// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 use gst::prelude::*; use crate::signaller::{prelude::*, Signallable, Signaller}; use crate::utils::{Codec, Codecs, NavigationEvent, AUDIO_CAPS, RTP_CAPS, VIDEO_CAPS}; use crate::webrtcsrc::WebRTCSrcPad; use crate::whip_signaller::WhipServerSignaller; use anyhow::{Context, Error}; use gst::glib; use gst::glib::once_cell::sync::Lazy; use gst::subclass::prelude::*; use gst_webrtc::WebRTCDataChannel; use std::borrow::BorrowMut; use std::collections::HashSet; use std::str::FromStr; use std::sync::atomic::AtomicU16; use std::sync::atomic::Ordering; use std::sync::Mutex; use url::Url; const DEFAULT_STUN_SERVER: Option<&str> = Some("stun://stun.l.google.com:19302"); const DEFAULT_ENABLE_DATA_CHANNEL_NAVIGATION: bool = false; static CAT: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| { gst::DebugCategory::new( "webrtcsrc", gst::DebugColorFlags::empty(), Some("WebRTC src"), ) }); const RTP_TWCC_URI: &str = "http://www.ietf.org/id/draft-holmer-rmcat-transport-wide-cc-extensions-01"; struct Settings { stun_server: Option, turn_servers: gst::Array, signaller: Signallable, meta: Option, video_codecs: Vec, audio_codecs: Vec, enable_data_channel_navigation: bool, } #[derive(Default)] pub struct BaseWebRTCSrc { settings: Mutex, n_video_pads: AtomicU16, n_audio_pads: AtomicU16, state: Mutex, } #[glib::object_subclass] impl ObjectSubclass for BaseWebRTCSrc { const NAME: &'static str = "GstBaseWebRTCSrc"; type Type = super::BaseWebRTCSrc; type ParentType = gst::Bin; type Interfaces = (gst::ChildProxy,); } unsafe impl IsSubclassable for super::BaseWebRTCSrc { fn class_init(class: &mut glib::Class) { Self::parent_class_init::(class); } } pub(crate) trait BaseWebRTCSrcImpl: BinImpl {} impl ObjectImpl for BaseWebRTCSrc { fn properties() -> &'static [glib::ParamSpec] { static PROPS: Lazy> = Lazy::new(|| { vec![ glib::ParamSpecString::builder("stun-server") .nick("The STUN server to use") .blurb("The STUN server of the form stun://host:port") .flags(glib::ParamFlags::READWRITE) .default_value(DEFAULT_STUN_SERVER) .mutable_ready() .build(), gst::ParamSpecArray::builder("turn-servers") .nick("List of TURN servers to use") .blurb("The TURN servers of the form <\"turn(s)://username:password@host:port\", \"turn(s)://username1:password1@host1:port1\">") .element_spec(&glib::ParamSpecString::builder("turn-server") .nick("TURN Server") .blurb("The TURN server of the form turn(s)://username:password@host:port.") .build() ) .mutable_ready() .build(), glib::ParamSpecObject::builder::("signaller") .flags(glib::ParamFlags::READWRITE | glib::ParamFlags::CONSTRUCT_ONLY) .blurb("The Signallable object to use to handle WebRTC Signalling") .build(), glib::ParamSpecBoxed::builder::("meta") .flags(glib::ParamFlags::READWRITE | gst::PARAM_FLAG_MUTABLE_READY) .blurb("Free form metadata about the consumer") .build(), gst::ParamSpecArray::builder("video-codecs") .flags(glib::ParamFlags::READWRITE | gst::PARAM_FLAG_MUTABLE_READY) .blurb(&format!("Names of video codecs to be be used during the SDP negotiation. Valid values: [{}]", Codecs::video_codec_names().into_iter().collect::>().join(", ") )) .element_spec(&glib::ParamSpecString::builder("video-codec-name").build()) .build(), gst::ParamSpecArray::builder("audio-codecs") .flags(glib::ParamFlags::READWRITE | gst::PARAM_FLAG_MUTABLE_READY) .blurb(&format!("Names of audio codecs to be be used during the SDP negotiation. Valid values: [{}]", Codecs::audio_codec_names().into_iter().collect::>().join(", ") )) .element_spec(&glib::ParamSpecString::builder("audio-codec-name").build()) .build(), glib::ParamSpecBoolean::builder("enable-data-channel-navigation") .nick("Enable data channel navigation") .blurb("Enable navigation events through a dedicated WebRTCDataChannel") .default_value(DEFAULT_ENABLE_DATA_CHANNEL_NAVIGATION) .mutable_ready() .build(), ] }); PROPS.as_ref() } fn set_property(&self, _id: usize, value: &glib::Value, pspec: &glib::ParamSpec) { match pspec.name() { "signaller" => { let signaller = value .get::>() .expect("type checked upstream"); if let Some(signaller) = signaller { self.settings.lock().unwrap().signaller = signaller; } // else: signaller not set as a construct property // => use default Signaller } "video-codecs" => { self.settings.lock().unwrap().video_codecs = value .get::() .expect("type checked upstream") .as_slice() .iter() .filter_map(|codec_name| { Codecs::find(codec_name.get::<&str>().expect("type checked upstream")) }) .collect::>() } "audio-codecs" => { self.settings.lock().unwrap().audio_codecs = value .get::() .expect("type checked upstream") .as_slice() .iter() .filter_map(|codec_name| { Codecs::find(codec_name.get::<&str>().expect("type checked upstream")) }) .collect::>() } "stun-server" => { self.settings.lock().unwrap().stun_server = value .get::>() .expect("type checked upstream"); } "turn-servers" => { let mut settings = self.settings.lock().unwrap(); settings.turn_servers = value.get::().expect("type checked upstream"); } "meta" => { self.settings.lock().unwrap().meta = value .get::>() .expect("type checked upstream") } "enable-data-channel-navigation" => { let mut settings = self.settings.lock().unwrap(); settings.enable_data_channel_navigation = value.get::().unwrap(); } _ => unimplemented!(), } } fn property(&self, _id: usize, pspec: &glib::ParamSpec) -> glib::Value { match pspec.name() { "signaller" => self.settings.lock().unwrap().signaller.to_value(), "video-codecs" => gst::Array::new( self.settings .lock() .unwrap() .video_codecs .iter() .map(|v| &v.name), ) .to_value(), "audio-codecs" => gst::Array::new( self.settings .lock() .unwrap() .audio_codecs .iter() .map(|v| &v.name), ) .to_value(), "stun-server" => self.settings.lock().unwrap().stun_server.to_value(), "turn-servers" => self.settings.lock().unwrap().turn_servers.to_value(), "meta" => self.settings.lock().unwrap().meta.to_value(), "enable-data-channel-navigation" => { let settings = self.settings.lock().unwrap(); settings.enable_data_channel_navigation.to_value() } name => panic!("{} getter not implemented", name), } } fn signals() -> &'static [glib::subclass::Signal] { static SIGNALS: Lazy> = Lazy::new(|| { vec![ /** * BaseWebRTCSrc::request-encoded-filter: * @producer_id: Identifier of the producer * @pad_name: The name of the output pad * @allowed_caps: the allowed caps for the output pad * * This signal can be used to insert a filter * element between: * * - the depayloader and the decoder. * - the depayloader and downstream element if * no decoders are used. * * Returns: the element to insert. */ glib::subclass::Signal::builder("request-encoded-filter") .param_types([ String::static_type(), String::static_type(), Option::::static_type(), ]) .return_type::() .build(), ] }); SIGNALS.as_ref() } fn constructed(&self) { self.parent_constructed(); let signaller = self.settings.lock().unwrap().signaller.clone(); self.connect_signaller(&signaller); let obj = &*self.obj(); obj.set_suppressed_flags(gst::ElementFlags::SINK | gst::ElementFlags::SOURCE); obj.set_element_flags(gst::ElementFlags::SOURCE); } } impl Default for Settings { fn default() -> Self { let signaller = Signaller::default(); Self { stun_server: DEFAULT_STUN_SERVER.map(|v| v.to_string()), turn_servers: Default::default(), signaller: signaller.upcast(), meta: Default::default(), audio_codecs: Codecs::audio_codecs() .into_iter() .filter(|codec| codec.has_decoder()) .collect(), video_codecs: Codecs::video_codecs() .into_iter() .filter(|codec| codec.has_decoder()) .collect(), enable_data_channel_navigation: DEFAULT_ENABLE_DATA_CHANNEL_NAVIGATION, } } } #[allow(dead_code)] struct SignallerSignals { error: glib::SignalHandlerId, session_started: glib::SignalHandlerId, session_ended: glib::SignalHandlerId, request_meta: glib::SignalHandlerId, session_description: glib::SignalHandlerId, handle_ice: glib::SignalHandlerId, } impl BaseWebRTCSrc { fn webrtcbin(&self) -> gst::Bin { let state = self.state.lock().unwrap(); let webrtcbin = state .webrtcbin .as_ref() .expect("We should never call `.webrtcbin()` when state not > Ready") .clone() .downcast::() .unwrap(); webrtcbin } fn signaller(&self) -> Signallable { self.settings.lock().unwrap().signaller.clone() } // Maps the `webrtcbin` pad to our exposed source pad using the pad stream ID. fn get_src_pad_from_webrtcbin_pad(&self, webrtcbin_src: &gst::Pad) -> Option { self.get_stream_id( Some(webrtcbin_src.property::("transceiver")), None, ) .and_then(|stream_id| { self.obj().iterate_src_pads().into_iter().find_map(|s| { let pad = s.ok()?.downcast::().unwrap(); if pad.imp().stream_id() == stream_id { Some(pad) } else { None } }) }) } fn send_navigation_event(&self, evt: gst_video::NavigationEvent) { if let Some(data_channel) = &self.state.lock().unwrap().data_channel.borrow_mut() { let nav_event = NavigationEvent { mid: None, event: evt, }; match serde_json::to_string(&nav_event).ok() { Some(str) => { gst::trace!(CAT, imp: self, "Sending navigation event to peer"); data_channel.send_string(Some(str.as_str())); } None => { gst::error!(CAT, imp: self, "Could not serialize navigation event"); } } } } fn handle_webrtc_src_pad(&self, bin: &gst::Bin, pad: &gst::Pad) { let srcpad = self.get_src_pad_from_webrtcbin_pad(pad); if let Some(ref srcpad) = srcpad { let stream_id = srcpad.imp().stream_id(); let mut builder = gst::event::StreamStart::builder(&stream_id); if let Some(stream_start) = pad.sticky_event::(0) { builder = builder .seqnum(stream_start.seqnum()) .group_id(stream_start.group_id().unwrap_or_else(gst::GroupId::next)); } gst::debug!(CAT, imp: self, "Storing id {stream_id} on {pad:?}"); pad.store_sticky_event(&builder.build()).ok(); } let ghostpad = gst::GhostPad::builder(gst::PadDirection::Src) .with_target(pad) .unwrap() .proxy_pad_chain_function(glib::clone!(@weak self as this => @default-panic, move |pad, parent, buffer| { let padret = gst::ProxyPad::chain_default(pad, parent, buffer); let ret = this.state.lock().unwrap().flow_combiner.update_flow(padret); ret } )) .proxy_pad_event_function(glib::clone!(@weak self as this => @default-panic, move |pad, parent, event| { let event = if let gst::EventView::StreamStart(stream_start) = event.view() { let webrtcpad = pad.peer().unwrap(); this.get_src_pad_from_webrtcbin_pad(&webrtcpad) .map(|srcpad| { gst::event::StreamStart::builder(&srcpad.imp().stream_id()) .seqnum(stream_start.seqnum()) .group_id(stream_start.group_id().unwrap_or_else(gst::GroupId::next)) .build() }).unwrap_or(event) } else { event }; gst::Pad::event_default(pad, parent, event) })) .build(); if self.settings.lock().unwrap().enable_data_channel_navigation { pad.add_probe( gst::PadProbeType::EVENT_UPSTREAM, glib::clone!(@weak self as this => @default-panic, move |_pad, info| { let Some(ev) = info.event() else { return gst::PadProbeReturn::Ok; }; if ev.type_() != gst::EventType::Navigation { return gst::PadProbeReturn::Ok; }; this.send_navigation_event (gst_video::NavigationEvent::parse(ev).unwrap()); gst::PadProbeReturn::Ok }), ); } bin.add_pad(&ghostpad) .expect("Adding ghostpad to the bin should always work"); if let Some(srcpad) = srcpad { let producer_id = self.signaller().property::("producer-peer-id"); let encoded_filter = self.obj().emit_by_name::>( "request-encoded-filter", &[&producer_id, &srcpad.name(), &srcpad.allowed_caps()], ); if srcpad.imp().needs_decoding() { let decodebin = gst::ElementFactory::make("decodebin3") .build() .expect("decodebin3 needs to be present!"); self.obj().add(&decodebin).unwrap(); decodebin.sync_state_with_parent().unwrap(); decodebin.connect_pad_added( glib::clone!(@weak self as this, @weak srcpad => move |_webrtcbin, pad| { if pad.direction() == gst::PadDirection::Sink { return; } srcpad.set_target(Some(pad)).unwrap(); }), ); gst::debug!(CAT, imp: self, "Decoding for {}", srcpad.imp().stream_id()); if let Some(encoded_filter) = encoded_filter { let filter_sink_pad = encoded_filter .static_pad("sink") .expect("encoded filter must expose a static sink pad"); let parsebin = gst::ElementFactory::make("parsebin") .build() .expect("parsebin needs to be present!"); self.obj().add_many([&parsebin, &encoded_filter]).unwrap(); parsebin.connect_pad_added(move |_, pad| { pad.link(&filter_sink_pad) .expect("parsebin ! encoded_filter linking failed"); encoded_filter .link(&decodebin) .expect("encoded_filter ! decodebin3 linking failed"); encoded_filter.sync_state_with_parent().unwrap(); }); ghostpad .link(&parsebin.static_pad("sink").unwrap()) .expect("webrtcbin ! parsebin linking failed"); parsebin.sync_state_with_parent().unwrap(); } else { let sinkpad = decodebin .static_pad("sink") .expect("decodebin has a sink pad"); ghostpad .link(&sinkpad) .expect("webrtcbin ! decodebin3 linking failed"); } } else { gst::debug!( CAT, imp: self, "NO decoding for {}", srcpad.imp().stream_id() ); if let Some(encoded_filter) = encoded_filter { let filter_sink_pad = encoded_filter .static_pad("sink") .expect("encoded filter must expose a static sink pad"); let filter_src_pad = encoded_filter .static_pad("src") .expect("encoded filter must expose a static src pad"); self.obj().add(&encoded_filter).unwrap(); ghostpad .link(&filter_sink_pad) .expect("webrtcbin ! encoded_filter linking failed"); srcpad.set_target(Some(&filter_src_pad)).unwrap(); encoded_filter.sync_state_with_parent().unwrap(); } else { srcpad.set_target(Some(&ghostpad)).unwrap(); } } } else { gst::debug!(CAT, imp: self, "Unused webrtcbin pad {pad:?}"); } } fn prepare(&self) -> Result<(), Error> { let webrtcbin = gst::ElementFactory::make("webrtcbin") .property("bundle-policy", gst_webrtc::WebRTCBundlePolicy::MaxBundle) .build() .with_context(|| "Failed to make element webrtcbin".to_string())?; { let settings = self.settings.lock().unwrap(); if let Some(stun_server) = settings.stun_server.as_ref() { webrtcbin.set_property("stun-server", stun_server); } for turn_server in settings.turn_servers.iter() { webrtcbin.emit_by_name::("add-turn-server", &[&turn_server]); } } let bin = gst::Bin::new(); bin.connect_pad_removed(glib::clone!(@weak self as this => move |_, pad| this.state.lock().unwrap().flow_combiner.remove_pad(pad); )); bin.connect_pad_added(glib::clone!(@weak self as this => move |_, pad| this.state.lock().unwrap().flow_combiner.add_pad(pad); )); webrtcbin.connect_pad_added( glib::clone!(@weak self as this, @weak bin, => move |_webrtcbin, pad| { if pad.direction() == gst::PadDirection::Sink { return; } this.handle_webrtc_src_pad(&bin, pad); }), ); webrtcbin.connect_closure( "on-ice-candidate", false, glib::closure!(@weak-allow-none self as this => move | _webrtcbin: gst::Bin, sdp_m_line_index: u32, candidate: String| { this.unwrap().on_ice_candidate(sdp_m_line_index, candidate); }), ); webrtcbin.connect_closure( "on-data-channel", false, glib::closure!(@weak-allow-none self as this => move | _webrtcbin: gst::Bin, data_channel: glib::Object| { this.unwrap().on_data_channel(data_channel); }), ); self.signaller() .emit_by_name::<()>("webrtcbin-ready", &[&"none", &webrtcbin]); bin.add(&webrtcbin).unwrap(); self.obj().add(&bin).context("Could not add `webrtcbin`")?; let mut state = self.state.lock().unwrap(); state.webrtcbin.replace(webrtcbin); Ok(()) } fn get_stream_id( &self, transceiver: Option, mline: Option, ) -> Option { let mline = transceiver.map_or(mline, |t| Some(t.mlineindex())); // Same logic as gst_pad_create_stream_id and friends, making a hash of // the URI (session id, if URI doesn't exist) and adding `:`, here the ID is the mline of the // stream in the SDP. mline.map(|mline| { let mut cs = glib::Checksum::new(glib::ChecksumType::Sha256).unwrap(); let data: String = if self .signaller() .has_property("uri", Some(String::static_type())) { self.signaller().property::>("uri").unwrap() } else { // use the session id self.state.lock().unwrap().session_id.clone().unwrap() }; cs.update(data.as_bytes()); format!("{}:{mline}", cs.string().unwrap()) }) } fn unprepare(&self) -> Result<(), Error> { gst::info!(CAT, imp: self, "unpreparing"); let obj = self.obj(); self.maybe_stop_signaller(); self.state.lock().unwrap().session_id = None; for pad in obj.src_pads() { obj.remove_pad(&pad) .map_err(|err| anyhow::anyhow!("Couldn't remove pad? {err:?}"))?; } self.n_video_pads.store(0, Ordering::SeqCst); self.n_audio_pads.store(0, Ordering::SeqCst); Ok(()) } fn connect_signaller(&self, signaller: &Signallable) { let instance = &*self.obj(); let _ = self .state .lock() .unwrap() .signaller_signals .insert(SignallerSignals { error: signaller.connect_closure( "error", false, glib::closure!(@watch instance => move | _signaller: glib::Object, error: String| { gst::element_error!( instance, gst::StreamError::Failed, ["Signalling error: {}", error] ); }), ), session_started: signaller.connect_closure( "session-started", false, glib::closure!(@watch instance => move | _signaller: glib::Object, session_id: &str, _peer_id: &str| { let imp = instance.imp(); gst::info!(CAT, imp: imp, "Session started: {session_id}"); imp.state.lock().unwrap().session_id = Some(session_id.to_string()); }), ), session_ended: signaller.connect_closure( "session-ended", false, glib::closure!(@watch instance => move |_signaler: glib::Object, _session_id: &str|{ instance.imp().state.lock().unwrap().session_id = None; instance.iterate_src_pads().into_iter().for_each(|pad| { if let Err(e) = pad.map(|pad| pad.push_event(gst::event::Eos::new())) { gst::error!(CAT, "Could not send EOS: {e:?}"); }} ); false }), ), request_meta: signaller.connect_closure( "request-meta", false, glib::closure!(@watch instance => move | _signaller: glib::Object| -> Option { instance.imp().settings.lock().unwrap().meta.clone() }), ), session_description: signaller.connect_closure( "session-description", false, glib::closure!(@watch instance => move | _signaller: glib::Object, _peer_id: &str, desc: &gst_webrtc::WebRTCSessionDescription| { assert_eq!(desc.type_(), gst_webrtc::WebRTCSDPType::Offer); instance.imp().handle_offer(desc); }), ), // sdp_mid is exposed for future proofing, see // https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/gstreamer/gst-plugins-bad/-/issues/1174, // at the moment sdp_m_line_index must be Some handle_ice: signaller.connect_closure( "handle-ice", false, glib::closure!(@watch instance => move | _signaller: glib::Object, peer_id: &str, sdp_m_line_index: u32, _sdp_mid: Option, candidate: &str| { instance.imp().handle_ice(peer_id, Some(sdp_m_line_index), None, candidate); }), ), }); // previous signals are disconnected when dropping the old structure } // Creates and adds our `WebRTCSrcPad` source pad, returning caps accepted // downstream fn create_and_probe_src_pad(&self, caps: &gst::Caps, stream_id: &str) -> bool { gst::log!(CAT, "Creating pad for {caps:?}, stream: {stream_id}"); let obj = self.obj(); let media_type = caps .structure(0) .expect("Passing empty caps is invalid") .get::<&str>("media") .expect("Only caps with a `media` field are expected when creating the pad"); let (template, name, raw_caps) = if media_type == "video" { ( obj.pad_template("video_%u").unwrap(), format!("video_{}", self.n_video_pads.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst)), VIDEO_CAPS.to_owned(), ) } else if media_type == "audio" { ( obj.pad_template("audio_%u").unwrap(), format!("audio_{}", self.n_audio_pads.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst)), AUDIO_CAPS.to_owned(), ) } else { gst::info!(CAT, imp: self, "Not an audio or video media {media_type:?}"); return false; }; let caps_with_raw = [caps.clone(), raw_caps.clone()] .into_iter() .collect::(); let ghost = gst::GhostPad::builder_from_template(&template) .name(name) .build() .downcast::() .unwrap(); ghost.imp().set_stream_id(stream_id); obj.add_pad(&ghost) .expect("Adding ghost pad should never fail"); let downstream_caps = ghost.peer_query_caps(Some(&caps_with_raw)); if let Some(first_struct) = downstream_caps.structure(0) { if first_struct.has_name(raw_caps.structure(0).unwrap().name()) { ghost.imp().set_needs_decoding(true) } } true } fn handle_offer(&self, offer: &gst_webrtc::WebRTCSessionDescription) { gst::log!(CAT, imp: self, "Got offer {}", offer.sdp().to_string()); let sdp = offer.sdp(); let direction = gst_webrtc::WebRTCRTPTransceiverDirection::Recvonly; let webrtcbin = self.webrtcbin(); for (i, media) in sdp.medias().enumerate() { let codec_names = { let settings = self.settings.lock().unwrap(); settings .video_codecs .iter() .chain(settings.audio_codecs.iter()) .map(|codec| codec.name.clone()) .collect::>() }; let caps = media .formats() .filter_map(|format| { format.parse::().ok().and_then(|pt| { let mut mediacaps = media.caps_from_media(pt)?; let s = mediacaps.structure(0).unwrap(); if !codec_names.contains(s.get::<&str>("encoding-name").ok()?) { return None; } let mut filtered_s = gst::Structure::new_empty("application/x-rtp"); filtered_s.extend(s.iter().filter_map(|(key, value)| { if key.starts_with("rtcp-") { None } else { Some((key, value.to_owned())) } })); if media .attributes_to_caps(mediacaps.get_mut().unwrap()) .is_err() { gst::warning!( CAT, imp: self, "Failed to retrieve attributes from media!" ); return None; } let s = mediacaps.structure(0).unwrap(); filtered_s.extend(s.iter().filter_map(|(key, value)| { if key.starts_with("extmap-") { if let Ok(s) = value.get::() { if s == RTP_TWCC_URI { return Some((key, value.to_owned())); } } } None })); Some(filtered_s) }) }) .collect::(); if !caps.is_empty() { let stream_id = self.get_stream_id(None, Some(i as u32)).unwrap(); if self.create_and_probe_src_pad(&caps, &stream_id) { gst::info!( CAT, imp: self, "Adding transceiver for {stream_id} with caps: {caps:#?}" ); let transceiver = webrtcbin.emit_by_name::( "add-transceiver", &[&direction, &caps], ); transceiver.set_property("do_nack", true); transceiver.set_property("fec-type", gst_webrtc::WebRTCFECType::UlpRed); } } else { gst::info!( CAT, "Not using media: {media:#?} as it doesn't match our codec restrictions" ); } } webrtcbin.emit_by_name::<()>("set-remote-description", &[&offer, &None::]); let obj = self.obj(); obj.no_more_pads(); let promise = gst::Promise::with_change_func(glib::clone!(@weak self as this => move |reply| { this.on_answer_created(reply); } )); webrtcbin.emit_by_name::<()>("create-answer", &[&None::, &promise]); } fn on_answer_created(&self, reply: Result, gst::PromiseError>) { let reply = match reply { Ok(Some(reply)) => { if !reply.has_field_with_type( "answer", gst_webrtc::WebRTCSessionDescription::static_type(), ) { gst::element_error!( self.obj(), gst::StreamError::Failed, ["create-answer::Promise returned with no reply"] ); return; } else if reply.has_field_with_type("error", glib::Error::static_type()) { gst::element_error!( self.obj(), gst::LibraryError::Failed, ["create-offer::Promise returned with error: {:?}", reply] ); return; } reply } Ok(None) => { gst::element_error!( self.obj(), gst::StreamError::Failed, ["create-answer::Promise returned with no reply"] ); return; } Err(err) => { gst::element_error!( self.obj(), gst::LibraryError::Failed, ["create-answer::Promise returned with error {:?}", err] ); return; } }; let answer = reply .value("answer") .unwrap() .get::() .expect("Invalid argument"); self.webrtcbin() .emit_by_name::<()>("set-local-description", &[&answer, &None::]); let session_id = { let state = self.state.lock().unwrap(); match &state.session_id { Some(id) => id.to_owned(), _ => { gst::element_error!( self.obj(), gst::StreamError::Failed, ["Signalling error, no session started while requesting to send an SDP offer"] ); return; } } }; gst::log!(CAT, imp: self, "Sending SDP, {}", answer.sdp().to_string()); let signaller = self.signaller(); signaller.send_sdp(&session_id, &answer); } fn on_data_channel(&self, data_channel: glib::Object) { gst::info!(CAT, imp: self, "Received data channel {data_channel:?}"); let mut state = self.state.lock().unwrap(); state.data_channel = data_channel.dynamic_cast::().ok(); } fn on_ice_candidate(&self, sdp_m_line_index: u32, candidate: String) { let signaller = self.signaller(); let session_id = match self.state.lock().unwrap().session_id.as_ref() { Some(id) => id.to_string(), _ => { gst::element_error!( self.obj(), gst::StreamError::Failed, ["Signalling error, no session started while requesting to propose ice candidates"] ); return; } }; signaller.add_ice(&session_id, &candidate, sdp_m_line_index, None::); } /// Called by the signaller with an ice candidate fn handle_ice( &self, peer_id: &str, sdp_m_line_index: Option, _sdp_mid: Option, candidate: &str, ) { let sdp_m_line_index = match sdp_m_line_index { Some(m_line) => m_line, None => { gst::error!(CAT, imp: self, "No mandatory mline"); return; } }; gst::log!(CAT, imp: self, "Got ice from {peer_id}: {candidate}"); self.webrtcbin() .emit_by_name::<()>("add-ice-candidate", &[&sdp_m_line_index, &candidate]); } fn maybe_start_signaller(&self) { let obj = self.obj(); let mut state = self.state.lock().unwrap(); if state.signaller_state == SignallerState::Stopped && obj.current_state() >= gst::State::Paused { self.signaller().start(); gst::info!(CAT, imp: self, "Started signaller"); state.signaller_state = SignallerState::Started; } } fn maybe_stop_signaller(&self) { let mut state = self.state.lock().unwrap(); if state.signaller_state == SignallerState::Started { self.signaller().stop(); state.signaller_state = SignallerState::Stopped; gst::info!(CAT, imp: self, "Stopped signaller"); } } pub fn set_signaller(&self, signaller: Signallable) -> Result<(), Error> { let sigobj = signaller.clone(); let mut settings = self.settings.lock().unwrap(); self.connect_signaller(&sigobj); settings.signaller = signaller; Ok(()) } } impl ElementImpl for BaseWebRTCSrc { fn pad_templates() -> &'static [gst::PadTemplate] { static PAD_TEMPLATES: Lazy> = Lazy::new(|| { let mut video_caps_builder = gst::Caps::builder_full() .structure_with_any_features(VIDEO_CAPS.structure(0).unwrap().to_owned()) .structure(RTP_CAPS.structure(0).unwrap().to_owned()); for codec in Codecs::video_codecs() { video_caps_builder = video_caps_builder.structure(codec.caps.structure(0).unwrap().to_owned()); } let mut audio_caps_builder = gst::Caps::builder_full() .structure_with_any_features(AUDIO_CAPS.structure(0).unwrap().to_owned()) .structure(RTP_CAPS.structure(0).unwrap().to_owned()); for codec in Codecs::audio_codecs() { audio_caps_builder = audio_caps_builder.structure(codec.caps.structure(0).unwrap().to_owned()); } vec![ gst::PadTemplate::with_gtype( "video_%u", gst::PadDirection::Src, gst::PadPresence::Sometimes, &video_caps_builder.build(), WebRTCSrcPad::static_type(), ) .unwrap(), gst::PadTemplate::with_gtype( "audio_%u", gst::PadDirection::Src, gst::PadPresence::Sometimes, &audio_caps_builder.build(), WebRTCSrcPad::static_type(), ) .unwrap(), ] }); PAD_TEMPLATES.as_ref() } fn change_state( &self, transition: gst::StateChange, ) -> Result { let obj = &*self.obj(); if let gst::StateChange::NullToReady = transition { if let Err(err) = self.prepare() { gst::element_error!( obj, gst::StreamError::Failed, ["Failed to prepare: {}", err] ); return Err(gst::StateChangeError); } } let mut ret = self.parent_change_state(transition); match transition { gst::StateChange::PausedToReady => { if let Err(err) = self.unprepare() { gst::element_error!( obj, gst::StreamError::Failed, ["Failed to unprepare: {}", err] ); return Err(gst::StateChangeError); } } gst::StateChange::ReadyToPaused => { ret = Ok(gst::StateChangeSuccess::NoPreroll); } gst::StateChange::PlayingToPaused => { ret = Ok(gst::StateChangeSuccess::NoPreroll); } gst::StateChange::PausedToPlaying => { self.maybe_start_signaller(); } _ => (), } ret } fn send_event(&self, event: gst::Event) -> bool { match event.view() { gst::EventView::Navigation(ev) => { self.send_navigation_event(gst_video::NavigationEvent::parse(ev).unwrap()); true } _ => true, } } } impl GstObjectImpl for BaseWebRTCSrc {} impl BinImpl for BaseWebRTCSrc {} impl ChildProxyImpl for BaseWebRTCSrc { fn child_by_index(&self, index: u32) -> Option { if index == 0 { Some(self.signaller().upcast()) } else { None } } fn children_count(&self) -> u32 { 1 } fn child_by_name(&self, name: &str) -> Option { match name { "signaller" => { gst::info!(CAT, imp: self, "Getting signaller"); Some(self.signaller().upcast()) } _ => None, } } } #[derive(PartialEq)] enum SignallerState { Started, Stopped, } struct State { session_id: Option, signaller_state: SignallerState, webrtcbin: Option, flow_combiner: gst_base::UniqueFlowCombiner, signaller_signals: Option, data_channel: Option, } impl Default for State { fn default() -> Self { Self { signaller_state: SignallerState::Stopped, session_id: None, webrtcbin: None, flow_combiner: Default::default(), signaller_signals: Default::default(), data_channel: None, } } } #[derive(Default)] pub struct WebRTCSrc {} impl ObjectImpl for WebRTCSrc {} impl GstObjectImpl for WebRTCSrc {} impl BinImpl for WebRTCSrc {} impl ElementImpl for WebRTCSrc { fn metadata() -> Option<&'static gst::subclass::ElementMetadata> { static ELEMENT_METADATA: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| { gst::subclass::ElementMetadata::new( "WebRTCSrc", "Source/Network/WebRTC", "WebRTC src", "Thibault Saunier ", ) }); Some(&*ELEMENT_METADATA) } } impl BaseWebRTCSrcImpl for WebRTCSrc {} impl URIHandlerImpl for WebRTCSrc { const URI_TYPE: gst::URIType = gst::URIType::Src; fn protocols() -> &'static [&'static str] { &["gstwebrtc", "gstwebrtcs"] } fn uri(&self) -> Option { let obj = self.obj(); let base = obj.upcast_ref::().imp(); base.signaller().property::>("uri") } fn set_uri(&self, uri: &str) -> Result<(), glib::Error> { let uri = Url::from_str(uri) .map_err(|err| glib::Error::new(gst::URIError::BadUri, &format!("{:?}", err)))?; let socket_scheme = match uri.scheme() { "gstwebrtc" => Ok("ws"), "gstwebrtcs" => Ok("wss"), _ => Err(glib::Error::new( gst::URIError::BadUri, &format!("Invalid protocol: {}", uri.scheme()), )), }?; let mut url_str = uri.to_string(); // Not using `set_scheme()` because it doesn't work with `http` // See https://github.com/servo/rust-url/pull/768 for a PR implementing that url_str.replace_range(0..uri.scheme().len(), socket_scheme); let obj = self.obj(); let base = obj.upcast_ref::().imp(); base.signaller().set_property("uri", &url_str); Ok(()) } } #[glib::object_subclass] impl ObjectSubclass for WebRTCSrc { const NAME: &'static str = "GstWebRTCSrc"; type Type = super::WebRTCSrc; type ParentType = super::BaseWebRTCSrc; type Interfaces = (gst::URIHandler,); } #[derive(Default)] pub struct WhipServerSrc {} impl ObjectImpl for WhipServerSrc { fn constructed(&self) { self.parent_constructed(); let element = self.obj(); let ws = element.upcast_ref::().imp(); let _ = ws.set_signaller(WhipServerSignaller::default().upcast()); let obj = &*self.obj(); obj.set_suppressed_flags(gst::ElementFlags::SINK | gst::ElementFlags::SOURCE); obj.set_element_flags(gst::ElementFlags::SOURCE); let settings = ws.settings.lock().unwrap(); element .bind_property("stun-server", &settings.signaller, "stun-server") .build(); element .bind_property("turn-servers", &settings.signaller, "turn-servers") .build(); } } impl GstObjectImpl for WhipServerSrc {} impl BinImpl for WhipServerSrc {} impl ElementImpl for WhipServerSrc { fn metadata() -> Option<&'static gst::subclass::ElementMetadata> { static ELEMENT_METADATA: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| { gst::subclass::ElementMetadata::new( "WhipServerSrc", "Source/Network/WebRTC", "WebRTC source element using WHIP Server as the signaller", "Taruntej Kanakamalla ", ) }); Some(&*ELEMENT_METADATA) } } impl BaseWebRTCSrcImpl for WhipServerSrc {} #[glib::object_subclass] impl ObjectSubclass for WhipServerSrc { const NAME: &'static str = "GstWhipServerSrc"; type Type = super::WhipServerSrc; type ParentType = super::BaseWebRTCSrc; }