mod iface; mod imp; use gst::glib; use once_cell::sync::Lazy; // Expose traits and objects from the module itself so it exactly looks like // generated bindings pub use imp::WebRTCSignallerRole; pub mod prelude { pub use {super::SignallableExt, super::SignallableImpl}; } pub static CAT: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| { gst::DebugCategory::new( "webrtcsrc-signaller", gst::DebugColorFlags::empty(), Some("WebRTC src signaller"), ) }); glib::wrapper! { pub struct Signallable(ObjectInterface); } glib::wrapper! { pub struct Signaller(ObjectSubclass ) @implements Signallable; } impl Default for Signaller { fn default() -> Self { glib::Object::builder().build() } } impl Signaller { pub fn new(mode: WebRTCSignallerRole) -> Self { glib::Object::builder().property("role", &mode).build() } } pub use iface::SignallableExt; pub use iface::SignallableImpl; unsafe impl Send for Signallable {} unsafe impl Sync for Signallable {}