package html // generated by hasher -type=Hash -file=hash.go; DO NOT EDIT, except for adding more constants to the list and rerun go generate // uses //go:generate hasher -type=Hash -file=hash.go // Hash defines perfect hashes for a predefined list of strings type Hash uint32 // Unique hash definitions to be used instead of strings const ( A Hash = 0x1 // a Abbr Hash = 0x37a04 // abbr About Hash = 0x5 // about Accept Hash = 0x1106 // accept Accept_Charset Hash = 0x110e // accept-charset Action Hash = 0x23f06 // action Address Hash = 0x5a07 // address Align Hash = 0x32705 // align Alink Hash = 0x7005 // alink Allowfullscreen Hash = 0x2ad0f // allowfullscreen Amp_Boilerplate Hash = 0x610f // amp-boilerplate Area Hash = 0x1e304 // area Article Hash = 0x2707 // article Aside Hash = 0xb405 // aside Async Hash = 0xac05 // async Audio Hash = 0xd105 // audio Autofocus Hash = 0xe409 // autofocus Autoplay Hash = 0x10808 // autoplay Axis Hash = 0x11004 // axis B Hash = 0x101 // b Background Hash = 0x300a // background Base Hash = 0x19604 // base Bb Hash = 0x37b02 // bb Bdi Hash = 0x7503 // bdi Bdo Hash = 0x31f03 // bdo Bgcolor Hash = 0x12607 // bgcolor Blockquote Hash = 0x13e0a // blockquote Body Hash = 0xd04 // body Br Hash = 0x37c02 // br Button Hash = 0x14806 // button Canvas Hash = 0xb006 // canvas Caption Hash = 0x21f07 // caption Charset Hash = 0x1807 // charset Checked Hash = 0x1b307 // checked Cite Hash = 0xfb04 // cite Class Hash = 0x15905 // class Classid Hash = 0x15907 // classid Clear Hash = 0x2b05 // clear Code Hash = 0x19204 // code Codebase Hash = 0x19208 // codebase Codetype Hash = 0x1a408 // codetype Col Hash = 0x12803 // col Colgroup Hash = 0x1bb08 // colgroup Color Hash = 0x12805 // color Cols Hash = 0x1cf04 // cols Colspan Hash = 0x1cf07 // colspan Compact Hash = 0x1ec07 // compact Content Hash = 0x28407 // content Controls Hash = 0x20108 // controls Data Hash = 0x1f04 // data Datalist Hash = 0x1f08 // datalist Datatype Hash = 0x4d08 // datatype Dd Hash = 0x5b02 // dd Declare Hash = 0xb707 // declare Default Hash = 0x7f07 // default DefaultChecked Hash = 0x1730e // defaultChecked DefaultMuted Hash = 0x7f0c // defaultMuted DefaultSelected Hash = 0x8a0f // defaultSelected Defer Hash = 0x9805 // defer Del Hash = 0x10503 // del Details Hash = 0x15f07 // details Dfn Hash = 0x16c03 // dfn Dialog Hash = 0xa606 // dialog Dir Hash = 0x7603 // dir Disabled Hash = 0x18008 // disabled Div Hash = 0x18703 // div Dl Hash = 0x1b902 // dl Dt Hash = 0x23102 // dt Em Hash = 0x4302 // em Embed Hash = 0x4905 // embed Enabled Hash = 0x26c07 // enabled Enctype Hash = 0x1fa07 // enctype Face Hash = 0x5604 // face Fieldset Hash = 0x21408 // fieldset Figcaption Hash = 0x21c0a // figcaption Figure Hash = 0x22606 // figure Footer Hash = 0xdb06 // footer For Hash = 0x23b03 // for Form Hash = 0x23b04 // form Formaction Hash = 0x23b0a // formaction Formnovalidate Hash = 0x2450e // formnovalidate Frame Hash = 0x28c05 // frame Frameborder Hash = 0x28c0b // frameborder H1 Hash = 0x2e002 // h1 H2 Hash = 0x25302 // h2 H3 Hash = 0x25502 // h3 H4 Hash = 0x25702 // h4 H5 Hash = 0x25902 // h5 H6 Hash = 0x25b02 // h6 Head Hash = 0x2d204 // head Header Hash = 0x2d206 // header Hgroup Hash = 0x25d06 // hgroup Hidden Hash = 0x26806 // hidden Hr Hash = 0x32d02 // hr Href Hash = 0x32d04 // href Hreflang Hash = 0x32d08 // hreflang Html Hash = 0x27304 // html Http_Equiv Hash = 0x2770a // http-equiv I Hash = 0x2401 // i Icon Hash = 0x28304 // icon Id Hash = 0xb602 // id Iframe Hash = 0x28b06 // iframe Img Hash = 0x29703 // img Inert Hash = 0xf605 // inert Inlist Hash = 0x29a06 // inlist Input Hash = 0x2a405 // input Ins Hash = 0x2a903 // ins Ismap Hash = 0x11205 // ismap Itemscope Hash = 0xfc09 // itemscope Kbd Hash = 0x7403 // kbd Keygen Hash = 0x1f606 // keygen Label Hash = 0xbe05 // label Lang Hash = 0x33104 // lang Language Hash = 0x33108 // language Legend Hash = 0x2c506 // legend Li Hash = 0x2302 // li Link Hash = 0x7104 // link Longdesc Hash = 0xc208 // longdesc Main Hash = 0xf404 // main Manifest Hash = 0x2bc08 // manifest Map Hash = 0xee03 // map Mark Hash = 0x2cb04 // mark Math Hash = 0x2cf04 // math Max Hash = 0x2d803 // max Maxlength Hash = 0x2d809 // maxlength Media Hash = 0xa405 // media Menu Hash = 0x12204 // menu Meta Hash = 0x2e204 // meta Meter Hash = 0x2f705 // meter Method Hash = 0x2fc06 // method Multiple Hash = 0x30208 // multiple Muted Hash = 0x30a05 // muted Name Hash = 0xa204 // name Nav Hash = 0x32403 // nav Nohref Hash = 0x32b06 // nohref Noresize Hash = 0x13608 // noresize Noscript Hash = 0x14d08 // noscript Noshade Hash = 0x16e07 // noshade Novalidate Hash = 0x2490a // novalidate Nowrap Hash = 0x1d506 // nowrap Object Hash = 0xd506 // object Ol Hash = 0xcb02 // ol Open Hash = 0x32104 // open Optgroup Hash = 0x35608 // optgroup Option Hash = 0x30f06 // option Output Hash = 0x206 // output P Hash = 0x501 // p Param Hash = 0xf005 // param Pauseonexit Hash = 0x1160b // pauseonexit Picture Hash = 0x1c207 // picture Plaintext Hash = 0x1da09 // plaintext Poster Hash = 0x26206 // poster Pre Hash = 0x35d03 // pre Prefix Hash = 0x35d06 // prefix Profile Hash = 0x36407 // profile Progress Hash = 0x34208 // progress Property Hash = 0x31508 // property Q Hash = 0x14301 // q Rb Hash = 0x2f02 // rb Readonly Hash = 0x1e408 // readonly Rel Hash = 0xbc03 // rel Required Hash = 0x22a08 // required Resource Hash = 0x1c708 // resource Rev Hash = 0x7803 // rev Reversed Hash = 0x7808 // reversed Rows Hash = 0x9c04 // rows Rowspan Hash = 0x9c07 // rowspan Rp Hash = 0x6a02 // rp Rt Hash = 0x2802 // rt Rtc Hash = 0xf903 // rtc Ruby Hash = 0xe004 // ruby Rules Hash = 0x12c05 // rules S Hash = 0x1c01 // s Samp Hash = 0x6004 // samp Scope Hash = 0x10005 // scope Scoped Hash = 0x10006 // scoped Script Hash = 0x14f06 // script Scrolling Hash = 0xc809 // scrolling Seamless Hash = 0x19808 // seamless Section Hash = 0x13007 // section Select Hash = 0x16506 // select Selected Hash = 0x16508 // selected Shape Hash = 0x19f05 // shape Size Hash = 0x13a04 // size Slot Hash = 0x20804 // slot Small Hash = 0x2ab05 // small Sortable Hash = 0x2ef08 // sortable Source Hash = 0x1c906 // source Span Hash = 0x9f04 // span Src Hash = 0x34903 // src Srcset Hash = 0x34906 // srcset Start Hash = 0x2505 // start Strong Hash = 0x29e06 // strong Style Hash = 0x2c205 // style Sub Hash = 0x31d03 // sub Summary Hash = 0x33907 // summary Sup Hash = 0x34003 // sup Svg Hash = 0x34f03 // svg Tabindex Hash = 0x2e408 // tabindex Table Hash = 0x2f205 // table Target Hash = 0x706 // target Tbody Hash = 0xc05 // tbody Td Hash = 0x1e02 // td Template Hash = 0x4208 // template Text Hash = 0x1df04 // text Textarea Hash = 0x1df08 // textarea Tfoot Hash = 0xda05 // tfoot Th Hash = 0x2d102 // th Thead Hash = 0x2d105 // thead Time Hash = 0x12004 // time Title Hash = 0x15405 // title Tr Hash = 0x1f202 // tr Track Hash = 0x1f205 // track Translate Hash = 0x20b09 // translate Truespeed Hash = 0x23209 // truespeed Type Hash = 0x5104 // type Typemustmatch Hash = 0x1a80d // typemustmatch Typeof Hash = 0x5106 // typeof U Hash = 0x301 // u Ul Hash = 0x8302 // ul Undeterminate Hash = 0x370d // undeterminate Usemap Hash = 0xeb06 // usemap Valign Hash = 0x32606 // valign Value Hash = 0x18905 // value Valuetype Hash = 0x18909 // valuetype Var Hash = 0x28003 // var Video Hash = 0x35205 // video Visible Hash = 0x36b07 // visible Vlink Hash = 0x37205 // vlink Vocab Hash = 0x37705 // vocab Wbr Hash = 0x37e03 // wbr Xmlns Hash = 0x2eb05 // xmlns Xmp Hash = 0x36203 // xmp ) // String returns the hash' name. func (i Hash) String() string { start := uint32(i >> 8) n := uint32(i & 0xff) if start+n > uint32(len(_Hash_text)) { return "" } return _Hash_text[start : start+n] } // ToHash returns the hash whose name is s. It returns zero if there is no // such hash. It is case sensitive. func ToHash(s []byte) Hash { if len(s) == 0 || len(s) > _Hash_maxLen { return 0 } h := uint32(_Hash_hash0) for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ { h ^= uint32(s[i]) h *= 16777619 } if i := _Hash_table[h&uint32(len(_Hash_table)-1)]; int(i&0xff) == len(s) { t := _Hash_text[i>>8 : i>>8+i&0xff] for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ { if t[i] != s[i] { goto NEXT } } return i } NEXT: if i := _Hash_table[(h>>16)&uint32(len(_Hash_table)-1)]; int(i&0xff) == len(s) { t := _Hash_text[i>>8 : i>>8+i&0xff] for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ { if t[i] != s[i] { return 0 } } return i } return 0 } const _Hash_hash0 = 0x9acb0442 const _Hash_maxLen = 15 const _Hash_text = "aboutputargetbodyaccept-charsetdatalistarticlearbackgroundet" + "erminatemplatembedatatypeofaceaddressamp-boilerplatealinkbdi" + "reversedefaultMutedefaultSelectedeferowspanamedialogasyncanv" + "asideclarelabelongdescrollingaudiobjectfooterubyautofocusema" + "paramainertcitemscopedelautoplayaxismapauseonexitimenubgcolo" + "rulesectionoresizeblockquotebuttonoscriptitleclassidetailsel" + "ectedfnoshadefaultCheckedisabledivaluetypecodebaseamlesshape" + "codetypemustmatcheckedlcolgroupicturesourcecolspanowraplaint" + "extareadonlycompactrackeygenctypecontrolslotranslatefieldset" + "figcaptionfigurequiredtruespeedformactionformnovalidateh2h3h" + "4h5h6hgrouposterhiddenabledhtmlhttp-equivaricontentiframebor" + "derimginlistronginputinsmallowfullscreenmanifestylegendmarkm" + "atheadermaxlength1metabindexmlnsortablemetermethodmultiplemu" + "tedoptionpropertysubdopenavalignohreflanguagesummarysuprogre" + "ssrcsetsvgvideoptgrouprefixmprofilevisiblevlinkvocabbrwbr" var _Hash_table = [1 << 9]Hash{ 0x0: 0x1df08, // textarea 0x4: 0x32d02, // hr 0x8: 0x1c207, // picture 0xb: 0x18905, // value 0xf: 0x2e408, // tabindex 0x12: 0x15905, // class 0x15: 0x37e03, // wbr 0x18: 0x1a80d, // typemustmatch 0x1a: 0x1b902, // dl 0x1d: 0xf903, // rtc 0x1e: 0x25702, // h4 0x22: 0x2ef08, // sortable 0x24: 0x4208, // template 0x25: 0x28c0b, // frameborder 0x28: 0x37a04, // abbr 0x29: 0x28b06, // iframe 0x2a: 0x610f, // amp-boilerplate 0x2c: 0x1e408, // readonly 0x30: 0x23f06, // action 0x33: 0x28c05, // frame 0x35: 0x12c05, // rules 0x36: 0x30208, // multiple 0x38: 0x31f03, // bdo 0x39: 0x1d506, // nowrap 0x3e: 0x21408, // fieldset 0x3f: 0x7503, // bdi 0x46: 0x7f0c, // defaultMuted 0x49: 0x35205, // video 0x4c: 0x19808, // seamless 0x4d: 0x13608, // noresize 0x4f: 0xb602, // id 0x51: 0x25d06, // hgroup 0x52: 0x23102, // dt 0x55: 0x12805, // color 0x56: 0x34003, // sup 0x59: 0x370d, // undeterminate 0x5a: 0x35608, // optgroup 0x5b: 0x2d206, // header 0x5c: 0xb405, // aside 0x5f: 0x10005, // scope 0x60: 0x101, // b 0x61: 0xcb02, // ol 0x64: 0x32b06, // nohref 0x65: 0x1da09, // plaintext 0x66: 0x20804, // slot 0x67: 0x11004, // axis 0x68: 0x12803, // col 0x69: 0x32606, // valign 0x6c: 0x2d105, // thead 0x70: 0x34906, // srcset 0x71: 0x26806, // hidden 0x76: 0x1bb08, // colgroup 0x78: 0x34f03, // svg 0x7b: 0x2cb04, // mark 0x7e: 0x33104, // lang 0x81: 0x1cf04, // cols 0x86: 0x5a07, // address 0x8b: 0xf404, // main 0x8c: 0x4302, // em 0x8f: 0x32d08, // hreflang 0x93: 0x1b307, // checked 0x94: 0x25902, // h5 0x95: 0x301, // u 0x96: 0x32705, // align 0x97: 0x14301, // q 0x99: 0xd506, // object 0x9b: 0x28407, // content 0x9d: 0xc809, // scrolling 0x9f: 0x36407, // profile 0xa0: 0x34903, // src 0xa1: 0xda05, // tfoot 0xa3: 0x2f705, // meter 0xa4: 0x37705, // vocab 0xa6: 0xd04, // body 0xa8: 0x19204, // code 0xac: 0x20108, // controls 0xb0: 0x2ab05, // small 0xb1: 0x18008, // disabled 0xb5: 0x5604, // face 0xb6: 0x501, // p 0xb9: 0x2302, // li 0xbb: 0xe409, // autofocus 0xbf: 0x27304, // html 0xc2: 0x4d08, // datatype 0xc6: 0x35d06, // prefix 0xcb: 0x35d03, // pre 0xcc: 0x1106, // accept 0xd1: 0x23b03, // for 0xd5: 0x29e06, // strong 0xd6: 0x9c07, // rowspan 0xd7: 0x25502, // h3 0xd8: 0x2cf04, // math 0xde: 0x16e07, // noshade 0xdf: 0x19f05, // shape 0xe1: 0x10006, // scoped 0xe3: 0x706, // target 0xe6: 0x21c0a, // figcaption 0xe9: 0x1df04, // text 0xea: 0x1c708, // resource 0xec: 0xee03, // map 0xf0: 0x29a06, // inlist 0xf1: 0x16506, // select 0xf2: 0x1f606, // keygen 0xf3: 0x5106, // typeof 0xf6: 0xb006, // canvas 0xf7: 0x30f06, // option 0xf8: 0xbe05, // label 0xf9: 0xbc03, // rel 0xfb: 0x1f04, // data 0xfd: 0x6004, // samp 0x100: 0x110e, // accept-charset 0x101: 0xeb06, // usemap 0x103: 0x2bc08, // manifest 0x109: 0xa204, // name 0x10a: 0x14806, // button 0x10b: 0x2b05, // clear 0x10e: 0x33907, // summary 0x10f: 0x2e204, // meta 0x110: 0x33108, // language 0x112: 0x300a, // background 0x113: 0x2707, // article 0x116: 0x23b0a, // formaction 0x119: 0x1, // a 0x11b: 0x5, // about 0x11c: 0xfc09, // itemscope 0x11e: 0x14d08, // noscript 0x11f: 0x15907, // classid 0x120: 0x36203, // xmp 0x121: 0x19604, // base 0x123: 0x1c01, // s 0x124: 0x36b07, // visible 0x126: 0x37b02, // bb 0x127: 0x9c04, // rows 0x12d: 0x2450e, // formnovalidate 0x131: 0x1f205, // track 0x135: 0x18703, // div 0x136: 0xac05, // async 0x137: 0x31508, // property 0x13a: 0x16c03, // dfn 0x13e: 0xf605, // inert 0x142: 0x10503, // del 0x144: 0x25302, // h2 0x147: 0x2c205, // style 0x149: 0x29703, // img 0x14a: 0xc05, // tbody 0x14b: 0x7603, // dir 0x14c: 0x2eb05, // xmlns 0x14e: 0x1f08, // datalist 0x14f: 0x32d04, // href 0x150: 0x1f202, // tr 0x151: 0x13e0a, // blockquote 0x152: 0x18909, // valuetype 0x155: 0xdb06, // footer 0x157: 0x14f06, // script 0x158: 0x1cf07, // colspan 0x15d: 0x1730e, // defaultChecked 0x15f: 0x2490a, // novalidate 0x164: 0x1a408, // codetype 0x165: 0x2c506, // legend 0x16b: 0x1160b, // pauseonexit 0x16c: 0x21f07, // caption 0x16f: 0x26c07, // enabled 0x173: 0x26206, // poster 0x175: 0x30a05, // muted 0x176: 0x11205, // ismap 0x178: 0x2a903, // ins 0x17a: 0xe004, // ruby 0x17b: 0x37c02, // br 0x17c: 0x8a0f, // defaultSelected 0x17d: 0x7403, // kbd 0x17f: 0x1c906, // source 0x182: 0x9f04, // span 0x184: 0x2d803, // max 0x18a: 0x5b02, // dd 0x18b: 0x13a04, // size 0x18c: 0xa405, // media 0x18d: 0x19208, // codebase 0x18f: 0x4905, // embed 0x192: 0x5104, // type 0x193: 0xf005, // param 0x194: 0x25b02, // h6 0x197: 0x28304, // icon 0x198: 0x12607, // bgcolor 0x199: 0x2ad0f, // allowfullscreen 0x19a: 0x12004, // time 0x19b: 0x7803, // rev 0x19d: 0x34208, // progress 0x19e: 0x22606, // figure 0x1a0: 0x6a02, // rp 0x1a2: 0xa606, // dialog 0x1a4: 0x2802, // rt 0x1a7: 0x1e304, // area 0x1a8: 0x7808, // reversed 0x1aa: 0x32104, // open 0x1ac: 0x2d204, // head 0x1ad: 0x7005, // alink 0x1af: 0x28003, // var 0x1b0: 0x15f07, // details 0x1b1: 0x2401, // i 0x1b3: 0x1e02, // td 0x1b4: 0xb707, // declare 0x1b5: 0x8302, // ul 0x1ba: 0x2fc06, // method 0x1bd: 0x13007, // section 0x1be: 0x22a08, // required 0x1c2: 0x9805, // defer 0x1c3: 0x37205, // vlink 0x1c4: 0x15405, // title 0x1c5: 0x2770a, // http-equiv 0x1c6: 0x1fa07, // enctype 0x1c7: 0x1ec07, // compact 0x1c8: 0x2d809, // maxlength 0x1c9: 0x16508, // selected 0x1cc: 0xd105, // audio 0x1cd: 0xc208, // longdesc 0x1d1: 0xfb04, // cite 0x1da: 0x2505, // start 0x1de: 0x2d102, // th 0x1df: 0x10808, // autoplay 0x1e2: 0x7104, // link 0x1e3: 0x206, // output 0x1e5: 0x12204, // menu 0x1e6: 0x2a405, // input 0x1eb: 0x32403, // nav 0x1ec: 0x31d03, // sub 0x1ee: 0x1807, // charset 0x1ef: 0x7f07, // default 0x1f3: 0x2f205, // table 0x1f4: 0x23b04, // form 0x1f5: 0x23209, // truespeed 0x1f6: 0x2f02, // rb 0x1fb: 0x20b09, // translate 0x1fd: 0x2e002, // h1 }