# Building an Embedded Program The following command cross compiles the program to the ARM Cortex-M4 architecture. The `--target` arguments instructs Cargo to cross compile the program. ``` console $ cargo build --target thumbv7em-none-eabi --bin hello ``` The default in a new Cargo project is to compile for the host (native compilation). Within the `beginner/apps` folder you can however omit the `--target ` flag and Cargo will still cross compile for the ARM Cortex-M4 architecture. ``` console $ cargo build --bin hello ``` The reason for this is that the default compilation target has been set to ARM Cortex-M4 in the Cargo configuration file (`.cargo/config`): ``` text # .cargo/config [build] target = "thumbv7em-none-eabi" ``` The output of the compilation process will be an ELF (Executable and Linkable Format) file. The file will be placed in the `beginner/apps/target` directory. To display the amount of Flash the program will occupy on the target device use the `rust-size` tool (part of the `cargo-binutils` package): ``` console $ rust-size target/thumbv7em-none-eabi/debug/hello text data bss dec hex filename 14564 8 2124 16696 4138 target/thumbv7em-none-eabi/debug/hello ``` `14460` bytes is the amount of Flash memory the program will occupy. Alternatively, you can run the `cargo-size` subcommand, which will build the program before displaying the size of the binary. ``` console $ cargo size --bin hello text data bss dec hex filename 14564 8 2124 16696 4138 hello ``` Passing the `-A` flag to `rust-size` or `cargo-size` will give a more detailed breakdown of the static memory usage: ``` console $ # omit the `--` flag if using `rust-size` $ cargo size --bin hello -- -A hello : section size addr .vector_table 256 0x0 .text 9740 0x100 .rodata 4568 0x270c .data 8 0x20000000 .bss 2124 0x20000008 .uninit 0 0x20000854 ``` The `.vector_table` section contains the *vector table*, a data structure required by the Cortex-M ISA. The `.text` section contains the instructions the program will execute. The `.rodata` section contains constants like strings literals. These three sections are contiguously located in Flash memory -- Flash memory spans from address `0x0000_0000` to `0x0010_0000` (1 MB). The next three sections, `.data`, `.bss` and `.uninit`, are located in RAM -- RAM memory spans the address range `0x2000_0000` - `0x2004_0000` (256 KB). These sections contain statically allocated variables (`static` variables).