// Copyright (c) Faye Amacker. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE in the project root for license information. package cbor import ( "reflect" "sort" "strings" ) type field struct { name string nameAsInt int64 // used to decoder to match field name with CBOR int cborName []byte idx []int typ reflect.Type ef encodeFunc typInfo *typeInfo // used to decoder to reuse type info tagged bool // used to choose dominant field (at the same level tagged fields dominate untagged fields) omitEmpty bool // used to skip empty field keyAsInt bool // used to encode/decode field name as int } type fields []*field // indexFieldSorter sorts fields by field idx at each level, breaking ties with idx depth. type indexFieldSorter struct { fields fields } func (x *indexFieldSorter) Len() int { return len(x.fields) } func (x *indexFieldSorter) Swap(i, j int) { x.fields[i], x.fields[j] = x.fields[j], x.fields[i] } func (x *indexFieldSorter) Less(i, j int) bool { iIdx := x.fields[i].idx jIdx := x.fields[j].idx for k, d := range iIdx { if k >= len(jIdx) { // fields[j].idx is a subset of fields[i].idx. return false } if d != jIdx[k] { // fields[i].idx and fields[j].idx are different. return d < jIdx[k] } } // fields[i].idx is either the same as, or a subset of fields[j].idx. return true } // nameLevelAndTagFieldSorter sorts fields by field name, idx depth, and presence of tag. type nameLevelAndTagFieldSorter struct { fields fields } func (x *nameLevelAndTagFieldSorter) Len() int { return len(x.fields) } func (x *nameLevelAndTagFieldSorter) Swap(i, j int) { x.fields[i], x.fields[j] = x.fields[j], x.fields[i] } func (x *nameLevelAndTagFieldSorter) Less(i, j int) bool { if x.fields[i].name != x.fields[j].name { return x.fields[i].name < x.fields[j].name } if len(x.fields[i].idx) != len(x.fields[j].idx) { return len(x.fields[i].idx) < len(x.fields[j].idx) } if x.fields[i].tagged != x.fields[j].tagged { return x.fields[i].tagged } return i < j // Field i and j have the same name, depth, and tagged status. Nothing else matters. } // getFields returns a list of visible fields of struct type typ following Go // visibility rules for struct fields. func getFields(typ reflect.Type) (flds fields, structOptions string) { // Inspired by typeFields() in stdlib's encoding/json/encode.go. var current map[reflect.Type][][]int // key: struct type, value: field index of this struct type at the same level next := map[reflect.Type][][]int{typ: nil} visited := map[reflect.Type]bool{} // Inspected struct type at less nested levels. for len(next) > 0 { current, next = next, map[reflect.Type][][]int{} for structType, structIdx := range current { if len(structIdx) > 1 { continue // Fields of the same embedded struct type at the same level are ignored. } if visited[structType] { continue } visited[structType] = true var fieldIdx []int if len(structIdx) > 0 { fieldIdx = structIdx[0] } for i := 0; i < structType.NumField(); i++ { f := structType.Field(i) ft := f.Type if ft.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { ft = ft.Elem() } exportable := f.PkgPath == "" if f.Anonymous { if !exportable && ft.Kind() != reflect.Struct { // Nonexportable anonymous fields of non-struct type are ignored. continue } // Nonexportable anonymous field of struct type can contain exportable fields for serialization. } else if !exportable { // Get special field "_" struct options if f.Name == "_" { tag := f.Tag.Get("cbor") if tag != "-" { structOptions = tag } } // Nonexportable fields are ignored. continue } tag := f.Tag.Get("cbor") if tag == "" { tag = f.Tag.Get("json") } if tag == "-" { continue } idx := make([]int, len(fieldIdx)+1) copy(idx, fieldIdx) idx[len(fieldIdx)] = i tagged := len(tag) > 0 tagFieldName, omitempty, keyasint := getFieldNameAndOptionsFromTag(tag) fieldName := tagFieldName if tagFieldName == "" { fieldName = f.Name } if !f.Anonymous || ft.Kind() != reflect.Struct || len(tagFieldName) > 0 { flds = append(flds, &field{name: fieldName, idx: idx, typ: f.Type, tagged: tagged, omitEmpty: omitempty, keyAsInt: keyasint}) continue } // f is anonymous struct of type ft. next[ft] = append(next[ft], idx) } } } sort.Sort(&nameLevelAndTagFieldSorter{flds}) // Keep visible fields. visibleFields := flds[:0] for i, j := 0, 0; i < len(flds); i = j { name := flds[i].name for j = i + 1; j < len(flds) && flds[j].name == name; j++ { } if j-i == 1 || len(flds[i].idx) < len(flds[i+1].idx) || (flds[i].tagged && !flds[i+1].tagged) { // Keep the field if the field name is unique, or if the first field // is at a less nested level, or if the first field is tagged and // the second field is not. visibleFields = append(visibleFields, flds[i]) } } sort.Sort(&indexFieldSorter{visibleFields}) return visibleFields, structOptions } func getFieldNameAndOptionsFromTag(tag string) (name string, omitEmpty bool, keyAsInt bool) { if tag == "" { return } idx := strings.Index(tag, ",") if idx == -1 { return tag, false, false } if idx > 0 { name = tag[:idx] tag = tag[idx:] } s := ",omitempty" if idx = strings.Index(tag, s); idx >= 0 && (len(tag) == idx+len(s) || tag[idx+len(s)] == ',') { omitEmpty = true } s = ",keyasint" if idx = strings.Index(tag, s); idx >= 0 && (len(tag) == idx+len(s) || tag[idx+len(s)] == ',') { keyAsInt = true } return }