package logger import ( "os" "sync" ) var ( instance *Logger instanceOnce = sync.Once{} ) // Default returns the default Logger instance. func Default() *Logger { instanceOnce.Do(func() { instance = New(os.Stdout) }) return instance } // Debug prints the provided arguments with the debug prefix to the global Logger instance. func Debug(a ...interface{}) { Default().Debug(a...) } // Debugf prints the provided format string and arguments with the debug prefix to the global Logger instance. func Debugf(s string, a ...interface{}) { Default().Debugf(s, a...) } // Info prints the provided arguments with the info prefix to the global Logger instance. func Info(a ...interface{}) { Default().Info(a...) } // Infof prints the provided format string and arguments with the info prefix to the global Logger instance. func Infof(s string, a ...interface{}) { Default().Infof(s, a...) } // Warn prints the provided arguments with the warn prefix to the global Logger instance. func Warn(a ...interface{}) { Default().Warn(a...) } // Warnf prints the provided format string and arguments with the warn prefix to the global Logger instance. func Warnf(s string, a ...interface{}) { Default().Warnf(s, a...) } // Error prints the provided arguments with the error prefix to the global Logger instance. func Error(a ...interface{}) { Default().Error(a...) } // Errorf prints the provided format string and arguments with the error prefix to the global Logger instance. func Errorf(s string, a ...interface{}) { Default().Errorf(s, a...) } // Fatal prints the provided arguments with the fatal prefix to the global Logger instance before exiting the program with os.Exit(1). func Fatal(a ...interface{}) { Default().Fatal(a...) } // Fatalf prints the provided format string and arguments with the fatal prefix to the global Logger instance before exiting the program with os.Exit(1). func Fatalf(s string, a ...interface{}) { Default().Fatalf(s, a...) } // Log prints the provided arguments with the supplied log level to the global Logger instance. func Log(lvl LEVEL, a ...interface{}) { Default().Log(lvl, a...) } // Logf prints the provided format string and arguments with the supplied log level to the global Logger instance. func Logf(lvl LEVEL, s string, a ...interface{}) { Default().Logf(lvl, s, a...) } // LogFields prints the provided fields formatted as key-value pairs at the supplied log level to the global Logger instance. func LogFields(lvl LEVEL, fields map[string]interface{}) { Default().LogFields(lvl, fields) } // LogValues prints the provided values formatted as-so at the supplied log level to the global Logger instance. func LogValues(lvl LEVEL, a ...interface{}) { Default().LogValues(lvl, a...) } // Print simply prints provided arguments to the global Logger instance. func Print(a ...interface{}) { Default().Print(a...) } // Printf simply prints provided the provided format string and arguments to the global Logger instance. func Printf(s string, a ...interface{}) { Default().Printf(s, a...) } // PrintFields prints the provided fields formatted as key-value pairs to the global Logger instance. func PrintFields(fields map[string]interface{}) { Default().PrintFields(fields) } // PrintValues prints the provided values formatted as-so to the global Logger instance. func PrintValues(a ...interface{}) { Default().PrintValues(a...) }