# Creating users Regardless of the installation method, you'll need to create some users. GoToSocial currently doesn't have a way for users to be created through the web UI, or for people to sign-up through the web UI. Using the CLI, you can create a user: ```sh $ gotosocial --config-path /path/to/config.yaml \ admin account create \ --username some_username \ --email some_email@whatever.org \ --password 'SOME_PASSWORD' ``` In the above command, replace `some_username` with your desired username, `some_email@whatever.org` with the email address you want to associate with your account, and `SOME_PASSWORD` with a secure password. If you want your user to have admin rights, you can promote them using a similar command: ```sh $ gotosocial --config-path /path/to/config.yaml \ admin account promote --username some_username ``` Replace `some_username` with the username of the account you just created. !!! info When running these commands, you'll get a bit of output like the following: ```text time=XXXX level=info msg=connected to SQLITE database time=XXXX level=info msg=there are no new migrations to run func=doMigration time=XXXX level=info msg=closing db connection ``` This is normal and indicates that the commands ran as expected. ## Containers When running GoToSocial from a container, you'll need to execute the above command in the conatiner instead. How to do this varies based on your container runtime, but for Docker it should look like: ```sh $ docker exec -it CONTAINER_NAME_OR_ID \ /gotosocial/gotosocial \ admin account create \ --username some_username \ --email someone@example.org \ --password 'some_very_good_password' ``` If you followed our Docker guide, the container name will be `gotosocial`. Both the name and the ID can be retrieved through `docker ps`.