// Copyright (C) 2019-2021 François Laignel // // Take a look at the license at the top of the repository in the LICENSE file. //! A `runtime` for the `threadshare` GStreamer plugins framework. //! //! Many `GStreamer` `Element`s internally spawn OS `thread`s. For most applications, this is not an //! issue. However, in applications which process many `Stream`s in parallel, the high number of //! `threads` leads to reduced efficiency due to: //! //! * context switches, //! * scheduler overhead, //! * most of the threads waiting for some resources to be available. //! //! The `threadshare` `runtime` is a framework to build `Element`s for such applications. It //! uses light-weight threading to allow multiple `Element`s share a reduced number of OS `thread`s. //! //! See this [talk] ([slides]) for a presentation of the motivations and principles, //! and this [blog post]. //! //! Current implementation uses a custom executor mostly based on the [`smol`] ecosystem. //! //! Most `Element`s implementations should use the high-level features provided by [`PadSrc`] & //! [`PadSink`]. //! //! [talk]: https://gstconf.ubicast.tv/videos/when-adding-more-threads-adds-more-problems-thread-sharing-between-elements-in-gstreamer/ //! [slides]: https://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/data/events/gstreamer-conference/2018/Sebastian%20Dr%C3%B6ge%20-%20When%20adding%20more%20threads%20adds%20more%20problems:%20Thread-sharing%20between%20elements%20in%20GStreamer.pdf //! [blog post]: https://coaxion.net/blog/2018/04/improving-gstreamer-performance-on-a-high-number-of-network-streams-by-sharing-threads-between-elements-with-rusts-tokio-crate //! [`smol`]: https://github.com/smol-rs/ //! [`PadSrc`]: pad/struct.PadSrc.html //! [`PadSink`]: pad/struct.PadSink.html pub mod executor; pub use executor::{Async, Context, JoinHandle, SubTaskOutput, Timer}; pub mod pad; pub use pad::{PadSink, PadSinkRef, PadSinkWeak, PadSrc, PadSrcRef, PadSrcWeak}; pub mod task; pub use task::{Task, TaskState}; pub mod prelude { pub use super::pad::{PadSinkHandler, PadSrcHandler}; pub use super::task::TaskImpl; } pub mod time; pub use time::{delay_for, delay_for_at_least}; use once_cell::sync::Lazy; static RUNTIME_CAT: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| { gst::DebugCategory::new( "ts-runtime", gst::DebugColorFlags::empty(), Some("Thread-sharing Runtime"), ) });