use chrono::TimeZone; use git2::{Commit, ObjectType, Repository}; use std::{fs, path}; pub fn get_info() { let mut commit_id = "UNKNOWN".into(); let mut commit_date = chrono::Utc::now().format("%Y-%m-%d").to_string(); let crate_dir = path::PathBuf::from(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")); let mut repo_dir = crate_dir.clone(); // First check for a git repository in the manifest directory and if there // is none try one directory up in case we're in a Cargo workspace let repo = Repository::open(&repo_dir).or_else(move |_| { repo_dir.pop(); Repository::open(&repo_dir) }); let mut release_file = crate_dir.clone(); release_file.push("release.txt"); // If there is a git repository, extract the version information from there. // Otherwise use a 'release.txt' file as fallback, or report the current // date and an unknown revision. if let Ok(repo) = repo { let commit = find_last_commit(&repo).expect("Couldn't find last commit"); commit_id = oid_to_short_sha(; let timestamp = commit.time().seconds(); let dt = chrono::Utc.timestamp(timestamp, 0); commit_date = dt.format("%Y-%m-%d").to_string() } else if let Ok(release_file) = fs::File::open(release_file) { let mut cargo_toml = crate_dir.clone(); cargo_toml.push("Cargo.toml"); let cargo_toml = fs::File::open(cargo_toml).expect("Can't open Cargo.toml"); commit_date = read_release_date(cargo_toml, release_file); commit_id = "RELEASE".into(); } println!("cargo:rustc-env=COMMIT_ID={}", commit_id); println!("cargo:rustc-env=BUILD_REL_DATE={}", commit_date); } fn find_last_commit(repo: &Repository) -> Result { let obj = repo.head()?.resolve()?.peel(ObjectType::Commit)?; obj.into_commit() .map_err(|_| git2::Error::from_str("Couldn't find commit")) } fn oid_to_short_sha(oid: git2::Oid) -> String { oid.to_string()[..8].to_string() } fn read_release_date(mut cargo_toml: fs::File, mut release_file: fs::File) -> String { use std::io::Read; let mut content = String::new(); release_file .read_to_string(&mut content) .expect("Failed to read version file"); let mut lines = content.lines(); let version ="Failed to read version number"); let date ="Failed to read release date"); let mut cargo_toml_content = String::new(); cargo_toml .read_to_string(&mut cargo_toml_content) .expect("Failed to read `Cargo.toml`"); let cargo_toml = cargo_toml_content .parse::() .expect("Failed to parse `Cargo.toml`"); let package = cargo_toml["package"] .as_table() .expect("Failed to find 'package' section in `Cargo.toml`"); let cargo_version = package["version"] .as_str() .expect("Failed to read version from `Cargo.toml`"); if cargo_version != version { panic!( "Version from 'version.txt' `{}` different from 'Cargo.toml' `{}`", version, cargo_version ); } date.into() }