// Copyright 2018 Google Inc. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package s2 import ( "math" "github.com/golang/geo/r3" ) // There are several notions of the "centroid" of a triangle. First, there // is the planar centroid, which is simply the centroid of the ordinary // (non-spherical) triangle defined by the three vertices. Second, there is // the surface centroid, which is defined as the intersection of the three // medians of the spherical triangle. It is possible to show that this // point is simply the planar centroid projected to the surface of the // sphere. Finally, there is the true centroid (mass centroid), which is // defined as the surface integral over the spherical triangle of (x,y,z) // divided by the triangle area. This is the point that the triangle would // rotate around if it was spinning in empty space. // // The best centroid for most purposes is the true centroid. Unlike the // planar and surface centroids, the true centroid behaves linearly as // regions are added or subtracted. That is, if you split a triangle into // pieces and compute the average of their centroids (weighted by triangle // area), the result equals the centroid of the original triangle. This is // not true of the other centroids. // // Also note that the surface centroid may be nowhere near the intuitive // "center" of a spherical triangle. For example, consider the triangle // with vertices A=(1,eps,0), B=(0,0,1), C=(-1,eps,0) (a quarter-sphere). // The surface centroid of this triangle is at S=(0, 2*eps, 1), which is // within a distance of 2*eps of the vertex B. Note that the median from A // (the segment connecting A to the midpoint of BC) passes through S, since // this is the shortest path connecting the two endpoints. On the other // hand, the true centroid is at M=(0, 0.5, 0.5), which when projected onto // the surface is a much more reasonable interpretation of the "center" of // this triangle. // // TrueCentroid returns the true centroid of the spherical triangle ABC // multiplied by the signed area of spherical triangle ABC. The reasons for // multiplying by the signed area are (1) this is the quantity that needs to be // summed to compute the centroid of a union or difference of triangles, and // (2) it's actually easier to calculate this way. All points must have unit length. // // Note that the result of this function is defined to be Point(0, 0, 0) if // the triangle is degenerate. func TrueCentroid(a, b, c Point) Point { // Use Distance to get accurate results for small triangles. ra := float64(1) if sa := float64(b.Distance(c)); sa != 0 { ra = sa / math.Sin(sa) } rb := float64(1) if sb := float64(c.Distance(a)); sb != 0 { rb = sb / math.Sin(sb) } rc := float64(1) if sc := float64(a.Distance(b)); sc != 0 { rc = sc / math.Sin(sc) } // Now compute a point M such that: // // [Ax Ay Az] [Mx] [ra] // [Bx By Bz] [My] = 0.5 * det(A,B,C) * [rb] // [Cx Cy Cz] [Mz] [rc] // // To improve the numerical stability we subtract the first row (A) from the // other two rows; this reduces the cancellation error when A, B, and C are // very close together. Then we solve it using Cramer's rule. // // The result is the true centroid of the triangle multiplied by the // triangle's area. // // This code still isn't as numerically stable as it could be. // The biggest potential improvement is to compute B-A and C-A more // accurately so that (B-A)x(C-A) is always inside triangle ABC. x := r3.Vector{a.X, b.X - a.X, c.X - a.X} y := r3.Vector{a.Y, b.Y - a.Y, c.Y - a.Y} z := r3.Vector{a.Z, b.Z - a.Z, c.Z - a.Z} r := r3.Vector{ra, rb - ra, rc - ra} return Point{r3.Vector{y.Cross(z).Dot(r), z.Cross(x).Dot(r), x.Cross(y).Dot(r)}.Mul(0.5)} } // EdgeTrueCentroid returns the true centroid of the spherical geodesic edge AB // multiplied by the length of the edge AB. As with triangles, the true centroid // of a collection of line segments may be computed simply by summing the result // of this method for each segment. // // Note that the planar centroid of a line segment is simply 0.5 * (a + b), // while the surface centroid is (a + b).Normalize(). However neither of // these values is appropriate for computing the centroid of a collection of // edges (such as a polyline). // // Also note that the result of this function is defined to be Point(0, 0, 0) // if the edge is degenerate. func EdgeTrueCentroid(a, b Point) Point { // The centroid (multiplied by length) is a vector toward the midpoint // of the edge, whose length is twice the sine of half the angle between // the two vertices. Defining theta to be this angle, we have: vDiff := a.Sub(b.Vector) // Length == 2*sin(theta) vSum := a.Add(b.Vector) // Length == 2*cos(theta) sin2 := vDiff.Norm2() cos2 := vSum.Norm2() if cos2 == 0 { return Point{} // Ignore antipodal edges. } return Point{vSum.Mul(math.Sqrt(sin2 / cos2))} // Length == 2*sin(theta) } // PlanarCentroid returns the centroid of the planar triangle ABC. This can be // normalized to unit length to obtain the "surface centroid" of the corresponding // spherical triangle, i.e. the intersection of the three medians. However, note // that for large spherical triangles the surface centroid may be nowhere near // the intuitive "center". func PlanarCentroid(a, b, c Point) Point { return Point{a.Add(b.Vector).Add(c.Vector).Mul(1. / 3)} }