import {isObject} from '../utils.js'; const {csrfToken} = window.config; // safe HTTP methods that don't need a csrf token const safeMethods = new Set(['GET', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS', 'TRACE']); // fetch wrapper, use below method name functions and the `data` option to pass in data // which will automatically set an appropriate headers. For json content, only object // and array types are currently supported. export function request(url, {method = 'GET', headers = {}, data, body, ...other} = {}) { let contentType; if (!body) { if (data instanceof FormData) { body = data; } else if (data instanceof URLSearchParams) { body = data; } else if (isObject(data) || Array.isArray(data)) { contentType = 'application/json'; body = JSON.stringify(data); } } const headersMerged = new Headers({ ...(!safeMethods.has(method.toUpperCase()) && {'x-csrf-token': csrfToken}), ...(contentType && {'content-type': contentType}), }); for (const [name, value] of Object.entries(headers)) { headersMerged.set(name, value); } return fetch(url, { method, headers: headersMerged, ...(body && {body}), ...other, }); } export const GET = (url, opts) => request(url, {method: 'GET', ...opts}); export const POST = (url, opts) => request(url, {method: 'POST', ...opts}); export const PATCH = (url, opts) => request(url, {method: 'PATCH', ...opts}); export const PUT = (url, opts) => request(url, {method: 'PUT', ...opts}); export const DELETE = (url, opts) => request(url, {method: 'DELETE', ...opts});