// Copyright (C) 2022 Mathieu Duponchelle // Copyright (C) 2023 Seungha Yang // // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v2.0. // If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at // . // // SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 // This creates a master playlist for live HLS CMAF stream with one video playlist and two audio playlists. use gst::glib; use gst::prelude::*; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex}; use anyhow::Error; use m3u8_rs::{AlternativeMedia, AlternativeMediaType, MasterPlaylist, VariantStream}; const VIDEO_WIDTH: u32 = 640; const VIDEO_HEIGHT: u32 = 480; const VIDEO_BITRATE: u32 = 2_048_000; fn create_sink(path: &Path, name: &str) -> gst::Element { let mut path: PathBuf = path.into(); path.push(name); std::fs::create_dir_all(&path).expect("failed to create directory"); let mut playlist_location: PathBuf = path.clone(); playlist_location.push("manifest.m3u8"); let mut init_location: PathBuf = path.clone(); init_location.push("init_%03d.mp4"); let mut location: PathBuf = path.clone(); location.push("segment_%05d.m4s"); let sink = gst::ElementFactory::make("hlscmafsink") .name(name) .property("target-duration", 5u32) .property("playlist-location", playlist_location.to_str().unwrap()) .property("init-location", init_location.to_str().unwrap()) .property("location", location.to_str().unwrap()) .property("enable-program-date-time", true) // Need sync=true for cmafmux to timeout properly in case of live pipeline .property("sync", true) .build() .expect("failed to create hlscmafsink"); // The same as default implementation of hlscmafsink. // Connecting signals here to print debug log to stdout sink.connect_closure( "get-init-stream", false, glib::closure!(move |sink: &gst::Element, location: &str| { println!("{}, writing init segment to {location}", sink.name()); let file = std::fs::File::create(location).unwrap(); gio::WriteOutputStream::new(file).upcast::() }), ); sink.connect_closure( "get-fragment-stream", false, glib::closure!(move |sink: &gst::Element, location: &str| { println!("{}, writing segment to {location}", sink.name()); let file = std::fs::File::create(location).unwrap(); gio::WriteOutputStream::new(file).upcast::() }), ); sink.connect_closure( "delete-fragment", false, glib::closure!(move |sink: &gst::Element, location: &str| { println!("{}, removing segment {location}", sink.name()); std::fs::remove_file(location).unwrap(); true }), ); sink } fn setup_video_sink(pipeline: &gst::Pipeline, path: &Path, name: &str) -> Result<(), Error> { let src = gst::ElementFactory::make("videotestsrc") .property("is-live", true) .build()?; let raw_capsfilter = gst::ElementFactory::make("capsfilter") .property( "caps", gst_video::VideoCapsBuilder::new() .format(gst_video::VideoFormat::I420) .width(VIDEO_WIDTH as i32) .height(VIDEO_HEIGHT as i32) .framerate(30.into()) .build(), ) .build()?; let timeoverlay = gst::ElementFactory::make("timeoverlay").build()?; let queue = gst::ElementFactory::make("queue").build()?; let enc = gst::ElementFactory::make("x264enc") .property("bframes", 0u32) .property("bitrate", VIDEO_BITRATE / 1000u32) .property("key-int-max", std::i32::MAX as u32) .property_from_str("tune", "zerolatency") .build()?; let h264_capsfilter = gst::ElementFactory::make("capsfilter") .property( "caps", gst::Caps::builder("video/x-h264") .field("profile", "main") .build(), ) .build()?; let sink = create_sink(path, name); pipeline.add_many([ &src, &raw_capsfilter, &timeoverlay, &queue, &enc, &h264_capsfilter, &sink, ])?; gst::Element::link_many([ &src, &raw_capsfilter, &timeoverlay, &queue, &enc, &h264_capsfilter, &sink, ])?; Ok(()) } fn setup_audio_sink( pipeline: &gst::Pipeline, path: &Path, name: &str, wave: &str, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let src = gst::ElementFactory::make("audiotestsrc") .property("is-live", true) .property_from_str("wave", wave) .build()?; let capsfilter = gst::ElementFactory::make("capsfilter") .property( "caps", gst::Caps::builder("audio/x-raw") .field("channels", 2) .build(), ) .build()?; let queue = gst::ElementFactory::make("queue").build()?; let enc = gst::ElementFactory::make("avenc_aac").build()?; let parse = gst::ElementFactory::make("aacparse").build()?; let sink = create_sink(path, name); pipeline.add_many([&src, &capsfilter, &queue, &enc, &parse, &sink])?; gst::Element::link_many([&src, &capsfilter, &queue, &enc, &parse, &sink])?; Ok(()) } fn get_codec_string(pipeline: &gst::Pipeline, name: &str) -> String { let sink = pipeline.by_name(name).unwrap(); let pad = sink.static_pad("sink").unwrap(); let caps = pad.sticky_event::(0).unwrap(); gst_pbutils::codec_utils_caps_get_mime_codec(caps.caps()) .unwrap() .to_string() } fn write_master_playlist(pipeline: &gst::Pipeline, path: &PathBuf) { // Gets configured caps and constructs CODEC string let video_codec = get_codec_string(pipeline, "video_0"); // Both audios should have the same caps in this example let audio_codec = get_codec_string(pipeline, "audio_0"); let codecs = format!("{video_codec},{audio_codec}"); let variants = vec![VariantStream { uri: "video_0/manifest.m3u8".to_string(), codecs: Some(codecs), bandwidth: VIDEO_BITRATE as u64, resolution: Some(m3u8_rs::Resolution { width: VIDEO_WIDTH as u64, height: VIDEO_HEIGHT as u64, }), audio: Some("audio".to_string()), ..Default::default() }]; let mut alternatives = Vec::new(); for i in 0..2 { let name = format!("audio_{}", i); let language = if i == 0 { Some("enc".to_string()) } else { Some("fre".to_string()) }; alternatives.push(AlternativeMedia { media_type: AlternativeMediaType::Audio, uri: Some(format!("{name}/manifest.m3u8")), group_id: "audio".to_string(), language, name, default: i == 0, autoselect: i == 0, channels: Some("2".to_string()), ..Default::default() }) } let playlist = MasterPlaylist { version: Some(6), variants, alternatives, independent_segments: true, ..Default::default() }; println!("Writing master manifest to {}", path.display()); let mut file = std::fs::File::create(path).unwrap(); playlist .write_to(&mut file) .expect("Failed to write master playlist"); } fn main() -> Result<(), Error> { gst::init()?; gsthlssink3::plugin_register_static()?; let path = PathBuf::from("hls_live_stream"); std::fs::create_dir_all(&path).expect("failed to create directory"); let mut manifest_path = path.clone(); manifest_path.push("manifest.m3u8"); let pipeline = gst::Pipeline::default(); setup_video_sink(&pipeline, &path, "video_0")?; setup_audio_sink(&pipeline, &path, "audio_0", "sine")?; setup_audio_sink(&pipeline, &path, "audio_1", "white-noise")?; pipeline.set_state(gst::State::Playing)?; let bus = pipeline .bus() .expect("Pipeline without bus. Shouldn't happen!"); let pipeline_weak = pipeline.downgrade(); let write_playlist = Arc::new(Mutex::new(true)); for msg in bus.iter_timed(gst::ClockTime::NONE) { use gst::MessageView; match msg.view() { MessageView::StateChanged(state_changed) => { let pipeline = match pipeline_weak.upgrade() { Some(pipeline) => pipeline, None => break, }; let mut need_write = write_playlist.lock().unwrap(); if *need_write && state_changed.src() == Some(pipeline.upcast_ref()) && state_changed.old() == gst::State::Paused && state_changed.current() == gst::State::Playing { *need_write = false; write_master_playlist(&pipeline, &manifest_path); } } MessageView::Eos(..) => { println!("EOS"); break; } MessageView::Error(err) => { pipeline.set_state(gst::State::Null)?; eprintln!( "Got error from {}: {} ({})", msg.src() .map(|s| String::from(s.path_string())) .unwrap_or_else(|| "None".into()), err.error(), err.debug().unwrap_or_else(|| "".into()), ); break; } _ => (), } } pipeline.set_state(gst::State::Null)?; Ok(()) }