  theme-title: Rain Forest
  theme-description: Rain Forest is dark and green, with sunlight spots. Sloth's home.

/* based on Rain Forest color palette and elements
   color names as reference
   v1.0 by xmgz at github */

:root {
  /* color definitions */
  --dgreen1: #003333;
  --dgreen2: #196C41;
  --dgreen3: #027C68;
  --dgreen4: #009933;
  --dblue1: #141E46;   /* very dark blue */
  --typecolor: #F8F4EC;
  --linkcolor: #c0f0c0; /* very soft lime green */
  --sunny: #FCDC2A;
  --lesssunny: #FF7431; /* papaya */
  /* wood/earth colors */
  --codebg: #3A2722;  /* darker caoba */
  --quotebg: #800000; /* maroon */
  /* water, post's date and stats. User stats */
  --fg-reduced: #BBEBFF;

  /* Restyle basic colors  */
  --blue1: var(--dgreen2);
  --blue2: var(--lesssunny);
  --blue3: var(--linkcolor);
  --bg-accent: var(--dblue1);
  --orange2: var(--sunny);
  --profile-bg: var(--dgreen2);
  /* dark blues */
  --gray2: #29485A; /* black forest blue */
  --gray4: #2B3246; /* vintage dark blue */
  /*  statuses */
  --status-bg: var(--dgreen1);
  --status-focus-bg: var(--dgreen1);
  --status-info-bg: var(--dgreen3);
  --status-focus-info-bg: var(--dgreen3);
    /* «show more» button */
  --button-bg: var(--lesssunny);
  --button-fg: var(--dblue1);

  /* Used around statuses + other items */
  --boxshadow: 0 0.4rem 0.7rem -0.1rem rgba(252,220,42,0.15); /* subtle status glow */
  --boxshadow-border: 0.07rem solid var(--lesssunny);  /* thin papaya border */

html, body {
  /* background */
        --bg: linear-gradient(180deg, var(--dgreen2) 0%, var(--dgreen1) 40%, var(--dblue1) 100%);

  /* browser's scrollbar, papaya and green */
        scrollbar-color: var(--lesssunny) var(--dgreen2);


/* header */
.profile .profile-header {
  border-color: var(--sunny);
  border-width: 8px;
  border-style: solid;

/* about user */
.profile .about-user .bio {
  background: var(--gray4);

.button {
box-shadow: none; /* no "glow" for buttons */

.profile .about-user .accountstats {
  background: var(--fg-reduced);
  color: var(--dgreen2);

/* Profile fields */
.profile .about-user .fields .field {
  border-bottom: 0.1rem solid var(--sunny);
.profile .about-user .fields .field:first-child {
  border-top: 0.1rem solid var(--sunny);

/* Block quotes */
blockquote {
  background-color: var(--quotebg);
  color: var(--typecolor);
  font-style: italic;

/* Code snippets */
pre {
  border: 1px solid var(--fg-accent); /* box's border */
  border-radius: 0px; /* and not rounded */
/* kept this because other people know more */
pre, pre[class*="language-"],
code, code[class*="language-"] {
  background-color: var(--codebg);

/* status language */
.status .status-info .status-stats .language {
  color: var(--quotebg);
  font-weight: bold;
  background-color: var(--typecolor);
  padding: 3px;
  border-radius: 5px 10px;