// GoToSocial
// Copyright (C) GoToSocial Authors admin@gotosocial.org
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

package util

import (


const (
	/* API version keys */

	APIVersionKey = "api_version"
	APIv1         = "v1"
	APIv2         = "v2"

	/* Common keys */

	IDKey      = "id"
	LimitKey   = "limit"
	LocalKey   = "local"
	MaxIDKey   = "max_id"
	SinceIDKey = "since_id"
	MinIDKey   = "min_id"

	/* AP endpoint keys */

	OnlyOtherAccountsKey = "only_other_accounts"

	/* Search keys */

	SearchExcludeUnreviewedKey = "exclude_unreviewed"
	SearchFollowingKey         = "following"
	SearchLookupKey            = "acct"
	SearchOffsetKey            = "offset"
	SearchQueryKey             = "q"
	SearchResolveKey           = "resolve"
	SearchTypeKey              = "type"

	/* Tag keys */

	TagNameKey = "tag_name"

	/* Web endpoint keys */

	WebUsernameKey = "username"
	WebStatusIDKey = "status"

	/* Domain permission keys */

	DomainPermissionExportKey = "export"
	DomainPermissionImportKey = "import"

	Parse functions for *OPTIONAL* parameters with default values.

func ParseLimit(value string, defaultValue int, max, min int) (int, gtserror.WithCode) {
	i, err := parseInt(value, defaultValue, max, min, LimitKey)
	if err != nil {
		return 0, err

	return i, nil

func ParseLocal(value string, defaultValue bool) (bool, gtserror.WithCode) {
	return parseBool(value, defaultValue, LocalKey)

func ParseMaxID(value string, defaultValue string) string {
	if value == "" {
		return defaultValue

	return value

func ParseSearchExcludeUnreviewed(value string, defaultValue bool) (bool, gtserror.WithCode) {
	return parseBool(value, defaultValue, SearchExcludeUnreviewedKey)

func ParseSearchFollowing(value string, defaultValue bool) (bool, gtserror.WithCode) {
	return parseBool(value, defaultValue, SearchFollowingKey)

func ParseSearchOffset(value string, defaultValue int, max, min int) (int, gtserror.WithCode) {
	return parseInt(value, defaultValue, max, min, SearchOffsetKey)

func ParseSearchResolve(value string, defaultValue bool) (bool, gtserror.WithCode) {
	return parseBool(value, defaultValue, SearchResolveKey)

func ParseDomainPermissionExport(value string, defaultValue bool) (bool, gtserror.WithCode) {
	return parseBool(value, defaultValue, DomainPermissionExportKey)

func ParseDomainPermissionImport(value string, defaultValue bool) (bool, gtserror.WithCode) {
	return parseBool(value, defaultValue, DomainPermissionImportKey)

func ParseOnlyOtherAccounts(value string, defaultValue bool) (bool, gtserror.WithCode) {
	return parseBool(value, defaultValue, OnlyOtherAccountsKey)

	Parse functions for *REQUIRED* parameters.

func ParseAPIVersion(value string, availableVersion ...string) (string, gtserror.WithCode) {
	key := APIVersionKey

	if value == "" {
		return "", requiredError(key)

	for _, av := range availableVersion {
		if value == av {
			return value, nil

	err := fmt.Errorf(
		"invalid API version, valid versions for this path are [%s]",
		strings.Join(availableVersion, ", "),
	return "", gtserror.NewErrorBadRequest(err, err.Error())

func ParseID(value string) (string, gtserror.WithCode) {
	key := IDKey

	if value == "" {
		return "", requiredError(key)

	return value, nil

func ParseSearchLookup(value string) (string, gtserror.WithCode) {
	key := SearchLookupKey

	if value == "" {
		return "", requiredError(key)

	return value, nil

func ParseSearchQuery(value string) (string, gtserror.WithCode) {
	key := SearchQueryKey

	if value == "" {
		return "", requiredError(key)

	return value, nil

func ParseTagName(value string) (string, gtserror.WithCode) {
	key := TagNameKey

	if value == "" {
		return "", requiredError(key)

	return value, nil

func ParseWebUsername(value string) (string, gtserror.WithCode) {
	key := WebUsernameKey

	if value == "" {
		return "", requiredError(key)

	return value, nil

func ParseWebStatusID(value string) (string, gtserror.WithCode) {
	key := WebStatusIDKey

	if value == "" {
		return "", requiredError(key)

	return value, nil

	Internal functions

func parseBool(value string, defaultValue bool, key string) (bool, gtserror.WithCode) {
	if value == "" {
		return defaultValue, nil

	i, err := strconv.ParseBool(value)
	if err != nil {
		return defaultValue, parseError(key, value, defaultValue, err)

	return i, nil

func parseInt(value string, defaultValue int, max int, min int, key string) (int, gtserror.WithCode) {
	if value == "" {
		return defaultValue, nil

	i, err := strconv.Atoi(value)
	if err != nil {
		return defaultValue, parseError(key, value, defaultValue, err)

	if i > max {
		i = max
	} else if i < min {
		i = min

	return i, nil

// parseError returns gtserror.WithCode set to 400 Bad Request, to indicate
// to the caller that a key was set to a value that could not be parsed.
func parseError(key string, value, defaultValue any, err error) gtserror.WithCode {
	err = fmt.Errorf("error parsing key %s with value %s as %T: %w", key, value, defaultValue, err)
	return gtserror.NewErrorBadRequest(err, err.Error())

// requiredError returns gtserror.WithCode set to 400 Bad Request, to indicate
// to the caller a required key value was not provided, or was empty.
func requiredError(key string) gtserror.WithCode {
	err := fmt.Errorf("required key %s was not set or had empty value", key)
	return gtserror.NewErrorBadRequest(err, err.Error())