Jorge Aparicio 886487dee6 - spread out USB information
- add intermediate-step solutions
- add more hints
- refactor exercise & text to have the same amount of work on all OSes
- add `usb` parser solutions
- make `dk-run` less silent
- rename rtic binaries (shorter names)
- link to the main svd2rust API docs
2020-06-30 19:02:21 +02:00

52 lines
1.3 KiB

use cortex_m::asm;
use dk::peripheral::POWER;
use panic_log as _; // panic handler
#[rtic::app(device = dk)]
const APP: () = {
struct Resources {
power: POWER, // <- resource declaration
fn init(_cx: init::Context) -> init::LateResources {
let board = dk::init().unwrap();
let power = board.power;
power.intenset.write(|w| w.usbdetected().set_bit());
log::info!("USBDETECTED interrupt enabled");
init::LateResources {
power, // <- resource initialization
fn main(_cx: main::Context) -> ! {
loop {
log::info!("idle: going to sleep");
log::info!("idle: woke up");
#[task(binds = POWER_CLOCK, resources = [power])]
// ^^^^^^^ resource access list
fn on_power_event(cx: on_power_event::Context) {
log::info!("POWER event occurred");
// resources available to this task
let resources = cx.resources;
// the POWER peripheral can be accessed through a reference
let power: &mut POWER = resources.power;
// clear the interrupt flag; otherwise this task will run again after it returns