// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 use atomic_refcell::AtomicRefCell; use gst::prelude::*; use gst::subclass::prelude::*; use gst_video::prelude::*; use once_cell::sync::Lazy; use std::{cmp, collections::VecDeque, sync::Mutex}; use byte_slice_cast::*; use crate::{ ndi_cc_meta::NDICCMetaDecoder, ndisrcmeta::{self, Buffer}, ndisys, TimestampMode, }; static CAT: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| { gst::DebugCategory::new( "ndisrcdemux", gst::DebugColorFlags::empty(), Some("NewTek NDI Source Demuxer"), ) }); struct State { combiner: gst_base::UniqueFlowCombiner, video_pad: Option, video_info: Option, video_caps: Option, video_buffer_pool: Option, audio_pad: Option, audio_info: Option, audio_caps: Option, // Only set for raw audio audio_info_non_interleaved: Option, audio_caps_non_interleaved: Option, audio_non_interleaved: bool, ndi_cc_decoder: Option, pending_metadata: Vec, // Audio/video time observations timestamp_mode: TimestampMode, observations_timestamp: [Observations; 2], observations_timecode: [Observations; 2], } impl Default for State { fn default() -> State { State { combiner: gst_base::UniqueFlowCombiner::new(), video_pad: None, video_info: None, video_caps: None, video_buffer_pool: None, audio_pad: None, audio_info: None, audio_caps: None, audio_info_non_interleaved: None, audio_caps_non_interleaved: None, audio_non_interleaved: false, ndi_cc_decoder: None, pending_metadata: Vec::new(), timestamp_mode: TimestampMode::Auto, observations_timestamp: [Observations::default(), Observations::default()], observations_timecode: [Observations::default(), Observations::default()], } } } pub struct NdiSrcDemux { sinkpad: gst::Pad, state: Mutex, } #[glib::object_subclass] impl ObjectSubclass for NdiSrcDemux { const NAME: &'static str = "GstNdiSrcDemux"; type Type = super::NdiSrcDemux; type ParentType = gst::Element; fn with_class(klass: &Self::Class) -> Self { let templ = klass.pad_template("sink").unwrap(); let sinkpad = gst::Pad::builder_from_template(&templ) .flags(gst::PadFlags::FIXED_CAPS) .chain_function(|pad, parent, buffer| { NdiSrcDemux::catch_panic_pad_function( parent, || Err(gst::FlowError::Error), |self_| self_.sink_chain(pad, buffer), ) }) .event_function(|pad, parent, event| { NdiSrcDemux::catch_panic_pad_function( parent, || false, |self_| self_.sink_event(pad, event), ) }) .build(); Self { sinkpad, state: Mutex::new(State::default()), } } } impl ObjectImpl for NdiSrcDemux { fn constructed(&self) { self.parent_constructed(); self.obj().add_pad(&self.sinkpad).unwrap(); } } impl GstObjectImpl for NdiSrcDemux {} impl ElementImpl for NdiSrcDemux { fn metadata() -> Option<&'static gst::subclass::ElementMetadata> { static ELEMENT_METADATA: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| { gst::subclass::ElementMetadata::new( "NewTek NDI Source Demuxer", "Demuxer/Audio/Video", "NewTek NDI source demuxer", "Sebastian Dröge ", ) }); Some(&*ELEMENT_METADATA) } fn pad_templates() -> &'static [gst::PadTemplate] { static PAD_TEMPLATES: Lazy> = Lazy::new(|| { let sink_pad_template = gst::PadTemplate::new( "sink", gst::PadDirection::Sink, gst::PadPresence::Always, &gst::Caps::builder("application/x-ndi").build(), ) .unwrap(); let audio_src_pad_template = gst::PadTemplate::new( "audio", gst::PadDirection::Src, gst::PadPresence::Sometimes, &gst::Caps::new_any(), ) .unwrap(); let video_src_pad_template = gst::PadTemplate::new( "video", gst::PadDirection::Src, gst::PadPresence::Sometimes, &gst::Caps::new_any(), ) .unwrap(); vec![ sink_pad_template, audio_src_pad_template, video_src_pad_template, ] }); PAD_TEMPLATES.as_ref() } #[allow(clippy::single_match)] fn change_state( &self, transition: gst::StateChange, ) -> Result { let res = self.parent_change_state(transition)?; match transition { gst::StateChange::PausedToReady => { let mut state = self.state.lock().unwrap(); for pad in [state.audio_pad.take(), state.video_pad.take()] .iter() .flatten() { self.obj().remove_pad(pad).unwrap(); } if let Some(pool) = state.video_buffer_pool.take() { let _ = pool.set_active(false); } *state = State::default(); } _ => (), } Ok(res) } } impl NdiSrcDemux { fn sink_chain( &self, _pad: &gst::Pad, mut buffer: gst::Buffer, ) -> Result { gst::log!(CAT, imp: self, "Handling buffer {:?}", buffer); let mut meta = buffer .make_mut() .meta_mut::() .ok_or_else(|| { gst::error!(CAT, imp: self, "Buffer without NDI source meta"); gst::FlowError::Error })?; let mut state = self.state.lock().unwrap(); let ndi_buffer = meta.take_ndi_buffer(); match ndi_buffer { Buffer::Audio { ref frame, .. } => { gst::debug!(CAT, imp: self, "Received audio frame {:?}", frame); let mut reconfigure = false; let info = self.create_audio_info(frame)?; if Some(&info) != state.audio_info.as_ref() { let caps = info.to_caps().map_err(|_| { gst::element_imp_error!( self, gst::ResourceError::Settings, ["Invalid audio info received: {:?}", info] ); gst::FlowError::NotNegotiated })?; gst::debug!(CAT, imp: self, "Audio caps changed to {}", caps); #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)] if let AudioInfo::Audio(ref info) = info { let mut builder = gst_audio::AudioInfo::builder( info.format(), info.rate(), info.channels(), ) .layout(gst_audio::AudioLayout::NonInterleaved); if let Some(positions) = info.positions() { builder = builder.positions(positions); } let non_interleaved_info = builder.build().unwrap(); state.audio_caps_non_interleaved = Some(non_interleaved_info.to_caps().unwrap()); state.audio_info_non_interleaved = Some(non_interleaved_info); } else { state.audio_non_interleaved = false; state.audio_caps_non_interleaved = None; state.audio_info_non_interleaved = None; } state.audio_info = Some(info); state.audio_caps = Some(caps); reconfigure = true; } let srcpad; if let Some(ref pad) = state.audio_pad { srcpad = pad.clone(); reconfigure |= pad.check_reconfigure(); } else { gst::debug!(CAT, imp: self, "Adding audio pad"); let templ = self.obj().element_class().pad_template("audio").unwrap(); let pad = gst::Pad::builder_from_template(&templ) .flags(gst::PadFlags::FIXED_CAPS) .build(); state.audio_pad = Some(pad.clone()); let _ = pad.set_active(true); state.combiner.add_pad(&pad); let mut stored_caps = false; self.sinkpad.sticky_events_foreach(|ev| { if let gst::EventView::StreamStart(ev) = ev.view() { let stream_start = gst::event::StreamStart::builder(&format!( "{}/audio", ev.stream_id() )) .seqnum(ev.seqnum()) .flags(ev.stream_flags()) .group_id(ev.group_id().unwrap_or_else(|| { // This can't really happen as ndisrc would provide one! gst::error!(CAT, imp: self, "Upstream provided no group id"); gst::GroupId::next() })) .build(); let _ = pad.store_sticky_event(&stream_start); } else if ev.type_() < gst::EventType::Caps { let _ = pad.store_sticky_event(ev); } else if ev.type_() > gst::EventType::Caps { // We store the interleaved caps for starters let caps = gst::event::Caps::builder(state.audio_caps.as_ref().unwrap()) .build(); let _ = pad.store_sticky_event(&caps); stored_caps = true; let _ = pad.store_sticky_event(ev); } std::ops::ControlFlow::Continue(gst::EventForeachAction::Keep) }); if !stored_caps { // We store the interleaved caps for starters let caps = gst::event::Caps::builder(state.audio_caps.as_ref().unwrap()).build(); let _ = pad.store_sticky_event(&caps); } drop(state); self.obj().add_pad(&pad).unwrap(); if self.obj().num_src_pads() == 2 { self.obj().no_more_pads(); } state = self.state.lock().unwrap(); srcpad = pad; // No need to check for non-interleaved caps support below or update the caps // because the same caps were already set above reconfigure = state.audio_caps_non_interleaved.is_some(); } if reconfigure { // FIXME: As this is a demuxer we can't unfortunately do an allocation query // downstream without risking deadlocks. // Check if there's a peer downstream and if it supports the non-interleaved // caps, otherwise fall back to the normal caps. if let Some(caps) = state.audio_caps_non_interleaved.clone() { drop(state); let allowed_caps = srcpad.peer().map(|peer| peer.query_caps(Some(&caps))); state = self.state.lock().unwrap(); gst::info!(CAT, imp: self, "Allowed audio caps {allowed_caps:?}"); state.audio_non_interleaved = allowed_caps .map_or(false, |allowed_caps| allowed_caps.can_intersect(&caps)); gst::info!( CAT, imp: self, "Non-interleaved caps{} supported", if state.audio_non_interleaved { "" } else { "not" }, ); } let caps = gst::event::Caps::builder(if state.audio_non_interleaved { state.audio_caps_non_interleaved.as_ref().unwrap() } else { state.audio_caps.as_ref().unwrap() }) .build(); let _ = srcpad.store_sticky_event(&caps); } } Buffer::Video { ref frame, .. } => { gst::debug!(CAT, imp: self, "Received video frame {:?}", frame); let mut reconfigure = false; let info = self.create_video_info(frame)?; if Some(&info) != state.video_info.as_ref() { let caps = info.to_caps().map_err(|_| { gst::element_imp_error!( self, gst::ResourceError::Settings, ["Invalid video info received: {:?}", info] ); gst::FlowError::NotNegotiated })?; if state.ndi_cc_decoder.is_none() { state.ndi_cc_decoder = Some(NDICCMetaDecoder::new(info.width())); } gst::debug!(CAT, imp: self, "Video caps changed to {}", caps); state.video_info = Some(info); state.video_caps = Some(caps); state.video_buffer_pool = None; reconfigure = true; } let srcpad; if let Some(ref pad) = state.video_pad { srcpad = pad.clone(); reconfigure |= pad.check_reconfigure(); } else { gst::debug!(CAT, imp: self, "Adding video pad"); let templ = self.obj().element_class().pad_template("video").unwrap(); let pad = gst::Pad::builder_from_template(&templ) .flags(gst::PadFlags::FIXED_CAPS) .build(); state.video_pad = Some(pad.clone()); let _ = pad.set_active(true); state.combiner.add_pad(&pad); let mut stored_caps = false; self.sinkpad.sticky_events_foreach(|ev| { if let gst::EventView::StreamStart(ev) = ev.view() { let stream_start = gst::event::StreamStart::builder(&format!( "{}/video", ev.stream_id() )) .seqnum(ev.seqnum()) .flags(ev.stream_flags()) .group_id(ev.group_id().unwrap_or_else(|| { // This can't really happen as ndisrc would provide one! gst::error!(CAT, imp: self, "Upstream provided no group id"); gst::GroupId::next() })) .build(); let _ = pad.store_sticky_event(&stream_start); } else if ev.type_() < gst::EventType::Caps { let _ = pad.store_sticky_event(ev); } else if ev.type_() > gst::EventType::Caps { let caps = gst::event::Caps::builder(state.video_caps.as_ref().unwrap()) .build(); let _ = pad.store_sticky_event(&caps); stored_caps = true; let _ = pad.store_sticky_event(ev); } std::ops::ControlFlow::Continue(gst::EventForeachAction::Keep) }); if !stored_caps { let caps = gst::event::Caps::builder(state.video_caps.as_ref().unwrap()).build(); let _ = pad.store_sticky_event(&caps); } drop(state); self.obj().add_pad(&pad).unwrap(); if self.obj().num_src_pads() == 2 { self.obj().no_more_pads(); } state = self.state.lock().unwrap(); srcpad = pad; // New caps were already stored above reconfigure = false; } if reconfigure { // FIXME: As this is a demuxer we can't unfortunately do an allocation query // downstream without risking deadlocks. let caps = gst::event::Caps::builder(state.video_caps.as_ref().unwrap()).build(); let _ = srcpad.store_sticky_event(&caps); } } Buffer::Metadata { .. } => { // Nothing to be done here } } let srcpad; let buffer; match ndi_buffer { Buffer::Audio { frame, discont, receive_time_gst, receive_time_real, } => { srcpad = state.audio_pad.clone().unwrap(); let (pts, duration, resync) = self .calculate_audio_timestamp( &mut state, receive_time_gst, receive_time_real, &frame, ) .ok_or_else(|| { gst::debug!(CAT, imp: self, "Flushing, dropping buffer"); gst::FlowError::Flushing })?; buffer = self.create_audio_buffer(&state, pts, duration, discont, resync, frame)?; gst::log!(CAT, imp: self, "Produced audio buffer {:?}", buffer); } Buffer::Video { frame, discont, receive_time_gst, receive_time_real, } => { srcpad = state.video_pad.clone().unwrap(); let (pts, duration, resync) = self .calculate_video_timestamp( &mut state, receive_time_gst, receive_time_real, &frame, ) .ok_or_else(|| { gst::debug!(CAT, imp: self, "Flushing, dropping buffer"); gst::FlowError::Flushing })?; buffer = self.create_video_buffer(&mut state, pts, duration, discont, resync, frame)?; gst::log!(CAT, imp: self, "Produced video buffer {:?}", buffer); } Buffer::Metadata { frame, .. } => { // Only closed caption meta are supported, // once parsed, they will be attached to the next video buffer if state.video_info.is_some() { state.pending_metadata.push(frame); } return Ok(gst::FlowSuccess::Ok); } }; drop(state); let res = srcpad.push(buffer); let mut state = self.state.lock().unwrap(); state.combiner.update_pad_flow(&srcpad, res) } fn sink_event(&self, pad: &gst::Pad, event: gst::Event) -> bool { use gst::EventView; gst::log!(CAT, imp: self, "Handling event {:?}", event); match event.view() { EventView::StreamStart(ev) => { let state = self.state.lock().unwrap(); let pads = [ ("audio", state.audio_pad.clone()), ("video", state.video_pad.clone()), ]; drop(state); for (stream_name, srcpad) in pads { let Some(srcpad) = srcpad else { continue; }; let stream_start = gst::event::StreamStart::builder(&format!( "{}/{stream_name}", ev.stream_id() )) .seqnum(ev.seqnum()) .flags(ev.stream_flags()) .group_id(ev.group_id().unwrap_or_else(|| { // This can't really happen as ndisrc would provide one! gst::error!(CAT, imp: self, "Upstream provided no group id"); gst::GroupId::next() })) .build(); let _ = srcpad.push_event(stream_start); } return true; } EventView::Caps(_) => { return true; } EventView::Eos(_) => { if self.obj().num_src_pads() == 0 { // error out on EOS if no src pad are available gst::element_imp_error!( self, gst::StreamError::Demux, ["EOS without available srcpad(s)"] ); } } _ => (), } gst::Pad::event_default(pad, Some(&*self.obj()), event) } } impl NdiSrcDemux { #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] fn calculate_timestamp( &self, state: &mut State, is_audio: bool, receive_time_gst: gst::ClockTime, receive_time_real: gst::ClockTime, timestamp: i64, timecode: i64, duration: Option, ) -> Option<(gst::ClockTime, Option, bool)> { let timestamp = if timestamp == ndisys::NDIlib_recv_timestamp_undefined { gst::ClockTime::NONE } else { Some((timestamp as u64 * 100).nseconds()) }; let timecode = (timecode as u64 * 100).nseconds(); gst::log!( CAT, imp: self, "Received frame with timecode {}, timestamp {}, duration {}, receive time {}, local time now {}", timecode, timestamp.display(), duration.display(), receive_time_gst.display(), receive_time_real, ); let res_timestamp = state.observations_timestamp[usize::from(!is_audio)].process( self.obj().upcast_ref(), timestamp, receive_time_gst, duration, ); let res_timecode = state.observations_timecode[usize::from(!is_audio)].process( self.obj().upcast_ref(), Some(timecode), receive_time_gst, duration, ); let (pts, duration, discont) = match state.timestamp_mode { TimestampMode::ReceiveTimeTimecode => match res_timecode { Some((pts, duration, discont)) => (pts, duration, discont), None => { gst::warning!(CAT, imp: self, "Can't calculate timestamp"); (receive_time_gst, duration, false) } }, TimestampMode::ReceiveTimeTimestamp => match res_timestamp { Some((pts, duration, discont)) => (pts, duration, discont), None => { if timestamp.is_some() { gst::warning!(CAT, imp: self, "Can't calculate timestamp"); } (receive_time_gst, duration, false) } }, TimestampMode::Timecode => (timecode, duration, false), TimestampMode::Timestamp if timestamp.is_none() => (receive_time_gst, duration, false), TimestampMode::Timestamp => { // Timestamps are relative to the UNIX epoch let timestamp = timestamp?; if receive_time_real > timestamp { let diff = receive_time_real - timestamp; if diff > receive_time_gst { (gst::ClockTime::ZERO, duration, false) } else { (receive_time_gst - diff, duration, false) } } else { let diff = timestamp - receive_time_real; (receive_time_gst + diff, duration, false) } } TimestampMode::ReceiveTime => (receive_time_gst, duration, false), TimestampMode::Auto => { res_timecode .or(res_timestamp) .unwrap_or((receive_time_gst, duration, false)) } }; gst::log!( CAT, imp: self, "Calculated PTS {}, duration {}", pts.display(), duration.display(), ); Some((pts, duration, discont)) } fn calculate_video_timestamp( &self, state: &mut State, receive_time_gst: gst::ClockTime, receive_time_real: gst::ClockTime, video_frame: &crate::ndi::VideoFrame, ) -> Option<(gst::ClockTime, Option, bool)> { let duration = gst::ClockTime::SECOND.mul_div_floor( video_frame.frame_rate().1 as u64, video_frame.frame_rate().0 as u64, ); self.calculate_timestamp( state, false, receive_time_gst, receive_time_real, video_frame.timestamp(), video_frame.timecode(), duration, ) } fn create_video_buffer_pool(&self, video_info: &gst_video::VideoInfo) -> gst::BufferPool { let pool = gst_video::VideoBufferPool::new(); let mut config = pool.config(); config.set_params( Some(&video_info.to_caps().unwrap()), video_info.size() as u32, 0, 0, ); pool.set_config(config).unwrap(); pool.set_active(true).unwrap(); pool.upcast() } fn create_video_info( &self, video_frame: &crate::ndi::VideoFrame, ) -> Result { let fourcc = video_frame.fourcc(); let par = gst::Fraction::approximate_f32(video_frame.picture_aspect_ratio()) .unwrap_or_else(|| gst::Fraction::new(1, 1)) * gst::Fraction::new(video_frame.yres(), video_frame.xres()); let interlace_mode = match video_frame.frame_format_type() { ndisys::NDIlib_frame_format_type_e::NDIlib_frame_format_type_progressive => { gst_video::VideoInterlaceMode::Progressive } ndisys::NDIlib_frame_format_type_e::NDIlib_frame_format_type_interleaved => { gst_video::VideoInterlaceMode::Interleaved } _ => gst_video::VideoInterlaceMode::Alternate, }; if [ ndisys::NDIlib_FourCC_video_type_UYVY, ndisys::NDIlib_FourCC_video_type_UYVA, ndisys::NDIlib_FourCC_video_type_YV12, ndisys::NDIlib_FourCC_video_type_NV12, ndisys::NDIlib_FourCC_video_type_I420, ndisys::NDIlib_FourCC_video_type_BGRA, ndisys::NDIlib_FourCC_video_type_BGRX, ndisys::NDIlib_FourCC_video_type_RGBA, ndisys::NDIlib_FourCC_video_type_BGRX, ] .contains(&fourcc) { // YV12 and I420 are swapped in the NDI SDK compared to GStreamer let format = match video_frame.fourcc() { ndisys::NDIlib_FourCC_video_type_UYVY => gst_video::VideoFormat::Uyvy, // FIXME: This drops the alpha plane! ndisys::NDIlib_FourCC_video_type_UYVA => gst_video::VideoFormat::Uyvy, ndisys::NDIlib_FourCC_video_type_YV12 => gst_video::VideoFormat::I420, ndisys::NDIlib_FourCC_video_type_NV12 => gst_video::VideoFormat::Nv12, ndisys::NDIlib_FourCC_video_type_I420 => gst_video::VideoFormat::Yv12, ndisys::NDIlib_FourCC_video_type_BGRA => gst_video::VideoFormat::Bgra, ndisys::NDIlib_FourCC_video_type_BGRX => gst_video::VideoFormat::Bgrx, ndisys::NDIlib_FourCC_video_type_RGBA => gst_video::VideoFormat::Rgba, ndisys::NDIlib_FourCC_video_type_RGBX => gst_video::VideoFormat::Rgbx, _ => { gst::element_imp_error!( self, gst::StreamError::Format, ["Unsupported video fourcc {:08x}", video_frame.fourcc()] ); return Err(gst::FlowError::NotNegotiated); } // TODO: NDIlib_FourCC_video_type_P216 and NDIlib_FourCC_video_type_PA16 not // supported by GStreamer }; let mut builder = gst_video::VideoInfo::builder( format, video_frame.xres() as u32, video_frame.yres() as u32, ) .fps(gst::Fraction::from(video_frame.frame_rate())) .par(par) .interlace_mode(interlace_mode); if video_frame.frame_format_type() == ndisys::NDIlib_frame_format_type_e::NDIlib_frame_format_type_interleaved { builder = builder.field_order(gst_video::VideoFieldOrder::TopFieldFirst); } return Ok(VideoInfo::Video(builder.build().map_err(|_| { gst::element_imp_error!( self, gst::StreamError::Format, ["Invalid video format configuration"] ); gst::FlowError::NotNegotiated })?)); } #[cfg(feature = "advanced-sdk")] if [ ndisys::NDIlib_FourCC_video_type_ex_SHQ0_highest_bandwidth, ndisys::NDIlib_FourCC_video_type_ex_SHQ2_highest_bandwidth, ndisys::NDIlib_FourCC_video_type_ex_SHQ7_highest_bandwidth, ndisys::NDIlib_FourCC_video_type_ex_SHQ0_lowest_bandwidth, ndisys::NDIlib_FourCC_video_type_ex_SHQ2_lowest_bandwidth, ndisys::NDIlib_FourCC_video_type_ex_SHQ7_lowest_bandwidth, ] .contains(&fourcc) { let variant = match fourcc { ndisys::NDIlib_FourCC_video_type_ex_SHQ0_highest_bandwidth | ndisys::NDIlib_FourCC_video_type_ex_SHQ0_lowest_bandwidth => String::from("SHQ0"), ndisys::NDIlib_FourCC_video_type_ex_SHQ2_highest_bandwidth | ndisys::NDIlib_FourCC_video_type_ex_SHQ2_lowest_bandwidth => String::from("SHQ2"), ndisys::NDIlib_FourCC_video_type_ex_SHQ7_highest_bandwidth | ndisys::NDIlib_FourCC_video_type_ex_SHQ7_lowest_bandwidth => String::from("SHQ7"), _ => { gst::element_imp_error!( self, gst::StreamError::Format, [ "Unsupported SpeedHQ video fourcc {:08x}", video_frame.fourcc() ] ); return Err(gst::FlowError::NotNegotiated); } }; return Ok(VideoInfo::SpeedHQInfo { variant, xres: video_frame.xres(), yres: video_frame.yres(), fps_n: video_frame.frame_rate().0, fps_d: video_frame.frame_rate().1, par_n: par.numer(), par_d: par.denom(), interlace_mode, }); } #[cfg(feature = "advanced-sdk")] if [ ndisys::NDIlib_FourCC_video_type_ex_H264_highest_bandwidth, ndisys::NDIlib_FourCC_video_type_ex_H264_lowest_bandwidth, ndisys::NDIlib_FourCC_video_type_ex_H264_alpha_highest_bandwidth, ndisys::NDIlib_FourCC_video_type_ex_H264_alpha_lowest_bandwidth, ] .contains(&fourcc) { let compressed_packet = video_frame.compressed_packet().ok_or_else(|| { gst::error!( CAT, imp: self, "Video packet doesn't have compressed packet start" ); gst::element_imp_error!(self, gst::StreamError::Format, ["Invalid video packet"]); gst::FlowError::Error })?; if compressed_packet.fourcc != ndisys::NDIlib_compressed_FourCC_type_H264 { gst::error!(CAT, imp: self, "Non-H264 video packet"); gst::element_imp_error!(self, gst::StreamError::Format, ["Invalid video packet"]); return Err(gst::FlowError::Error); } return Ok(VideoInfo::H264 { xres: video_frame.xres(), yres: video_frame.yres(), fps_n: video_frame.frame_rate().0, fps_d: video_frame.frame_rate().1, par_n: par.numer(), par_d: par.denom(), interlace_mode, }); } #[cfg(feature = "advanced-sdk")] if [ ndisys::NDIlib_FourCC_video_type_ex_HEVC_highest_bandwidth, ndisys::NDIlib_FourCC_video_type_ex_HEVC_lowest_bandwidth, ndisys::NDIlib_FourCC_video_type_ex_HEVC_alpha_highest_bandwidth, ndisys::NDIlib_FourCC_video_type_ex_HEVC_alpha_lowest_bandwidth, ] .contains(&fourcc) { let compressed_packet = video_frame.compressed_packet().ok_or_else(|| { gst::error!( CAT, imp: self, "Video packet doesn't have compressed packet start" ); gst::element_imp_error!(self, gst::StreamError::Format, ["Invalid video packet"]); gst::FlowError::Error })?; if compressed_packet.fourcc != ndisys::NDIlib_compressed_FourCC_type_HEVC { gst::error!(CAT, imp: self, "Non-H265 video packet"); gst::element_imp_error!(self, gst::StreamError::Format, ["Invalid video packet"]); return Err(gst::FlowError::Error); } return Ok(VideoInfo::H265 { xres: video_frame.xres(), yres: video_frame.yres(), fps_n: video_frame.frame_rate().0, fps_d: video_frame.frame_rate().1, par_n: par.numer(), par_d: par.denom(), interlace_mode, }); } gst::element_imp_error!( self, gst::StreamError::Format, ["Unsupported video fourcc {:08x}", video_frame.fourcc()] ); Err(gst::FlowError::NotNegotiated) } fn create_video_buffer( &self, state: &mut State, pts: gst::ClockTime, duration: Option, discont: bool, resync: bool, video_frame: crate::ndi::VideoFrame, ) -> Result { let timecode = video_frame.timecode(); let timestamp = video_frame.timestamp(); let frame_format_type = video_frame.frame_format_type(); let mut captions = Vec::new(); { let ndi_cc_decoder = state.ndi_cc_decoder.as_mut().unwrap(); // handle potential width change (also needed for standalone metadata) ndi_cc_decoder.set_width(state.video_info.as_ref().unwrap().width()); for metadata in state.pending_metadata.drain(..) { if let Some(meta) = metadata.metadata() { let res = ndi_cc_decoder.decode(meta); if let Err(err) = res { gst::debug!(CAT, imp: self, "Failed to parse NDI metadata: {err}"); } } } if let Some(metadata) = video_frame.metadata() { let res = ndi_cc_decoder.decode(metadata); match res { Ok(c) => { captions.extend_from_slice(&c); } Err(err) => { gst::debug!(CAT, imp: self, "Failed to parse NDI video frame metadata: {err}"); } } } } let mut buffer = self.wrap_or_copy_video_frame(state, video_frame)?; { let buffer = buffer.get_mut().unwrap(); buffer.set_pts(pts); buffer.set_duration(duration); if resync { buffer.set_flags(gst::BufferFlags::RESYNC); } if discont { buffer.set_flags(gst::BufferFlags::DISCONT); } gst::ReferenceTimestampMeta::add( buffer, &crate::TIMECODE_CAPS, (timecode as u64 * 100).nseconds(), gst::ClockTime::NONE, ); if timestamp != ndisys::NDIlib_recv_timestamp_undefined { gst::ReferenceTimestampMeta::add( buffer, &crate::TIMESTAMP_CAPS, (timestamp as u64 * 100).nseconds(), gst::ClockTime::NONE, ); } for caption in captions { match caption.did16() { gst_video::VideoAncillaryDID16::S334Eia608 => { gst_video::VideoCaptionMeta::add( buffer, gst_video::VideoCaptionType::Cea608S3341a, caption.data(), ); } gst_video::VideoAncillaryDID16::S334Eia708 => { gst_video::VideoCaptionMeta::add( buffer, gst_video::VideoCaptionType::Cea708Cdp, caption.data(), ); } _ => (), } } match frame_format_type { ndisys::NDIlib_frame_format_type_e::NDIlib_frame_format_type_interleaved => { buffer.set_video_flags( gst_video::VideoBufferFlags::INTERLACED | gst_video::VideoBufferFlags::TFF, ); } ndisys::NDIlib_frame_format_type_e::NDIlib_frame_format_type_field_0 => { buffer.set_video_flags( gst_video::VideoBufferFlags::INTERLACED | gst_video::VideoBufferFlags::TOP_FIELD, ); } ndisys::NDIlib_frame_format_type_e::NDIlib_frame_format_type_field_1 => { buffer.set_video_flags( gst_video::VideoBufferFlags::INTERLACED | gst_video::VideoBufferFlags::BOTTOM_FIELD, ); } _ => (), } } Ok(buffer) } fn wrap_or_copy_video_frame( &self, state: &mut State, video_frame: crate::ndi::VideoFrame, ) -> Result { struct WrappedVideoFrame(crate::ndi::VideoFrame); impl AsRef<[u8]> for WrappedVideoFrame { fn as_ref(&self) -> &[u8] { self.0.data().unwrap_or(&[]) } } match state.video_info.as_ref().unwrap() { VideoInfo::Video(ref info) => { match info.format() { gst_video::VideoFormat::Uyvy | gst_video::VideoFormat::Bgra | gst_video::VideoFormat::Bgrx | gst_video::VideoFormat::Rgba | gst_video::VideoFormat::Rgbx => { let src_stride = video_frame.line_stride_or_data_size_in_bytes() as usize; if src_stride == info.stride()[0] as usize { Ok(gst::Buffer::from_slice(WrappedVideoFrame(video_frame))) } else { gst::debug!(gst::CAT_PERFORMANCE, imp: self, "Copying raw video frame"); let src = video_frame.data().ok_or(gst::FlowError::Error)?; if state.video_buffer_pool.is_none() { state.video_buffer_pool = Some(self.create_video_buffer_pool(info)); }; let pool = state.video_buffer_pool.as_ref().unwrap(); let buffer = pool.acquire_buffer(None)?; let mut vframe = gst_video::VideoFrame::from_buffer_writable(buffer, info).unwrap(); let line_bytes = if info.format() == gst_video::VideoFormat::Uyvy { 2 * vframe.width() as usize } else { 4 * vframe.width() as usize }; let dest_stride = vframe.plane_stride()[0] as usize; let dest = vframe.plane_data_mut(0).unwrap(); let plane_size = video_frame.yres() as usize * src_stride; if src.len() < plane_size || src_stride < line_bytes { gst::error!(CAT, imp: self, "Video packet has wrong stride or size"); gst::element_imp_error!( self, gst::StreamError::Format, ["Video packet has wrong stride or size"] ); return Err(gst::FlowError::Error); } for (dest, src) in dest .chunks_exact_mut(dest_stride) .zip(src.chunks_exact(src_stride)) { dest[..line_bytes].copy_from_slice(&src[..line_bytes]); } Ok(vframe.into_buffer()) } } gst_video::VideoFormat::Nv12 => { let src_stride = video_frame.line_stride_or_data_size_in_bytes() as usize; if src_stride == info.stride()[0] as usize { Ok(gst::Buffer::from_slice(WrappedVideoFrame(video_frame))) } else { gst::debug!(gst::CAT_PERFORMANCE, imp: self, "Copying raw video frame"); let src = video_frame.data().ok_or(gst::FlowError::Error)?; if state.video_buffer_pool.is_none() { state.video_buffer_pool = Some(self.create_video_buffer_pool(info)); }; let pool = state.video_buffer_pool.as_ref().unwrap(); let buffer = pool.acquire_buffer(None)?; let mut vframe = gst_video::VideoFrame::from_buffer_writable(buffer, info).unwrap(); let line_bytes = vframe.width() as usize; let plane_size = video_frame.yres() as usize * src_stride; if src.len() < 2 * plane_size || src_stride < line_bytes { gst::error!(CAT, imp: self, "Video packet has wrong stride or size"); gst::element_imp_error!( self, gst::StreamError::Format, ["Video packet has wrong stride or size"] ); return Err(gst::FlowError::Error); } // First plane { let dest_stride = vframe.plane_stride()[0] as usize; let dest = vframe.plane_data_mut(0).unwrap(); let src = &src[..plane_size]; for (dest, src) in dest .chunks_exact_mut(dest_stride) .zip(src.chunks_exact(src_stride)) { dest[..line_bytes].copy_from_slice(&src[..line_bytes]); } } // Second plane { let dest_stride = vframe.plane_stride()[1] as usize; let dest = vframe.plane_data_mut(1).unwrap(); let src = &src[plane_size..]; for (dest, src) in dest .chunks_exact_mut(dest_stride) .zip(src.chunks_exact(src_stride)) { dest[..line_bytes].copy_from_slice(&src[..line_bytes]); } } Ok(vframe.into_buffer()) } } gst_video::VideoFormat::Yv12 | gst_video::VideoFormat::I420 => { let src_stride = video_frame.line_stride_or_data_size_in_bytes() as usize; let src_stride1 = (src_stride + 1) / 2; if src_stride == info.stride()[0] as usize && src_stride1 == info.stride()[1] as usize { Ok(gst::Buffer::from_slice(WrappedVideoFrame(video_frame))) } else { gst::debug!(gst::CAT_PERFORMANCE, imp: self, "Copying raw video frame"); let src = video_frame.data().ok_or(gst::FlowError::Error)?; if state.video_buffer_pool.is_none() { state.video_buffer_pool = Some(self.create_video_buffer_pool(info)); }; let pool = state.video_buffer_pool.as_ref().unwrap(); let buffer = pool.acquire_buffer(None)?; let mut vframe = gst_video::VideoFrame::from_buffer_writable(buffer, info).unwrap(); let line_bytes = vframe.width() as usize; let line_bytes1 = (line_bytes + 1) / 2; let plane_size = video_frame.yres() as usize * src_stride; let plane_size1 = ((video_frame.yres() as usize + 1) / 2) * src_stride1; if src.len() < plane_size + 2 * plane_size1 || src_stride < line_bytes { gst::error!(CAT, imp: self, "Video packet has wrong stride or size"); gst::element_imp_error!( self, gst::StreamError::Format, ["Video packet has wrong stride or size"] ); return Err(gst::FlowError::Error); } // First plane { let dest_stride = vframe.plane_stride()[0] as usize; let dest = vframe.plane_data_mut(0).unwrap(); let src = &src[..plane_size]; for (dest, src) in dest .chunks_exact_mut(dest_stride) .zip(src.chunks_exact(src_stride)) { dest[..line_bytes].copy_from_slice(&src[..line_bytes]); } } // Second plane { let dest_stride = vframe.plane_stride()[1] as usize; let dest = vframe.plane_data_mut(1).unwrap(); let src = &src[plane_size..][..plane_size1]; for (dest, src) in dest .chunks_exact_mut(dest_stride) .zip(src.chunks_exact(src_stride1)) { dest[..line_bytes1].copy_from_slice(&src[..line_bytes1]); } } // Third plane { let dest_stride = vframe.plane_stride()[2] as usize; let dest = vframe.plane_data_mut(2).unwrap(); let src = &src[plane_size + plane_size1..][..plane_size1]; for (dest, src) in dest .chunks_exact_mut(dest_stride) .zip(src.chunks_exact(src_stride1)) { dest[..line_bytes1].copy_from_slice(&src[..line_bytes1]); } } Ok(vframe.into_buffer()) } } _ => unreachable!(), } } #[cfg(feature = "advanced-sdk")] VideoInfo::SpeedHQInfo { .. } => { Ok(gst::Buffer::from_slice(WrappedVideoFrame(video_frame))) } #[cfg(feature = "advanced-sdk")] VideoInfo::H264 { .. } | VideoInfo::H265 { .. } => { let compressed_packet = video_frame.compressed_packet().ok_or_else(|| { gst::error!( CAT, imp: self, "Video packet doesn't have compressed packet start" ); gst::element_imp_error!( self, gst::StreamError::Format, ["Invalid video packet"] ); gst::FlowError::Error })?; // FIXME: Copy to a new vec for now. This can be optimized, especially if there is // no extra data attached to the frame let mut buffer = Vec::new(); if let Some(extra_data) = compressed_packet.extra_data { buffer.extend_from_slice(extra_data); } buffer.extend_from_slice(compressed_packet.data); let mut buffer = gst::Buffer::from_mut_slice(buffer); if !compressed_packet.key_frame { let buffer = buffer.get_mut().unwrap(); buffer.set_flags(gst::BufferFlags::DELTA_UNIT); } Ok(buffer) } } } fn calculate_audio_timestamp( &self, state: &mut State, receive_time_gst: gst::ClockTime, receive_time_real: gst::ClockTime, audio_frame: &crate::ndi::AudioFrame, ) -> Option<(gst::ClockTime, Option, bool)> { let duration = gst::ClockTime::SECOND.mul_div_floor( audio_frame.no_samples() as u64, audio_frame.sample_rate() as u64, ); self.calculate_timestamp( state, true, receive_time_gst, receive_time_real, audio_frame.timestamp(), audio_frame.timecode(), duration, ) } fn create_audio_info( &self, audio_frame: &crate::ndi::AudioFrame, ) -> Result { let fourcc = audio_frame.fourcc(); if [ndisys::NDIlib_FourCC_audio_type_FLTp].contains(&fourcc) { let channels = audio_frame.no_channels() as u32; let mut positions = [gst_audio::AudioChannelPosition::None; 64]; if channels <= 8 { let _ = gst_audio::AudioChannelPosition::positions_from_mask( gst_audio::AudioChannelPosition::fallback_mask(channels), &mut positions[..channels as usize], ); } let builder = gst_audio::AudioInfo::builder( gst_audio::AUDIO_FORMAT_F32, audio_frame.sample_rate() as u32, channels, ) .positions(&positions[..channels as usize]); let info = builder.build().map_err(|_| { gst::element_imp_error!( self, gst::StreamError::Format, ["Invalid audio format configuration"] ); gst::FlowError::NotNegotiated })?; return Ok(AudioInfo::Audio(info)); } #[cfg(feature = "advanced-sdk")] if [ndisys::NDIlib_FourCC_audio_type_AAC].contains(&fourcc) { let compressed_packet = audio_frame.compressed_packet().ok_or_else(|| { gst::error!( CAT, imp: self, "Audio packet doesn't have compressed packet start" ); gst::element_imp_error!(self, gst::StreamError::Format, ["Invalid audio packet"]); gst::FlowError::Error })?; if compressed_packet.fourcc != ndisys::NDIlib_compressed_FourCC_type_AAC { gst::error!(CAT, imp: self, "Non-AAC audio packet"); gst::element_imp_error!(self, gst::StreamError::Format, ["Invalid audio packet"]); return Err(gst::FlowError::Error); } return Ok(AudioInfo::Aac { sample_rate: audio_frame.sample_rate(), no_channels: audio_frame.no_channels(), codec_data: compressed_packet .extra_data .ok_or(gst::FlowError::NotNegotiated)? .try_into() .map_err(|_| gst::FlowError::NotNegotiated)?, }); } // FIXME: Needs testing with an actual stream to understand how it works // #[cfg(feature = "advanced-sdk")] // if [NDIlib_FourCC_audio_type_Opus].contains(&fourcc) {} gst::element_imp_error!( self, gst::StreamError::Format, ["Unsupported audio fourcc {:08x}", audio_frame.fourcc()] ); Err(gst::FlowError::NotNegotiated) } fn create_audio_buffer( &self, state: &State, pts: gst::ClockTime, duration: Option, discont: bool, resync: bool, audio_frame: crate::ndi::AudioFrame, ) -> Result { struct WrappedAudioFrame(crate::ndi::AudioFrame); impl AsRef<[u8]> for WrappedAudioFrame { fn as_ref(&self) -> &[u8] { self.0.data().unwrap_or(&[]) } } match state.audio_info.as_ref().unwrap() { AudioInfo::Audio(ref info) => { let no_samples = audio_frame.no_samples(); let timecode = audio_frame.timecode(); let timestamp = audio_frame.timestamp(); let buff_size = (no_samples as u32 * info.bpf()) as usize; let mut buffer = if state.audio_non_interleaved { let info = state.audio_info_non_interleaved.as_ref().unwrap(); let mut buffer = gst::Buffer::from_slice(WrappedAudioFrame(audio_frame)); { let buffer = buffer.get_mut().unwrap(); gst_audio::AudioMeta::add(buffer, info, no_samples as usize, &[]).unwrap(); } buffer } else { gst::debug!(gst::CAT_PERFORMANCE, imp: self, "Copying raw audio frame"); let src = audio_frame.data().ok_or(gst::FlowError::Error)?; let mut buffer = gst::Buffer::with_size(buff_size).unwrap(); { let buffer = buffer.get_mut().unwrap(); let mut dest = buffer.map_writable().unwrap(); let dest = dest .as_mut_slice_of::() .map_err(|_| gst::FlowError::NotNegotiated)?; assert!( dest.len() == audio_frame.no_samples() as usize * audio_frame.no_channels() as usize ); for (channel, samples) in src .chunks_exact( audio_frame.channel_stride_or_data_size_in_bytes() as usize ) .enumerate() { let samples = samples .as_slice_of::() .map_err(|_| gst::FlowError::NotNegotiated)?; for (i, sample) in samples[..audio_frame.no_samples() as usize] .iter() .enumerate() { dest[i * (audio_frame.no_channels() as usize) + channel] = *sample; } } } buffer }; { let buffer = buffer.get_mut().unwrap(); buffer.set_pts(pts); buffer.set_duration(duration); if resync { buffer.set_flags(gst::BufferFlags::RESYNC); } if discont { buffer.set_flags(gst::BufferFlags::DISCONT); } gst::ReferenceTimestampMeta::add( buffer, &crate::TIMECODE_CAPS, (timecode as u64 * 100).nseconds(), gst::ClockTime::NONE, ); if timestamp != ndisys::NDIlib_recv_timestamp_undefined { gst::ReferenceTimestampMeta::add( buffer, &crate::TIMESTAMP_CAPS, (timestamp as u64 * 100).nseconds(), gst::ClockTime::NONE, ); } } Ok(buffer) } #[cfg(feature = "advanced-sdk")] AudioInfo::Opus { .. } => { let data = audio_frame.data().ok_or_else(|| { gst::error!(CAT, imp: self, "Audio packet has no data"); gst::element_imp_error!( self, gst::StreamError::Format, ["Invalid audio packet"] ); gst::FlowError::Error })?; Ok(gst::Buffer::from_mut_slice(Vec::from(data))) } #[cfg(feature = "advanced-sdk")] AudioInfo::Aac { .. } => { let compressed_packet = audio_frame.compressed_packet().ok_or_else(|| { gst::error!( CAT, imp: self, "Audio packet doesn't have compressed packet start" ); gst::element_imp_error!( self, gst::StreamError::Format, ["Invalid audio packet"] ); gst::FlowError::Error })?; Ok(gst::Buffer::from_mut_slice(Vec::from( compressed_packet.data, ))) } } } } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] #[allow(clippy::large_enum_variant)] pub enum AudioInfo { Audio(gst_audio::AudioInfo), #[cfg(feature = "advanced-sdk")] #[allow(dead_code)] Opus { sample_rate: i32, no_channels: i32, }, #[cfg(feature = "advanced-sdk")] Aac { sample_rate: i32, no_channels: i32, codec_data: [u8; 2], }, } impl AudioInfo { pub fn to_caps(&self) -> Result { match self { AudioInfo::Audio(ref info) => info.to_caps(), #[cfg(feature = "advanced-sdk")] AudioInfo::Opus { sample_rate, no_channels, } => Ok(gst::Caps::builder("audio/x-opus") .field("channels", *no_channels) .field("rate", *sample_rate) .field("channel-mapping-family", 0i32) .build()), #[cfg(feature = "advanced-sdk")] AudioInfo::Aac { sample_rate, no_channels, codec_data, } => Ok(gst::Caps::builder("audio/mpeg") .field("channels", *no_channels) .field("rate", *sample_rate) .field("mpegversion", 4i32) .field("stream-format", "raw") .field("codec_data", gst::Buffer::from_mut_slice(*codec_data)) .build()), } } } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum VideoInfo { Video(gst_video::VideoInfo), #[cfg(feature = "advanced-sdk")] SpeedHQInfo { variant: String, xres: i32, yres: i32, fps_n: i32, fps_d: i32, par_n: i32, par_d: i32, interlace_mode: gst_video::VideoInterlaceMode, }, #[cfg(feature = "advanced-sdk")] H264 { xres: i32, yres: i32, fps_n: i32, fps_d: i32, par_n: i32, par_d: i32, interlace_mode: gst_video::VideoInterlaceMode, }, #[cfg(feature = "advanced-sdk")] H265 { xres: i32, yres: i32, fps_n: i32, fps_d: i32, par_n: i32, par_d: i32, interlace_mode: gst_video::VideoInterlaceMode, }, } impl VideoInfo { pub fn to_caps(&self) -> Result { match self { VideoInfo::Video(ref info) => info.to_caps(), #[cfg(feature = "advanced-sdk")] VideoInfo::SpeedHQInfo { ref variant, xres, yres, fps_n, fps_d, par_n, par_d, interlace_mode, } => Ok(gst::Caps::builder("video/x-speedhq") .field("width", *xres) .field("height", *yres) .field("framerate", gst::Fraction::new(*fps_n, *fps_d)) .field("pixel-aspect-ratio", gst::Fraction::new(*par_n, *par_d)) .field("interlace-mode", interlace_mode.to_str()) .field("variant", variant) .build()), #[cfg(feature = "advanced-sdk")] VideoInfo::H264 { xres, yres, fps_n, fps_d, par_n, par_d, interlace_mode, .. } => Ok(gst::Caps::builder("video/x-h264") .field("width", *xres) .field("height", *yres) .field("framerate", gst::Fraction::new(*fps_n, *fps_d)) .field("pixel-aspect-ratio", gst::Fraction::new(*par_n, *par_d)) .field("interlace-mode", interlace_mode.to_str()) .field("stream-format", "byte-stream") .field("alignment", "au") .build()), #[cfg(feature = "advanced-sdk")] VideoInfo::H265 { xres, yres, fps_n, fps_d, par_n, par_d, interlace_mode, .. } => Ok(gst::Caps::builder("video/x-h265") .field("width", *xres) .field("height", *yres) .field("framerate", gst::Fraction::new(*fps_n, *fps_d)) .field("pixel-aspect-ratio", gst::Fraction::new(*par_n, *par_d)) .field("interlace-mode", interlace_mode.to_str()) .field("stream-format", "byte-stream") .field("alignment", "au") .build()), } } pub fn width(&self) -> u32 { match self { VideoInfo::Video(ref info) => info.width(), #[cfg(feature = "advanced-sdk")] VideoInfo::SpeedHQInfo { xres, .. } | VideoInfo::H264 { xres, .. } | VideoInfo::H265 { xres, .. } => *xres as u32, } } } const PREFILL_WINDOW_LENGTH: usize = 12; const WINDOW_LENGTH: u64 = 512; const WINDOW_DURATION: u64 = 2_000_000_000; #[derive(Default)] struct Observations(AtomicRefCell); struct ObservationsInner { base_remote_time: Option, base_local_time: Option, deltas: VecDeque, min_delta: i64, skew: i64, filling: bool, window_size: usize, // Remote/local times for workaround around fundamentally wrong slopes // This is not reset below and has a bigger window. times: VecDeque<(u64, u64)>, slope_correction: (u64, u64), } impl Default for ObservationsInner { fn default() -> ObservationsInner { ObservationsInner { base_local_time: None, base_remote_time: None, deltas: VecDeque::new(), min_delta: 0, skew: 0, filling: true, window_size: 0, times: VecDeque::new(), slope_correction: (1, 1), } } } impl ObservationsInner { fn reset(&mut self) { self.base_local_time = None; self.base_remote_time = None; self.deltas = VecDeque::new(); self.min_delta = 0; self.skew = 0; self.filling = true; self.window_size = 0; } } impl Observations { // Based on the algorithm used in GStreamer's rtpjitterbuffer, which comes from // Fober, Orlarey and Letz, 2005, "Real Time Clock Skew Estimation over Network Delays": // http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi= fn process( &self, element: &gst::Element, remote_time: Option, local_time: gst::ClockTime, duration: Option, ) -> Option<(gst::ClockTime, Option, bool)> { let remote_time = remote_time?.nseconds(); let local_time = local_time.nseconds(); let mut inner = self.0.borrow_mut(); gst::trace!( CAT, obj: element, "Local time {}, remote time {}, slope correct {}/{}", local_time.nseconds(), remote_time.nseconds(), inner.slope_correction.0, inner.slope_correction.1, ); inner.times.push_back((remote_time, local_time)); while inner .times .back() .unwrap() .1 .saturating_sub(inner.times.front().unwrap().1) > WINDOW_DURATION { let _ = inner.times.pop_front(); } // Static remote times if inner.slope_correction.1 == 0 { return None; } let remote_time = remote_time.mul_div_round(inner.slope_correction.0, inner.slope_correction.1)?; let (base_remote_time, base_local_time) = match (inner.base_remote_time, inner.base_local_time) { (Some(remote), Some(local)) => (remote, local), _ => { gst::debug!( CAT, obj: element, "Initializing base time: local {}, remote {}", local_time.nseconds(), remote_time.nseconds(), ); inner.base_remote_time = Some(remote_time); inner.base_local_time = Some(local_time); return Some((local_time.nseconds(), duration, true)); } }; if inner.times.len() < PREFILL_WINDOW_LENGTH { return Some((local_time.nseconds(), duration, false)); } // Check if the slope is simply wrong and try correcting { let local_diff = inner .times .back() .unwrap() .1 .saturating_sub(inner.times.front().unwrap().1); let remote_diff = inner .times .back() .unwrap() .0 .saturating_sub(inner.times.front().unwrap().0); if remote_diff == 0 { inner.reset(); inner.base_remote_time = Some(remote_time); inner.base_local_time = Some(local_time); // Static remote times inner.slope_correction = (0, 0); return None; } else { let slope = local_diff as f64 / remote_diff as f64; let scaled_slope = slope * (inner.slope_correction.1 as f64) / (inner.slope_correction.0 as f64); // Check for some obviously wrong slopes and try to correct for that if !(0.5..1.5).contains(&scaled_slope) { gst::warning!( CAT, obj: element, "Too small/big slope {}, resetting", scaled_slope ); let discont = !inner.deltas.is_empty(); inner.reset(); if (0.0005..0.0015).contains(&slope) { // Remote unit was actually 0.1ns inner.slope_correction = (1, 1000); } else if (0.005..0.015).contains(&slope) { // Remote unit was actually 1ns inner.slope_correction = (1, 100); } else if (0.05..0.15).contains(&slope) { // Remote unit was actually 10ns inner.slope_correction = (1, 10); } else if (5.0..15.0).contains(&slope) { // Remote unit was actually 1us inner.slope_correction = (10, 1); } else if (50.0..150.0).contains(&slope) { // Remote unit was actually 10us inner.slope_correction = (100, 1); } else if (50.0..150.0).contains(&slope) { // Remote unit was actually 100us inner.slope_correction = (1000, 1); } else if (50.0..150.0).contains(&slope) { // Remote unit was actually 1ms inner.slope_correction = (10000, 1); } else { inner.slope_correction = (1, 1); } let remote_time = inner .times .back() .unwrap() .0 .mul_div_round(inner.slope_correction.0, inner.slope_correction.1)?; gst::debug!( CAT, obj: element, "Initializing base time: local {}, remote {}, slope correction {}/{}", local_time.nseconds(), remote_time.nseconds(), inner.slope_correction.0, inner.slope_correction.1, ); inner.base_remote_time = Some(remote_time); inner.base_local_time = Some(local_time); return Some((local_time.nseconds(), duration, discont)); } } } let remote_diff = remote_time.saturating_sub(base_remote_time); let local_diff = local_time.saturating_sub(base_local_time); let delta = (local_diff as i64) - (remote_diff as i64); gst::trace!( CAT, obj: element, "Local diff {}, remote diff {}, delta {}", local_diff.nseconds(), remote_diff.nseconds(), delta, ); if (delta > inner.skew && delta - inner.skew > 1_000_000_000) || (delta < inner.skew && inner.skew - delta > 1_000_000_000) { gst::warning!( CAT, obj: element, "Delta {} too far from skew {}, resetting", delta, inner.skew ); let discont = !inner.deltas.is_empty(); gst::debug!( CAT, obj: element, "Initializing base time: local {}, remote {}", local_time.nseconds(), remote_time.nseconds(), ); inner.reset(); inner.base_remote_time = Some(remote_time); inner.base_local_time = Some(local_time); return Some((local_time.nseconds(), duration, discont)); } if inner.filling { if inner.deltas.is_empty() || delta < inner.min_delta { inner.min_delta = delta; } inner.deltas.push_back(delta); if remote_diff > WINDOW_DURATION || inner.deltas.len() as u64 == WINDOW_LENGTH { inner.window_size = inner.deltas.len(); inner.skew = inner.min_delta; inner.filling = false; } else { let perc_time = remote_diff.mul_div_floor(100, WINDOW_DURATION).unwrap() as i64; let perc_window = (inner.deltas.len() as u64) .mul_div_floor(100, WINDOW_LENGTH) .unwrap() as i64; let perc = cmp::max(perc_time, perc_window); inner.skew = (perc * inner.min_delta + ((10_000 - perc) * inner.skew)) / 10_000; } } else { let old = inner.deltas.pop_front().unwrap(); inner.deltas.push_back(delta); if delta <= inner.min_delta { inner.min_delta = delta; } else if old == inner.min_delta { inner.min_delta = inner.deltas.iter().copied().min().unwrap(); } inner.skew = (inner.min_delta + (124 * inner.skew)) / 125; } let out_time = base_local_time + remote_diff; let out_time = if inner.skew < 0 { out_time.saturating_sub((-inner.skew) as u64) } else { out_time + (inner.skew as u64) }; gst::trace!( CAT, obj: element, "Skew {}, min delta {}", inner.skew, inner.min_delta ); gst::trace!(CAT, obj: element, "Outputting {}", out_time.nseconds()); Some((out_time.nseconds(), duration, false)) } }