# Stack Overflow Protection The `firmware` crate in which we developed our advanced workshop solutions (i.e. `advanced/firmware`) uses our open-source [`flip-link`] tool for zero-cost stack overflow protection. This means that your application will warn you by crashing if you accidentally overreach the boundaries of your application's stack instead of running into *undefined behavior* and behaving erratically in irreproducible ways. This memory protection mechanism comes at no additional computational or memory-usage cost. 🔎 For a detailed description of how `flip-link` and Stack Overflows in bare metal Rust in general work, please refer to the [`flip-link` README]. You can see this in action in the `stack_overflow.rs` file that can be found in `advanced/firmware/src/bin/`: ``` rust {{#include ../../advanced/firmware/src/bin/stack_overflow.rs}} ``` The `spam()` function allocates data on the stack until the stack boundaries are reached. ✅ Run `stack_overflow.rs` You should see output similar to this: ``` console (...) (HOST) INFO flashing program (32.68 KiB) (HOST) INFO success! ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── INFO:stack_overflow -- provoking stack overflow... INFO:stack_overflow -- address of current `use_stack` at recursion depth 0: 0x2003aec0 INFO:stack_overflow -- address of current `use_stack` at recursion depth 1: 0x20039e50 (...) INFO:stack_overflow -- address of current `use_stack` at recursion depth 10: 0x20030a60 INFO:stack_overflow -- address of current `use_stack` at recursionstack backtrace: 0: HardFaultTrampoline 1: ??? error: the stack appears to be corrupted beyond this point (HOST) ERROR the program has overflowed its stack ``` ❗️ `flip-link` is a third-party tool, so make sure you've installed it through `cargo install flip-link` To see how we've activated `flip-link`, take a look at `advanced/firmware/.cargo/config.toml`: ``` toml {{#include ../../advanced/firmware/.cargo/config.toml::7}} ``` There, we've configured `flip-link` as the linker to be used for all ARM targets. If you'd like to use `flip-link` in your own projects, this is all you need to add! 🔎 Note: if you try to run `stack_overflow.rs` *without* `flip-link` enabled, you might see varying behavior depending on the `rustc` version you're using, timing and pure chance. This is because undefined behavior triggered by the program may change between `rustc` releases. [`flip-link`]: https://github.com/knurling-rs/flip-link [`flip-link` README]: https://github.com/knurling-rs/flip-link/blob/main/README.md