import {readFileSync} from 'node:fs'; import {env} from 'node:process'; import {parse} from 'postcss'; const isProduction = env.NODE_ENV !== 'development'; function extractRootVars(css) { const root = parse(css); const vars = new Set(); root.walkRules((rule) => { if (rule.selector !== ':root') return; rule.each((decl) => { if (decl.value && decl.prop.startsWith('--')) { vars.add(decl.prop.substring(2)); } }); }); return Array.from(vars); } const vars = extractRootVars([ readFileSync(new URL('web_src/css/themes/theme-gitea-light.css', import.meta.url), 'utf8'), readFileSync(new URL('web_src/css/themes/theme-gitea-dark.css', import.meta.url), 'utf8'), ].join('\n')); export default { prefix: 'tw-', important: true, // the frameworks are mixed together, so tailwind needs to override other framework's styles content: [ isProduction && '!./templates/devtest/**/*', isProduction && '!./web_src/js/standalone/devtest.js', '!./templates/swagger/v1_json.tmpl', '!./templates/user/auth/oidc_wellknown.tmpl', '!**/*_test.go', '!./modules/{public,options,templates}/bindata.go', './{build,models,modules,routers,services}/**/*.go', './templates/**/*.tmpl', './web_src/js/**/*.{js,vue}', ].filter(Boolean), blocklist: [ // classes that don't work without CSS variables from "@tailwind base" which we don't use 'transform', 'shadow', 'ring', 'blur', 'grayscale', 'invert', '!invert', 'filter', '!filter', 'backdrop-filter', // unneeded classes '[-a-zA-Z:0-9_.]', ], theme: { colors: { // make `tw-bg-red` etc work with our CSS variables ...Object.fromEntries(vars.filter((prop) => prop.startsWith('color-')).map((prop) => { const color = prop.substring(6); return [color, `var(--color-${color})`]; })), inherit: 'inherit', current: 'currentcolor', transparent: 'transparent', }, borderRadius: { 'none': '0', 'sm': '2px', 'DEFAULT': 'var(--border-radius)', // 4px 'md': 'var(--border-radius-medium)', // 6px 'lg': '8px', 'xl': '12px', '2xl': '16px', '3xl': '24px', 'full': 'var(--border-radius-circle)', // 50% }, fontWeight: { light: 'var(--font-weight-light)', normal: 'var(--font-weight-normal)', medium: 'var(--font-weight-medium)', semibold: 'var(--font-weight-semibold)', bold: 'var(--font-weight-bold)', }, fontSize: { // not using `rem` units because our root is currently 14px 'xs': '12px', 'sm': '14px', 'base': '16px', 'lg': '18px', 'xl': '20px', '2xl': '24px', '3xl': '30px', '4xl': '36px', '5xl': '48px', '6xl': '60px', '7xl': '72px', '8xl': '96px', '9xl': '128px', ...Object.fromEntries(Array.from({length: 100}, (_, i) => { return [`${i}`, `${i === 0 ? '0' : `${i}px`}`]; })), }, }, };