// Copyright (C) 2018-2020 Sebastian Dröge // Copyright (C) 2019-2022 François Laignel // // Take a look at the license at the top of the repository in the LICENSE file. use futures::future::poll_fn; use futures::pin_mut; use gio::glib::clone::Downgrade; use std::cell::RefCell; use std::future::Future; use std::panic; #[cfg(feature = "tuning")] use std::sync::atomic::AtomicU64; use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}; use std::sync::mpsc as sync_mpsc; use std::sync::{Arc, Condvar, Mutex, Weak}; use std::task::Poll; use std::thread; use std::time::{Duration, Instant}; use waker_fn::waker_fn; use super::task::{SubTaskOutput, TaskId, TaskQueue}; use super::{CallOnDrop, JoinHandle, Reactor}; use crate::runtime::RUNTIME_CAT; thread_local! { static CURRENT_SCHEDULER: RefCell> = RefCell::new(None); } #[derive(Debug)] pub(super) struct Scheduler { context_name: Arc, max_throttling: Duration, tasks: TaskQueue, must_unpark: Mutex, must_unpark_cvar: Condvar, #[cfg(feature = "tuning")] parked_duration: AtomicU64, } impl Scheduler { pub const DUMMY_NAME: &'static str = "DUMMY"; const MAX_SUCCESSIVE_TASKS: usize = 64; pub fn start(context_name: &str, max_throttling: Duration) -> Handle { // Name the thread so that it appears in panic messages. let thread = thread::Builder::new().name(context_name.to_string()); let (handle_sender, handle_receiver) = sync_mpsc::channel(); let context_name = Arc::from(context_name); let thread_ctx_name = Arc::clone(&context_name); let join = thread .spawn(move || { gst::debug!( RUNTIME_CAT, "Started Scheduler thread for Context {}", thread_ctx_name ); let handle = Scheduler::init(Arc::clone(&thread_ctx_name), max_throttling); let this = Arc::clone(&handle.0.scheduler); let must_shutdown = handle.0.must_shutdown.clone(); let handle_weak = handle.downgrade(); handle_sender.send(handle).unwrap(); let shutdown_fut = poll_fn(move |_| { if must_shutdown.load(Ordering::SeqCst) { Poll::Ready(()) } else { Poll::Pending } }); // Blocking on `shutdown_fut` which is cheap to `poll`. match this.block_on_priv(shutdown_fut) { Ok(_) => { gst::debug!( RUNTIME_CAT, "Scheduler thread shut down for Context {}", thread_ctx_name ); } Err(e) => { gst::error!( RUNTIME_CAT, "Scheduler thread shut down due to an error within Context {}", thread_ctx_name ); if let Some(handle) = handle_weak.upgrade() { handle.self_shutdown(); } panic::resume_unwind(e); } } }) .expect("Failed to spawn Scheduler thread"); let handle = handle_receiver.recv().expect("Context thread init failed"); handle.set_join_handle(join); handle } fn init(context_name: Arc, max_throttling: Duration) -> Handle { let handle = CURRENT_SCHEDULER.with(|cur_scheduler| { let mut cur_scheduler = cur_scheduler.borrow_mut(); if cur_scheduler.is_some() { panic!("Attempt to initialize an Scheduler on thread where another Scheduler is running."); } let handle = Handle::new(Arc::new(Scheduler { context_name: context_name.clone(), max_throttling, tasks: TaskQueue::new(context_name), must_unpark: Mutex::new(false), must_unpark_cvar: Condvar::new(), #[cfg(feature = "tuning")] parked_duration: AtomicU64::new(0), })); *cur_scheduler = Some(handle.downgrade()); handle }); Reactor::init(handle.max_throttling()); handle } pub fn block_on(future: F) -> F::Output where F: Future + Send + 'static, F::Output: Send + 'static, { assert!( !Scheduler::is_scheduler_thread(), "Attempt to block within an existing Scheduler thread." ); let handle = Scheduler::init(Scheduler::DUMMY_NAME.into(), Duration::ZERO); let this = Arc::clone(&handle.0.scheduler); // Move the (only) handle for this scheduler in the main task. let (task_id, task) = this.tasks.add(async move { let res = future.await; let task_id = TaskId::current().unwrap(); let _ = handle.drain_sub_tasks(task_id).await; res }); gst::trace!(RUNTIME_CAT, "Blocking on current thread with {:?}", task_id); let _guard = CallOnDrop::new(|| { gst::trace!( RUNTIME_CAT, "Blocking on current thread with {:?} done", task_id, ); }); // Blocking on `task` which is cheap to `poll`. match this.block_on_priv(task) { Ok(res) => res, Err(e) => { gst::error!( RUNTIME_CAT, "Panic blocking on Context {}", &Scheduler::DUMMY_NAME ); panic::resume_unwind(e); } } } // Important: the `termination_future` MUST be cheap to poll. // // Examples of appropriate `termination_future` are: // // - an `executor::Task` returned by `self.tasks.add(..)`. // - a `JoinHandle` returned by `Handle::spawn`. // - a custom future with few cycles (ex. checking an `AtomicBool`). fn block_on_priv(&self, termination_future: F) -> std::thread::Result where F: Future + Send + 'static, F::Output: Send + 'static, { let waker = waker_fn(|| ()); let cx = &mut std::task::Context::from_waker(&waker); pin_mut!(termination_future); let _guard = CallOnDrop::new(|| Scheduler::close(Arc::clone(&self.context_name))); let mut now; // This is to ensure reactor invocation on the first iteration. let mut last_react = Instant::now().checked_sub(self.max_throttling).unwrap(); let mut tasks_checked; 'main: loop { // Only check I/O and timers every `max_throttling`. now = Instant::now(); if now - last_react >= self.max_throttling { last_react = now; Reactor::with_mut(|reactor| reactor.react(now).ok()); } if let Poll::Ready(t) = termination_future.as_mut().poll(cx) { return Ok(t); } tasks_checked = 0; while tasks_checked < Self::MAX_SUCCESSIVE_TASKS { if let Ok(runnable) = self.tasks.pop_runnable() { panic::catch_unwind(|| runnable.run()).map_err(|err| { gst::error!( RUNTIME_CAT, "A task has panicked within Context {}", self.context_name ); err })?; tasks_checked += 1; } else { let mut must_unpark = self.must_unpark.lock().unwrap(); loop { if *must_unpark { *must_unpark = false; continue 'main; } if let Some(parking_duration) = self.max_throttling.checked_sub(last_react.elapsed()) { #[cfg(feature = "tuning")] self.parked_duration.fetch_add( parking_duration.subsec_nanos() as u64, Ordering::Relaxed, ); let result = self .must_unpark_cvar .wait_timeout(must_unpark, parking_duration) .unwrap(); must_unpark = result.0; } else { *must_unpark = false; continue 'main; } } } } } } fn unpark(&self) { let mut must_unpark = self.must_unpark.lock().unwrap(); *must_unpark = true; self.must_unpark_cvar.notify_one(); } fn close(context_name: Arc) { gst::trace!( RUNTIME_CAT, "Closing Scheduler for Context {}", context_name, ); Reactor::clear(); let _ = CURRENT_SCHEDULER.try_with(|cur_scheduler| { *cur_scheduler.borrow_mut() = None; }); } pub fn is_scheduler_thread() -> bool { CURRENT_SCHEDULER.with(|cur_scheduler| cur_scheduler.borrow().is_some()) } pub fn current() -> Option { CURRENT_SCHEDULER.with(|cur_scheduler| { cur_scheduler .borrow() .as_ref() .and_then(HandleWeak::upgrade) }) } pub fn is_current(&self) -> bool { CURRENT_SCHEDULER.with(|cur_scheduler| { cur_scheduler .borrow() .as_ref() .and_then(HandleWeak::upgrade) .map_or(false, |cur| { std::ptr::eq(self, Arc::as_ptr(&cur.0.scheduler)) }) }) } } #[derive(Debug)] struct HandleInner { scheduler: Arc, must_shutdown: Arc, join: Mutex>>, } impl HandleInner { fn new(scheduler: Arc) -> Self { HandleInner { scheduler, must_shutdown: Default::default(), join: Default::default(), } } } impl Drop for HandleInner { fn drop(&mut self) { if !self.must_shutdown.fetch_or(true, Ordering::SeqCst) { // Was not already shutting down. self.scheduler.unpark(); gst::trace!( RUNTIME_CAT, "Shutting down Scheduler thread for Context {}", self.scheduler.context_name ); // Don't block shutting down itself if !self.scheduler.is_current() { if let Some(join_handler) = self.join.lock().unwrap().take() { gst::trace!( RUNTIME_CAT, "Waiting for Scheduler thread to shutdown for Context {}", self.scheduler.context_name ); let _ = join_handler.join(); } } } } } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub(super) struct HandleWeak(Weak); impl HandleWeak { pub(super) fn upgrade(&self) -> Option { self.0.upgrade().map(Handle) } } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub(super) struct Handle(Arc); impl Handle { fn new(scheduler: Arc) -> Self { Handle(Arc::new(HandleInner::new(scheduler))) } fn set_join_handle(&self, join: thread::JoinHandle<()>) { *self.0.join.lock().unwrap() = Some(join); } fn self_shutdown(self) { self.0.must_shutdown.store(true, Ordering::SeqCst); *self.0.join.lock().unwrap() = None; } pub fn context_name(&self) -> &str { &self.0.scheduler.context_name } pub fn max_throttling(&self) -> Duration { self.0.scheduler.max_throttling } #[cfg(feature = "tuning")] pub fn parked_duration(&self) -> Duration { Duration::from_nanos(self.0.scheduler.parked_duration.load(Ordering::Relaxed)) } /// Executes the provided function relatively to this [`Scheduler`]'s [`Reactor`]. /// /// Useful to initialize i/o sources and timers from outside /// of a [`Scheduler`]. /// /// # Panic /// /// This will block current thread and would panic if run /// from the [`Scheduler`]. pub fn enter<'a, F, O>(&'a self, f: F) -> O where F: FnOnce() -> O + Send + 'a, O: Send + 'a, { assert!(!self.0.scheduler.is_current()); // Safety: bounding `self` to `'a` and blocking on the task // ensures that the lifetime bounds satisfy the safety // requirements for `TaskQueue::add_sync`. let task = unsafe { self.0.scheduler.tasks.add_sync(f) }; self.0.scheduler.unpark(); futures::executor::block_on(task) } pub fn spawn(&self, future: F) -> JoinHandle where F: Future + Send + 'static, F::Output: Send + 'static, { let (task_id, task) = self.0.scheduler.tasks.add(future); JoinHandle::new(task_id, task, self) } pub fn spawn_and_unpark(&self, future: F) -> JoinHandle where F: Future + Send + 'static, F::Output: Send + 'static, { let (task_id, task) = self.0.scheduler.tasks.add(future); self.0.scheduler.unpark(); JoinHandle::new(task_id, task, self) } pub(super) fn unpark(&self) { self.0.scheduler.unpark(); } pub fn add_sub_task(&self, task_id: TaskId, sub_task: T) -> Result<(), T> where T: Future + Send + 'static, { self.0.scheduler.tasks.add_sub_task(task_id, sub_task) } pub fn downgrade(&self) -> HandleWeak { HandleWeak(self.0.downgrade()) } pub async fn drain_sub_tasks(&self, task_id: TaskId) -> SubTaskOutput { let sub_tasks_fut = self.0.scheduler.tasks.drain_sub_tasks(task_id); sub_tasks_fut.await } } impl PartialEq for Handle { fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { Arc::ptr_eq(&self.0, &other.0) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::super::*; use std::time::Duration; #[test] fn block_on_task_join_handle() { use futures::channel::oneshot; use std::sync::mpsc; let (join_sender, join_receiver) = mpsc::channel(); let (shutdown_sender, shutdown_receiver) = oneshot::channel(); std::thread::spawn(move || { let handle = Scheduler::init("block_on_task_join_handle".into(), Duration::from_millis(2)); let join_handle = handle.spawn(async { timer::delay_for(Duration::from_millis(5)).await; 42 }); let _ = join_sender.send(join_handle); let _ = handle.0.scheduler.block_on_priv(shutdown_receiver); }); let task_join_handle = join_receiver.recv().unwrap(); let res = Scheduler::block_on(task_join_handle).unwrap(); let _ = shutdown_sender.send(()); assert_eq!(res, 42); } #[test] fn block_on_timer() { let res = Scheduler::block_on(async { timer::delay_for(Duration::from_millis(5)).await; 42 }); assert_eq!(res, 42); } #[test] fn enter_non_static() { let handle = Scheduler::start("enter_non_static", Duration::from_millis(2)); let mut flag = false; handle.enter(|| flag = true); assert!(flag); } }