#![deny(unused_must_use)] #![no_main] #![no_std] use hal::{ led, radio::{self, Channel, Packet}, }; use heapless::{consts, LinearMap}; use panic_abort as _; static FROM: &[u8] = &[ // ]; static TO: &[u8] = &[ // ]; // store the secret rather than the plaintext -- otherwise `strings $elf` will reveal the answer static SECRET: &[u8] = b""; #[no_mangle] fn main() -> ! { let (mut rtx, mut rrx) = radio::claim(Channel::_26); let led = led::Green; let mut dict = LinearMap::<_, _, consts::U128>::new(); for (&from, &to) in FROM.iter().zip(TO.iter()) { dict.insert(from, to).ok(); } let task = async { let mut packet = Packet::new().await; let mut on = true; loop { let crcres = rrx.read(&mut packet).await; // toggle LED on each new packet if on { led.on(); } else { led.off(); } on = !on; if crcres.is_ok() { if packet.is_empty() { packet.copy_from_slice(SECRET); } else if packet.len() == 1 { let p = packet[0]; let c = dict.get(&p).unwrap_or(&p); packet.copy_from_slice(&[*c]); } else { // encrypt for slot in packet.iter_mut() { if let Some(c) = dict.get(slot) { *slot = *c; } } let matches = &packet[..] == SECRET; packet.copy_from_slice(if matches { led::Blue.on(); b"correct" } else { led::Blue.off(); b"incorrect" }); } rtx.write(&packet).await.ok(); } } }; executor::run!(task) }