runtime::time::delay_for(DELAY).await; now.elapsed() }); assert!(elapsed >= DELAY); } #[test] fn context_task_id() { use super::TaskId; gst::init().unwrap(); let context = Context::acquire("context_task_id", SLEEP_DURATION).unwrap(); let join_handle = context.spawn(async { let (ctx, task_id) = Context::current_task().unwrap(); assert_eq!(ctx.name(), "context_task_id"); assert_eq!(task_id, TaskId(0)); }); futures::executor::block_on(join_handle).unwrap(); // TaskId(0) is vacant again let ctx_weak = context.downgrade(); let join_handle = context.spawn(async move { let (ctx, task_id) = Context::current_task().unwrap(); assert_eq!(task_id, TaskId(0)); let res = ctx.add_sub_task(task_id, async move { let (_ctx, task_id) = Context::current_task().unwrap(); assert_eq!(task_id, TaskId(0)); Ok(()) }); assert!(res.is_ok()); ctx_weak .upgrade() .unwrap() .spawn(async { let (ctx, task_id) = Context::current_task().unwrap(); assert_eq!(task_id, TaskId(1)); let res = ctx.add_sub_task(task_id, async move { let (_ctx, task_id) = Context::current_task().unwrap(); assert_eq!(task_id, TaskId(1)); Ok(()) }); assert!(res.is_ok()); assert!(Context::drain_sub_tasks().await.is_ok()); let (_ctx, task_id) = Context::current_task().unwrap(); assert_eq!(task_id, TaskId(1)); }) .await .unwrap(); assert!(Context::drain_sub_tasks().await.is_ok()); let (_ctx, task_id) = Context::current_task().unwrap(); assert_eq!(task_id, TaskId(0)); }); futures::executor::block_on(join_handle).unwrap(); } #[test] fn drain_sub_tasks() { // Setup gst::init().unwrap(); let context = Context::acquire("drain_sub_tasks", SLEEP_DURATION).unwrap(); let join_handle = context.spawn(async { let (sender, mut receiver) = mpsc::channel(1); let sender: Arc>> = Arc::new(Mutex::new(sender)); let add_sub_task = move |item| { let sender = sender.clone(); Context::current_task() .ok_or(()) .and_then(|(ctx, task_id)| { ctx.add_sub_task(task_id, async move { sender .lock() .await .send(item) .await .map_err(|_| gst::FlowError::Error) }) .map_err(drop) }) }; // Tests // Drain empty queue let drain_fut = Context::drain_sub_tasks(); drain_fut.await.unwrap(); // Add a subtask add_sub_task(0).unwrap(); // Check that it was not executed yet receiver.try_next().unwrap_err(); // Drain it now and check that it was executed let drain_fut = Context::drain_sub_tasks(); drain_fut.await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(receiver.try_next().unwrap(), Some(0)); // Add another task and check that it's not executed yet add_sub_task(1).unwrap(); receiver.try_next().unwrap_err(); // Return the receiver receiver }); let mut receiver = futures::executor::block_on(join_handle).unwrap(); // The last sub task should be simply dropped at this point match receiver.try_next() { Ok(None) | Err(_) => (), other => panic!("Unexpected {:?}", other), } } #[test] fn block_on_from_sync() { gst::init().unwrap(); let context = Context::acquire("block_on_from_sync", SLEEP_DURATION).unwrap(); let bytes_sent = crate::runtime::executor::block_on(context.spawn(async { let saddr = SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::LOCALHOST), 5001); let socket = Async::::bind(saddr).unwrap(); let saddr = SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::LOCALHOST), 4001); socket.send_to(&[0; 10], saddr).await.unwrap() })) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(bytes_sent, 10); let elapsed = crate::runtime::executor::block_on(context.spawn(async { let start = Instant::now(); crate::runtime::time::delay_for(DELAY).await; start.elapsed() })) .unwrap(); // Due to throttling, `Delay` may be fired earlier assert!(elapsed + SLEEP_DURATION / 2 >= DELAY); } #[test] #[should_panic] fn block_on_from_context() { gst::init().unwrap(); let context = Context::acquire("block_on_from_context", SLEEP_DURATION).unwrap(); // Panic: attempt to `runtime::executor::block_on` within a `Context` thread let join_handle = context.spawn(async { crate::runtime::executor::block_on(crate::runtime::time::delay_for(DELAY)); }); // Panic: task has failed // (enforced by `async-task`, see comment in `Future` impl for `JoinHanlde`). futures::executor::block_on(join_handle).unwrap_err(); } #[test] fn enter_context_from_scheduler() { gst::init().unwrap(); let elapsed = crate::runtime::executor::block_on(async { let context = Context::acquire("enter_context_from_executor", SLEEP_DURATION).unwrap(); let socket = context .enter(|| { let saddr = SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::LOCALHOST), 5002); Async::::bind(saddr) }) .unwrap(); let saddr = SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::LOCALHOST), 4002); let bytes_sent = socket.send_to(&[0; 10], saddr).await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(bytes_sent, 10); let (start, timer) = context.enter(|| (Instant::now(), crate::runtime::time::delay_for(DELAY))); timer.await; start.elapsed() }); // Due to throttling, `Delay` may be fired earlier assert!(elapsed + SLEEP_DURATION / 2 >= DELAY); } #[test] fn enter_context_from_sync() { gst::init().unwrap(); let context = Context::acquire("enter_context_from_sync", SLEEP_DURATION).unwrap(); let socket = context .enter(|| { let saddr = SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::LOCALHOST), 5003); Async::::bind(saddr) }) .unwrap(); let saddr = SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::LOCALHOST), 4003); let bytes_sent = futures::executor::block_on(socket.send_to(&[0; 10], saddr)).unwrap(); assert_eq!(bytes_sent, 10); let (start, timer) = context.enter(|| (Instant::now(), crate::runtime::time::delay_for(DELAY))); let elapsed = crate::runtime::executor::block_on(async move { timer.await; start.elapsed() }); // Due to throttling, `Delay` may be fired earlier assert!(elapsed + SLEEP_DURATION / 2 >= DELAY); } }