use gst::glib; use gst::prelude::*; use gst::subclass::prelude::*; use gst_video::prelude::*; use pango::prelude::*; use once_cell::sync::Lazy; use std::collections::HashSet; use std::sync::Mutex; static CAT: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| { gst::DebugCategory::new( "onvifmetadataoverlay", gst::DebugColorFlags::empty(), Some("ONVIF metadata overlay element"), ) }); const DEFAULT_FONT_DESC: &str = "monospace 12"; #[derive(Debug)] struct Point { x: u32, y: u32, } // Shape description in cairo coordinates (0, 0) is top left #[derive(Debug)] struct Shape { x: u32, y: u32, width: u32, height: u32, points: Vec, // Optional text rendered from top left of rectangle tag: Option, } #[derive(Default)] struct State { video_info: Option, composition: Option, layout: Option, attach: bool, } // SAFETY: Required because `pango::Layout` is not `Send` but the whole `State` needs to be. // We ensure that no additional references to the layout are ever created, which makes it safe // to send it to other threads as long as only a single thread uses it concurrently. unsafe impl Send for State {} struct Settings { font_desc: String, } impl Default for Settings { fn default() -> Self { Self { font_desc: String::from(DEFAULT_FONT_DESC), } } } pub struct OnvifMetadataOverlay { srcpad: gst::Pad, sinkpad: gst::Pad, state: Mutex, settings: Mutex, } impl OnvifMetadataOverlay { fn negotiate(&self) -> Result { let video_info = { let state = self.state.lock().unwrap(); match state.video_info.as_ref() { Some(video_info) => Ok(video_info.clone()), None => { gst::element_imp_error!( self, gst::CoreError::Negotiation, ["Element hasn't received valid video caps at negotiation time"] ); Err(gst::FlowError::NotNegotiated) } }? }; let mut caps = video_info.to_caps().unwrap(); let mut downstream_accepts_meta = false; let upstream_has_meta = caps .features(0) .map(|f| f.contains(gst_video::CAPS_FEATURE_META_GST_VIDEO_OVERLAY_COMPOSITION)) .unwrap_or(false); if !upstream_has_meta { let mut caps_clone = caps.clone(); let overlay_caps = caps_clone.make_mut(); if let Some(features) = overlay_caps.features_mut(0) { features.add(gst_video::CAPS_FEATURE_META_GST_VIDEO_OVERLAY_COMPOSITION); let peercaps = self.srcpad.peer_query_caps(Some(&caps_clone)); downstream_accepts_meta = !peercaps.is_empty(); if downstream_accepts_meta { caps = caps_clone; } } } gst::debug!( CAT, imp: self, "upstream has meta: {}, downstream accepts meta: {}", upstream_has_meta, downstream_accepts_meta ); if upstream_has_meta || downstream_accepts_meta { let mut query = gst::query::Allocation::new(&caps, false); if !self.srcpad.push_event(gst::event::Caps::new(&caps)) { return Err(gst::FlowError::NotNegotiated); } if !self.srcpad.peer_query(&mut query) && self.srcpad.pad_flags().contains(gst::PadFlags::FLUSHING) { return Err(gst::FlowError::NotNegotiated); } let attach = query .find_allocation_meta::() .is_some(); gst::debug!(CAT, imp: self, "attach meta: {}", attach); self.state.lock().unwrap().attach = attach; Ok(gst::FlowSuccess::Ok) } else { self.state.lock().unwrap().attach = false; if !self.srcpad.push_event(gst::event::Caps::new(&caps)) { Err(gst::FlowError::NotNegotiated) } else { Ok(gst::FlowSuccess::Ok) } } } fn render_shape_buffer( &self, state: &mut State, width: u32, height: u32, points: &[Point], tag: Option<&str>, ) -> Option<(gst::Buffer, u32, u32)> { let mut text_width = 0; let mut text_height = 0; // If we have text to render, update the layout first in order to compute // the final size let layout = tag.and_then(|tag| { state.layout.as_ref().unwrap().set_text(tag); state.layout.clone() }); if let Some(ref layout) = layout { let (_ink_rect, logical_rect) = layout.extents(); text_width = logical_rect.width() / pango::SCALE; text_height = logical_rect.height() / pango::SCALE; } let total_height = height.max(text_height as u32); let total_width = width.max(text_width as u32); let mut buffer = gst::Buffer::with_size((total_width * total_height) as usize * 4).ok()?; gst_video::VideoMeta::add( buffer.get_mut().unwrap(), gst_video::VideoFrameFlags::empty(), #[cfg(target_endian = "little")] gst_video::VideoFormat::Bgra, #[cfg(target_endian = "big")] gst_video::VideoFormat::Argb, total_width, total_height, ) .ok()?; let buffer = buffer.into_mapped_buffer_writable().unwrap(); // Pass ownership of the buffer to the cairo surface but keep around // a raw pointer so we can later retrieve it again when the surface // is done let buffer_ptr = buffer.buffer().as_ptr(); let surface = cairo::ImageSurface::create_for_data( buffer, cairo::Format::ARgb32, total_width as i32, total_height as i32, total_width as i32 * 4, ) .ok()?; let cr = cairo::Context::new(&surface).ok()?; let line_width = 1.; // Clear background cr.set_operator(cairo::Operator::Source); cr.set_source_rgba(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); cr.paint().ok()?; if points.is_empty() { // Render bounding box; cr.move_to(line_width, line_width); cr.line_to(line_width, height as f64 - line_width); cr.line_to(width as f64 - line_width, height as f64 - line_width); cr.line_to(width as f64 - line_width, line_width); cr.close_path(); cr.set_source_rgba(1., 0., 0., 1.); cr.set_line_width(line_width); let _ = cr.stroke(); cr.restore().ok()?; } else { // Render polygon; cr.move_to(points[0].x as f64, points[0].y as f64); for point in &points[1..] { cr.line_to(point.x as f64, point.y as f64) } cr.close_path(); cr.set_source_rgba(1., 0., 0., 1.); cr.set_line_width(line_width); let _ = cr.stroke(); cr.restore().ok()?; } // Finally render the text, if any if let Some(layout) = layout {; cr.move_to(0., 0.); cr.set_operator(cairo::Operator::Over); cr.set_source_rgba(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); pangocairo::functions::layout_path(&cr, &layout); cr.stroke().ok()?; cr.restore().ok()?;; cr.move_to(0., 0.); cr.set_source_rgba(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); pangocairo::functions::show_layout(&cr, &layout); cr.restore().ok()?; } drop(cr); // Safety: The surface still owns a mutable reference to the buffer but our reference // to the surface here is the last one. After dropping the surface the buffer would be // freed, so we keep an additional strong reference here before dropping the surface, // which is then returned. As such it's guaranteed that nothing is using the buffer // anymore mutably. unsafe { assert_eq!( cairo::ffi::cairo_surface_get_reference_count(surface.to_raw_none()), 1 ); let buffer = glib::translate::from_glib_none(buffer_ptr); drop(surface); Some((buffer, total_width, total_height)) } } // Update our overlay composition with a set of rectangles fn overlay_shapes(&self, state: &mut State, shapes: Vec) { if shapes.is_empty() { state.composition = None; return; } if state.layout.is_none() { let fontmap = pangocairo::FontMap::new(); let context = fontmap.create_context(); context.set_language(Some(&pango::Language::from_string("en_US"))); context.set_base_dir(pango::Direction::Ltr); let layout = pango::Layout::new(&context); layout.set_alignment(pango::Alignment::Left); let font_desc = pango::FontDescription::from_string(&self.settings.lock().unwrap().font_desc); layout.set_font_description(Some(&font_desc)); state.layout = Some(layout); } let mut composition = gst_video::VideoOverlayComposition::default(); let composition_mut = composition.get_mut().unwrap(); for shape in &shapes { // Sanity check: don't render 0-sized shapes if shape.width == 0 || shape.height == 0 { continue; } gst::debug!( CAT, imp: self, "Rendering shape with tag {:?} x {} y {} width {} height {}", shape.tag, shape.x, shape.y, shape.width, shape.height ); let (buffer, width, height) = match self.render_shape_buffer( state, shape.width, shape.height, &shape.points, shape.tag.as_deref(), ) { Some(ret) => ret, None => { gst::error!(CAT, imp: self, "Failed to render buffer"); state.composition = None; return; } }; let rect = gst_video::VideoOverlayRectangle::new_raw( &buffer, shape.x as i32, shape.y as i32, width, height, gst_video::VideoOverlayFormatFlags::PREMULTIPLIED_ALPHA, ); composition_mut.add_rectangle(&rect); } state.composition = Some(composition); } fn sink_chain( &self, pad: &gst::Pad, mut buffer: gst::Buffer, ) -> Result { gst::trace!(CAT, obj: pad, "Handling buffer {:?}", buffer); if self.srcpad.check_reconfigure() { if let Err(err) = self.negotiate() { if self.srcpad.pad_flags().contains(gst::PadFlags::FLUSHING) { self.srcpad.mark_reconfigure(); return Ok(gst::FlowSuccess::Ok); } else { return Err(err); } } } let mut state = self.state.lock().unwrap(); let video_info = state.video_info.as_ref().unwrap(); let width = video_info.width() as i32; let height = video_info.height() as i32; if let Ok(meta) = gst::meta::CustomMeta::from_buffer(&buffer, "OnvifXMLFrameMeta") { let s = meta.structure(); let mut shapes: Vec = Vec::new(); if let Ok(frames) = s.get::("frames") { gst::log!(CAT, imp: self, "Overlaying {} frames", frames.len()); // Metadata for multiple frames may be attached to this frame, either because: // // * Multiple analytics modules are producing metadata // * The metadata for two frames produced by the same module is attached // to this frame, for instance because of resynchronization or other // timing-related situations // // We want to display all detected objects for the first case, but only the // latest version for the second case. As frames are sorted in increasing temporal // order, we iterate them in reverse to start with the most recent, and deduplicate // by object id. let mut object_ids = HashSet::new(); for buffer in frames.iter().rev() { let buffer = buffer.map_readable().map_err(|_| { gst::element_imp_error!( self, gst::ResourceError::Read, ["Failed to map buffer readable"] ); gst::FlowError::Error })?; let utf8 = std::str::from_utf8(buffer.as_ref()).map_err(|err| { gst::element_imp_error!( self, gst::StreamError::Format, ["Failed to decode buffer as UTF-8: {}", err] ); gst::FlowError::Error })?; let root = xmltree::Element::parse(std::io::Cursor::new(utf8)).map_err(|err| { gst::element_imp_error!( self, gst::ResourceError::Read, ["Failed to parse buffer as XML: {}", err] ); gst::FlowError::Error })?; for object in root .get_child(("VideoAnalytics", crate::ONVIF_METADATA_SCHEMA)) .map(|e| e.children.iter().filter_map(|n| n.as_element())) .into_iter() .flatten() { if == "Frame" && object.namespace.as_deref() == Some(crate::ONVIF_METADATA_SCHEMA) { for object in object .children .iter() .filter_map(|n| n.as_element()) .filter(|e| { == "Object" && e.namespace.as_deref() == Some(crate::ONVIF_METADATA_SCHEMA) }) { gst::trace!(CAT, imp: self, "Handling object {:?}", object); let object_id = match object.attributes.get("ObjectId") { Some(id) => id.to_string(), None => { gst::warning!( CAT, imp: self, "XML Object with no ObjectId" ); continue; } }; if !object_ids.insert(object_id.clone()) { gst::debug!( CAT, "Skipping older version of object {}", object_id ); continue; } let appearance = match object .get_child(("Appearance", crate::ONVIF_METADATA_SCHEMA)) { Some(appearance) => appearance, None => continue, }; let shape = match appearance .get_child(("Shape", crate::ONVIF_METADATA_SCHEMA)) { Some(shape) => shape, None => continue, }; let tag = appearance .get_child(("Class", crate::ONVIF_METADATA_SCHEMA)) .and_then(|class| { class.get_child(("Type", crate::ONVIF_METADATA_SCHEMA)) }) .and_then(|t| t.get_text()) .map(|t| t.into_owned()); let bbox = match shape .get_child(("BoundingBox", crate::ONVIF_METADATA_SCHEMA)) { Some(bbox) => bbox, None => { gst::warning!( CAT, imp: self, "XML Shape with no BoundingBox" ); continue; } }; let left: f64 = match bbox .attributes .get("left") .and_then(|val| val.parse().ok()) { Some(val) => val, None => { gst::warning!( CAT, imp: self, "BoundingBox with no left attribute" ); continue; } }; let right: f64 = match bbox .attributes .get("right") .and_then(|val| val.parse().ok()) { Some(val) => val, None => { gst::warning!( CAT, imp: self, "BoundingBox with no right attribute" ); continue; } }; let top: f64 = match bbox .attributes .get("top") .and_then(|val| val.parse().ok()) { Some(val) => val, None => { gst::warning!( CAT, imp: self, "BoundingBox with no top attribute" ); continue; } }; let bottom: f64 = match bbox .attributes .get("bottom") .and_then(|val| val.parse().ok()) { Some(val) => val, None => { gst::warning!( CAT, imp: self, "BoundingBox with no bottom attribute" ); continue; } }; let x1 = width / 2 + ((left * (width / 2) as f64) as i32); let y1 = height / 2 - ((top * (height / 2) as f64) as i32); let x2 = width / 2 + ((right * (width / 2) as f64) as i32); let y2 = height / 2 - ((bottom * (height / 2) as f64) as i32); let w = (x2 - x1) as u32; let h = (y2 - y1) as u32; let mut points = vec![]; if let Some(polygon) = shape.get_child(("Polygon", crate::ONVIF_METADATA_SCHEMA)) { for point in polygon.children.iter().filter_map(|n| n.as_element()) { if == "Point" && point.namespace.as_deref() == Some(crate::ONVIF_METADATA_SCHEMA) { let px: f64 = match point .attributes .get("x") .and_then(|val| val.parse().ok()) { Some(val) => val, None => { gst::warning!( CAT, imp: self, "Point with no x attribute" ); continue; } }; let py: f64 = match point .attributes .get("y") .and_then(|val| val.parse().ok()) { Some(val) => val, None => { gst::warning!( CAT, imp: self, "Point with no y attribute" ); continue; } }; let px = width / 2 + ((px * (width / 2) as f64) as i32); let px = (px as u32).saturating_sub(x1 as u32).min(w); let py = height / 2 - ((py * (height / 2) as f64) as i32); let py = (py as u32).saturating_sub(y1 as u32).min(h); points.push(Point { x: px, y: py }); } } } shapes.push(Shape { x: x1 as u32, y: y1 as u32, width: w, height: h, points, tag, }); } } } } if !frames.is_empty() { self.overlay_shapes(&mut state, shapes); } } } if let Some(composition) = &state.composition { let buffer = buffer.make_mut(); if state.attach { gst_video::VideoOverlayCompositionMeta::add(buffer, composition); } else { let mut frame = gst_video::VideoFrameRef::from_buffer_ref_writable( buffer, state.video_info.as_ref().unwrap(), ) .unwrap(); if composition.blend(&mut frame).is_err() { gst::error!(CAT, obj: pad, "Failed to blend composition"); } } } drop(state); self.srcpad.push(buffer) } fn sink_event(&self, pad: &gst::Pad, event: gst::Event) -> bool { use gst::EventView; gst::log!(CAT, obj: pad, "Handling event {:?}", event); match event.view() { EventView::Caps(c) => { let mut state = self.state.lock().unwrap(); state.video_info = gst_video::VideoInfo::from_caps(c.caps()).ok(); drop(state); self.srcpad.check_reconfigure(); match self.negotiate() { Ok(_) => true, Err(_) => { self.srcpad.mark_reconfigure(); true } } } EventView::FlushStop(..) => { let mut state = self.state.lock().unwrap(); state.composition = None; gst::Pad::event_default(pad, Some(&*self.obj()), event) } _ => gst::Pad::event_default(pad, Some(&*self.obj()), event), } } } #[glib::object_subclass] impl ObjectSubclass for OnvifMetadataOverlay { const NAME: &'static str = "GstOnvifMetadataOverlay"; type Type = super::OnvifMetadataOverlay; type ParentType = gst::Element; fn with_class(klass: &Self::Class) -> Self { let templ = klass.pad_template("sink").unwrap(); let sinkpad = gst::Pad::builder_with_template(&templ, Some("sink")) .chain_function(|pad, parent, buffer| { OnvifMetadataOverlay::catch_panic_pad_function( parent, || Err(gst::FlowError::Error), |overlay| overlay.sink_chain(pad, buffer), ) }) .event_function(|pad, parent, event| { OnvifMetadataOverlay::catch_panic_pad_function( parent, || false, |overlay| overlay.sink_event(pad, event), ) }) .flags(gst::PadFlags::PROXY_CAPS) .flags(gst::PadFlags::PROXY_ALLOCATION) .build(); let templ = klass.pad_template("src").unwrap(); let srcpad = gst::Pad::builder_with_template(&templ, Some("src")) .flags(gst::PadFlags::PROXY_CAPS) .flags(gst::PadFlags::PROXY_ALLOCATION) .build(); Self { srcpad, sinkpad, state: Mutex::new(State::default()), settings: Mutex::new(Settings::default()), } } } impl ObjectImpl for OnvifMetadataOverlay { fn properties() -> &'static [glib::ParamSpec] { static PROPERTIES: Lazy> = Lazy::new(|| { vec![glib::ParamSpecString::builder("font-desc") .nick("Font Description") .blurb("Pango font description of font to be used for rendering") .default_value(Some(DEFAULT_FONT_DESC)) .build()] }); PROPERTIES.as_ref() } fn set_property(&self, _id: usize, value: &glib::Value, pspec: &glib::ParamSpec) { match { "font-desc" => { self.settings.lock().unwrap().font_desc = value .get::>() .expect("type checked upstream") .unwrap_or_else(|| DEFAULT_FONT_DESC.into()); self.state.lock().unwrap().layout.take(); } _ => unimplemented!(), }; } fn property(&self, _id: usize, pspec: &glib::ParamSpec) -> glib::Value { match { "font-desc" => self.settings.lock().unwrap().font_desc.to_value(), _ => unimplemented!(), } } fn constructed(&self) { self.parent_constructed(); let obj = self.obj(); obj.add_pad(&self.sinkpad).unwrap(); obj.add_pad(&self.srcpad).unwrap(); } } impl GstObjectImpl for OnvifMetadataOverlay {} impl ElementImpl for OnvifMetadataOverlay { fn metadata() -> Option<&'static gst::subclass::ElementMetadata> { static ELEMENT_METADATA: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| { gst::subclass::ElementMetadata::new( "ONVIF Metadata overlay", "Video/Overlay", "Renders ONVIF analytics meta over raw video frames", "Mathieu Duponchelle ", ) }); Some(&*ELEMENT_METADATA) } fn pad_templates() -> &'static [gst::PadTemplate] { static PAD_TEMPLATES: Lazy> = Lazy::new(|| { let caps = gst_video::VideoFormat::iter_raw() .into_video_caps() .unwrap() .build(); let sink_pad_template = gst::PadTemplate::new( "sink", gst::PadDirection::Sink, gst::PadPresence::Always, &caps, ) .unwrap(); let src_pad_template = gst::PadTemplate::new( "src", gst::PadDirection::Src, gst::PadPresence::Always, &caps, ) .unwrap(); vec![src_pad_template, sink_pad_template] }); PAD_TEMPLATES.as_ref() } fn change_state( &self, transition: gst::StateChange, ) -> Result { gst::trace!(CAT, imp: self, "Changing state {:?}", transition); match transition { gst::StateChange::ReadyToPaused | gst::StateChange::PausedToReady => { // Reset the whole state let mut state = self.state.lock().unwrap(); *state = State::default(); } _ => (), } self.parent_change_state(transition) } }