{ "version": "0.2.0", "configurations": [ { "cwd": "${workspaceRoot}", // TODO to debug a different program the app name ("hello") needs to be changed "executable": "./target/thumbv7em-none-eabihf/debug/hello", "name": "Debug Microcontroller (launch)", "request": "launch", "preLaunchTask": "Build Rust (Debug)", "type": "cortex-debug", "runToEntryPoint": "main", "configFiles": [ "interface/jlink.cfg", ], "servertype": "openocd", "openOCDLaunchCommands": [ "transport select swd", "source [find target/nrf52.cfg]" ], // commands only supported in OpenOCD 0.11.0; also due to how the `rtt-target` crate works // these commands need to run _after_ the target executes the `rtt_init` macro so running // these commands when the device is halted on `main` will fail // "postLaunchCommands": [ // // FIXME(?) to work with a newer version (>0.3.7) of the cortex-debug extension the // // escaped backslashes (`\\`) may need to be removed // "monitor rtt setup 0x20000000 262144 \\\"SEGGER RTT\\\"", // "monitor rtt start", // "monitor rtt server start 8765 0", // ], } ] }