// Copyright 2019 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

package private

import (

	asymkey_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/asymkey"
	git_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/git"
	issues_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/issues"
	perm_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/perm"
	access_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/perm/access"
	user_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/user"
	gitea_context "code.gitea.io/gitea/services/context"
	pull_service "code.gitea.io/gitea/services/pull"

type preReceiveContext struct {

	// loadedPusher indicates that where the following information are loaded
	loadedPusher        bool
	user                *user_model.User // it's the org user if a DeployKey is used
	userPerm            access_model.Permission
	deployKeyAccessMode perm_model.AccessMode

	canCreatePullRequest        bool
	checkedCanCreatePullRequest bool

	canWriteCode        bool
	checkedCanWriteCode bool

	protectedTags    []*git_model.ProtectedTag
	gotProtectedTags bool

	env []string

	opts *private.HookOptions

	branchName string

// CanWriteCode returns true if pusher can write code
func (ctx *preReceiveContext) CanWriteCode() bool {
	if !ctx.checkedCanWriteCode {
		if !ctx.loadPusherAndPermission() {
			return false
		ctx.canWriteCode = issues_model.CanMaintainerWriteToBranch(ctx, ctx.userPerm, ctx.branchName, ctx.user) || ctx.deployKeyAccessMode >= perm_model.AccessModeWrite
		ctx.checkedCanWriteCode = true
	return ctx.canWriteCode

// AssertCanWriteCode returns true if pusher can write code
func (ctx *preReceiveContext) AssertCanWriteCode() bool {
	if !ctx.CanWriteCode() {
		if ctx.Written() {
			return false
		ctx.JSON(http.StatusForbidden, private.Response{
			UserMsg: "User permission denied for writing.",
		return false
	return true

// CanCreatePullRequest returns true if pusher can create pull requests
func (ctx *preReceiveContext) CanCreatePullRequest() bool {
	if !ctx.checkedCanCreatePullRequest {
		if !ctx.loadPusherAndPermission() {
			return false
		ctx.canCreatePullRequest = ctx.userPerm.CanRead(unit.TypePullRequests)
		ctx.checkedCanCreatePullRequest = true
	return ctx.canCreatePullRequest

// AssertCreatePullRequest returns true if can create pull requests
func (ctx *preReceiveContext) AssertCreatePullRequest() bool {
	if !ctx.CanCreatePullRequest() {
		if ctx.Written() {
			return false
		ctx.JSON(http.StatusForbidden, private.Response{
			UserMsg: "User permission denied for creating pull-request.",
		return false
	return true

var errPermissionDenied = errors.New("permission denied for changing repo settings")

func (ctx *preReceiveContext) canChangeSettings() error {
	if !ctx.loadPusherAndPermission() {
		return errPermissionDenied

	if !ctx.userPerm.IsOwner() && !ctx.userPerm.IsAdmin() {
		return errPermissionDenied

	if ctx.Repo.Repository.IsFork {
		return errPermissionDenied

	return nil

func (ctx *preReceiveContext) validatePushOptions() error {
	opts := web.GetForm(ctx).(*private.HookOptions)

	if len(opts.GitPushOptions) == 0 {
		return nil

	changesRepoSettings := false
	for key := range opts.GitPushOptions {
		switch key {
		case private.GitPushOptionRepoPrivate, private.GitPushOptionRepoTemplate:
			changesRepoSettings = true
		case "topic", "force-push", "title", "description":
			// Agit options
			return fmt.Errorf("unknown option %s", key)

	if changesRepoSettings {
		return ctx.canChangeSettings()

	return nil

func (ctx *preReceiveContext) assertPushOptions() bool {
	if err := ctx.validatePushOptions(); err != nil {
		ctx.JSON(http.StatusForbidden, private.Response{
			UserMsg: fmt.Sprintf("options validation failed: %v", err),
		return false
	return true

// HookPreReceive checks whether a individual commit is acceptable
func HookPreReceive(ctx *gitea_context.PrivateContext) {
	opts := web.GetForm(ctx).(*private.HookOptions)

	ourCtx := &preReceiveContext{
		PrivateContext: ctx,
		env:            generateGitEnv(opts), // Generate git environment for checking commits
		opts:           opts,

	if !ourCtx.assertPushOptions() {
		log.Trace("Git push options validation failed")
	log.Trace("Git push options validation succeeded")

	// Iterate across the provided old commit IDs
	for i := range opts.OldCommitIDs {
		oldCommitID := opts.OldCommitIDs[i]
		newCommitID := opts.NewCommitIDs[i]
		refFullName := opts.RefFullNames[i]

		switch {
		case refFullName.IsBranch():
			preReceiveBranch(ourCtx, oldCommitID, newCommitID, refFullName)
		case refFullName.IsTag():
			preReceiveTag(ourCtx, oldCommitID, newCommitID, refFullName)
		case git.SupportProcReceive && refFullName.IsFor():
			preReceiveFor(ourCtx, oldCommitID, newCommitID, refFullName)
		if ctx.Written() {

	ctx.PlainText(http.StatusOK, "ok")

func preReceiveBranch(ctx *preReceiveContext, oldCommitID, newCommitID string, refFullName git.RefName) {
	branchName := refFullName.BranchName()
	ctx.branchName = branchName

	if !ctx.AssertCanWriteCode() {

	repo := ctx.Repo.Repository
	gitRepo := ctx.Repo.GitRepo
	objectFormat := ctx.Repo.GetObjectFormat()

	if branchName == repo.DefaultBranch && newCommitID == objectFormat.EmptyObjectID().String() {
		log.Warn("Forbidden: Branch: %s is the default branch in %-v and cannot be deleted", branchName, repo)
		ctx.JSON(http.StatusForbidden, private.Response{
			UserMsg: fmt.Sprintf("branch %s is the default branch and cannot be deleted", branchName),

	protectBranch, err := git_model.GetFirstMatchProtectedBranchRule(ctx, repo.ID, branchName)
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("Unable to get protected branch: %s in %-v Error: %v", branchName, repo, err)
		ctx.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, private.Response{
			Err: err.Error(),

	// Allow pushes to non-protected branches
	if protectBranch == nil {
	protectBranch.Repo = repo

	// This ref is a protected branch.
	// First of all we need to enforce absolutely:
	// 1. Detect and prevent deletion of the branch
	if newCommitID == objectFormat.EmptyObjectID().String() {
		log.Warn("Forbidden: Branch: %s in %-v is protected from deletion", branchName, repo)
		ctx.JSON(http.StatusForbidden, private.Response{
			UserMsg: fmt.Sprintf("branch %s is protected from deletion", branchName),

	// 2. Disallow force pushes to protected branches
	if oldCommitID != objectFormat.EmptyObjectID().String() {
		output, _, err := git.NewCommand(ctx, "rev-list", "--max-count=1").AddDynamicArguments(oldCommitID, "^"+newCommitID).RunStdString(&git.RunOpts{Dir: repo.RepoPath(), Env: ctx.env})
		if err != nil {
			log.Error("Unable to detect force push between: %s and %s in %-v Error: %v", oldCommitID, newCommitID, repo, err)
			ctx.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, private.Response{
				Err: fmt.Sprintf("Fail to detect force push: %v", err),
		} else if len(output) > 0 {
			log.Warn("Forbidden: Branch: %s in %-v is protected from force push", branchName, repo)
			ctx.JSON(http.StatusForbidden, private.Response{
				UserMsg: fmt.Sprintf("branch %s is protected from force push", branchName),

	// 3. Enforce require signed commits
	if protectBranch.RequireSignedCommits {
		err := verifyCommits(oldCommitID, newCommitID, gitRepo, ctx.env)
		if err != nil {
			if !isErrUnverifiedCommit(err) {
				log.Error("Unable to check commits from %s to %s in %-v: %v", oldCommitID, newCommitID, repo, err)
				ctx.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, private.Response{
					Err: fmt.Sprintf("Unable to check commits from %s to %s: %v", oldCommitID, newCommitID, err),
			unverifiedCommit := err.(*errUnverifiedCommit).sha
			log.Warn("Forbidden: Branch: %s in %-v is protected from unverified commit %s", branchName, repo, unverifiedCommit)
			ctx.JSON(http.StatusForbidden, private.Response{
				UserMsg: fmt.Sprintf("branch %s is protected from unverified commit %s", branchName, unverifiedCommit),

	// Now there are several tests which can be overridden:
	// 4. Check protected file patterns - this is overridable from the UI
	changedProtectedfiles := false
	protectedFilePath := ""

	globs := protectBranch.GetProtectedFilePatterns()
	if len(globs) > 0 {
		_, err := pull_service.CheckFileProtection(gitRepo, oldCommitID, newCommitID, globs, 1, ctx.env)
		if err != nil {
			if !models.IsErrFilePathProtected(err) {
				log.Error("Unable to check file protection for commits from %s to %s in %-v: %v", oldCommitID, newCommitID, repo, err)
				ctx.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, private.Response{
					Err: fmt.Sprintf("Unable to check file protection for commits from %s to %s: %v", oldCommitID, newCommitID, err),

			changedProtectedfiles = true
			protectedFilePath = err.(models.ErrFilePathProtected).Path

	// 5. Check if the doer is allowed to push
	var canPush bool
	if ctx.opts.DeployKeyID != 0 {
		canPush = !changedProtectedfiles && protectBranch.CanPush && (!protectBranch.EnableWhitelist || protectBranch.WhitelistDeployKeys)
	} else {
		user, err := user_model.GetUserByID(ctx, ctx.opts.UserID)
		if err != nil {
			log.Error("Unable to GetUserByID for commits from %s to %s in %-v: %v", oldCommitID, newCommitID, repo, err)
			ctx.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, private.Response{
				Err: fmt.Sprintf("Unable to GetUserByID for commits from %s to %s: %v", oldCommitID, newCommitID, err),
		canPush = !changedProtectedfiles && protectBranch.CanUserPush(ctx, user)

	// 6. If we're not allowed to push directly
	if !canPush {
		// Is this is a merge from the UI/API?
		if ctx.opts.PullRequestID == 0 {
			// 6a. If we're not merging from the UI/API then there are two ways we got here:
			// We are changing a protected file and we're not allowed to do that
			if changedProtectedfiles {
				log.Warn("Forbidden: Branch: %s in %-v is protected from changing file %s", branchName, repo, protectedFilePath)
				ctx.JSON(http.StatusForbidden, private.Response{
					UserMsg: fmt.Sprintf("branch %s is protected from changing file %s", branchName, protectedFilePath),

			// Allow commits that only touch unprotected files
			globs := protectBranch.GetUnprotectedFilePatterns()
			if len(globs) > 0 {
				unprotectedFilesOnly, err := pull_service.CheckUnprotectedFiles(gitRepo, oldCommitID, newCommitID, globs, ctx.env)
				if err != nil {
					log.Error("Unable to check file protection for commits from %s to %s in %-v: %v", oldCommitID, newCommitID, repo, err)
					ctx.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, private.Response{
						Err: fmt.Sprintf("Unable to check file protection for commits from %s to %s: %v", oldCommitID, newCommitID, err),
				if unprotectedFilesOnly {
					// Commit only touches unprotected files, this is allowed

			// Or we're simply not able to push to this protected branch
			log.Warn("Forbidden: User %d is not allowed to push to protected branch: %s in %-v", ctx.opts.UserID, branchName, repo)
			ctx.JSON(http.StatusForbidden, private.Response{
				UserMsg: fmt.Sprintf("Not allowed to push to protected branch %s", branchName),
		// 6b. Merge (from UI or API)

		// Get the PR, user and permissions for the user in the repository
		pr, err := issues_model.GetPullRequestByID(ctx, ctx.opts.PullRequestID)
		if err != nil {
			log.Error("Unable to get PullRequest %d Error: %v", ctx.opts.PullRequestID, err)
			ctx.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, private.Response{
				Err: fmt.Sprintf("Unable to get PullRequest %d Error: %v", ctx.opts.PullRequestID, err),

		// although we should have called `loadPusherAndPermission` before, here we call it explicitly again because we need to access ctx.user below
		if !ctx.loadPusherAndPermission() {
			// if error occurs, loadPusherAndPermission had written the error response

		// Now check if the user is allowed to merge PRs for this repository
		// Note: we can use ctx.perm and ctx.user directly as they will have been loaded above
		allowedMerge, err := pull_service.IsUserAllowedToMerge(ctx, pr, ctx.userPerm, ctx.user)
		if err != nil {
			log.Error("Error calculating if allowed to merge: %v", err)
			ctx.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, private.Response{
				Err: fmt.Sprintf("Error calculating if allowed to merge: %v", err),

		if !allowedMerge {
			log.Warn("Forbidden: User %d is not allowed to push to protected branch: %s in %-v and is not allowed to merge pr #%d", ctx.opts.UserID, branchName, repo, pr.Index)
			ctx.JSON(http.StatusForbidden, private.Response{
				UserMsg: fmt.Sprintf("Not allowed to push to protected branch %s", branchName),

		// It's not allowed t overwrite protected files. Unless if the user is an
		// admin and the protected branch rule doesn't apply to admins.
		if changedProtectedfiles && (!ctx.user.IsAdmin || protectBranch.ApplyToAdmins) {
			log.Warn("Forbidden: Branch: %s in %-v is protected from changing file %s", branchName, repo, protectedFilePath)
			ctx.JSON(http.StatusForbidden, private.Response{
				UserMsg: fmt.Sprintf("branch %s is protected from changing file %s", branchName, protectedFilePath),

		// Check all status checks and reviews are ok
		if pb, err := pull_service.CheckPullBranchProtections(ctx, pr, true); err != nil {
			if models.IsErrDisallowedToMerge(err) {
				// Allow this if the rule doesn't apply to admins and the user is an admin.
				if ctx.user.IsAdmin && !pb.ApplyToAdmins {
				log.Warn("Forbidden: User %d is not allowed push to protected branch %s in %-v and pr #%d is not ready to be merged: %s", ctx.opts.UserID, branchName, repo, pr.Index, err.Error())
				ctx.JSON(http.StatusForbidden, private.Response{
					UserMsg: fmt.Sprintf("Not allowed to push to protected branch %s and pr #%d is not ready to be merged: %s", branchName, ctx.opts.PullRequestID, err.Error()),
			log.Error("Unable to check if mergable: protected branch %s in %-v and pr #%d. Error: %v", ctx.opts.UserID, branchName, repo, pr.Index, err)
			ctx.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, private.Response{
				Err: fmt.Sprintf("Unable to get status of pull request %d. Error: %v", ctx.opts.PullRequestID, err),

func preReceiveTag(ctx *preReceiveContext, oldCommitID, newCommitID string, refFullName git.RefName) {
	if !ctx.AssertCanWriteCode() {

	tagName := refFullName.TagName()

	if !ctx.gotProtectedTags {
		var err error
		ctx.protectedTags, err = git_model.GetProtectedTags(ctx, ctx.Repo.Repository.ID)
		if err != nil {
			log.Error("Unable to get protected tags for %-v Error: %v", ctx.Repo.Repository, err)
			ctx.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, private.Response{
				Err: err.Error(),
		ctx.gotProtectedTags = true

	isAllowed, err := git_model.IsUserAllowedToControlTag(ctx, ctx.protectedTags, tagName, ctx.opts.UserID)
	if err != nil {
		ctx.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, private.Response{
			Err: err.Error(),
	if !isAllowed {
		log.Warn("Forbidden: Tag %s in %-v is protected", tagName, ctx.Repo.Repository)
		ctx.JSON(http.StatusForbidden, private.Response{
			UserMsg: fmt.Sprintf("Tag %s is protected", tagName),

func preReceiveFor(ctx *preReceiveContext, oldCommitID, newCommitID string, refFullName git.RefName) {
	if !ctx.AssertCreatePullRequest() {

	if ctx.Repo.Repository.IsEmpty {
		ctx.JSON(http.StatusForbidden, private.Response{
			UserMsg: "Can't create pull request for an empty repository.",

	if ctx.opts.IsWiki {
		ctx.JSON(http.StatusForbidden, private.Response{
			UserMsg: "Pull requests are not supported on the wiki.",

	baseBranchName := refFullName.ForBranchName()

	baseBranchExist := false
	if ctx.Repo.GitRepo.IsBranchExist(baseBranchName) {
		baseBranchExist = true

	if !baseBranchExist {
		for p, v := range baseBranchName {
			if v == '/' && ctx.Repo.GitRepo.IsBranchExist(baseBranchName[:p]) && p != len(baseBranchName)-1 {
				baseBranchExist = true

	if !baseBranchExist {
		ctx.JSON(http.StatusForbidden, private.Response{
			UserMsg: fmt.Sprintf("Unexpected ref: %s", refFullName),

func generateGitEnv(opts *private.HookOptions) (env []string) {
	env = os.Environ()
	if opts.GitAlternativeObjectDirectories != "" {
		env = append(env,
	if opts.GitObjectDirectory != "" {
		env = append(env,
	if opts.GitQuarantinePath != "" {
		env = append(env,
	return env

// loadPusherAndPermission returns false if an error occurs, and it writes the error response
func (ctx *preReceiveContext) loadPusherAndPermission() bool {
	if ctx.loadedPusher {
		return true

	if ctx.opts.UserID == user_model.ActionsUserID {
		ctx.user = user_model.NewActionsUser()
		ctx.userPerm.AccessMode = perm_model.AccessMode(ctx.opts.ActionPerm)
		if err := ctx.Repo.Repository.LoadUnits(ctx); err != nil {
			log.Error("Unable to get User id %d Error: %v", ctx.opts.UserID, err)
			ctx.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, private.Response{
				Err: fmt.Sprintf("Unable to get User id %d Error: %v", ctx.opts.UserID, err),
			return false
		ctx.userPerm.Units = ctx.Repo.Repository.Units
		ctx.userPerm.UnitsMode = make(map[unit.Type]perm_model.AccessMode)
		for _, u := range ctx.Repo.Repository.Units {
			ctx.userPerm.UnitsMode[u.Type] = ctx.userPerm.AccessMode
	} else {
		user, err := user_model.GetUserByID(ctx, ctx.opts.UserID)
		if err != nil {
			log.Error("Unable to get User id %d Error: %v", ctx.opts.UserID, err)
			ctx.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, private.Response{
				Err: fmt.Sprintf("Unable to get User id %d Error: %v", ctx.opts.UserID, err),
			return false
		ctx.user = user
		userPerm, err := access_model.GetUserRepoPermission(ctx, ctx.Repo.Repository, user)
		if err != nil {
			log.Error("Unable to get Repo permission of repo %s/%s of User %s: %v", ctx.Repo.Repository.OwnerName, ctx.Repo.Repository.Name, user.Name, err)
			ctx.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, private.Response{
				Err: fmt.Sprintf("Unable to get Repo permission of repo %s/%s of User %s: %v", ctx.Repo.Repository.OwnerName, ctx.Repo.Repository.Name, user.Name, err),
			return false
		ctx.userPerm = userPerm

	if ctx.opts.DeployKeyID != 0 {
		deployKey, err := asymkey_model.GetDeployKeyByID(ctx, ctx.opts.DeployKeyID)
		if err != nil {
			log.Error("Unable to get DeployKey id %d Error: %v", ctx.opts.DeployKeyID, err)
			ctx.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, private.Response{
				Err: fmt.Sprintf("Unable to get DeployKey id %d Error: %v", ctx.opts.DeployKeyID, err),
			return false
		ctx.deployKeyAccessMode = deployKey.Mode

	ctx.loadedPusher = true
	return true