/* theme-title: Brutalist Dark theme-description: (Pseudo-)monochrome brutality (dark version) */ :root { /* Define our color palette, two whole colors, wow! */ --almost-black: #06170e; --almost-white: #f1f3f2; /* Overwrite orange trim */ --orange2: var(--almost-white); /* Restyle basic colors */ --white1: var(--almost-black); --white2: var(--almost-black); /* Basic page styling (background + foreground) */ --bg:var(--almost-black); --bg-accent: var(--almost-black); --fg: var(--almost-white); --fg-reduced: var(--almost-white); --fg-accent: var(--almost-white); /* Profile page styling (light) */ --profile-bg: var(--almost-black); /* Statuses */ --status-bg: var(--almost-black); --status-focus-bg: var(--almost-black); --status-info-bg: var(--almost-black); --status-focus-info-bg: var(--almost-black); /* Used around statuses + other items */ --double-border: 0.5rem double var(--almost-white); --dashed-border: 0.1rem dashed var(--almost-white); --single-border: 0.2rem solid var(--almost-white); /* Override some border stuff */ --boxshadow-border: var(--double-border); --br: 0; --br-inner: 0; } /* Scroll bar */ html, body { scrollbar-color: var(--almost-white) var(--almost-black); } .profile .profile-header { border: var(--double-border); } .col-header { border: var(--double-border); } .profile .about-user .col-header { border-bottom: none; margin-bottom: 0; } .profile .profile-header .basic-info .avatar-image-wrapper { border: var(--single-border); } .profile .statuses .rss-icon .fa { /* enforce dark mode style */ background: linear-gradient(to right, var(--almost-black) 100%, transparent 0) no-repeat center center; background-size: 1.2rem 1.4rem; } .status .status-header > address > a .avatar { border: var(--single-border); } /* Make about sections transparent */ .profile .about-user .fields, .profile .about-user .bio, .profile .about-user .accountstats { border-left: var(--double-border); border-right: var(--double-border); } /* Fiddle around with borders on about sections */ .profile .about-user .fields .field:first-child { border-top: var(--dashed-border); } .profile .about-user .fields .field { border-bottom: var(--dashed-border); } .profile .about-user .accountstats { border-top: var(--dashed-border); border-bottom: var(--double-border); } /* Code snippets */ .status .text .content pre, .status .text .content code { background: var(--almost-black); color: var(--almost-white); } /* Block quotes */ .status .text .content blockquote { background-color: var(--almost-white); color: var(--almost-black); } /* Polls */ .status .text .poll { background-color: var(--almost-black); border: var(--double-border); } .status .text .poll .poll-info { background-color: var(--almost-black); border: var(--dashed-border); } /* Status media */ .status .media .media-wrapper { border: var(--single-border); } .status .media .media-wrapper details .unknown-attachment .placeholder { color: var(--almost-white); } .status .media .media-wrapper details video.plyr-video { background: var(--almost-white); } /* Status info bars */ .status .status-info, .status.expanded .status-info { border-top: var(--dashed-border); } /* Make show more/less buttons more legible */ .status button, .status .button { background-color: var(--almost-white); color: var(--almost-black); border: var(--dashed-border); } .status button:hover, .status .button:hover { background-color: var(--almost-black); color: var(--almost-white); border: var(--dashed-border); } /* Border looks terrible on emoji hover with this scheme so disable it. */ .emoji:hover { border: none; } /* Our borders are real thick + juicy, so outdent the left margin a bit more to compensate. */ .thread .status.indent-1 .status-link, .thread .status.indent-2 .status-link, .thread .status.indent-3 .status-link, .thread .status.indent-4 .status-link, .thread .status.indent-5 .status-link { margin-left: -1rem; }