// Copyright (C) 2016 Sebastian Dröge // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Library General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the // Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, // Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. use std::u64; use std::io::Read; use url::Url; use hyper::header::{ContentLength, ContentRange, ContentRangeSpec, Range, ByteRangeSpec, AcceptRanges, RangeUnit}; use hyper::client::Client; use hyper::client::response::Response; use error::*; use rssource::*; use buffer::*; #[derive(Debug)] enum StreamingState { Stopped, Started { uri: Url, response: Response, seekable: bool, position: u64, size: Option, start: u64, stop: Option, }, } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct HttpSrc { streaming_state: StreamingState, client: Client, } impl HttpSrc { pub fn new() -> HttpSrc { HttpSrc { streaming_state: StreamingState::Stopped, client: Client::new(), } } pub fn new_boxed() -> Box { Box::new(HttpSrc::new()) } fn do_request(&self, uri: Url, start: u64, stop: Option) -> Result { let mut req = self.client.get(uri.clone()); if start != 0 || stop.is_some() { req = match stop { None => req.header(Range::Bytes(vec![ByteRangeSpec::AllFrom(start)])), Some(stop) => { req.header(Range::Bytes(vec![ByteRangeSpec::FromTo(start, stop - 1)])) } }; } let response = try!(req.send().or_else(|err| { Err(error_msg!(SourceError::ReadFailed, ["Failed to fetch {}: {}", uri, err.to_string()])) })); if !response.status.is_success() { return Err(error_msg!(SourceError::ReadFailed, ["Failed to fetch {}: {}", uri, response.status])); } let size = if let Some(&ContentLength(content_length)) = response.headers.get() { Some(content_length + start) } else { None }; let accept_byte_ranges = if let Some(&AcceptRanges(ref ranges)) = response.headers .get() { ranges.iter().any(|u| *u == RangeUnit::Bytes) } else { false }; let seekable = size.is_some() && accept_byte_ranges; let position = if let Some(&ContentRange(ContentRangeSpec::Bytes { range: Some((range_start, _)), .. })) = response.headers .get() { range_start } else { start }; if position != start { return Err(error_msg!(SourceError::SeekFailed, ["Failed to seek to {}: Got {}", start, position])); } Ok(StreamingState::Started { uri: uri, response: response, seekable: seekable, position: 0, size: size, start: start, stop: stop, }) } } fn validate_uri(uri: &Url) -> Result<(), UriError> { if uri.scheme() != "http" && uri.scheme() != "https" { return Err(UriError::new(UriErrorKind::UnsupportedProtocol, Some(format!("Unsupported URI '{}'", uri.as_str())))); } Ok(()) } impl Source for HttpSrc { fn uri_validator(&self) -> Box { Box::new(validate_uri) } fn is_seekable(&self) -> bool { match self.streaming_state { StreamingState::Started { seekable, .. } => seekable, _ => false, } } fn get_size(&self) -> Option { match self.streaming_state { StreamingState::Started { size, .. } => size, _ => None, } } fn start(&mut self, uri: Url) -> Result<(), ErrorMessage> { self.streaming_state = StreamingState::Stopped; self.streaming_state = try!(self.do_request(uri, 0, None)); Ok(()) } fn stop(&mut self) -> Result<(), ErrorMessage> { self.streaming_state = StreamingState::Stopped; Ok(()) } fn seek(&mut self, start: u64, stop: Option) -> Result<(), ErrorMessage> { let (position, old_stop, uri) = match self.streaming_state { StreamingState::Started { position, stop, ref uri, .. } => { (position, stop, uri.clone()) } StreamingState::Stopped => { return Err(error_msg!(SourceError::Failure, ["Not started yet"])); } }; if position == start && old_stop == stop { return Ok(()); } self.streaming_state = StreamingState::Stopped; self.streaming_state = try!(self.do_request(uri, start, stop)); Ok(()) } fn fill(&mut self, offset: u64, _: u32, buffer: &mut Buffer) -> Result<(), FlowError> { let (response, position) = match self.streaming_state { StreamingState::Started { ref mut response, ref mut position, .. } => { (response, position) } StreamingState::Stopped => { return Err(FlowError::Error(error_msg!(SourceError::Failure, ["Not started yet"]))); } }; if *position != offset { return Err(FlowError::Error(error_msg!(SourceError::SeekFailed, ["Got unexpected offset {}, expected {}", offset, position]))); } let size = { let map = match buffer.map_readwrite() { None => { return Err(FlowError::Error(error_msg!(SourceError::Failure, ["Failed to map buffer"]))); } Some(map) => map, }; let data = map.as_mut_slice(); try!(response.read(data).or_else(|err| { Err(FlowError::Error(error_msg!(SourceError::ReadFailed, ["Failed to read at {}: {}", offset, err.to_string()]))) })) }; if size == 0 { return Err(FlowError::Eos); } *position += size as u64; if let Err(err) = buffer.set_size(size) { return Err(FlowError::Error(error_msg!(SourceError::Failure, ["Failed to resize buffer: {}", err]))); } Ok(()) } }