package format import ( "reflect" "strconv" "unicode/utf8" "" ) const ( // Flag bit constants, note they are prioritised in this order. IsKeyBit = uint8(1) << 0 // set to indicate key formatting VboseBit = uint8(1) << 1 // set to indicate verbose formatting IsValBit = uint8(1) << 2 // set to indicate value formatting PanicBit = uint8(1) << 3 // set after panic to prevent recursion ) // format provides formatting of values into a Buffer. type format struct { // Flags are the currently set value flags. Flags uint8 // Derefs is the current value dereference count. Derefs uint8 // CurDepth is the current Format iterator depth. CurDepth uint8 // VType is the current value type. VType string // Config is the set Formatter config (MUST NOT be nil). Config *Formatter // Buffer is the currently set output buffer. Buffer *byteutil.Buffer } // AtMaxDepth returns whether format is currently at max depth. func (f format) AtMaxDepth() bool { return f.CurDepth > f.Config.MaxDepth } // Key returns whether the isKey flag is set. func (f format) Key() bool { return (f.Flags & IsKeyBit) != 0 } // Value returns whether the isVal flag is set. func (f format) Value() bool { return (f.Flags & IsValBit) != 0 } // Verbose returns whether the verbose flag is set. func (f format) Verbose() bool { return (f.Flags & VboseBit) != 0 } // Panic returns whether the panic flag is set. func (f format) Panic() bool { return (f.Flags & PanicBit) != 0 } // SetKey returns format instance with the IsKey bit set to true, // note this resets the dereference count. func (f format) SetKey() format { flags := f.Flags | IsKeyBit flags &= ^IsValBit return format{ Flags: flags, CurDepth: f.CurDepth, Config: f.Config, Buffer: f.Buffer, } } // SetValue returns format instance with the IsVal bit set to true, // note this resets the dereference count. func (f format) SetValue() format { flags := f.Flags | IsValBit flags &= ^IsKeyBit return format{ Flags: flags, CurDepth: f.CurDepth, Config: f.Config, Buffer: f.Buffer, } } // SetVerbose returns format instance with the Vbose bit set to true, // note this resets the dereference count. func (f format) SetVerbose() format { return format{ Flags: f.Flags | VboseBit, CurDepth: f.CurDepth, Config: f.Config, Buffer: f.Buffer, } } // SetPanic returns format instance with the panic bit set to true, // note this resets the dereference count and sets IsVal (unsetting IsKey) bit. func (f format) SetPanic() format { flags := f.Flags | PanicBit flags |= IsValBit flags &= ^IsKeyBit return format{ Flags: flags, CurDepth: f.CurDepth, Config: f.Config, Buffer: f.Buffer, } } // IncrDepth returns format instance with depth incremented and derefs reset. func (f format) IncrDepth() format { return format{ Flags: f.Flags, Derefs: f.Derefs, CurDepth: f.CurDepth + 1, Config: f.Config, Buffer: f.Buffer, } } // IncrDerefs returns format instance with dereference count incremented. func (f format) IncrDerefs() format { return format{ Flags: f.Flags, Derefs: f.Derefs + 1, CurDepth: f.CurDepth, Config: f.Config, Buffer: f.Buffer, } } func (f format) AppendType() { const derefs = `********************************` + `********************************` + `********************************` + `********************************` + `********************************` + `********************************` + `********************************` + `********************************` f.Buffer.B = append(f.Buffer.B, derefs[:f.Derefs]...) f.Buffer.B = append(f.Buffer.B, f.VType...) } func (f format) AppendNil() { if !f.Verbose() { f.Buffer.B = append(f.Buffer.B, `nil`...) return } // Append nil with type f.Buffer.B = append(f.Buffer.B, '(') f.AppendType() f.Buffer.B = append(f.Buffer.B, `)(nil`...) f.Buffer.B = append(f.Buffer.B, ')') } func (f format) AppendByte(b byte) { switch { // Always quoted case f.Key(): f.Buffer.B = append(f.Buffer.B, '\'') f.Buffer.B = append(f.Buffer.B, Byte2Str(b)...) f.Buffer.B = append(f.Buffer.B, '\'') // Always quoted ASCII with type case f.Verbose(): f._AppendPrimitiveTyped(func(f format) { f.Buffer.B = append(f.Buffer.B, '\'') f.Buffer.B = append(f.Buffer.B, Byte2Str(b)...) f.Buffer.B = append(f.Buffer.B, '\'') }) // Always quoted case f.Value(): f.Buffer.B = append(f.Buffer.B, '\'') f.Buffer.B = append(f.Buffer.B, Byte2Str(b)...) f.Buffer.B = append(f.Buffer.B, '\'') // Append as raw byte default: f.Buffer.B = append(f.Buffer.B, b) } } func (f format) AppendBytes(b []byte) { switch { // Bytes CAN be nil formatted case b == nil: f.AppendNil() // Quoted only if spaces/requires escaping case f.Key(): f.AppendStringSafe(b2s(b)) // Append as separate ASCII quoted bytes in slice case f.Verbose(): f._AppendArrayTyped(func(f format) { for i := 0; i < len(b); i++ { f.Buffer.B = append(f.Buffer.B, '\'') f.Buffer.B = append(f.Buffer.B, Byte2Str(b[i])...) f.Buffer.B = append(f.Buffer.B, `',`...) } if len(b) > 0 { f.Buffer.Truncate(1) } }) // Quoted only if spaces/requires escaping case f.Value(): f.AppendStringSafe(b2s(b)) // Append as raw bytes default: f.Buffer.B = append(f.Buffer.B, b...) } } func (f format) AppendRune(r rune) { switch { // Quoted only if spaces/requires escaping case f.Key(): f.AppendRuneKey(r) // Always quoted ASCII with type case f.Verbose(): f._AppendPrimitiveTyped(func(f format) { f.Buffer.B = strconv.AppendQuoteRuneToASCII(f.Buffer.B, r) }) // Always quoted value case f.Value(): f.Buffer.B = strconv.AppendQuoteRune(f.Buffer.B, r) // Append as raw rune default: f.Buffer.WriteRune(r) } } func (f format) AppendRuneKey(r rune) { if utf8.RuneLen(r) > 1 && (r < ' ' && r != '\t') || r == '`' || r == '\u007F' { // Quote and escape this rune f.Buffer.B = strconv.AppendQuoteRuneToASCII(f.Buffer.B, r) } else { // Simply append rune f.Buffer.WriteRune(r) } } func (f format) AppendRunes(r []rune) { switch { // Runes CAN be nil formatted case r == nil: f.AppendNil() // Quoted only if spaces/requires escaping case f.Key(): f.AppendStringSafe(string(r)) // Append as separate ASCII quoted bytes in slice case f.Verbose(): f._AppendArrayTyped(func(f format) { for i := 0; i < len(r); i++ { f.Buffer.B = strconv.AppendQuoteRuneToASCII(f.Buffer.B, r[i]) f.Buffer.B = append(f.Buffer.B, ',') } if len(r) > 0 { f.Buffer.Truncate(1) } }) // Quoted only if spaces/requires escaping case f.Value(): f.AppendStringSafe(string(r)) // Append as raw bytes default: for i := 0; i < len(r); i++ { f.Buffer.WriteRune(r[i]) } } } func (f format) AppendString(s string) { switch { // Quoted only if spaces/requires escaping case f.Key(): f.AppendStringSafe(s) // Always quoted with type case f.Verbose(): f._AppendPrimitiveTyped(func(f format) { f.AppendStringQuoted(s) }) // Quoted only if spaces/requires escaping case f.Value(): f.AppendStringSafe(s) // All else default: f.Buffer.B = append(f.Buffer.B, s...) } } func (f format) AppendStringSafe(s string) { if len(s) > SingleTermLine || !IsSafeASCII(s) { // Requires quoting AND escaping f.Buffer.B = strconv.AppendQuote(f.Buffer.B, s) } else if ContainsDoubleQuote(s) { // Contains double quotes, needs escaping f.Buffer.B = AppendEscape(f.Buffer.B, s) } else if len(s) == 0 || ContainsSpaceOrTab(s) { // Contains space / empty, needs quotes f.Buffer.B = append(f.Buffer.B, '"') f.Buffer.B = append(f.Buffer.B, s...) f.Buffer.B = append(f.Buffer.B, '"') } else { // All else write as-is f.Buffer.B = append(f.Buffer.B, s...) } } func (f format) AppendStringQuoted(s string) { if len(s) > SingleTermLine || !IsSafeASCII(s) { // Requires quoting AND escaping f.Buffer.B = strconv.AppendQuote(f.Buffer.B, s) } else if ContainsDoubleQuote(s) { // Contains double quotes, needs escaping f.Buffer.B = append(f.Buffer.B, '"') f.Buffer.B = AppendEscape(f.Buffer.B, s) f.Buffer.B = append(f.Buffer.B, '"') } else { // Simply append with quotes f.Buffer.B = append(f.Buffer.B, '"') f.Buffer.B = append(f.Buffer.B, s...) f.Buffer.B = append(f.Buffer.B, '"') } } func (f format) AppendBool(b bool) { if f.Verbose() { // Append as bool with type information f._AppendPrimitiveTyped(func(f format) { f.Buffer.B = strconv.AppendBool(f.Buffer.B, b) }) } else { // Simply append as bool f.Buffer.B = strconv.AppendBool(f.Buffer.B, b) } } func (f format) AppendInt(i int64) { f._AppendPrimitiveType(func(f format) { f.Buffer.B = strconv.AppendInt(f.Buffer.B, i, 10) }) } func (f format) AppendUint(u uint64) { f._AppendPrimitiveType(func(f format) { f.Buffer.B = strconv.AppendUint(f.Buffer.B, u, 10) }) } func (f format) AppendFloat(l float64) { f._AppendPrimitiveType(func(f format) { f.AppendFloatValue(l) }) } func (f format) AppendFloatValue(l float64) { f.Buffer.B = strconv.AppendFloat(f.Buffer.B, l, 'f', -1, 64) } func (f format) AppendComplex(c complex128) { f._AppendPrimitiveType(func(f format) { f.AppendFloatValue(real(c)) f.Buffer.B = append(f.Buffer.B, '+') f.AppendFloatValue(imag(c)) f.Buffer.B = append(f.Buffer.B, 'i') }) } func (f format) AppendPtr(u uint64) { f._AppendPtrType(func(f format) { if u == 0 { // Append as nil f.Buffer.B = append(f.Buffer.B, `nil`...) } else { // Append as hex number f.Buffer.B = append(f.Buffer.B, `0x`...) f.Buffer.B = strconv.AppendUint(f.Buffer.B, u, 16) } }) } func (f format) AppendInterfaceOrReflect(i interface{}) { if !f.AppendInterface(i) { // Interface append failed, used reflected value + type f.AppendReflectValue(reflect.ValueOf(i), reflect.TypeOf(i)) } } func (f format) AppendInterfaceOrReflectNext(v reflect.Value, t reflect.Type) { // Check we haven't hit max if f.AtMaxDepth() { f.Buffer.B = append(f.Buffer.B, `...`...) return } // Incr the depth f = f.IncrDepth() // Make actual call f.AppendReflectOrInterface(v, t) } func (f format) AppendReflectOrInterface(v reflect.Value, t reflect.Type) { if !v.CanInterface() || !f.AppendInterface(v.Interface()) { // Interface append failed, use reflect f.AppendReflectValue(v, t) } } func (f format) AppendInterface(i interface{}) bool { switch i := i.(type) { // Reflect types case reflect.Type: f.AppendReflectType(i) case reflect.Value: f.Buffer.B = append(f.Buffer.B, `reflect.Value`...) f.Buffer.B = append(f.Buffer.B, '(') f.Buffer.B = append(f.Buffer.B, i.String()...) f.Buffer.B = append(f.Buffer.B, ')') // Bytes, runes and string types case rune: f.VType = `int32` f.AppendRune(i) case []rune: f.VType = `[]int32` f.AppendRunes(i) case byte: f.VType = `uint8` f.AppendByte(i) case []byte: f.VType = `[]uint8` f.AppendBytes(i) case string: f.VType = `string` f.AppendString(i) // Int types case int: f.VType = `int` f.AppendInt(int64(i)) case int8: f.VType = `int8` f.AppendInt(int64(i)) case int16: f.VType = `int16` f.AppendInt(int64(i)) case int64: f.VType = `int64` f.AppendInt(int64(i)) // Uint types case uint: f.VType = `uint` f.AppendUint(uint64(i)) case uint16: f.VType = `uint16` f.AppendUint(uint64(i)) case uint32: f.VType = `uint32` f.AppendUint(uint64(i)) case uint64: f.VType = `uint64` f.AppendUint(uint64(i)) // Float types case float32: f.VType = `float32` f.AppendFloat(float64(i)) case float64: f.VType = `float64` f.AppendFloat(float64(i)) // Bool type case bool: f.VType = `bool` f.AppendBool(i) // Complex types case complex64: f.VType = `complex64` f.AppendComplex(complex128(i)) case complex128: f.VType = `complex128` f.AppendComplex(complex128(i)) // Method types case error: return f._AppendMethodType(func() string { return i.Error() }, i) case interface{ String() string }: return f._AppendMethodType(func() string { return i.String() }, i) // No quick handler default: return false } return true } func (f format) AppendReflectType(t reflect.Type) { switch f.VType = `reflect.Type`; { case isNil(t) /* safer nil check */ : f.AppendNil() case f.Verbose(): f.AppendType() f.Buffer.B = append(f.Buffer.B, '(') f.Buffer.B = append(f.Buffer.B, t.String()...) f.Buffer.B = append(f.Buffer.B, ')') default: f.Buffer.B = append(f.Buffer.B, t.String()...) } } func (f format) AppendReflectValue(v reflect.Value, t reflect.Type) { switch v.Kind() { // String/byte types case reflect.String: f.VType = t.String() f.AppendString(v.String()) case reflect.Uint8: f.VType = t.String() f.AppendByte(byte(v.Uint())) case reflect.Int32: f.VType = t.String() f.AppendRune(rune(v.Int())) // Float tpyes case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64: f.VType = t.String() f.AppendFloat(v.Float()) // Int types case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int64: f.VType = t.String() f.AppendInt(v.Int()) // Uint types case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64: f.VType = t.String() f.AppendUint(v.Uint()) // Complex types case reflect.Complex64, reflect.Complex128: f.VType = t.String() f.AppendComplex(v.Complex()) // Bool type case reflect.Bool: f.VType = t.String() f.AppendBool(v.Bool()) // Slice and array types case reflect.Array: f.AppendArray(v, t) case reflect.Slice: f.AppendSlice(v, t) // Map types case reflect.Map: f.AppendMap(v, t) // Struct types case reflect.Struct: f.AppendStruct(v, t) // Interface type case reflect.Interface: if v.IsNil() { // Append nil ptr type f.VType = t.String() f.AppendNil() } else { // Append interface v = v.Elem() t = v.Type() f.AppendReflectOrInterface(v, t) } // Deref'able ptr type case reflect.Ptr: if v.IsNil() { // Append nil ptr type f.VType = t.String() f.AppendNil() } else { // Deref to next level f = f.IncrDerefs() v, t = v.Elem(), t.Elem() f.AppendReflectOrInterface(v, t) } // 'raw' pointer types case reflect.UnsafePointer, reflect.Func, reflect.Chan: f.VType = t.String() f.AppendPtr(uint64(v.Pointer())) case reflect.Uintptr: f.VType = t.String() f.AppendPtr(v.Uint()) // Zero reflect value case reflect.Invalid: f.Buffer.B = append(f.Buffer.B, `nil`...) // All others default: f.VType = t.String() f.AppendType() } } func (f format) AppendSlice(v reflect.Value, t reflect.Type) { // Get slice value type f.VType = t.String() if t.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 { // This is a byte slice f.AppendBytes(v.Bytes()) return } if v.IsNil() { // Nil slice f.AppendNil() return } if f.Verbose() { // Append array with type information f._AppendArrayTyped(func(f format) { f.AppendArrayElems(v, t) }) } else { // Simply append array as elems f._AppendArray(func(f format) { f.AppendArrayElems(v, t) }) } } func (f format) AppendArray(v reflect.Value, t reflect.Type) { // Get array value type f.VType = t.String() if f.Verbose() { // Append array with type information f._AppendArrayTyped(func(f format) { f.AppendArrayElems(v, t) }) } else { // Simply append array as elems f._AppendArray(func(f format) { f.AppendArrayElems(v, t) }) } } func (f format) AppendArrayElems(v reflect.Value, t reflect.Type) { // Get no. elems n := v.Len() // Get elem type et := t.Elem() // Append values for i := 0; i < n; i++ { f.SetValue().AppendInterfaceOrReflectNext(v.Index(i), et) f.Buffer.B = append(f.Buffer.B, ',') } // Drop last comma if n > 0 { f.Buffer.Truncate(1) } } func (f format) AppendMap(v reflect.Value, t reflect.Type) { // Get value type f.VType = t.String() if v.IsNil() { // Nil map -- no fields f.AppendNil() return } // Append field formatted map fields f._AppendFieldType(func(f format) { f.AppendMapFields(v, t) }) } func (f format) AppendMapFields(v reflect.Value, t reflect.Type) { // Get a map iterator r := v.MapRange() n := v.Len() // Get key/val types kt := t.Key() kv := t.Elem() // Iterate pairs for r.Next() { f.SetKey().AppendInterfaceOrReflectNext(r.Key(), kt) f.Buffer.B = append(f.Buffer.B, '=') f.SetValue().AppendInterfaceOrReflectNext(r.Value(), kv) f.Buffer.B = append(f.Buffer.B, ' ') } // Drop last space if n > 0 { f.Buffer.Truncate(1) } } func (f format) AppendStruct(v reflect.Value, t reflect.Type) { // Get value type f.VType = t.String() // Append field formatted struct fields f._AppendFieldType(func(f format) { f.AppendStructFields(v, t) }) } func (f format) AppendStructFields(v reflect.Value, t reflect.Type) { // Get field no. n := v.NumField() // Iterate struct fields for i := 0; i < n; i++ { vfield := v.Field(i) tfield := t.Field(i) // Append field name f.AppendStringSafe(tfield.Name) f.Buffer.B = append(f.Buffer.B, '=') f.SetValue().AppendInterfaceOrReflectNext(vfield, tfield.Type) // Append separator f.Buffer.B = append(f.Buffer.B, ' ') } // Drop last space if n > 0 { f.Buffer.Truncate(1) } } func (f format) _AppendMethodType(method func() string, i interface{}) (ok bool) { // Verbose -- no methods if f.Verbose() { return false } // Catch nil type if isNil(i) { f.AppendNil() return true } // Catch any panics defer func() { if r := recover(); r != nil { // DON'T recurse catchPanic() if f.Panic() { panic(r) } // Attempt to decode panic into buf f.Buffer.B = append(f.Buffer.B, `!{PANIC=`...) f.SetPanic().AppendInterfaceOrReflect(r) f.Buffer.B = append(f.Buffer.B, '}') // Ensure no further attempts // to format after return ok = true } }() // Get method result result := method() switch { // Append as key formatted case f.Key(): f.AppendStringSafe(result) // Append as always quoted case f.Value(): f.AppendStringQuoted(result) // Append as-is default: f.Buffer.B = append(f.Buffer.B, result...) } return true } // _AppendPrimitiveType is a helper to append prefix/suffix for primitives (numbers/bools/bytes/runes). func (f format) _AppendPrimitiveType(appendPrimitive func(format)) { if f.Verbose() { // Append value with type information f._AppendPrimitiveTyped(appendPrimitive) } else { // Append simply as-is appendPrimitive(f) } } // _AppendPrimitiveTyped is a helper to append prefix/suffix for primitives (numbers/bools/bytes/runes) with their types (if deref'd). func (f format) _AppendPrimitiveTyped(appendPrimitive func(format)) { if f.Derefs > 0 { // Is deref'd, append type info f.Buffer.B = append(f.Buffer.B, '(') f.AppendType() f.Buffer.WriteString(`)(`) appendPrimitive(f) f.Buffer.B = append(f.Buffer.B, ')') } else { // Simply append value appendPrimitive(f) } } // _AppendPtrType is a helper to append prefix/suffix for ptr types (with type if necessary). func (f format) _AppendPtrType(appendPtr func(format)) { if f.Verbose() { // Append value with type information f.Buffer.B = append(f.Buffer.B, '(') f.AppendType() f.Buffer.WriteString(`)(`) appendPtr(f) f.Buffer.B = append(f.Buffer.B, ')') } else { // Append simply as-is appendPtr(f) } } // _AppendArray is a helper to append prefix/suffix for array-types. func (f format) _AppendArray(appendArray func(format)) { f.Buffer.B = append(f.Buffer.B, '[') appendArray(f) f.Buffer.B = append(f.Buffer.B, ']') } // _AppendArrayTyped is a helper to append prefix/suffix for array-types with their types. func (f format) _AppendArrayTyped(appendArray func(format)) { f.AppendType() f.Buffer.B = append(f.Buffer.B, '{') appendArray(f) f.Buffer.B = append(f.Buffer.B, '}') } // _AppendFields is a helper to append prefix/suffix for field-types (with type if necessary). func (f format) _AppendFieldType(appendFields func(format)) { if f.Verbose() { f.AppendType() } f.Buffer.B = append(f.Buffer.B, '{') appendFields(f) f.Buffer.B = append(f.Buffer.B, '}') }