diff --git a/docs/advanced/caching/api.md b/docs/advanced/caching/api.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..89df55a09 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/advanced/caching/api.md @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ +# Caching API responses + +It is possible to cache certain API responses to offload the GoToSocial process from having to handle all requests. We don't recommend caching responses to requests under `/api`. + +When using a [split domain](../host-account-domain.md) deployment style, you need to ensure you configure caching on the host domain. The account domain should only be issuing redirects to the host domain which clients will automatically remember. + +!!! warning "There are only two hard things in computer science" + Configuring caching incorrectly can result into all kinds of problems. Follow this guide carefully and thoroughly test your modifications. Don't cache endpoints that require authentication without taking the `Authorization` header into account. + +## Endpoints + +### Webfinger and hostmeta + +Requests to `/.well-known/webfinger` and `/.well-known/host-meta` can be safely cached. Do be careful to ensure any caching strategy takes query parameters into account when caching webfinger requests as requests to that endpoint are of the form `?resource=acct:@username@domain.tld`. + +### Public keys + +Many implementations will regularly request the public key for a user in order to validate the signature on a message they received. This will happen whenever a message gets federated amongst other things. These keys are long lived, essentially eternal, and can thus be cached with a long lifetime. + +## Configuration snippets + +### nginx + +For nginx, you'll need to start by configuring a cache zone. The cache zone must be created in the `http` section, not within `server` or `location`. + +```nginx +http { + ... + proxy_cache_path /var/cache/nginx keys_zone=gotosocial_ap_public_responses:10m inactive=1w; +} +``` + +This configures a cache of 10MB whose entries will be kept up to one week if they're not accessed. + +The zone is named `gotosocial_ap_public_responses` but you can name it whatever you want. 10MB is a lot of cache keys; you can probably use a smaller value on small instances. + +Second, we need to update our GoToSocial nginx configuration to actually use the cache for the endpoints we want to cache. + +```nginx +server { + server_name social.example.org; + + location ~ /.well-known/(webfinger|host-meta)$ { + proxy_set_header Host $host; + proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr; + proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme; + + proxy_cache gotosocial_ap_public_responses; + proxy_cache_background_update on; + proxy_cache_key $scheme://$host$uri$is_args$query_string; + proxy_cache_valid 200 10m; + proxy_cache_use_stale error timeout updating http_500 http_502 http_503 http_504 http_429; + proxy_cache_lock on; + add_header X-Cache-Status $upstream_cache_status; + + proxy_pass http://localhost:8080; + } + + location ~ ^\/users\/(?:[a-z0-9_\.]+)\/main-key$ { + proxy_set_header Host $host; + proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr; + proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme; + + proxy_cache gotosocial_ap_public_responses; + proxy_cache_background_update on; + proxy_cache_key $scheme://$host$uri; + proxy_cache_valid 200 604800s; + proxy_cache_use_stale error timeout updating http_500 http_502 http_503 http_504 http_429; + proxy_cache_lock on; + add_header X-Cache-Status $upstream_cache_status; + + proxy_pass http://localhost:8080; + } +``` + +The `proxy_pass` and `proxy_set_header` are mostly the same, but the `proxy_cache*` entries warrant some explanation: + +- `proxy_cache gotosocial_ap_public_responses` tells nginx to use the `gotosocial_ap_public_responses` cache zone we previously created. If you named it something else, you should change this value +- `proxy_cache_background_update on` means nginx will try and refresh a cached resource that's about to expire in the background, to ensure it has a current copy on disk +- `proxy_cache_key` is configured in such a way that it takes the query string into account for caching. So a request for `.well-known/webfinger?acct=user1@example.org` and `.well-known/webfinger?acct=user2@example.org` are not seen as the same. +- `proxy_cache_valid 200 10m;` means we only cache 200 responses from GTS and for 10 minutes. You can add additional lines of these, like `proxy_cache_valid 404 1m;` to cache 404 responses for 1 minute +- `proxy_cache_use_stale` tells nginx it's allowed to use a stale cache entry (so older than 10 minutes) in certain cases +- `proxy_cache_lock on` means that if a resource is not cached and there's multiple concurrent requests for them, the queries will be queued up so that only one request goes through and the rest is then answered from cache +- `add_header X-Cache-Status $upstream_cache_status` will add an `X-Cache-Status` header to the response so you can check if things are getting cached. You can remove this. + +The provided configuration will serve a stale response in case there's an error proxying to GoToSocial, if our connection to GoToSocial times out, if GoToSocial returns a `5xx` status code or if GoToSocial returns 429 (Too Many Requests). The `updating` value says that we're allowed to serve a stale entry if nginx is currently in the process of refreshing its cache. Because we configured `inactive=1w` in the `proxy_cache_path` directive, nginx may serve a response up to one week old if the conditions in `proxy_cache_use_stale` are met. diff --git a/docs/advanced/caching/assets-media.md b/docs/advanced/caching/assets-media.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a7639885c --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/advanced/caching/assets-media.md @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +# Caching assets and media + +When you've configured your GoToSocial instance with local storage for media, you can use your [reverse proxy](../../getting_started/reverse_proxy/index.md) to serve these files directly and cache them. This avoids hitting GoToSocial for these requests and reverse proxies can typically serve assets faster than GoToSocial. + +You can also use your reverse proxy to cache the GoToSocial web UI assets, like the CSS and images it uses. + +When using a [split domain](../host-account-domain.md) deployment style, you need to ensure you configure caching of the assets and media on the host domain. + +!!! warning "Media pruning" + If you've configured media pruning, you need to ensure that when media is not found on disk the request is still sent on to GoToSocial. This will ensure the media is fetched again from the remote instance and subsequent requests for this media will then be handled by your reverse proxy again. + +## Endpoints + +There are 2 endpoints that serve assets we can serve and cache: + +* `/assets` which contains fonts, CSS, images etc. for the web UI +* `/fileserver` which serves attachments for status posts when using the local storage backend + +The filesystem location of `/assets` is defined by the [`web-asset-base-dir`](../../configuration/web.md) configuration option. Files under `/fileserver` are retrieved from the [`storage-local-base-path`](../../configuration/storage.md). + +## Configuration + +### nginx + +Here's an example of the three location blocks you'll need to add to your existing configuration in nginx: + +```nginx +server { + server_name social.example.org; + + location /assets/ { + alias web-asset-base-dir/; + autoindex off; + expires 5m; + add_header Cache-Control "public"; + } + + location @fileserver { + proxy_pass http://localhost:8080; + proxy_set_header Host $host; + proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; + proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade"; + proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr; + proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme; + } + + location /fileserver/ { + alias storage-local-base-path/; + autoindex off; + expires max; + add_header Cache-Control "private, immutable"; + try_files $uri @fileserver; + } +} +``` + +The `/fileserver` location is a bit special. When we fail to fetch the media from disk, we want to proxy the request on to GoToSocial so it can try and fetch it. The `try_files` directive can't take a `proxy_pass` itself so instead we created the named `@fileserver` location that we pass in last to `try_files`. + +!!! bug "Trailing slashes" + The trailing slashes in the `location` directives and the `alias` are significant, do not remove those. + +The `expires` directive adds the necessary headers to inform the client how long it may cache the resource: + +* For assets, which may change on each release, 5 minutes is used in this example +* For attachments, which should never change once they're created, `max` is used instead setting the cache expiry to the 31st of December 2037. + +For other options, see the nginx documentation on the [`expires` directive](https://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_headers_module.html#expires). + +Nginx does not add cache headers to 4xx or 5xx response codes so a failure to fetch an asset won't get cached by clients. The `autoindex off` directive tells nginx to not serve a directory listing. This should be the default but it doesn't hurt to be explicit. The added `add_header` lines set additional options for the `Cache-Control` header: + +* `public` is used to indicate that anyone may cache this resource +* `immutable` is used to indicate this resource will never change while it is fresh (it's before the end of the expires) allowing clients to forgo conditional requests to revalidate the resource during that timespan. diff --git a/docs/advanced/caching/index.md b/docs/advanced/caching/index.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ca946dd8e --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/advanced/caching/index.md @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +# Caching + +This section covers a number of different caching techniques that can be used to make GoToSocial more robust in the face of higher traffic and offload the GoToSocial instance from some work. + +!!! note + These guides are only relevant if you're running a [reverse proxy](../../getting_started/reverse_proxy/index.md). + +## Guides + +* [Caching API responses](api.md) +* [Assets and media serving and caching](assets-media.md) diff --git a/docs/advanced/host-account-domain.md b/docs/advanced/host-account-domain.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6831a7e19 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/advanced/host-account-domain.md @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ +# Split-domain deployments + +This guide explains how to have usernames like `@me@example.org` but run the GoToSocial instance itself on a subdomain like `social.example.org`. Configuring this type of deployment layout **must** be done before starting GoToSocial for the first time. + +!!! danger + You cannot change your domain layout after you've federated with someone. Servers are going to get confused and you'll need to convince the admin of every instance that's federated with you before to mess with their database to resolve it. It also requires regenerating the database on your side to create a new instance account and pair of encryption keys. + +## Background + +The way ActivityPub implementations discover how to map your account domain to your host domain is through a protocol called [webfinger](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7033). This mapping is typically cached by servers and hence why you can't change it after the fact. + +It works by doing a request to `https:///.well-known/webfinger?resource=acct:@me@example.org`. At this point, a server can return a redirect to where the actual webfinger endpoint is, `https:///.well-known/webfinger?resource=acct:@me@example.org` or may respond directly. The JSON document that is returned informs you what the endpoint to query is for the user: + +```json +{ + "subject": "acct:me@example.org", + "aliases": [ + "https://social.example.org/users/me", + "https://social.example.org/@me" + ], + "links": [ + { + "rel": "http://webfinger.net/rel/profile-page", + "type": "text/html", + "href": "https://social.example.org/@me" + }, + { + "rel": "self", + "type": "application/activity+json", + "href": "https://social.example.org/users/me" + } + ] +} +``` + +ActivityPub clients and servers will now use the entry from the `links` array with `rel` `self` and `type` `application/activity+json` to query for further information, like where the `inbox` is located to federated messages to. + +## Configuration + +There are 2 configuration settings you'll need to concern yourself with: + +* `host`, the domain the API will be served on and what clients and servers will end up using when talking to your instance +* `account-domain`, the domain user accounts will be created on + +In order to achieve the setup as described in the introduction, you'll need to set these two configuration options accordingly: + +```yaml +host: social.example.org +account-domain: example.org +``` + +!!! info + The `host` must always be the DNS name that your GoToSocial instance runs on. It does not affect the IP address the GoToSocial instance binds to. That is controlled with `bind-address`. + +## Reverse proxy + +When using a [reverse proxy](../getting_started/reverse_proxy/index.md) you'll need to ensure you're set up to handle traffic on both of those domains. You'll need to redirect a few endpoints from the account domain to the host domain. + +Redirects are typically used so that the change of domain can be detected client side. The endpoints to redirect from the account domain to the host domain are: + +* `/.well-known/webfinger` +* `/.well-known/host-meta` +* `/.well-known/nodeinfo` + +!!! tip + Do not proxy or redirect requests to the API endpoints, `/api/...`, from the account domain to the host domain. This will confuse heuristics some clients use to detect a split-domain deployment resulting in broken login flows and other weird behaviour. + +### nginx + +In order to configure the redirect, you'll need to configure it on the account domain. Assuming the account domain is `example.org` and the host domain is `social.example.org`, the following configuration snippet showcases how to do this: + +```nginx +server { + server_name example.org; + + location /.well-known/webfinger { + rewrite ^.*$ https://social.example.org/.well-known/webfinger permanent; + } + + location /.well-known/host-meta { + rewrite ^.*$ https://social.example.org/.well-known/host-meta permanent; + } + + location /.well-known/nodeinfo { + rewrite ^.*$ https://social.example.org/.well-known/nodeinfo permanent; + } +} +``` + +### Traefik + +If `example.org` is running on [Traefik](https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/), we could use labels similar to the following to setup the redirect. + +```yaml +myservice: + image: foo + # Other stuff + labels: + - 'traefik.http.routers.myservice.rule=Host(`example.org`)' + - 'traefik.http.middlewares.myservice-gts.redirectregex.permanent=true' + - 'traefik.http.middlewares.myservice-gts.redirectregex.regex=^https://(.*)/.well-known/(webfinger|nodeinfo|host-meta)$$' + - 'traefik.http.middlewares.myservice-gts.redirectregex.replacement=https://social.$${1}/.well-known/$${2}' + - 'traefik.http.routers.myservice.middlewares=myservice-gts@docker' +``` diff --git a/docs/advanced/index.md b/docs/advanced/index.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f196b191b --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/advanced/index.md @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# Advanced + +In this section we touch on a number of more advanced topics, primarily related around deploying, operating and tuning GoToSocial. + +We consider these topics advanced because applying them incorrectly does have the possibility of causing client and federation issues. Applying any of these configuration changes may also make it harder for you to debug an issue with your GoToSocial instance if you don't understand the changes that you're making. + +## Guides + +* [Split-domain deployment (API vs. account domain)](host-account-domain.md) +* [Using an HTTP proxy for client/outgoing requests](outgoing-proxy.md) +* [Caching API responses](caching/api.md) +* [Serving and caching assets and media from local storage](caching/assets-media.md) +* [Process sandboxing](security/sandboxing.md) +* [Tracing](tracing.md) diff --git a/docs/advanced/outgoing-proxy.md b/docs/advanced/outgoing-proxy.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..67d00777a --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/advanced/outgoing-proxy.md @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +# Outgoing HTTP proxy + +GoToSocial supports canonical environment variables for configuring the use of an HTTP proxy for outgoing requets: + +* `HTTP_PROXY` +* `HTTPS_PROXY` +* `NO_PROXY` + +The lowercase versions of these environment variables are also recognised. `HTTPS_PROXY` takes precedence over `HTTP_PROXY` for https requests. + +The environment values may be either a complete URL or a `host[:port]`, in which case the "http" scheme is assumed. The schemes "http", "https", and "socks5" are supported. + +## systemd + +When running with systemd, you can add the necessary environment variables using the `Environment` option in the `Service` section. + +How to do so is documented in the [`systemd.exec` manual](https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.exec.html#Environment). + +## Container runtime + +Environment variables can be set in the compose file under the `environment` key. You can also pass them on the CLI to Docker or Podman's `run` command with `-e KEY=VALUE` or `--env KEY=VALUE`. diff --git a/docs/advanced/security/index.md b/docs/advanced/security/index.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..63ee73c9a --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/advanced/security/index.md @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +# Enhanced security + +These guides cover improving the security posture of your GoToSocial deployment. They don't involve tweaking settings in GoToSocial, but rather additional things you can do to better lock down your instance. + +!!! note + Anything in these guides is meant to ehance the security of your GoToSocial deployment; they are not a replacement for good security practices like keeping your systems patched and up to date. + +## Guides + +* [Sandboxing the GoToSocial binary](sandboxing.md) diff --git a/docs/advanced/security/sandboxing.md b/docs/advanced/security/sandboxing.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..067940e32 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/advanced/security/sandboxing.md @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ +# Application sandboxing + +By sandboxing the GoToSocial binary it's possible to control which parts of the system GoToSocial can access, and limit which things it can read and write. This can be helpful to ensure that even in the face of a security issue in GoToSocial, an attacker is severely hindered in escalating their privileges and gaining a foothold on your system. + +!!! note + As GoToSocial is still early in its development, the sandboxing policies we ship may get out of date. If you happen to run into this, please raise an issue on the issue tracker or better yet submit a PR to help us fix it. + +Different distributions have different sandboxing mechanisms they prefer and support: + +* **AppArmor** for the Debian or Ubuntu family of distributions or OpenSuSE, including when running with Docker +* **SELinux** for the Red Hat/Fedora/CentOS family of distributions or Gentoo + +!!! warning "Containers and sandboxing" + Running GoToSocial as a container does not in and of itself provide much additional security. Despite their name, "containers do not contain". Containers are a distribution mechanism, not a security sandbox. To further secure your container you can instruct the container runtime to load the AppArmor profile and look into limiting which syscalls can be used using a seccomp profile. + +## AppArmor + +We ship an example AppArmor policy for GoToSocial, which you can retrieve and install as follows: + +```sh +$ curl -LO 'https://github.com/superseriousbusiness/gotosocial/raw/main/example/apparmor/gotosocial' +$ sudo install -o root -g root gotosocial /etc/apparmor.d/gotosocial +$ sudo apparmor_parser -Kr /etc/apparmor.d/gotosocial +``` + +!!! tip + If you're using SQLite, the AppArmor profile expects the database in `/gotosocial/db/` so you'll need to adjust your configuration paths or the policy accordingly. + +With the policy installed, you'll need to configure your system to use it to constrain the permissions GoToSocial has. + +You can disable the policy like this: + +```sh +$ sudo apparmor_parser -R /etc/apparmor.d/gotosocial +$ sudo rm -vi /etc/apparmor.d/gotosocial +``` +Don't forget to roll back any configuration changes you made that load the AppArmor policy. + +### systemd + +Add the following to the systemd service, or create an override: + +```ini +[Service] +... +AppArmorProfile=gotosocial +``` + +Reload systemd and restart GoToSocial: + +``` +$ systemctl daemon-reload +$ systemctl restart gotosocial +``` + +### Containers + +!!! tip + You should review the [Docker](https://docs.docker.com/engine/security/apparmor/) or [Podman](https://docs.podman.io/en/latest/markdown/options/security-opt.html) documentation on AppArmor. + +When using our example Compose file, you can tell it to load the AppArmor policy by tweaking it like so: + +```yaml +services: + gotosocial: + ... + security_opt: + - apparmor=gotosocial +``` + +When launching the container with `docker run` or `podman run`, you'll need the `--security-opt="apparmor=gotosocial"` command line flag. + +## SELinux + +!!! note + SELinux can only be used in combination with the [binary installation](../../getting_started/installation/metal.md) method. SELinux cannot be used to constrain GoToSocial when running in a container. + +The SELinux policy is maintained by the community in the [`lzap/gotosocial-selinux`](https://github.com/lzap/gotosocial-selinux) repository on GitHub. Make sure to read its documentation, review the policy before using it and use their issue tracker for any support requests around the SELinux policy. diff --git a/docs/getting_started/tracing.md b/docs/advanced/tracing.md similarity index 100% rename from docs/getting_started/tracing.md rename to docs/advanced/tracing.md diff --git a/docs/getting_started/advanced.md b/docs/getting_started/advanced.md deleted file mode 100644 index ecd73fdbe..000000000 --- a/docs/getting_started/advanced.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,447 +0,0 @@ -# Advanced - -Advanced configuration options for GoToSocial. - -## Can I host my instance at `fedi.example.org` but have just `@example.org` in my username? - -Yes, you can! This is useful when you have something like a personal page or blog at `example.org`, but you also want your fediverse account to have `example.org` in it to avoid confusing people, or just because it looks nicer than `fedi.example.org`. - -Please note that you need to do this *BEFORE RUNNING GOTOSOCIAL* for the first time, or things will likely break. - -An additional thing to keep in mind is that there is no good way for applications to detect if you're running this style of deployment. Therefor you should recommend that folks use `fedi.example.org` as the instance to login to in any client application. - -Some applications do have heuristics built-in to try and detect this situation and make login from either domain possible. That heuristic relies on `/api/v1/instance` or `/api/v1/apps` not responding on `example.org`. When that happens they'll do a fallback lookup by requesting `example.org/.well-known/host-meta`. You need to ensure that this endpoint is properly redirected to `fedi.example.org` as shown in our examples below. It is crucial you don't redirect `/api` or any of its subpaths from `example.org` to `fedi.example.org`, but only the well-known endpoints, to not break this heuristic. - -### Step 1: Configure GoToSocial - -This step is easy. - -In the settings, GoToSocial differentiates between `host`--the address at which your instance is accessible--and `account-domain`--which is the domain you want to show in accounts. - -Behold, from the example config.yaml file: - -```yaml -# String. Hostname that this server will be reachable at. Defaults to localhost for local testing, -# but you should *definitely* change this when running for real, or your server won't work at all. -# DO NOT change this after your server has already run once, or you will break things! -# Examples: ["gts.example.org","some.server.com"] -# Default: "localhost" -host: "localhost" - -# String. Domain to use when federating profiles. This is useful when you want your server to be at -# eg., "gts.example.org", but you want the domain on accounts to be "example.org" because it looks better -# or is just shorter/easier to remember. -# -# To make this setting work properly, you need to redirect requests at "example.org/.well-known/webfinger" -# to "gts.example.org/.well-known/webfinger" so that GtS can handle them properly. -# -# You should also redirect requests at "example.org/.well-known/nodeinfo" in the same way. -# -# You should also redirect requests at "example.org/.well-known/host-meta" in the same way. This endpoint is used by a number of clients to discover the API endpoint to use when the host and account domain are different. -# -# An empty string (ie., not set) means that the same value as 'host' will be used. -# -# DO NOT change this after your server has already run once, or you will break things! -# -# Please read the appropriate section of the installation guide before you go messing around with this setting: -# https://docs.gotosocial.org/installation_guide/advanced/#can-i-host-my-instance-at-fediexampleorg-but-have-just-exampleorg-in-my-username -# -# Examples: ["example.org","server.com"] -# Default: "" -account-domain: "" -``` - -The first value, `host`, is simple. In our scenario of wanting to run the GtS instance at `fedi.example.org`, this should be set to, yep, `fedi.example.org`. - -The second value, `account-domain` should be set to `example.org`, to indicate that that's the domain we want accounts to be displayed with. - -IMPORTANT: `account-domain` must be a *parent domain* of `host`, and `host` must be a *subdomain* of `account-domain`. So if your `host` is `fedi.example.org`, your `account-domain` cannot be `somewhere.else.com` or `example.com`, it **has to be** `example.org`. - -### Step 2: Redirect from `example.org` to `fedi.example.org` - -The next step is more difficult: we need to ensure that when remote instances search for the user `@user@example.org` via webfinger, they end up being pointed towards `fedi.example.org`, where our instance is actually hosted. - -Of course, we don't want to redirect *all* requests from `example.org` to `fedi.example.org` because that negates the purpose of having a separate domain in the first place, so we need to be specific. - -In the config.yaml above, there are three endpoints mentioned, all of which we need to redirect: `/.well-known/webfinger`, `/.well-known/nodeinfo` and `/.well-known/host-meta`. - -Assuming we have an [nginx](https://nginx.org) reverse proxy running on `example.org`, we can get the redirect behavior we want by adding the following to the nginx config for `example.org`: - -```nginx -http { - server { - listen 80; - listen [::]:80; - server_name example.org; - - location /.well-known/webfinger { - rewrite ^.*$ https://fedi.example.org/.well-known/webfinger permanent; - } - - location /.well-known/host-meta { - rewrite ^.*$ https://fedi.example.org/.well-known/host-meta permanent; - } - - location /.well-known/nodeinfo { - rewrite ^.*$ https://fedi.example.org/.well-known/nodeinfo permanent; - } - - # The rest of our nginx config ... - } -} -``` - -The above configuration [rewrites](https://www.nginx.com/blog/creating-nginx-rewrite-rules/) queries to `example.org/.well-known/webfinger`, `example.org/.well-known/nodeinfo` and `example.org/.well-known/host-meta` to their `fedi.example.org` counterparts while preserving any query arguments, making it easier to follow the redirect. - -If `example.org` is running on [Traefik](https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/), we could use labels similar to the following to setup the redirect. - -```docker - myservice: - image: foo - # Other stuff - labels: - - 'traefik.http.routers.myservice.rule=Host(`example.org`)' - - 'traefik.http.middlewares.myservice-gts.redirectregex.permanent=true' - - 'traefik.http.middlewares.myservice-gts.redirectregex.regex=^https://(.*)/.well-known/(webfinger|nodeinfo|host-meta)$$' - - 'traefik.http.middlewares.myservice-gts.redirectregex.replacement=https://fedi.$${1}/.well-known/$${2}' - - 'traefik.http.routers.myservice.middlewares=myservice-gts@docker' -``` - -### Step 3: What now? - -Once you've done steps 1 and 2, proceed as normal with the rest of your GoToSocial installation. - -### Supplemental: how does this work? - -With the configuration we put in place in the steps above, when someone from another instance looks up `@user@example.org`, their instance will perform a webfinger request to `example.org/.well-known/webfinger?resource:acct=user@example.org` in order to discover a link to an ActivityPub representation of that user's account. They will then be redirected to `https://fedi.example.org/.well-known/webfinger?resource:acct=user@example.org`, and their query will be resolved. - -The webfinger response returned by GoToSocial (and indeed Mastodon, and other ActivityPub implementations) contains the desired account domain in the `subject` part of the response, and provides links to aliases that should be used to query the account. - -Here's an example of this working for the `superseriousbusiness.org` GoToSocial instance, which is hosted at `gts.superseriousbusiness.org`. - -Curl query: - -```bash -curl -v 'https://superseriousbusiness.org/.well-known/webfinger?resource=acct:@gotosocial@superseriousbusiness.org' -``` - -Response: - -```text -> GET /.well-known/webfinger?resource=acct:@gotosocial@superseriousbusiness.org HTTP/2 -> Host: superseriousbusiness.org -> user-agent: curl/7.68.0 -> accept: */* -> -< HTTP/2 301 -< content-type: text/html -< date: Thu, 17 Nov 2022 11:10:39 GMT -< location: https://gts.superseriousbusiness.org/.well-known/webfinger?resource=acct:@gotosocial@superseriousbusiness.org -< server: nginx/1.20.1 -< content-length: 169 -< - -301 Moved Permanently - -

301 Moved Permanently

- - - -``` - -If we follow the redirect and make a query to the specified `location` as follows: - -```bash -curl -v 'https://gts.superseriousbusiness.org/.well-known/webfinger?resource=acct:@gotosocial@superseriousbusiness.org' -``` - -Then we get the following response: - -```json -{ - "subject": "acct:gotosocial@superseriousbusiness.org", - "aliases": [ - "https://gts.superseriousbusiness.org/users/gotosocial", - "https://gts.superseriousbusiness.org/@gotosocial" - ], - "links": [ - { - "rel": "http://webfinger.net/rel/profile-page", - "type": "text/html", - "href": "https://gts.superseriousbusiness.org/@gotosocial" - }, - { - "rel": "self", - "type": "application/activity+json", - "href": "https://gts.superseriousbusiness.org/users/gotosocial" - } - ] -} -``` - -In the above response, note that the `subject` of the response contains the desired account-domain of `superseriousbusiness.org`, whereas the links contain the actual host value of `gts.superseriousbusiness.org`. - -## Can I make my GoToSocial instance use a proxy (http, https, socks5) for outgoing requests? - -Yes! GoToSocial supports canonical environment variables for doing this: `HTTP_PROXY`, `HTTPS_PROXY` and `NO_PROXY` (or the lowercase versions thereof). `HTTPS_PROXY` takes precedence over `HTTP_PROXY` for https requests. - -The http client that GoToSocial uses will be initialized with the appropriate proxy. - -The environment values may be either a complete URL or a `host[:port]`, in which case the "http" scheme is assumed. The schemes "http", "https", and "socks5" are supported. - -## Application sandboxing - -Although GoToSocial does not currently have any known vulnerabilities, it's -always a good idea to be proactive about security. One way you can help protect -your instance is to run it in a *sandbox* -- an environment that constrains the -actions a program can perform in order to limit the impact of a future exploit. - -[Using Docker](../../installation_guide/docker) to run GoToSocial can work as a -(limited) sandboxing mechanism. For Linux installations, [Linux Security -Modules](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_Security_Modules) such as -[AppArmor](https://www.apparmor.net/) and -[SELinux](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Security-Enhanced_Linux) work as a -complementary mechanism that typically provide stronger protections. You should -use - -- **AppArmor** if you're running GoToSocial on Debian, Ubuntu, or OpenSUSE, and -- **SELinux** if you're using CentOS, RHEL, or Rocky Linux. - -For other Linux distributions, you will need to look up what Linux Security -Modules are supported by your kernel. - -!!! note - GoToSocial is currently alpha software, and as more features are implemented - these security policies may quickly become outdated. You may find that using - AppArmor or SELinux causes GoToSocial to fail in unexpected ways until GTS - becomes stable. - -!!! caution - Sandboxing is an _additional_ security mechanism to help defend against - certain kinds of attacks; it _is not_ a replacement for good security - practices. - -### AppArmor - -For Linux distributions supporting AppArmor, there is an AppArmor profile -available in `example/apparmor/gotosocial` that you can use to confine your -GoToSocial instance. If you're using a server (such as a VPS) to deploy -GoToSocial, you can install the AppArmor profile by downloading it and copying -it into the `/etc/apparmor.d/` directory: - -```bash -wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/superseriousbusiness/gotosocial/main/example/apparmor/gotosocial -sudo install -o root -g root gotosocial /etc/apparmor.d/gotosocial -sudo apparmor_parser -Kr /etc/apparmor.d/gotosocial -``` - -If you're using Docker Compose, you should add the following `security_opt` -section to your Compose configuration file: - -```yaml -services: - gotosocial: - ... - security_opt: - - apparmor=gotosocial -``` - -If you're running GoToSocial as a Systemd service, you should instead add this -line under `[Service]`: - -```ini -[Service] -... -AppArmorProfile=gotosocial -``` - -If you're using SQLite, the AppArmor profile expects the database in -`/gotosocial/db/` so you'll need to adjust your configuration paths accordingly. - -For other deployment methods (e.g. a managed Kubernetes cluster), you should -review your platform's documentation for how to deploy an application with an -AppArmor profile. - -#### Disabling the AppArmor profile - -If enabling the AppArmor profile causes your instance to experience issues, you -can uninstall it from the system as follows: - -``` -sudo apparmor_parser -R /etc/apparmor.d/gotosocial -sudo rm -vi /etc/apparmor.d/gotosocial -``` - -You will also want to remove any changes you made to your Compose configuration -or Systemd service file to enable the profile. - -### SELinux - -!!! note - Currently, this SELinux policy only works for the [binary installation - method](../../installation_guide/binary). - -If SELinux is available on your system, you can optionally install [SELinux -policy](https://github.com/lzap/gotosocial-selinux) to further improve security. - -## nginx - -This section contains a number of additional things for configuring nginx. - -### Extra Hardening - -If you want to harden up your NGINX deployment with advanced configuration options, there are many guides online for doing so ([for example](https://beaglesecurity.com/blog/article/nginx-server-security.html)). Try to find one that's up to date. Mozilla also publishes best-practice ssl configuration [here](https://ssl-config.mozilla.org/). - -### Caching Webfinger, Webhost Metadata and Public Key responses - -It's possible to use nginx to cache webfinger, host-meta and public key responses. This may be useful in order to ensure clients still get a response on these endpoints even if your GoToSocial instance is (temporarily) down, or requests are being throttled. - -You'll need to configure two things: - -- A cache path. -- Additional `location` blocks for webfinger and public key requests. - -First, the cache path which needs to happen in the `http` section, usually inside your `nginx.conf` at `/etc/nginx/nginx.conf`: - -```nginx.conf -http { - ... there will be other things here ... - proxy_cache_path /var/cache/nginx keys_zone=gotosocial_ap_public_responses:10m inactive=1w; -} -``` - -This configures a cache of 10MB whose entries will be kept up to one week if they're not accessed. - -The zone is named `gotosocial_ap_public_responses` but you can name it whatever you want. 10MB is a lot of cache keys; you can probably use a smaller value on small instances. - -Second, we need to update our GoToSocial nginx configuration to actually use the cache for the endpoints we want to cache. - -From the below configuration example, copy the entries between `### NEW STUFF STARTS HERE ###` and `### NEW STUFF ENDS HERE ###` and paste them into your GoToSocial nginx configuration. - -```nginx.conf -server { - server_name example.org; - - ### NEW STUFF STARTS HERE ### - - location ~ /.well-known/(webfinger|host-meta)$ { - proxy_set_header Host $host; - proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr; - proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme; - - proxy_cache gotosocial_ap_public_responses; - proxy_cache_background_update on; - proxy_cache_key $scheme://$host$uri$is_args$query_string; - proxy_cache_valid 200 10m; - proxy_cache_use_stale error timeout updating http_500 http_502 http_503 http_504 http_429; - proxy_cache_lock on; - add_header X-Cache-Status $upstream_cache_status; - - proxy_pass http://localhost:8080; - } - - location ~ ^\/users\/(?:[a-z0-9_\.]+)\/main-key$ { - proxy_set_header Host $host; - proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr; - proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme; - - proxy_cache gotosocial_ap_public_responses; - proxy_cache_background_update on; - proxy_cache_key $scheme://$host$uri; - proxy_cache_valid 200 604800s; - proxy_cache_use_stale error timeout updating http_500 http_502 http_503 http_504 http_429; - proxy_cache_lock on; - add_header X-Cache-Status $upstream_cache_status; - - proxy_pass http://localhost:8080; - } - - ### NEW STUFF ENDS HERE ### - - ### EXISTING STUFF IS BELOW HERE, NOTHING TO CHANGE ### - location / { - proxy_pass http://localhost:8080/; - proxy_set_header Host $host; - proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; - proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade"; - proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr; - proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme; - } - # ....... etc -} -``` - -The `proxy_pass` and `proxy_set_header` are mostly the same, but the `proxy_cache*` entries warrant some explanation: - -- `proxy_cache gotosocial_ap_public_responses` tells nginx to use the `gotosocial_ap_public_responses` cache zone we previously created. If you named it something else, you should change this value -- `proxy_cache_background_update on` means nginx will try and refresh a cached resource that's about to expire in the background, to ensure it has a current copy on disk -- `proxy_cache_key` is configured in such a way that it takes the query string into account for caching. So a request for `.well-known/webfinger?acct=user1@example.org` and `.well-known/webfinger?acct=user2@example.org` are not seen as the same. -- `proxy_cache_valid 200 10m;` means we only cache 200 responses from GTS and for 10 minutes. You can add additional lines of these, like `proxy_cache_valid 404 1m;` to cache 404 responses for 1 minute -- `proxy_cache_use_stale` tells nginx it's allowed to use a stale cache entry (so older than 10 minutes) in certain cases -- `proxy_cache_lock on` means that if a resource is not cached and there's multiple concurrent requests for them, the queries will be queued up so that only one request goes through and the rest is then answered from cache -- `add_header X-Cache-Status $upstream_cache_status` will add an `X-Cache-Status` header to the response so you can check if things are getting cached. You can remove this. - -The provided configuration will serve a stale response in case there's an error proxying to GoToSocial, if our connection to GoToSocial times out, if GoToSocial returns a `5xx` status code or if GoToSocial returns 429 (Too Many Requests). The `updating` value says that we're allowed to serve a stale entry if nginx is currently in the process of refreshing its cache. Because we configured `inactive=1w` in the `proxy_cache_path` directive, nginx may serve a response up to one week old if the conditions in `proxy_cache_use_stale` are met. - -### Serving static assets - -By default, GTS will serve assets like the CSS and fonts for the web UI as well as attachments for statuses. However it's very simple to have nginx do this instead and offload GTS from that responsibility. Nginx can generally do a faster job at this too since it's able to use newer functionality in the OS that the Go runtime hasn't necessarily adopted yet. - -There are 2 paths that nginx can handle for us: -* `/assets` which contains fonts, CSS, images etc. for the web UI -* `/fileserver` which serves attachments for status posts when using the local storage backend - -For `/assets` we'll need the value of `web-asset-base-dir` from the configuration, and for `/fileserver` we'll want `storage-local-base-path`. You can then adjust your nginx configuration like this: - -```nginx.conf -server { - server_name example.org; - location /assets/ { - alias web-asset-base-dir/; - autoindex off; - expires 5m; - add_header Cache-Control "public"; - } - - location @fileserver { - proxy_pass http://localhost:8080; - proxy_set_header Host $host; - proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; - proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade"; - proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr; - proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme; - } - - location /fileserver/ { - alias storage-local-base-path/; - autoindex off; - expires max; - add_header Cache-Control "private, immutable"; - try_files $uri @fileserver; - } - - location / { - proxy_pass http://localhost:8080/; - proxy_set_header Host $host; - proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; - proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade"; - proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr; - proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme; - } - client_max_body_size 40M; - - listen [::]:443 ssl ipv6only=on; # managed by Certbot - listen 443 ssl; # managed by Certbot - ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/example.org/fullchain.pem; # managed by Certbot - ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/example.org/privkey.pem; # managed by Certbot - include /etc/letsencrypt/options-ssl-nginx.conf; # managed by Certbot - ssl_dhparam /etc/letsencrypt/ssl-dhparams.pem; # managed by Certbot -} -``` - -The `/fileserver` location is a bit special. When we fail to fetch the media from disk, we want to proxy the request on to GoToSocial so it can try and fetch it. This can be necessary if the media has been removed from disk due to retention settings. The `try_files` directive can't take a `proxy_pass` itself so instead we created the named `@fileserver` location that we pass in last to `try_files`. - -The trailing slashes in the new `location` directives and the `alias` are significant, do not remove those. The `expires` directive adds the necessary headers to inform the client how long it may cache the resource. For assets, which may change on each release, 5 minutes is used in this example. For attachments, which should never change once they're created, `max` is used instead setting the cache expiry to the 31st of December 2037. For other options, see the nginx documentation on the [`expires` directive](https://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_headers_module.html#expires). Nginx does not add cache headers to 4xx or 5xx response codes so a failure to fetch an asset won't get cached by clients. The `autoindex off` directive tells nginx to not serve a directory listing. This should be the default but it doesn't hurt to be explicit. The added `add_header` lines set additional options for the `Cache-Control` header: -* `public` is used to indicate that anyone may cache this resource -* `immutable` is used to indicate this resource will never change while it is fresh (it's before the end of the expires) allowing clients to forego conditional requests to revalidate the resource during that timespan diff --git a/docs/getting_started/reverse_proxy/nginx.md b/docs/getting_started/reverse_proxy/nginx.md index 377f2ef02..fd9a42941 100644 --- a/docs/getting_started/reverse_proxy/nginx.md +++ b/docs/getting_started/reverse_proxy/nginx.md @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ In the above commands, replace `yourgotosocial.url` with your actual GoToSocial The file you're about to create should look like this: -```nginx.conf +```nginx server { listen 80; listen [::]:80; @@ -141,15 +141,20 @@ Now start GoToSocial again: sudo systemctl start gotosocial ``` +## Security hardening + +If you want to harden up your NGINX deployment with advanced configuration options, there are many guides online for doing so ([for example](https://beaglesecurity.com/blog/article/nginx-server-security.html)). Try to find one that's up to date. Mozilla also publishes best-practice SSL configuration [here](https://ssl-config.mozilla.org/). + ## Results You should now be able to open the splash page for your instance in your web browser, and will see that it runs under https! If you open the NGINX config again, you'll see that Certbot added some extra lines to it. -**Note**: This may look a bit different depending on the options you chose while setting up Certbot, and the NGINX version you're using. +!!! note + This may look a bit different depending on the options you chose while setting up Certbot, and the NGINX version you're using. -```nginx.conf +```nginx server { server_name example.org; location / { @@ -183,4 +188,4 @@ server { } ``` -A number of additional configurations for nginx, including static asset serving and caching, are documented in the [Advanced](../advanced.md) section of our documentation. +A number of additional configurations for nginx, including static asset serving and caching, are documented in the [Advanced](../../advanced/index.md) section of our documentation. diff --git a/mkdocs.yml b/mkdocs.yml index adc9018a3..fe419c2eb 100644 --- a/mkdocs.yml +++ b/mkdocs.yml @@ -66,9 +66,7 @@ nav: - "getting_started/reverse_proxy/apache-httpd.md" - "getting_started/reverse_proxy/caddy.md" - "getting_started/reverse_proxy/websocket.md" - - "getting_started/advanced.md" - "getting_started/user_creation.md" - - "getting_started/tracing.md" - "Configuration": - "configuration/index.md" - "configuration/general.md" @@ -85,6 +83,19 @@ nav: - "configuration/syslog.md" - "configuration/advanced.md" - "configuration/observability.md" + - "Advanced": + - "advanced/index.md" + - "advanced/host-account-domain.md" + - "advanced/outgoing-proxy.md" + - "Caching": + - "advanced/caching/index.md" + - "advanced/caching/api.md" + - "advanced/caching/assets-media.md" + - "Enhanced security": + - "advanced/security/index.md" + - "advanced/security/sandboxing.md" + - "advanced/tracing.md" + - "Admin": - "admin/settings.md" - "admin/cli.md"