const md = require('markdown-it'); const expect = require('chai').expect; const { JSDOM } = require('jsdom'); const { MarkdownItKrokiCore } = require('../../lib/plugin-core'); const { encode } = require('../../lib/diagram-encoder'); describe('# [unit-test] plugin-core.js', () => { describe('## method: buuildEmbedHTML', () => { describe('### langAndAlt.language', () => { [null, undefined, ''].forEach((test) => { it(`* when langAndAlt.language is null or empty, throws error. testcase:${test}`, () => { const diagramCode = '@startuml\nBob -> Alice : hello\n @enduml'; const plugin = new MarkdownItKrokiCore(new md()).setOptions(); const testFunc = () => { plugin.use(); const _ = plugin.buildEmbedHTML( { language: test, alt: '' }, diagramCode); }; expect(testFunc).to.throw(); }); }); it('* language embeded in to url', () => { const test = 'plantuml'; const diagramCode = '@startuml\nBob -> Alice : hello\n @enduml'; // build embed HTML const plugin = new MarkdownItKrokiCore(new md()).setOptions(); plugin.use(); const html = plugin.buildEmbedHTML({ language: test, alt: '' }, diagramCode); // parse dom const dom = new JSDOM(html); const imgTag = dom.window.document.getElementsByTagName("img")[0]; // get url attribute const url = imgTag.getAttribute('src'); expect(/\/plantuml\//.test(url)).to.true; }); }); describe('### langAndAlt.alt', () => { [null, undefined, ''].forEach((test) => { it(`* when langAndAlt.alt is null or empty, no alt attribute. testcase:${test}`, () => { const diagramCode = '@startuml\nBob -> Alice : hello\n @enduml'; // prepair const plugin = new MarkdownItKrokiCore(new md()).setOptions(); plugin.use(); // render const html = plugin.buildEmbedHTML( { language: 'plantuml', alt: test }, diagramCode); // parse dom const dom = new JSDOM(html); const imgTag = dom.window.document.getElementsByTagName("img")[0]; expect(imgTag.hasAttribute('alt')).to.false; }); }); it('* embeded altText', () => { const expected = "this is test Text"; const diagramCode = '@startuml\nBob -> Alice : hello\n @enduml'; // prepair const plugin = new MarkdownItKrokiCore(new md()).setOptions(); plugin.use(); // render const html = plugin.buildEmbedHTML( { language: 'plantuml', alt: expected }, diagramCode); // parse dom const dom = new JSDOM(html); const imgTag = dom.window.document.getElementsByTagName("img")[0]; expect(imgTag.getAttribute('alt')).to.equal(expected); }); }); describe('### diagramCode', () => { [null, undefined, ''].forEach((test) => { it(`* when diagramCode is null or empty, throws error. testcase:${test}`, () => { const plugin = new MarkdownItKrokiCore(new md()).setOptions(); const testFunc = () => { plugin.use(); const _ = plugin.buildEmbedHTML( { language: 'plantuml', alt: '' }, test); }; expect(testFunc).to.throw(); }); }); it('* encoded diagram must be embed to url on { const test = '@startuml\nBob -> Alice : hello\n @enduml'; const expected = encode(test); // build embed HTML const plugin = new MarkdownItKrokiCore(new md()).setOptions(); plugin.use(); const html = plugin.buildEmbedHTML({ language: 'plantuml', alt: '' }, test); // parse dom const dom = new JSDOM(html); const imgTag = dom.window.document.getElementsByTagName("img")[0]; // get url attribute const url = imgTag.getAttribute('src'); expect(url.endsWith(expected)).to.true; }); it('* is surounded by on to be used form marp-it', () => { const test = '@startuml\nBob -> Alice : hello\n @enduml'; const markdownIt = new md() markdownIt['marpit'] = { someObject: 'is implemented' }; // build embed HTML const plugin = new MarkdownItKrokiCore(markdownIt).setOptions(); plugin.use(); const html = plugin.buildEmbedHTML({ language: 'plantuml', alt: '' }, test); // parse dom const dom = new JSDOM(html); const imgTag = dom.window.document.getElementsByTagName("img")[0]; const marpAutoScaling = dom.window.document.getElementsByTagName("marp-auto-scaling")[0]; expect(imgTag.isSameNode(marpAutoScaling.firstChild)); }); it('* is surounded by on not to be used form marp-it', () => { const test = '@startuml\nBob -> Alice : hello\n @enduml'; const markdownIt = new md() // build embed HTML const plugin = new MarkdownItKrokiCore(markdownIt).setOptions(); plugin.use(); const html = plugin.buildEmbedHTML({ language: 'plantuml', alt: '' }, test); // parse dom const dom = new JSDOM(html); const marpAutoScaling = dom.window.document.getElementsByTagName("marp-auto-scaling"); expect(marpAutoScaling.length).to.equal(0); }) }); }); });